Celebrating divorce as a business. Divorce is like a holiday

Therefore, we decided to make our contribution to this topic.

First of all, what is a “Divorce Party?”

Although divorce proceedings may seem like a rather sad event, in fact, a large number of people who have recently gone through it believe that it is a worthy reason to meet up with their friends and afford as much as possible. We mean a condition in which it becomes difficult to walk in a straight line or even stand on one.

While these parties can take many forms, most divorce websites describe them as cathartic events in which recently divorced people drown out their pain with strippers, alcohol, and the song "Survivor" playing in the background. .


We offer a couple of tips to help you decide whether this party will be a low-key event or unbridled fun. Some ideas focus on mitigating the feelings associated with divorce, while others suggest the joy of anticipating a new beautiful life, freedom of self-expression and realization of oneself as an individual.


It is always better to wait until the divorce is final. Until then, there is no clarity on significant issues, such as child custody, division of property, conditions for future life, or even reconciliation of the parties. Be sure to follow the initial and transition stages. Throw a party when it's time to focus on the next chapter of your life.


After a divorce, it is difficult to know who to invite to the party. The best way is to ask the divorced woman which of her friends she wants to see. Guests should support their friend in her right decision and create a positive atmosphere throughout the entire period.

Make sure there are no children nearby, the one who is getting divorced. It is inappropriate for them to have this experience regardless of the situation. You should also not invite work colleagues., unless they are close friends of the divorced woman, in order to protect their personal life from rumors.


The nature of the party should correspond to the level of mental state of the now unmarried woman. Some prefer quiet gatherings, while others prefer unbridled fun. Make sure that such an event will not morally harm your divorced friend. This is not entertainment for guests, so consultation with the host of the event is very important.

Select a topic, based on what is a positive association for a divorcee.Choose their favorite colors, style of music, and even things like their favorite scented candles and foods. Here you goSome of the popular theme parties:

Fun Mixology for a Party

You can do bachelorette party for a divorcee make it more fun by creating alcoholic cocktails with funny names as a group, and then arrange a tasting of them:

  1. Divorced - Ginger ale (Schweppes) 100 ml + Berry liqueur 100 ml
  2. Kamikaze - Lime juice (lemon) 30 ml + Vodka 30 ml + Orange liqueur (Hiram Walker Triple Sec, Cointreau, Blue Caraçao) 30 ml, ice
  3. Sex on the beach - Vodka 50 ml + Peach liqueur 25 ml + Cranberry juice 40 ml + Pineapple juice 40 ml + ice 100 g, decorate the glass with a slice of pineapple and a raspberry on a stick
  4. Cosmopolitan - vodka 45 ml + Cointreau orange liqueur 15 ml + cranberry juice 30 ml + lime juice 10 ml
  5. What is Hell - Apricot brandy Hiram Walker 30 ml + Gin 30 ml + Vermouth dry Martini Rossi 30 ml
  6. Red-haired Nymphomaniac - 50 ml cranberry juice + 15 ml peach liqueur + 20mp Jägermeister
  7. Hit below the belt- Classic lemonade 120 ml + Lemon vodka 60 ml, serve with two melon balls

What to Avoid

We are against any extremes accompanied excessive drinking alcohol or drugs, since this, of course, can turn into a banal party. Below we'll share some tips to help you do bachelorette party after divorce successful:

Don't invite your friends to a party just to have fun. This is about celebrating independence, not a night of revelry.

Do not use videos and photographs to then share on social networks unless the culprit asks you to do so. This should be an event among our own.

Do not attempt sexual banter. This is a dedication party, not revenge.

Don't burn wedding photos or anything else that a divorcee's children might want to see someday.

Don't destroy your divorce papers; at some point you may need those for legal purposes.

Do not characterize a failed marriage as a mistake in choosing a divorcee, so as not to instill feelings of guilt. Focus more on the positive things that are happening now.

Good luck!

To get divorced at such a time requires serious reasons and great courage. Try not to be nervous, because the baby feels everything. As King Solomon said, “everything passes, this too will pass.”

The fun started when I got out of the car. Me, in a new fur coat, in such a “cool” car, with a new image (I changed my haircut, hair color and makeup) and he, dirty, exhausted and not even shaved.

When I got out of the car, his first words were that I was insolent, I had to walk 10 minutes to the court, and they brought me by car, and he, poor, unfortunate, came from another locality on his own two feet.

For whom a wedding is a holiday, and for whom it is a divorce

The other day, our colleague got married (we take this opportunity to once again congratulate Tatyana and Nikolai!). The event had a wide resonance, but, as often happens in creative groups, it led to unexpected conclusions: we decided that it was worth writing about “anti-wedding” traditions - rituals that are not a sin to perform during a divorce.

