What does it mean to draw a skull? Skull tattoo meaning

The art of tattooing has kept pace with man since ancient times. To this day, tattoo is a separate, very living and rich culture, which has its own rules, meanings and subtleties.
One of the popular designs for tattoos is a skull.

Skulls are stuffed in various variations by both boys and girls. Skulls with snakes, flowers, lights from the eye sockets... You won’t find many tattoos with a skull! Skull tattoos usually evoke mixed feelings.

Some admire and praise the work (of course, if it is of high quality), while others look at it with horror and contempt.

Meaning for guys

The meaning of a skull tattoo is universal, and usually such a tattoo carries a common meaning for both girls and men. But the drawings on the body with skulls differ rather in variations and in what area of ​​the body they are located. Men often prefer to stuff skulls on fire, or simply black skulls without additional elements.

Often in males you can find a tattoo in the form of a skull and crossbones. This is an ancient pirate symbol. Previously, only people who were in one way or another connected with the gangster world, robberies and debauchery had such tattoos on their bodies. Over time, this symbol began to mean death and everything connected with it.

The meaning of such tattoos is almost the same - the perishability and mortality of everything that exists in the world. People who got such a tattoo often looked death in the eye or faced it with the will of fate. Perhaps impressions or thoughts about death and decay left a deep imprint, which resulted in the desire to decorate your body with such a tattoo.

Sometimes a skull tattoo has the meaning of making a sacrifice. Often such a design is tattooed on the body in the back and shoulder area by guys of certain subcultures or movements. In their ranks, a skull tattoo often means openness and even worship of death and everything connected with it.

Meaning for girls

Most often, girls wear lighter and brighter versions of tattoos with skulls: decorated with floral patterns or any additional elements. Most girls prefer to decorate themselves with such designs in the hips, lower back or shoulders. Such tattoos symbolize the desire for eternal life and youth, for the preservation of beauty and eternal “blooming”.

Woman and skull tattoo in prison:

A skull tattoo for girls with a snake crawling out of its eye socket has the meaning of wisdom, past trials and the immortality of the soul. Girls often get such tattoos after life shocks.

Every year in Mexico there is a special holiday called the Festival of Death. At this kind of carnival, people worship death, celebrate the opportunity given to them to live in this world and express their respect for every minute they live. On this holiday, people draw skulls in various variations on their bodies.

Meaning on the "zone"

Such tattoos in the zone - in their circles - have a specific and different meaning from the general one. Most often, such a tattoo on a person who is in the MLS, zone or has left them means belonging to thieves’ circles and the presence of some kind of power.

The meanings of tattoos are an interesting and mysterious topic. You can discover the history of various designs and all new details about their designations in order to better understand the world of tattoo and body painting art. If you still have any questions regarding this material, you can ask them in the comments to this post. I recommend that you bookmark this site, as it may be useful to you more than once.

0 Skull tattoos can have many different meanings depending on what elements it is used with. A human skull with large gaping eye sockets can look very impressive. However, the skull has long been associated in most cultures as a symbol of death. Thus, skull tattoos can be used to show that the wearer is not afraid of death. Skull tattoo represents that the owner realizes that he is mortal, and therefore no longer fears anything. The image seems to hint that he should live every day to the fullest. Because of this connection with death, skull tattoo designs can be a good choice to commemorate the death of a friend or loved one. While some skull tattoo motifs can be made quite scary, colorful images can have the exact opposite meaning!

Before you continue, check out some more educational news on the topic of tattooing. For example, how to understand the Panther Tattoo; what does Carp Tattoo mean? meaning of Fox Tattoo; what does Fairy Tattoo mean, etc.
So let's continue meaning of Skull Tattoo?

