Time is running out: learning how to quickly dry nail polish. What can I do to make the varnish dry faster? What to do to make the varnish dry


20 minutes before applying the varnish, place the bottle of varnish in the refrigerator. Apply cooled polish to your nails. It will dry faster than room temperature polish.

The second way is to use increased air flow. This could be a cold hairdryer or a fan. Active swinging of the arms also gives a good effect. As a variant of this method, you can use a pneumatic cleaner. A pneumatic cleaner is a cylinder with a compressed mixture of gases, designed to clean the keyboard and hard-to-reach places in the computer system unit. But it can also be used for emergency purposes.

The third available remedy is cold water, or rather ice water. The colder the water, the better. You can add ice cubes to the water. Pour water into a bowl and gently dip your fingers into the water. Keep in water for several minutes.

Method number 4 - vegetable oil. It is better to take olive oil, but sunflower or any other vegetable oil will do - peach, almond, wheat germ oil. Place a drop of oil on a fresh manicure and after a few minutes rinse off under running water. You can use a kitchen oil sprayer for the same purpose.

An ultraviolet lamp dries the varnish well. You need to hold your painted nails under the lamp for 2-3 minutes.

To quickly dry your nails, place them in the freezer for a few seconds. This method, at first glance, seems strange, but in terms of efficiency it is superior to the method of drying with ice water. At low temperatures, the varnish hardens faster.


Old varnish dries worse than new. Therefore, if you are in a hurry, cover your nails with fresh polish.

Helpful advice

Wash your nails with water before applying polish or wipe with nail polish remover. This will help remove dust particles from the nail plate that cause bubbles to appear in the varnish layer.

Beautiful nail polish always attracts attention to your hands. However, not every lady will allow herself to wait a long time until she can go about her business without fear of ruining her freshly painted nails. There are several proven ways to significantly reduce the time spent on manicure.

You will need

  • Nail polish, preferably quick-drying
  • Varnish fixer
  • Spray dryer for varnish
  • Olive oil
  • Cold water
  • Cool air dryer or fan
  • Nail dryer


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Never expose your hands to a warm, hot hair dryer! This folk method of drying varnish can damage the manicure and nail design done with such diligence. Small bubbles may appear on the surface of freshly painted nail plates.

Helpful advice

If you waste time drying the polish, just use a good polishing file. Carefully and softly polished nails will allow your nails to look beautiful and well-groomed for quite a long time.


  • How to quickly dry nail polish

With the advent of quick-drying varnishes, the problem of drying nails has remained relevant. Only fresh varnishes dry quickly, but if they stand for a short time, the drying time increases significantly. Most often, varnish takes a long time to dry when there is absolutely no time and you need to run errands. In this case, little tricks will save you.

A beautiful manicure will instantly make your hands look well-groomed. For work you will need discreet shades, and for the evening – bright or dark colors. To ensure that frequent manicures do not become a problem and only bring pleasure, the polish needs to dry quickly. Then the painting process, with certain skill, will take no more than half an hour.

You will need

  • - varnish solvent;
  • - nail polish remover;
  • - drying in drops or spray;
  • - top coating with a quick drying effect.


Before applying the coating, degrease the nail plate by wiping it with nail polish remover without adding oils. If you remove nail polish with an oil-based product, wash your hands with soap, dry them thoroughly and wait until your nails are completely dry. Don't use creams. The polish does not apply well to wet or oily nails.

If the varnish has thickened, it will be impossible to achieve rapid hardening of the coating. Dilute it with a special solvent. Add a few drops to the bottle and rub between your palms. It is advisable to repeat the procedure before each manicure.

To create an opaque, uniform coating without gaps, you will need 2-3 layers of varnish. Before applying a new layer, dry the previous one thoroughly, otherwise the brush will leave streaks. Start with the little finger of your left hand and finish with your right thumb. After this, you can apply the second layer according to the same scheme.

The three-layer coating needs to be dried more thoroughly. Use special products that allow you to fix fresh varnish as quickly as possible. Choose between spray, oil drops and clear coat finishes.

If you don't like a thick film on it, use a drying spray. Spray the product over freshly applied varnish and wait 7-10 minutes. Once dry, try not to touch hard surfaces for half an hour. Do not fasten your clothes and shoes, do not wear rubber gloves - this can damage the fresh varnish.

