Tests can be used to determine self-esteem. A simple test of self-esteem and self-confidence

Few people can look at themselves from the outside and objectively evaluate their self-esteem. Our test will help you become an outside observer for a moment to understand what you should strive for.

Previously, we published an article on how to get rid of excellent student syndrome. This is the main opponent of a sober, correct view of the world and normal self-esteem. If you are plagued by bad mood, depression and failure, try to understand if you have such a syndrome by reading the relevant article.

Self-esteem test

This test is very simple. You will be asked 8 questions, after answering which you will calculate the number of points and understand what your self-esteem is. Each question must have only one answer.

Question 1: How do you deal with failure? What do you do if you fail?

a) I get upset and depressed;
b) I’m upset, but I’m looking for a way out of the situation;
c) I don’t worry, because it makes no sense.

Question 2: How would you describe yourself?

a) failures follow me everywhere;
b) I try to learn from my mistakes;
c) I am a winner in life.

Question 3: are you...

a) pessimist;
b) realist;
c) optimist.

Question 4: if you are busy and have a lot to do, and your colleagues ask you to help them solve some difficult problem, then...

a) you will help them, because you have no other choice;
b) you will help them if you have a good relationship with them and you are free;
c) you won’t help them in any case.

Question 5: If you can't cope with something important, then...

a) try to do everything yourself;
b) let your colleagues and friends know that you need help and continue to search for a solution;
c) I will make sure that someone else does my work.

Question 6: If someone deliberately stands in front of you in line, what will you do?

a) nothing, because perhaps he or she is in a hurry;
b) politely tell the person that he is wrong. If you get a refusal, you will try to solve the problem differently;
c) your personal time has been taken away, so don’t stop until the person gets in line according to the rules.

Question 7: If you were offered a job related to human resources management, what would you do?

a) refused because it is very difficult and you will have a lot of responsibility;
b) would take time to think, to assess their capabilities and ask for advice from relatives and friends;
c) would immediately agree.

Question 8: How often do you meet people on your own initiative?

a) almost never or never;
b) rarely, from time to time. There must be a good reason or my interest;
c) I always make acquaintances when I am in the appropriate mood.

If you scored from 8 to 16 points inclusive, then your self-esteem is low and self-confidence is probably lacking. In this case, we recommend reading the article on how to increase self-esteem and develop self-confidence. Remember that your case is very common and thousands of people every day around the world get rid of insecurity in various ways.

If your scores are between 17 and 31, then everything is fine with you. Try to continue to look at the world with a sober eye and evaluate your capabilities as objectively as possible. Most likely, you are a good friend and comrade, and also have your own hobbies that bring you pleasure. An article about the 20-minute rule will help you get even more out of life, which will tell you how to learn to develop healthy habits.

Try not to go to extremes, be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes, but also don’t forget about yourself. Happiness and harmony lie in the balance between self-sacrifice and selfishness, which are two extremes of one sad ending - loneliness. Work on yourself, because our whole life lies in self-improvement. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Test questionnaire “Determining the level of self-esteem” S.V. Kovalev

Description of the technique

The technique developed by S.V. Kovalev, is intended to determine the level of self-esteem of an individual. Represents 32 judgments to which you need to express your attitude using the proposed answer options.


“You are offered 32 judgments and five possible answers, each of which corresponds to a certain number of points. Expressing the degree of your agreement with the judgments, you give points:

4 – very often;

3 – often;

2 – sometimes;

1 – rare;

0 – never.”

Stimulus material

1. I want my friends to cheer me up.

2. I constantly feel responsible for my work (study).

3. I'm worried about my future.

4. Many people hate me.

5. I have less initiative than others.

6. I worry about my mental state.

7. I'm afraid of looking stupid.

8. Others' appearance is much better than mine.

9. I am afraid to give a speech in front of strangers.

10. I often make mistakes.

11. What a pity that I don’t know how to speak properly with people.

12. What a pity that I lack self-confidence.

13. I would like others to encourage my actions more often.

14. I'm too modest.

15. My life is useless.

16. Many people have incorrect opinions about me.

18. People expect a lot from me.

19. People are not particularly interested in my achievements.

20. I'm a little embarrassed.

21. I feel that many people do not understand me.

22. I don't feel safe.

23. I often worry unnecessarily.

24. I feel awkward when I enter a room where people are already sitting.

25. I feel constrained.

26. I feel like people talk about me behind my back.

27. I am sure that people accept almost everything easier than I do.

28. It seems to me that some trouble is about to happen to me.

29. I worry about how people treat me.

30. What a pity that I’m not so sociable.

31. In disputes, I speak out only when I am sure that I am right.

32. I think about what people expect from me.

Processing the results

The results are processed by summing the scores for all 32 judgments.