There are several meanings for Skull Tattoos

  • Death
  • Danger
  • Eternity and human remains
  • Renaissance
  • Sadness and mourning
  • Festival (in Mexico)
  • Triumph and rebellion
  • Revenge.
Once upon a time tattoos Skulls were associated with a certain type of person who wanted to show his dark and threatening side. These images are often used for prison and gang tattoos ( in USA). Many bikers wear a skull tattoo as a talisman to protect themselves from mortal danger. From an artistic point of view, Skull tattoos can look very bright and provocative, both individually and in combination with other images. For example, such as: Animals, Banners, Cubes, Flames, Flowers, Playing cards, Weapons, Wings. In fact, the possibilities for personalization are almost endless. Sketch with skull can be very versatile, and a talented tattoo artist will have little to no trouble doing a design for any location on the body. They can also be combined with other styles. A detailed skull tattoo design with a tribal background can look very original.

Sugar Skull, Candy Skull and Mexican Skull Tattoos

"Day of the Dead", "El Dia de los Muertos" in Spanish, is a festival in Mexico where skulls play an important role. Families gather to remember their departed ones. As part of the celebration, beautiful skulls are made from sugar and candy, and are even eaten by local celebrities. To celebrate this festival, many women opt for skull tattoo designs which can be adorned with vibrant colors and look visually stunning.

Skull tattoo for men and women

A skull tattoo design can be a great choice for men who want to show that they are not afraid of death or have accepted that it is inevitable.

Skull tattoos are not just for guys. A girl can choose one of the sketches for the same reasons. You can make the skull tattoo design more feminine by giving it heart-shaped eyes.

Skull tattoo on arm

The Skull tattoo design can fit on the arm or leg. A talented tattoo artist can easily come up with a great design to cover your entire limbs.

Skull and Bones Tattoo

Think of yourself as a pirate? Skull and Crossbones tattoos are great for people who want to show that they live by their own rules. This is a pirate symbol that has a very ancient history of origin.

Skull and Rose Tattoo

A skull tattoo can look very provocative and interesting when contrasted with bright flowers or roses. Perhaps you want a tattoo like this in honor of a friend or loved one. Find out more about the Rose symbol.

Deer Skull Tattoo

The meaning of Deer skull tattoos often involves the balance of life and death, the transition from the physical to the spiritual body, or simply longevity. Find out more about Deer Tattoo.

History of Skull Tattoos

The English word "skull" most likely comes from the Old Norse word "Scully", meaning bald. The image of the Skull has long been associated with death. It probably began with the use of a skull and crossbones to mark the entrance to Spanish cemeteries. This tradition goes back many centuries. As the Spanish colonies spread throughout the world, the image of the skull and crossbones quickly came to signify death elsewhere.

The skull design, alone or with crossbones, was used by pirates on their Jolly Roger flags in the 17th and 18th centuries. These flags were raised to instill fear and encourage their victims to quickly surrender. The flag warned that if the victims bothered the pirates too much, they would be killed instantly! Many different styles were used" Jolly Roger" (Jolly Roger), and some of them might be a good idea for your own skull tattoo. Because of their lifestyle, where they made the laws and rules they lived by, pirates remain a source of inspiration for many people. A pirate-inspired tattoo, can be a great way for a person to express their own ideals of freedom and individuality.

Due to its association with death, the skull has also become popular in many armies around the world. In Nazi Germany, the skull symbol, either alone or on crossbones, was called " Totenkopf" (Death's Head). Frederick the Great's hussars are depicted in 1744, wearing grim black uniforms and with Totenkopf designs on their hats. The association of the skull and crossbones design with death continued in 1829, when the State of New York required that the skull and crossbones Crossbones were used to mark containers of poisonous substances. Today this tradition continues in many countries as a warning against poison and death.

Perhaps the most famous, or rather infamous, image of the "Totenkopf" was the emblem worn by members of the Nazi SS during World War II. The skull and crossbones continues to be such a striking image that it remains a popular choice for many military units around the world in modern times. Additionally, it is used to inspire many tattoo ideas in general, and skull tattoos in particular.

Many stars have skull tattoos, for example:

Actor Ben Affleck has a skull and crossbones tattoo on his right arm.