Special oil drops will quickly dry your manicure. The bottle is equipped with a brush or pipette that allows you to accurately dose the liquid. You will need one drop of product per nail. There is no need to spread it - the oil will distribute itself over the plate. When drying the varnish, do not work on the computer or leaf through books - greasy stains will remain on the pages and keyboard. After 10-12 minutes, check the hardening of the coating, carefully wash your hands and pat them dry with a towel.

Drying is very convenient and performs protective functions. It is applied like a regular polish and creates a thin, shiny, instantly drying film on the surface of the nail. Look for a product marked “express” - after applying it, the surface of the nail becomes hard within 1-2 minutes. Apply the coating in a thick layer. Every other day you can update it to give your manicure a fresh look.


If you accidentally damage a fresh manicure, completely remove the coating from the affected nail and reapply the polish. Do not try to restore the damaged coating - the enamel layer will be too thick and uneven. It will be impossible to dry it completely even with the use of special means.

There are situations when you need nail polish urgently. To do this, you can use both homemade and professional remedies.

You will need

  • cold water, crushed ice, hair dryer with cold air function, olive or vegetable oil, spray or nail polish dryer.


Place the polish in the refrigerator for several hours. After this time, you can start doing a manicure. The cooled varnish lays down in an even thin layer and dries much faster.

Apply decorative coating only to oil-free nails. To do this, soak a cotton pad in nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol. Sand the nail plate. After this treatment, it becomes smooth and the coating lasts much longer.

Do not apply the varnish in a thick layer, it is better to apply 2 thin layers so that the color is more saturated. It is also advisable to use a basic foundation. It will protect your nails from the harmful effects of varnish.

Immerse your fingertips in cold water. It is best to make a bath, otherwise the varnish may be smudged under running water. Monitor the temperature: the colder the water, the faster the varnish will dry. You can also add crushed ice to the bath. After 10 minutes, air dry your hands without wiping.

Use olive or vegetable oil. Do a manicure and dry the polish naturally for a few minutes. Then apply oil to each nail. This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally damage the varnish. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse your nails with cool water.

Dry the varnish with a cold stream of air. Only after such extreme drying will the manicure not last long. Within a few days the varnish will crack. Turn on the hairdryer to the “cold air” setting and bring it to your nails. Moreover, you can use a fan. Do not dry the varnish with hot air - it damages the coating.

Use professional products: varnishes and sprays for quick drying. Apply the coating to the already and wait a couple of minutes. Sprays are usually used in beauty salons. It is sprayed onto the nail plate at a distance of 20-30 cm. Special products allow you not only to quickly dry the decorative coating, but also to fix it and give it a charming shine.

The appearance of hands plays a big role in the lives of women, so to make their nails look more attractive, the fair half of humanity uses varnish. The coating does not always dry as quickly as we would like. In this case, try to speed up the process using available methods.

You will need

  • - quick-drying varnish;
  • - drying varnish or spray;
  • - cold water;
  • - fan or hair dryer;
  • - nail polish remover;
  • - liquid for thinning varnish.


Use quick-drying varnishes if you are constantly in a hurry. Quality directly depends on price, so if you want to have the perfect manicure, don’t skimp on it. A special drying varnish or spray product will also come to your aid. You can find it in many stores at a very attractive price. Apply it over regular varnish - this will help reduce the drying time of the coating several times.

Place the bottle of polish in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or in the freezer for 10 minutes. Firstly, after this it will dry twice as fast, and secondly, the coating will be even and smooth. If the varnish is too thick, add a little special solvent to it. Do not use acetone for this purpose - it will ruin the varnish.

File your nails with a soft nail file. The smoother the nail plate, the faster the polish dries. Be sure to remove any remaining “dust” by wiping your nails with a degreasing liquid.

Apply the varnish in a thin layer. If it doesn't have enough pigment and you want a rich color, cover your nails with 3 layers. After applying each one, wait until it dries.

Speed ​​up the drying process by using devices that blow cold air. Both a hairdryer and a fan will do. Do not bring the device too close to your nails; the surface of the coating may deteriorate or become covered with bubbles.

Soak your nails in a bowl of cold water for a few minutes. There is no need to wipe your hands after this. Once the moisture has evaporated, gently apply olive oil or cream to your nails. Wait a few minutes and check if the polish is dry by lightly tapping your nail against your nail.


Do not use old varnishes - they may not dry even if you apply maximum effort. If you decide to paint your nails with expired varnish, be sure to add a little solvent to it.