Interpretation of results

Withumma pointsfrom 0 to 25 talking abouthigh level of self-esteem , in which a person, as a rule, is not burdened by doubts, responds adequately to the comments of others and soberly evaluates his actions;

total pointsfrom 26 to 45 indicatesaverage level of self-esteem . A person with this level of self-esteem from time to time feels inexplicable awkwardness in relationships with other people, and often underestimates himself and his abilities without sufficient reason.

total pointsfrom 46 to 128 points tolow self-esteem , in which a person often painfully tolerates critical remarks addressed to him, more often tries to adapt to the opinions of other people, and suffers greatly from excessive shyness.

% of students experience a high level of self-esteem and respond adequatelyYut to the comments of others and soberly assessingYut your actions;

% of students experienceaveragelevel of self-esteem. Theyfeel it from time to timeYut inexplicable awkwardness in relationships with other people, often underestimatedYut yourself and your abilities without sufficient grounds.

% of students experienceaveragelevel of self-esteem, at whichTheytransfer is often painfulIt critical remarks addressed to you, often oldYutries to adapt to the opinions of other people, suffers greatlyYut from excessive shyness.

Find out what kind of self-esteem you have (adequate, high or low)

1. How often are you tormented by thoughts that you should not have said or done something?
a) very often - 1 point;
b) sometimes - 3 points.

2. If you associate with a brilliant and witty person, you:
a) try to defeat him in wit - 5 points;
b) you will not get involved in the competition, but give it its due and leave the conversation - 1 point.

3. Choose one of the opinions that is closest to you:
a) what seems to many to be luck is actually the result of hard work - 5 points;
b) successes often depend on a happy coincidence of circumstances - 1 point;
c) in a difficult situation, the main thing is not perseverance or luck, but a person who can approve or console - 3 points.

4. You were shown a cartoon or parody of you. You:
a) laugh and be glad that there is something in you
original - 3 points;
b) also try to find something funny in your partner and make fun of him - 4 points;
c) be offended, but don’t show it - 1 point.

5. Are you always in a hurry, don't have enough time, or do you take on tasks that exceed the capabilities of one person?
a) yes - 1 point;
b) no - 5 points;
c) I don’t know - 3 points.

6. You choose perfume as a gift for a friend. Buy:
a) perfume that you like - 5 points;
b) perfume that you think your friend will be happy with,
although you personally don’t like them - 3 points;
c) perfume that was advertised in a recent TV show.

7. Do you like to imagine different situations in which you behave completely differently than in life?
a) yes - 1 point;
b) no - 5 points;
c) I don’t know - 3 points.

8. Does it bother you when your colleagues (especially young ones) achieve more success than you?
a) yes - 1 point;
b) no - 5 points;
c) sometimes - 3 points.

9. Does it give you pleasure to argue with someone?
a) yes - 5 points;
b) no - 1 point;
c) I don’t know - 3 points.

10. Close your eyes and try to imagine 3 colors:
a) blue - 1 point;
b) yellow - 3 points;
c) red - 5 points.


50-38 points. You are happy with yourself and confident. You have a great need to dominate people; you like to emphasize your “I” and highlight your opinion. You don't care what people say about you, but you yourself tend to criticize others. The more points you have, the more suitable the definition is: “You love yourself, but don’t love others.” But you have one drawback: you take yourself too seriously and do not accept any critical information. And even if you don’t like the test results, most likely you will “defend yourself” with the statement “everyone’s calendars lie.” It's a pity…

37-24 points. You live in harmony with yourself, you know yourself and you can trust yourself. You have a valuable ability to find a way out of difficult situations, both personal and in relationships with people. The formula for your attitude towards yourself and others can be expressed in the words: “Happy with yourself, happy with others.” You have normal healthy self-esteem, you know how to be a support and source of strength for yourself and, most importantly, not at the expense of others.

23-10 points. Obviously, you are dissatisfied with yourself, you are tormented by doubts and dissatisfaction with your intelligence, abilities, achievements, your appearance, age, gender... Stop! Who said that loving yourself is bad? Who inspired you that a thinking person should be constantly dissatisfied with himself? Of course, no one demands self-satisfaction from you, but you must accept yourself, respect yourself, and maintain this fire within yourself.