Singer, Rihanna has a female skull tattoo on the back of her left leg.

The Slash guitarist has a skull and rose tattoo on his left arm.

Actor Nicolas Cage has a tribal skull tattoo design on his left arm.

Kelly Osbourne has a skull and crossbones tattoo on each leg.

Actor Mickey Rourke has a tattoo of a Native American bull, skull and feathers on his right arm.

Think about where you would want to place the skull tattoo on your body?

Skull tattoos are very versatile and can be worn almost anywhere on the body. A talented tattoo artist should be able to easily draw you a design to fill almost any area and space you desire. Skull designs look great on their own or as part of a larger design. Pairing skull tattoos with roses or flowers can be a great way to add color to contrast with the gloomy skull and slightly tone down the menacing aspect of the design.

You can also combine a skull tattoo with another tattoo style or design. A skull tattoo with a tribal background can seem very effective. Many people also combine a skull tattoo design with a banner containing text or some kind of message. If you're thinking about creating a design like this, you need to look into the "tattoos" category to see many very beautiful examples of images. They will inspire your own ideas, which can lead to a unique design.

After reading this article, you learned meaning of Skull Tattoo, and now you’ll wonder if you really need such a provocative design.

Not everyone likes images of skulls, as these symbols look too ominous and scary. Most owners of tattoos with such designs are either quite gloomy people, associated in some way with mysticism, or representatives of subcultures - goths, punks, bikers. And yet the question is: “What is the meaning of the Skull tattoo?” - is becoming more and more relevant, as such tattoos are becoming more common.

Culture of different countries

For most people, the first associations with the image of a skull are danger, aggression, destruction and death. Let us recall, for example, the pirate ships that set sail under flags with the image of crossed bones. And yet, this sign is not so unpleasant for all cultures; some peoples consider it an emblem of magical powers. Accordingly, the meaning of the “Skull” tattoo in this case is exclusively positive. An alternative interpretation is change, variability. Many peoples believe that a person should fill his skull in anticipation of some events that could turn his life around. Such a tattoo will help to consolidate changes - to record the success achieved or to protect you from troubles in the future. But in Latin American countries they don’t like skulls; local culture interprets such a drawing unambiguously: “Don’t forget, death will come for you.”

The meaning of the Skull tattoo - version of religion

In Christianity, hermits are often depicted with skulls, and sometimes also apostles and saints. This sign is used to emphasize thoughts about death and its inevitability. Take a closer look - on many icons you can see skulls and bones located at the foot of the crucifixion. An interesting fact is that Catholic traditions do not pay much attention to death and its graphic depictions. The meaning of a skull tattoo in Orthodoxy is interpreted completely differently. Do not forget that this religion involves serious and gradual preparation for death, with the observance of many rituals and special rules. The skull is also used in some as a magical artifact, a protective item. It is believed that an object prepared in the right way can be used to contact the world of the dead. An interesting fact is that skulls were also used in symbolism. It was believed that this sign would protect soldiers and also give them courage in battle.

Modern interpretation

The easiest way to find out what a tattoo means is to ask its owner directly. Do not forget that the art of tattooing involves self-expression and individuality. Accordingly, all interpretations of specific drawings can be considered subjective. Even skull tattoos on the arm today can be seen not only on brutal men, but also on quite cute young girls. It is unlikely that such people will get a tattoo wanting to become braver and more aggressive. Ordinary people definitely should not be afraid of images of skulls and be biased towards those who chose this drawing for themselves.

What does the "Skull with Roses" tattoo mean?

Often, entire skulls or skeletons are depicted entwined. Such a symbol may indicate some serious loss. Often this is a sign of the death of someone close to you or parting forever with someone dear. Often such drawings are supplemented with names or initials. A skull with a rose in its teeth may have a completely different meaning. Most often this is an image of young people prone to adventure and an easy lifestyle. If such a skull is supplemented with wings, a halo or other decorative elements, they do not need to be interpreted separately. Most likely, we are talking about purely artistic images that do not carry much meaning. Prison tattoos depicting a skull and roses deserve special attention. But such drawings can only be interpreted by studying in detail the meanings of tattoo culture in prison.