There are often situations when you urgently need to dry your nail polish. Naturally, it will not be possible to do this as quickly as we would like. Therefore, use improvised or professional means to quickly dry the varnish.

You will need

  • Container, cold water, ice, hair dryer, vegetable oil, hairspray or quick drying spray.


Take a bath. Pour cold running water into the container, you can also add crushed ice. The lower the water temperature, the faster the varnish will dry. Immerse your fingertips in the liquid and hold for 5-10 minutes. After this time, remove your hands from the water and dry naturally. There is no need to wipe your fingers with a towel, as this can ruin your manicure. For the same reason, you should not dry the varnish under running water.

Take vegetable or olive oil. Apply a thin layer of it onto the slightly dried varnish. After a few minutes, rinse your hands under running cool water and dry. The oil not only promotes quick drying of decorative varnish, but also effectively nourishes and softens the cuticle.

Use a hair dryer to dry the polish. Many modern models have a “cold air” function. Never dry the varnish with a hot air stream. In this case, it will quickly crack and you will have to redo the manicure. Apply the decorative coating and dry for a few minutes. Then turn on the hair dryer and bring it to your nails at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Buy a professional product. This can be a quick-drying varnish or a special spray. They are usually used in beauty salons. These products allow you not only to quickly dry the decorative coating, but also to give it a special shine. Apply polish to your nails and leave for 3-5 minutes. If you decide to use a spray, remember that it must be sprayed at a distance of at least 20-25 cm.

In order for the varnish to dry faster, it must be applied correctly. First, degrease the nail plate. Soak a cotton swab in nail polish remover and wipe each nail. Don't forget about sanding. This treatment makes the nail smooth and allows you to extend the life of the manicure.

Place the polish in a cool place for several hours. Then you can start manicure. This is necessary so that the coating lays down in a thin layer and dries quickly.


  • how to quickly dry nail polish

True fashionistas can spend hours turning their nails into a real work of art. Multi-colored varnishes, glitter, stickers and applications are used. Sometimes situations arise when there is absolutely no time to fully dry the varnish. Women try to maintain their manicure, but, as a rule, their nails have to be repainted in a hurry. In fact, drying varnish in a matter of minutes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Every woman at least once in her life has encountered such a situation when she urgently needs to do something, run somewhere, but she has just had her manicure done and with the slightest careless movement it threatens to smudge. That is why, in this case, most representatives of the fair sex have their own methods and means that help dry the nail polish in a short time.

How to dry your nails quickly

If you painted your nails, but you didn’t have any special means on hand to quickly dry the polish, it doesn’t matter, because there are other ways to cope with this task in a short time. For example, you can quickly dry varnish using cold water. All you have to do is pour cold water into a wide container and place your painted nails there. The drying time of the manicure directly depends on the temperature of the water - the colder it is, the less time it will take you to achieve the desired result.

Alternatively, you can use a hairdryer to dry nail polish: turn on the device, adjust the temperature to minimum and expose your nails to a stream of air. The disadvantage of this method is that the varnish usually does not last long. Another effective way to quickly dry nail polish is to use olive oil. Apply the varnish, wait until it dries slightly, then carefully apply a drop of oil to each nail and leave for about five minutes. After the time has passed, rinse your nails in cold water. In general, it’s worth remembering that if you want your manicure to be long-lasting, try to allocate at least half an hour of your time to it; these 30 minutes will be enough to do a neat manicure and let the nail polish dry properly.

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A beautiful manicure is the key to a good appearance and mood. But quite often women find themselves in a situation where the nail polish is not yet completely dry, but something needs to be done, the children are calling or they need to hurry. It's a shame to ruin your manicure, so you should know about little tricks that will help dry the polish faster.

In order for the varnish to dry well and stick, it is necessary to follow the technology of preparing nails for coating and the process of applying the varnish itself.