— In our country, the celebration of divorces often takes place in the form of bachelor or hen parties.

You can make a holiday out of divorce

Psychologists advise celebrating divorce with a party. Strange trends these days: divorce is considered not a reason for tears, but an excellent excuse for a daring party. This is exactly what former spouses from Dnepropetrovsk Alexey and Angela Nadion did. After living together for only a year, the students decided to break up, but they do not feel any particular grief about this. And the registry office workers, who provided the official part of the divorce ceremony, still smile, remembering the cheerful couple.

As the ex-spouses themselves say, a divorce is essentially the same as a wedding, only in reverse.

How to celebrate a divorce from your husband

Do you remember how widely your wedding was celebrated? Hmmm. We had a lot of fun. But now there is not enough reason for fun - you are getting a divorce. We won't discourage you, but rest assured, divorce can also be fun to celebrate. Why not a holiday? If you agree, then this divorce scenario is for you.

You shouldn't celebrate in your shared apartment. Too many memories - and more and more poisoning life.

How to survive a divorce from your husband

How right King Solomon was when he said that everything will pass - both good and bad. The same fate will inevitably befall an extremely unpleasant event - divorce. The only problem is: how to survive a divorce from your husband right now, how today to survive the unbearable pain that arises in the heart at one fleeting glance at a wedding photograph, once solemnly placed on a shelf with such love? Is it possible to cope with this pain?

From the point of view of a psychologist, we can say with confidence - of course, it is possible! Look around - how many women took advantage of the second chance that fate gave them, were able to overcome their fear of a new relationship, get remarried, and are now raising wonderful children, and even grandchildren! Be sure to find a worthy companion, start over and remember that life does not end the day you divorce your husband!

Time can heal a heart wound; new acquaintances and impressions will relieve you of endless painful memories.

One application of how to celebrate a divorce from your husband is a fun reorganization of children's homes

New family Barack Obama spent almost his entire life without a father. T Then why not directly declare him not guilty, without calling it insanity. Recent court decisions of the highest authorities indicate that this is illegal and there is an opportunity to return what was spent.

It was on the galleys that these heretics had to atone for their guilt before the Lord. that's what they would say. Everything is done according to the law. This, of course, is a housing problem, which, the division of property during a divorce, how credit is divided in our society, has been and remains a pressing problem, and after the divorce, the problem of dividing the roof over one’s head intensifies several times.

Therefore, the principal debt has hardly decreased.

Holiday of separation

Autumn has arrived - the hottest time for weddings. However, this week a hit on the VKontakte social network was a photo shoot in which Novosibirsk resident Maria Savateeva was celebrating. your divorce. The ceremony included a ceremonial burning of the wedding dress and a ride in a limousine with girlfriends. As NI found out, Ms. Savateeva is not at all an eccentric exception - the tradition of celebrating divorce, fashionable in the West, is gaining popularity in Russia.

Celebrating divorce

Alas, long gone are the days when a family was created once and for life. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a divorce; by the age of 40, many of us have already experienced at least one. But, despite the fact that it has ceased to be a rarity, for most it is a terrible psychological blow, stress from which people recover for months, or even years. What can I do to get life back to normal as soon as possible? There are many options, and one of them is to remember that divorce is not only the end of the old familiar life, but also the beginning of a new one, and this is a reason to celebrate it!

the site has collected examples and recipes for funny scams

For some, a wedding is a holiday, and for others, a divorce. PHOTO

Yulia Sudakova

The other day, our colleague got married (we take this opportunity to once again congratulate Tatyana and Nikolai!). The event had a wide resonance, but, as often happens in creative groups, it led to unexpected conclusions: we decided that it was worth writing about “anti-wedding” traditions - rituals that are not a sin to perform during a divorce.

In Japan, for example, the business has been put on a commercial stream. After paying the list price of the equivalent of $600, the couple has the right to have their wedding rings flattened with a special wooden hammer. The whole trick is in it, in the hammer. It is made in the shape of a frog's head, which is called kaeru in Japanese. According to Japanese traditions, this symbol means change for the better. After the ritual "spoilage" of the rings, the couple can lay flowers at a large frog figure near the local Shinto shrine.

In Russia, there are a dime a dozen agencies that help organize divorce celebrations! We, however, do not have kaeru. But there are other traditions!

Cake based on a mannequin

The marriage is over, you are alone again. Is it worth shedding tears? Or maybe celebrate the divorce with a noisy party with dancing, jokes and champagne? In America this is already par for the course. Next up is Europe. And Russia?