Meaning of Prisoner Tattoos

Skull, crown - symbols of criminals seeking power; a crown on the back - humiliation, a tiger or other predator - intransigence; snake - the highest degree in the hierarchy of the criminal world; dagger, knife, sword, ax - revenge, threat, cruelty; the key is keeping secrets; executioner - honor the law of thieves; Madonna - alienation; torch - friendship; stars - disobedience.
Text tattoos are usually assurances of love, spells, threats, complaints about fate, aphorisms. For example: “If you don’t know grief, love me!”, “Onius-tali (walk under escort)” (on your feet), “Born for torment, I don’t need happiness.” “Let them hate, as long as they are afraid,” etc.
You can often find individual letters and abbreviations that carry a specific meaning:
ELEPHANT - death by a knife to a cop, or: from an early age there are only misfortunes.
CAT is a native inhabitant of the prison (it’s difficult for one).
B LITS - take care of love and appreciate freedom. NINA was not and will not be an activist. BREAD - I will keep my only love. YACHT - I want you.
SOS - save me from court (I'm saving myself from bitches). Letter tattoos can be applied to two people at the same time so that the entire word or abbreviation is added together when they meet. Let's say, one is pricked with the letters "BR", the other - "AT", when they shake hands, you can read the word "BROTHER".
Tattoo designs can be of the following themes:
Head of Jesus Christ on the cross and Bible. Below them is the word “Freedom”, like a bonfire with tongues of flame. The meaning of the tattoo is freedom and faith burned out. Apply to the chest and shoulder.
Skull and crossbones. Tattoos on the shoulder and forearm are usually done by cruel, aggressive people.
The criminal code pierced with a dagger is an anarchist tattoo. It is applied mainly to the forearm.
“Slave of the CPSU”, “Slave of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” and the like express disagreement with the slave status, bullying and regime in the correctional institutions. Tattooed on the forehead, eyelids and hands. Such tattoos were once cut out in the camps along with the skin, the skin was pulled together and stitched. If the tattoo was on the forehead, the hair on the head was pulled down and the forehead became narrow.
A burning cross wrapped in barbed wire. Below may be the inscription: “Believe in God, not communism.” Apply to the chest.
The head of a demon with a dagger stuck in its neck. This is an anti-Semitic tattoo, applied to any part of the body.
A window with prison bars and a prisoner behind it. The inscription on the tape: “Whoever has not been deprived of freedom does not know its value.” Apply to the stomach.
A five-pointed star and the inscription: “Death to garbage.” Comments are unnecessary here. Tattooed on the chest, shoulder, lower leg.
Shoulder straps or epaulettes with inscriptions or symbols. These tattoos are insignia in a criminal environment. Apply to one or both shoulders.
Quality mark. Apply to the chest, pubis, penis. The meaning is obvious.
Crosses are symbols of female thieves. Apply at the temple, between the breasts, on the fingers.
The Iron Cross with or without a swastika is a symbol of punks. Tattooed on the chest.
Crescent and stars - Islamist tattoo. Apply to the forearm and chest.
Two or three half-arcs in the form of a piece of wire with barbed crosses. The tattoo speaks about the track record. The number of half-arcs reflects the number of convictions, and the crosses indicate the years for which he was deprived of freedom. Inside the open circle there may be the initials of the tattoo bearer or the initial letters of the places of serving sentences.
Medallion with the head of Jesus Christ in a crown of thorns. The tattoo means revenge on traitors. Apply to the chest.
Hammer and sickle over crossed bones. The tattoo says that its owner suffers for his beliefs. Apply to hands or feet.
The “Star of David” with the inscription in French: “Everything for me - nothing from me” is a symbol of denial. Tattooed on the forearm.
A cross with the crucified Jesus Christ or an image of the Virgin and Child. The tattoo reads: “I am pure before friends, incapable of betrayal.” Apply to the chest.