  1. First, the old varnish is removed using a special liquid or acetone.
  2. Next is the most important thing. You should take care of the cuticle - the skin that grows around the nail. To make your manicure look beautiful and your hands well-groomed, apply a little cuticle oil. It softens the skin, after which it can be easily removed with a wooden stick.
  3. Next, you need to put the shape and surface of your nails in order. To give the desired shape, a hard file is used; softer files and special sponges are used to polish the nail plate. When the nails become smooth, the polish goes on more evenly. It’s good if these procedures are carried out at night, so you can smear your hands with nourishing cream and leave it on.
  4. When the preparations are finished, we proceed to applying the varnish coating. To begin with, use a transparent base. But in order for the polish to adhere better, the nail plate must be degreased using a special liquid or regular soap. Experts do not recommend applying colored polish to a bare nail plate. The base strengthens the nails and is an adhesive element. This way the color will last better and longer.
  5. The matter remains small. Apply polish from the middle of the nail, moving to the edges. You can apply a special product to the cuticle that will help quickly remove nail polish if it gets on the skin. If the color is uneven, with gaps, apply a second coat when the first one dries.
  6. At the end it is recommended to apply a clear sealing varnish. It will allow you to maintain your manicure longer, even if you have to come into contact with water.

We dry nail polish at home faster than at the salon

There are many clever and effective ways to dry the varnish coating as quickly as possible.

Cold water

This method has been tested by many women and is successful. This is a really fast way. But it should be borne in mind that immediately after painting your nails you cannot bring them near water, it will simply sweep away the entire manicure. You must wait at least five minutes for the varnish to begin to dry. The nails are placed under a stream of cold water and held for a couple of minutes. During this time the varnish hardens.

You can also stick your hand in the freezer for a few minutes. The cold will bind the varnish and it will harden quickly. Some people prefer to soak their nails in cold water, but there are times when this leads to the coating peeling off. Therefore, you should be careful with this method. Otherwise you will have to redo it.

Hairdryer, fan

One common way to dry varnish is to use cold air. Most often, women use a fan or hairdryer with a cold jet. It is better not to use hot air, because this can, on the contrary, soften the varnish and make it dull.

When resorting to such methods, you need to remember that there is a possibility of uneven drying of the varnish, because a strong stream of air affects the fresh varnish.

Vegetable oil

Olive or sunflower oil is most often used, but any basic cosmetic oil will do.

You can pour the oil into a small container and dip your manicured fingers into the oil one by one. You can do this with a pipette, just drip the oil onto the nail, it spreads itself and cuts the waiting time in half. Many companies produce fixative oils that operate on the same principle.

The use of oil is beneficial for nails and cuticles. It softens and nourishes the skin, strengthens nails.

One more little trick. Before you start painting, place a bottle of varnish in the freezer for two to three minutes. It will cool down and create a temperature contrast when applied. Cold polish will dry faster on a warm nail plate.

Professional products

Drying with varnish

In any varnish store you can find one that will dry quickly. It is transparent, applied to colored varnish when it has hardened a little. After drying, the varnish will harden within five minutes.

This product allows the polish to stay on the nails longer and gives a glossy shine. It is not recommended to apply more than one layer so that the dryer works correctly. Today this method is used very often because it is easy and reliable.

Drying sprays

This tool is also freely available. It's very easy to use. The dryer consists of a small bottle and a sprayer.

Immediately after applying the color coating, you can spray the contents of the ear on your nails. Thanks to the components of the spray, the varnish dries faster.

The advantage is that the sprays contain oils and beneficial substances that have a positive effect on nails. But the downside is that the spray does not give the varnish stability and does not prevent premature chipping and peeling.

This small device will help make the nail polish drying process faster. You don’t have to run to the salon to use it. It is sold in specialized stores and is inexpensive. Fans are small devices that produce a stream of air for drying. They can be for one hand or for two.

They are easy to use. Just turn on the device; they operate on batteries or from the mains. The fingers are placed in the device, and it is necessary to hold it for several minutes until the varnish hardens. The convenience lies in the fact that you don’t have to take additional actions, ten minutes of patience and your fingers are irresistible.

Lamps for drying varnish

Currently, lamps are very popular and can be used for many purposes. They are used both in professional beauty salons and at home. With their help you can make extended nails, dry shellac coating, and fix regular polish. The use of such a device increases the wearing time of the manicure and consolidates the result well.

The lamps are a closed structure with an opening for the hand. There are special ultraviolet lamps inside, which have a drying effect. Many models have such a convenient function as a timer. With its help, you can control the time spent under the lamps without fear of overstaying your time.