The Express diagnostic method of a person’s level of self-esteem is used to quickly assess one’s capabilities. Paradoxically, a person is the way he imagines, feels and creates himself (see Fig. No. 1). Based on existing self-esteem, a person makes daily choices about how to behave, self-esteem provides relative stability personality and may beimpetus for personal development. True self-esteem maintains a person's dignity and gives him moral satisfaction. An adequate or inadequate attitude towards oneself leads either to harmony of spirit, providing reasonable self-confidence, or to constant internal and/or interpersonal conflict.

Self-esteem in psychology is a person’s idea of ​​the importance of his personal activities in society and his assessment of himself and his own qualities and feelings, advantages and disadvantages, their expression openly or closed. The main evaluation criterion is a person’s system of personal meanings.

Test Express diagnostics of the level of self-esteem of an individual (Methodology for diagnosing self-esteem):


When answering the questions, indicate how common the following conditions are for you: very often, often, sometimes, rarely, never.

Questionnaire for express diagnostic methods of self-esteem.

1. I want my friends to cheer me up.

2. I feel responsible for my work.

3. I'm worried about my future.

4. Many people hate me.

5. I have less initiative than others.

6. I worry about my mental state.

7. I'm afraid of looking stupid.

8. Others' appearance is much better than mine.

9. I am afraid to give a speech in front of strangers.

10. I make mistakes in my life.

11. What a pity that I don’t know how to speak properly with people.

12. What a pity that I lack self-confidence.

13. I would like my actions to be approved by others.

14. I'm too modest.

15. My life is useless.

16. Many people have incorrect opinions about me.

18. People expect a lot from me.

19. People are not particularly interested in my achievements.

20. I am often embarrassed.

21. I feel that many people do not understand me.

23. I often worry and needlessly.

24. I feel awkward when I enter a room where people are already sitting.

25. I feel constrained.

26. I feel like people talk about me behind my back.

27. I am sure that people accept everything in life more easily than I do.

28. It seems to me that some trouble is about to happen to me.

29. I worry about how people treat me.

30. What a pity that I’m not so sociable.

31. In disputes, I speak out only when I am sure that I am right.

32. I think about what the public expects from me.

Key to the test, processing and interpretation of results.

To determine the level of your self-esteem, you need to add up all the points for the statements on the following scale:

Very often - 4 points

Often - 3 points

Sometimes - 2 points

Rarely - 1 point

Never - 0 points

Now calculate the total score for all 32 judgments.

Self-esteem levels:

A score from 0 to 25 indicates high level of self-esteem, in which a person reacts correctly to the comments of others and rarely doubts his actions.
A score from 26 to 45 indicates average level of self-esteem, in which a person only occasionally tries to conform to the opinions of others.
A score between 46 and 128 indicates low self-esteem, in which a person painfully tolerates critical remarks addressed to him, always tries to take other people’s opinions into account and considers himself worse than others.

Figure No. 1. Causes of low (low) self-esteem.

The views and thinking of boys and girls undergo serious changes during adolescence. This applies to various aspects - now young people pay increased attention to their appearance, strive to expand and change their social circle, begin to follow fashion trends and listen to the opinions of those whom they consider their idols.

In particular, high school students begin to think critically about their personality. They note everything, even the most insignificant shortcomings, and highlight the advantages and advantages that seem important and valuable to them. Due to age characteristics, adolescents are not always able to adequately assess their personality and draw the right conclusions.

If a child begins to overestimate himself, this very often leads to unceremonious behavior, which often becomes the cause of conflicts with others. A teenager, on the contrary, in most cases withdraws into himself, becomes insecure and lacks initiative, which negatively affects his level of development.

That is why it is important for parents and teachers to monitor the self-esteem of boys and girls experiencing adolescence, and, if necessary, take measures of psychological influence. Often the level of self-esteem of a teenager’s personality is determined using the R.V. test. Ovcharova, which you will learn about in our article.

Test for determining self-esteem in adolescents according to the method of R.V. Ovcharova

To determine the level of self-esteem, the student is asked to answer 16 questions. In each of them there are 3 options: “yes”, “no” or “hard to say”. The latter should be chosen only in extreme cases. For each positive answer, the subject is awarded 2 points, and for the answer “it’s difficult to say” - 1 point. If any of the statements is denied, the child does not receive a single point for it.

Self-esteem test questions for teenagers R.V. Ovcharova look like this:

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