Lily or chamomile. Community tattoo. The number of petals corresponds to the number of members of a criminal group or persons convicted in one criminal case. The petals may have initials. Tattoos are often found among young people on open areas of the body.
Chamomile can also be a symbol of fidelity to thieves' love.
The devil and the woman. The tattoo says that its owner was pushed to commit a crime by a woman. Apply to chest, thigh.
Cat's head. A common motive. Symbol of good luck and caution. The design is free: the cat can have paws, a top hat, a bow, etc. This is a tattoo of a thief, firmly connected with the criminal world, prone to robbery, robbery, and theft.
The torch is a symbol of camaraderie in places of detention.
Knife in hand, shackles on wrist. Tattoo of a hooligan who was sent to a correctional facility for fighting. Apply to the calf, forearm.
A dagger entwined with a snake. Tattoo of the leader of a gang of thieves.
The burning of a woman crucified on a cross or a woman sitting on a penny. Variants of a tattoo meaning that a woman or love for a corrupt woman pushed her into committing a crime. Apply to the chest or lower leg.
Seagull against the background of a shield with a stripe. A symbol of friendship before a criminal record. Apply to the hand or forearm.
Burning of a woman chained to a stake. The tattoo signifies the determination to take revenge on the one who betrayed. The number of fire logs is the resulting punishment period. Apply to the thigh.
Tulip in hand. A juvenile tattoo means that you have turned 16 years old in a colony. Apply to the shoulder.
Rose in hands - 18 years old in the colony. Apply to the shoulder.
A woman's head, a knife and a rose - an oath of revenge. Apply to the forearm.
Sailboat. Symbol of a touring thief.
A running deer and a soaring eagle with a suitcase in its claws. The owner of the tattoo is prone to escape. Apply to the chest. (If an eagle has a sheep in its talons, he is convicted of rape.)
Wolf and woman. A tattoo expressing contempt for the police. Apply to the stomach or thigh.
Woman, torch, snake, skull, axe, crown, cross, lattice, money. A tattoo of philosophical content, meaning “everything in life is transitory.” Apply to the chest.
Damn the bag. A tattoo “decorates”, as a rule, those sentenced to a long term for theft of state property. Apply to various parts of the body.
Girl's head. The tattoo means that its wearer turned 17 years old at the penitentiary colony. Apply to the shoulder.
Lattice, dagger, rose branch. A very common tattoo, informing initiates that its owner has been convicted of hooliganism and spent 18 years in prison. Apply to the shoulder. The number of bars in the bars can indicate the length of punishment.
Skull, dagger, snake, rose branch, money. Tattooed on the chest. He conveys the following information: he has been involved in thefts and robberies for a long time, he has been convicted several times, he is a “thief in law.”
Church in the palm of your hand. The number of domes indicates the number of convictions or the length of punishment. Apply to the thigh, calf, forearm.
Shackles. The owner of this tattoo served at least five years in prison.
The executioner and the woman. The owner of the tattoo is convicted of murdering a woman and a relative.
Gladiator (Superman with a machine gun). The tattooed man is a sadist, a daring bully. In the ITK they call them “fighters.” They deal with prisoners and free citizens who have offended the gang. Apply to the shoulder or back.
The head of a monster with fangs, horns, and a beard. The tattoo means that its owner is aggressive towards employees of the police, court, prosecutor's office, administration of correctional labor institutions, as well as apostates from thieves' traditions. Applied to the chest, maybe next to a portrait of Lenin (see the abbreviation “VOR”). This tattoo was borrowed from the underworld by rockers.
A genie flying out of a jug. Drug addict tattoo. Apply to the chest, shoulder, forearm, front of the thigh, between the thumb and index finger.