There are several types of lamps:

  • Ultraviolet They differ in that they are affordable and unpretentious in operation. They consume little energy and last a relatively long time. The disadvantages of these models are that if they are heated excessively, the varnish can burn and the body can become very hot. Voltage surges can damage the lamp. The lamp requires a certain temperature in the room; the temperature should not fall below ten degrees.
  • Gas light lamps work due to the glow of gas in lamps. Such lamps work for a very long time and prevent burning of the varnish, since the temperature regime is standardized. They do not consume much energy and do not harm the skin.
  • Ice lamps resemble small curved bananas. They operate using LEDs, are easy to carry and do not take up much space. They last a long time, do not heat up much, which prevents burns and any harm to the eyes and skin. Varnish or gel dry very quickly, but they also cost a lot.
  • There are also hybrid lamps, which combine the positive characteristics of several models, which provides faster drying and safety.

What not to do before a manicure and while drying nail polish

  • Before applying a manicure, do not apply creams and oils to your nails. This can be done several hours before application so that all the beneficial substances have time to be absorbed. Before application, the nail surface must be clean and free of grease to ensure good adhesion.
  • During the drying process, many people begin to wave their hands to make the varnish dry faster. But sudden movements can deform the varnish and it will harden unevenly. In addition, the likelihood that you will touch an object increases, and then the varnish will be completely smeared.
  • If you feel a burning sensation or other unpleasant symptoms when using the lamp, you should stop the procedure, otherwise you may injure your skin.

So, there are quite a few ways to dry varnish effectively and quickly. All that remains is to choose the most suitable one and get your hands in order!

Modern life sets its own rhythms, and sometimes we have to save time on everything. However, this should not be done at the expense of attractiveness. Do you want to create a beautiful manicure, but don’t have time to wait? Read our article and you will learn how to dry nail polish quickly.

Coating tricks

It is extremely unpleasant when such a fresh and neat coating is smeared due to careless movement. No one is immune from this, but every girl can minimize the risks. We will tell you about several secrets of performing a manicure, thanks to which the drying time of nail polish is reduced:

  • Prepare everything you need in advance. With painted nails it is very inconvenient to get the necessary accessories.
  • Treat your nails thoroughly. Make a high-quality manicure by removing cuticles and pterygium from the surface of the plates. Be sure to remove the old coating.
  • Place the coating in the refrigerator 10 minutes before application. The cooled varnish hardens quickly enough in the air.
  • Immediately before applying the coating, degrease the nail.
  • Don't do more than two layers. Firstly, the manicure will look sloppy. Secondly, the coating will take a long time to harden.
  • Apply the varnish in as thin a layer as possible. After each one, take a break for at least three minutes.
  • Use quick-drying coatings.

All this needs to be done so that the manicure is ready as soon as possible. But here is what is strictly prohibited for those who want to dry their nails quickly:

  • Use cuticle cream before applying color and top coat.
  • Before manicure, apply cream to the skin of your hands.
  • Paint wet nails.
  • Apply varnish to the old coating.

Using the tricks given here, you can do a manicure so that you don’t have to dry your nails for a long time. Under natural conditions, ordinary varnish hardens within 2-3 minutes. If you use a special coating, the drying time is reduced to 60 seconds.

How to speed up the hardening of varnish at home?

If you don’t have such a product on hand, and you need to dry your manicure right now, use the following methods. We have selected simple and easy-to-use methods for quickly drying nail polish at home:

Some girls buy special lamps for drying nail polish. As you can see, this purchase may become unnecessary, because there are many more accessible and cheaper means for accelerating the hardening of nail coatings.

Well-groomed hands with a beautiful, spectacular manicure are an integral part of the image of a modern woman. Many girls know how to not only properly varnish their nails, but also even apply patterns of varying complexity to them. But how often do you come across a situation when time is running out, it’s time to go out, but the varnish is not dry at all? We are sure that each of you will remember many such cases. So today we will deal with an important question for any girl: how to quickly dry nails coated with varnish.

Different types of nail coatings and differences in drying speed

Oh, those cosmetics manufacturers! They never tire of surprising us with new products almost every season, including products for high-quality manicure. You go into a boutique to buy nail polish and your eyes widen: which one to choose? It's not even about the color palette and variety of brands. It’s just that now even varnishes have various properties, for example, they strengthen and heal the nail plate, and create a protective layer. And they can dry quickly, and even very quickly. This property is especially interesting to us.

Let's talk in more detail about the different types of varnish that will allow us to create a high-quality manicure as quickly as possible.