Spider in the web. Drug addict tattoo. Spider without a web. Pickpocket tattoo. Apply between the thumb and index finger. Maybe on the neck, in this case the tattoo means that the bearer is a persistent violator of the regime, for which he was repeatedly punished in the penal colony.
Cross, head of a saint in a crown of thorns, playing card of spades. Hooligan. The tattoo is applied to the shoulder, forearm, and front of the thigh.
Dagger, revolver, cartridges, bottle, glass, female head, syringe, ampoules, cards, money in various combinations. The tattoo speaks of the image of the chosen path in life. Can be applied to any part of the body. ITC is available to everyone.
Fighting bulls or knights. The tattoo declares a fighter for leadership among criminals. “I’ll stand up for myself,” is how the initiates “read” it. Apply on the shoulder blades.
Cell window, skull, Criminal Code along with the head of a snake, pierced with a dagger; sentry on the tower,
barbed wire. The tattoo reads: “Revenge on the prosecutor.” The number of thorns on the wire is the term received for the crime committed. Apply to various parts of the body.
Woman crucified on the cross. This is the so-called “thief's cross”. “Authorities” have the right to tattoo it. Place of application: chest, forearm, front of the thigh.
Nude woman entwined with a snake. Tattoo of a passive homosexual. It is applied forcibly or to the loser of the cards, but can also be performed at one’s own request. The place of the tattoo is the back.
Crown with red card suits. Tattoo of a passive homosexual, completely fallen and weak-willed.
The owners of the listed homosexual tattoos are called “combs”, “roosters”, “blues”. These are the most offensive nicknames in prisons.
A pirate with a knife in his teeth and an earring in his ear. The tattoo expresses a threat. Its owner is prone to sadism and is aggressive towards persons who have taken the path of correction. Apply to the shoulder, chest.
Jesus Christ crucified on the cross; crucifix in shackled hands. The tattoo reads: “Bern: to the thieves’ idea, I will not betray the law of thieves.” Apply to the chest or front of the thighs.
Boar (or just its head). Lesbian tattoo. The boar is a symbol of strength and masculinity; it is tattooed by a woman who has taken on the role of an active party.
Treble clef or violin tattoo. “Skripochka” is a weak-willed woman. The tattoo is applied to her by men to whom the “violin” performs a blow job.
A dot or “sight” next to the eye or at the corner of the mouth. Homosexual tattoo.
Eight-pointed or six-pointed star. The tattoo “reads”: “I don’t want to work for the owner, I don’t intend to take the path of correction.” Tattooed on the shoulders, if on the knees - “No one will bring me to my knees.”
A woman with a bottle in her hand riding a dolphin. Seen as the text "Born Free".
Mermaid sitting on an anchor. The meaning is simple: he ended up in prison.
Reindeer against the backdrop of the setting sun. Image of places of imprisonment in the North, the Urals in Siberia.
A child, a snake, a heart pierced by an arrow, an apple, pigeons on a leash - a symbol of fate, which has been fighting for existence since childhood.
A girl with a sword in her hand, hearts strung on the sword. Heartbreaker image. Drops of blood - the number of hobbies. Youth tattoo.
A running horse represents freedom, tattooed by recidivist thieves.
A woman on a globe with cabalistic signs. Tattooed by believers in the mysterious destiny of fate and fate.
Lion, axe, sword, shield, book, laurel branch. This tattoo is chosen by those who respect the power of eila and reason.
Cowboy with a girl on a horse. For convicts it is a symbol of good luck. Tattoos are preferred by minor thieves.
Muse with a harp. A tattoo is associated with maintaining secrecy, mystery, and secrecy.
Flying Demon. It should be understood as follows: “My idol is an evil demon.
Four knights and an inscription in Latin: “To live is to fight.” The tattoo symbolizes courage and loyalty.
Portrait of Napoleon. This is a tattoo of “authority” in the criminal world.
A girl with a torch in her hand riding a cannon. Tattoo of a criminal who has been serving prison terms since his youth.
Girl by the horse. A youth tattoo by which initiates recognize “deniers” - those who refuse to work in the ITK.
A woman with an apple in her hand, entwined with a snake. The owner of the tattoo informs that he has been sophisticated from a young age.
Among the tattoos of the criminal world, you can find many symbols borrowed from foreign sailors, in whose homeland they can be deciphered differently. For example, in Mexico the winged serpent is considered the patron of knowledge, and the butterfly is a memory of the dead who have flown to heaven. A snake swallowing its tail is the oldest symbol of the sun among many peoples of Africa, and the scarab beetle is a symbol of the sun in Egypt. In Yugoslavia, the deer is a symbol of justice. Let's give a few examples.
Scorpio and flower - a symbol of love, sweetness, long married life; “Beware - I am your enemy” is the Indian interpretation of this symbol.
A closed circle of a winged snake, in its center there is a six-pointed star - caste, eternity, continuity (Israel).
The griffin is a symbol of keeping secrets in Iran.
A snake entwined around the neck of one or more people is the personification of evil (oriental tattoo).
Skeletons dancing with a guitar - contempt for death (Mexico).
A child is life force, procreation (oriental tattoo).
A turtle with a crown is a symbol of longevity and tranquility (Korea).
Carp is a messenger of good luck, purity of soul (Korea).
Snake with a lion's head - agility, strength, luck (South America).
The head of a woman with an amulet is a symbol of revenge (Spain).
Shaking hands in a wreath of flowers, in the center the Latin inscription "Union" - an ancient tattoo of thieves of Southern France.
Latin letters "T" and "L" - a symbol of thieves (Germany).
Tattoos among women who find themselves in places not so remote are less popular than among men, and in terms of variety and content they are much poorer.
Text tattoos, as a rule, among women in prison testify to their love and family: “I will remember you all my life,” “I will not forget my dear Vasya,” “Mom, sleep and wait for me,” etc. They are accompanied by inscriptions of an edifying nature such as “Don’t trust men.” There are also other inscriptions, the content of which relates directly to the tattooed woman. These are sad confessions of mistakes made in life, complaints about one’s unlucky star. It is not uncommon to use obscene words, expressions or abbreviations.
It has been noticed that women more often get tattoos on closed areas of the body. The motives that guide women who get a tattoo are somewhat different from men’s. These are love experiences and attachments, the desire to forever imprint in the memory of a person or event (divorce, abortion, loss of innocence, first love). Lesbians may have their partner's names tattooed on them.
Younger women in the ITC are more often not satisfied with applying a primitive design, but decorate their bodies with complex compositions, requiring a high level of performance from the tattoo artist. There may be tattoos about the nature of their criminal activities and lifestyle, their place in the criminal world.
Tattoos are made by women who are strong by nature, strong-willed, and also sentimental.
Women prefer to get a tattoo in the lower abdomen, on the lower back, under the knee, on the temple and chest.
Let's look at some typical women's tattoos.
A heart pierced by an arrow, drops of blood and a vignette. Tattoo in memory of first love.
A skull entwined with a snake and crowned with a heart in the skeleton of the arms. The tattoo suggests that the mother-in-law ruined love or sent her to prison.
Swan with a crown on its head. Pain about what was lost: was innocent or free. There may be a corresponding date underneath the tattoo.
Handshake, flower, bell, initials. The tattoo sums it up: I served time with my friend from call to call.
Swallow with an envelope in its beak. This is a symbol of amnesty, a reduction in the term of imprisonment.
Angels represent hope. A falling angel is a collapse of hopes.
Kissing doves. This is a symbol of love.
Apple of temptation. A tattoo in memory of the loss of innocence, the first try of drugs or alcohol. Accompanied by date.
Man and woman kissing. Tattoo in memory of a loved one.