  1. Regular nail polish is the most common and affordable option. It can be bought at any cosmetic boutique or stall. In order not to harm your nails, give preference to varnishes from well-known companies, although they are more expensive. However, this will not affect the drying speed in any way - this varnish dries from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the thickness of the layer.
  2. Quick-drying varnish - the name of the type speaks for itself. These products are more expensive than usual, but their drying time is no more than 5 minutes. You need to paint your nails with this coating as quickly as possible, because it begins to harden immediately after application. We recommend that you do not skimp on quick-drying varnishes and purchase those that contain UV filters so that the coating on your nails does not turn yellow from exposure to sunlight.
  3. The hardening varnish is designed to heal the nail plates and protect them from external factors, including the varnish coating. The hardener can be used as a varnish if it contains pigment: the product dries in a few minutes and looks great on the nails.
  4. Gel polishes are a fairly popular product recently not only for painting, but also for strengthening nails. Previously, this procedure was carried out only in salons, but now it is also available at home. True, painting nails with gel polish cannot be considered a quick manicure: the procedure consists of 3 stages and lasts about two hours, including drying.
  5. Shellac is a relatively new invention that belongs to the category of gel polishes. It features a special application technology and almost instant drying. In addition, user reviews indicate that shellac lasts for a month without losing its brightness and integrity. True, high-quality application of shellac is only possible in a salon, and girls also gossip that this coating can ruin the nail plates.

Note! The drying speed of the varnish may also depend on its pigmentation. Saturated matte products dry longer, and those containing pearlescent or glossy pigments dry 2-3 times faster.

At home, we use regular and quick-drying varnishes, as well as intensifying varnishes. And what is the secret of their quick drying? It's very simple: in the thickness of the layer with which you apply the polish to the nail. A thick layer takes a very long time to dry, and if you apply another one on top of it, the manicure risks being completely ruined. Therefore, here is your first piece of advice: apply any varnish in a thin layer, wait until it dries, and then paint again, just as thinly and carefully.

Apply a thin layer of polish to your nails and wait until it dries completely.

Professional products for fast drying of varnish

Advanced fashionistas use all the possibilities of technological progress, including when it comes to manicure. Fortunately, manufacturers of cosmetic products and related products offer many ways to quickly dry nail polish, namely:

  • special coatings for quick drying;
  • sprays;
  • oil drying;
  • manicure drying fan;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

All of them are great for regular polishes that you use most often at home. Such products will help fast-drying varnishes harden even faster if you have very little time. Let's take a closer look at them.

Special varnish coating

The way to use this clearcoat-like product is very simple: apply one thin layer to a slightly dry color coat and wait 3-5 minutes. The varnish will not only harden quickly, but will acquire a glossy shine and additional durability. Now you can easily buy varnish drying in the same place as regular varnish. The most important thing is to choose products from a trusted manufacturer.

Spray drying

Due to their ease of use and effectiveness, spray drying has become very popular. A simple spray bottle containing an oil-based liquid will help you make your manicure dry much faster. Spray your newly painted nails with the spray until the moisture covers each finger and wait 5-7 minutes.

In addition to the quick hardening of the varnish, you get another undoubted advantage: the product cares for the cuticle and skin of the hands. True, spray drying does not affect the durability of the coating and its durability, but this drawback can be neglected.

Oil drying

Manicurists have long appreciated the effectiveness and benefits of oil dryers, and now you can use them at home without professional help. If you see a small bottle with a dropper cap in the manicure accessories department, feel free to grab it.

The product is applied 1 drop to each nail almost immediately after painting with varnish. The oil spreads, covering the nail plate with a thin film, and dries the polish in 2-3 minutes. In addition, it simultaneously cares for the skin of your fingers. The more often you use this product, the fewer hangnails you will develop.


In nail salons, you've probably seen small fans that run on mains power or AA batteries. Now you can buy them for home use. There are models designed for 2 hands, and there are also smaller ones on which you need to dry your hands one by one. In any case, the method is very simple: place your hands with freshly painted nails under a fan, and wait a couple of minutes until the varnish hardens under a stream of air.

A fan dryer will help you reduce your manicure time if you use gel polish or shellac, and not just the usual coatings.

Ultraviolet lamp

Until recently, the constant companions of all manicurists were ultraviolet lamps. Currently they are available for sale at a very affordable price. True, they are mainly used for drying gel and shellac coatings. Experience shows that UV lamps do not greatly speed up the curing of regular or quick-drying varnishes.

Home effective remedies and methods

If for some reason you don’t have special equipment on hand, and you really need to dry the varnish quickly, time-tested folk methods will come to the rescue. Our mothers used them during their youth, when these newfangled sprays, oils, quick-drying coatings and ultraviolet lamps were not a thing!

First of all, it is very important to properly prepare your nails for painting:

  • Carefully remove the old varnish with a special liquid.
  • Sand the nail plate with a soft buff.
  • Wash your hands with soap and dry.
  • Degrease each nail by wiping it with alcohol or nail polish remover.

After this you can apply varnish. To make it dry faster, choose any of the methods below.

The most common mistakes: what not to do

  1. Prepare the means or objects that you will use to dry the varnish so that you have them at hand in a timely manner. It’s not the best idea to reach into the closet with freshly painted nails for a hair dryer or spray dryer, fill a bowl with water, or uncork a bottle of oil. The whole manicure is down the drain, and my hands are covered in varnish up to my elbows.
  2. The older the varnish, the longer it needs to dry. If you want your manicure to be of high quality and dry quickly, throw away your old polish without regret, no matter how dear it is to you. The new product will not cause you problems due to the changed concentration.
  3. The same applies to too thick varnish. It goes on too thick and takes a long time to dry completely. Dilute the thickened varnish, or better yet, replace it with another, more liquid one.
  4. Do not use hand cream, cuticle cleaner or other similar substances before painting your nails. Nails should be completely dry and free of grease.
  5. Do not dry your nails with hot air.

Video tutorial: how to dry nail polish quickly and effectively

I understand that in order to dry quickly, you need to cover the top with drying, but for some reason they were unsuccessful. From the latter, Lumene drying not only didn’t dry faster, it somehow perversely completely softened the varnish. Moreover, after 5 hours everything was very smudged, as if it had been freshly painted d47.gif Moreover, the varnish is from Rimmel, which should dry in one minute (!) according to the assurances on the bottle (well, this is also not true, of course, but faster than its brothers d060.gif). I also tried using a hairdryer to dry the nail polish icon_mrgreen.gif Yeah, it’s dried out, but it’s not an option for constant use, because the skin on my hands gets very dry.


It is also very important not to paint layer after layer. Paint it with one layer, let it dry, and only then paint your nails with a second layer! It will be much faster than painting right away.

Vasilisa, Moscow


just an air freshener, spray on your nails, it works like a fixative, dries very quickly, I always do this

Ksenia Salnikova


As you can see, beauty does not always require sacrifice. The polish on your nails will dry faster than you read this article, the main thing is to do everything according to the rules. All means and methods are available, they do not require large expenses from you. Or maybe you have your own version of quick drying of nail polish? Share with us in the comments. Good luck!

Manicure is an integral part of an ideal look. But it is not always possible to find enough time to create it. It is difficult in such situations to wait for the varnish to dry. This period can be reduced by using one of the professional or home remedies.

Professional products

  • Quick drying varnish. The product will be an ideal solution to the problem of long drying of varnish. To prevent it from disappointing you, when purchasing it, you should give preference to well-known brands and purchase products that have UV filters. The latter is necessary so that the quick-drying varnish does not turn yellow in the sun.
  • Spray. Sprays will help dry the varnish in a short time. They are easy to use and give good results. Such products begin to act immediately after application and set quickly. The only drawback is that when sprayed they get on the skin of your hands.
  • Oil with brush. In addition to the fact that the product speeds up the drying of the varnish, it also creates a protective layer. It should not be applied after applying nail polish as it may ruin the manicure. You should wait at least a minute before using the oil.
  • Liquid with pipette. The product is easy to apply, but can spread on your hands.

Home Remedies

  • Vegetable oil. The varnish dries faster if it is treated with any vegetable oil. It is recommended to apply a thin layer of oil onto a dried decorative coating, wait a few minutes and rinse your hands under cold water.
  • Water. You can dry the varnish faster using cold water: the colder it is, the better. To enhance the effect, you can add ice cubes. Fill a container with water, soak your nails for at least 5 minutes, remove your hands and let them dry naturally.
  • Cold air flow. To make the polish dry faster, place your hands near a fan that is on. You can use a hairdryer set to cold mode. It is not recommended to dry the varnish with hot air, as the coating becomes cloudy, inexpressive and begins to crack.
  • Chilled varnish. Pre-cooling will help the varnish dry faster. Place the bottle of product in the freezer for 10 minutes or in the refrigerator for half an hour. The varnish will not only dry faster, but will also adhere better.
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