Baby's head. A tattoo in memory of an abandoned child or a forced abortion.
Girl on a stork. Single mother tattoo.
A woman entwined with wire against the background of a cross. The owner of the tattoo considers herself innocently convicted. Thief symbol.
Devil swinging on a chain, horseshoe. The tattoo reads like this: there was happiness, but the devil took it away.
Head of a woman, dagger, shackles, inscription “Rus”. The tattoo means that its owner served a sentence in a foreign land.
A woman wrapped in barbed wire against the backdrop of the sun and a sailboat. The tattoo expresses hope for a bright future (water - purification, sun - father).
A woman mourning at the tomb. Tattoo in memory of relatives who died in prison.
A girl with two revolvers in her hands. Tattoo of a female “denier” (refusing to work and follow the regime).
Woman's head, bowl, syringe, cobweb. Drug addict tattoo.
Head of the Gorgon Medusa, sword, burning torch. The tattoo says: “I will take revenge for evil.”
Dove on the palm, grille and sun. This tattoo is given to those convicted as minors.
A burning candle, a ribbon and cards of the suits of clubs and spades.
Candle. This is a symbol of thieves' luck. If the candle burns, she served her sentence. The ace of clubs is prison, the ace of spades is hope. The head of a witch with the body of a snake wrapped around a woman's head. A tattoo symbolizing evil fate.
A woman in monastic clothes holding a child. The tattoo expresses the desire for freedom and reminds of the mother.
Shackled hands reach out to a poppy flower. Passive lesbian tattoo. Apply on the thigh.
A woman’s head framed by a horseshoe, the inscription in Georgian: “You are my sun.” The tattoo expresses faith in future happiness and hope for parole.
Eagle sitting on a stone. Tattoo of “authority” in a criminal environment.
Indian head. The tattoo symbolizes violated rights.
A rose wrapped in barbed wire. Tattoo of a convict who celebrated her 18th birthday in prison. (A rose with thorns on the hip is a symbol of a passive lesbian).
Tulip. Similar tattoo - Turned 16 years old in prison.
A woman flying in the form of an angel. Thieves tattoo.
A dagger entwined with a snake. A tattoo means that its owner has begun to steal or rob.
A bell wrapped in wire. The defendant reports that she served her sentence from start to finish.
Crucifixion. Thieves tattoo. The cross in it symbolizes prison.
Bug. Tattoo about place in the criminal hierarchy; means that its bearer is familiar with thieves’ traditions and laws.
Heart entwined with a snake. A symbol of unhappy love, love without reciprocity. Lesbian tattoo is done on the front of the thigh.
Seagulls, sun, sea. A tattoo that states the owner's intention to die free.
The devil with a daisy in his hands. A symbol of life for good luck, agreement with any outcome.
Treble clef. A symbol of the former cheerful life.
Church. For women, like men, this symbol signifies the desire for leadership. It is inflicted by those convicted of theft and robbery who are aggressive towards the court, the prosecutor's office, police officers and the administration of places of detention.
Cat. Symbol of a member of a group of thieves.
Mermaid is a symbol of good luck.
Woman with a guitar. Lesbian tattoo. Apply to the front of the thigh.
Cross on the grave, the grave is shaded. The tattoo means that revenge has been taken.
Eye in a triangle. A tattoo of active lesbians, applied to the buttock, can be on the arm without a triangle.
Woman with child. The tattoo expresses longing for home and family.
A heart pierced by an arrow and a dagger. Tattoo of a woman who is ready to do anything for love.
Lattice, bottle, glass, cards. This symbol indicates the choice of a criminal lifestyle.
Tiger head. The "denied" symbol.
Butterfly is a symbol of eternity. Tattooed on the lower abdomen.
Head of Satan. A tattoo applied to the thigh means that its owner has fraternized with vice.
Nude woman. Tattoo of active lesbians.
The cross is a symbol of a thief.
Lily flower. Tattoo of passive lesbians, applied to the shoulder.
A woman's head with a suit of clubs on her chest is a symbol of thieves.

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