Last year we lived at a frantic pace - 1 divorce every 47 seconds! Unable to believe such a fantastic result, I counted everything on the calculator ten times. No, that seems right. But even if I made a mistake somewhere and we are talking about the breakup of a family every minute or two (although I’m not that bad at math) - it still makes me feel uneasy. After all, parting is always difficult, always painful... Although from the point of view of the procedure itself, it’s not at all difficult: run into court for 15 minutes and say goodbye (if, of course, you break up, so to speak, without “aggravating” circumstances). Or you can get a divorce “on the job”: hundreds of law firms will help you draw up documents without your presence in court. And in general, we have begun to look at things more simply: it’s nothing, it’s an everyday matter, there’s no need to dramatize the situation. The first to think so were, apparently, the Americans. At least, it was in America that a rather unusual practice appeared - to throw a party in honor of a divorce. Very quickly, this idea turned into a fashion trend, served by holiday agencies, online stores selling related attributes, bookstores offering collections of advice, etc.

American-style divorce is now taking place under the slogan: stop reveling in grief for months and mourning lost love in the company of a television remote control and assorted chocolates! A modern woman simply does not have time for this! It makes much more sense to throw a lavish reception/democratic picnic/low-key party for a select few to celebrate your new status as a free and independent person. Everything you need for the holiday (from invitation cards to paper dishes with cheeky “trick” pictures) can be ordered via the Internet. And since you've found yourself on the World Wide Web, you're unlikely to leave here without a couple of packs of tea to help you forget your loved one (Bag Ladies Tea), a collection of music appropriate for the moment and, of course, The Love Voodoo Kit - a cute fabric doll and long pin. By poking a pin into the options marked on the doll like “cold shower” or “bad breath”, you can “give” your ex a few unforgettable moments and treat yourself to sweet revenge (attention singles: the figurine is equipped with the “diamond ring” option!). In general, this is not bad fun, in which you can easily involve friends with very different entries in the “marital status” column.

Be that as it may, the new trend has already migrated from America to Europe. Brits are increasingly turning to Out & Out Entertainment to book a farewell party, and clicking on www.partybox.com to buy matching crockery, garlands and tablecloths. But the British also have their own innovations. For example, in addition to the party (or even instead of it), ex-spouses can undergo an intensive rehabilitation course developed by Recovery Divorce Workshop. In just six sessions, the organizers promise to restore clients’ self-confidence and strength to start a new life without a partner. In addition, in Foggy Albion, like mushrooms after rain, Internet sites are appearing, offering legal assistance to those getting divorced.

The main idea of ​​the holiday is to celebrate a change in social status. Since the transition to single life (no matter what anyone says) is still a difficult process, many very ironic blogs have appeared on the Internet that help everyone in need of consolation to survive the drama of separation. A pioneer in the field of online support for divorcees was Christina Gallagher, who launched a site ten years ago that quickly became popular thanks to its funny comics, a detailed guide to “Getting over a breakup” and, of course, an online store. What was just a nice hobby for Christina in the late 90s eventually turned into a profession. And now Gallagher is already torn between his own agency, organizing “divorce parties,” publishing his books and constantly attending television talk shows. “A farewell party is a delicate matter,” says Christina. - On the one hand, this is a way to publicly announce the end of a relationship, on the other hand, it is an attempt to somehow celebrate one’s return to the world of bachelors and unmarried people. This is an important moment, and like any big stage in life, it requires its own official ceremony.” Christina’s example is now being followed by many agencies involved in organizing celebrations that are very reminiscent of weddings... only in reverse. This is mainly what large event makers do: they simply expand the list of their services by adding one more item - “solemn divorce”. By the way, such agencies exist not only in the USA (the most famous are Celebrantusa and Bachelorvegas), but also in Argentina (Riocuartoeventos), where couples part ways to the rhythm of tango. Some even argue that the fashion of celebrating divorce originated in Latin America. Others refer us to the customs of the peoples of Western Sahara, where a woman, finally freed from her husband (and sadness), organizes a holiday in the house, inviting friends and potential suitors for her heart, who present her with camels, incense and money.

Alone again... but with a book

Nritsyn N. Wedding-divorce and vice versa. “Swallowtail” Kurpatov A. 7 real stories. How to survive a divorce? Publishing House "Neva" Schneider S., Friedrich-Büttner K. Is there life after divorce? "Phoenix" John G. Venus and Mars start over. How to find love again after a breakup, divorce or loss of a loved one. "Sofia"

The main follower of American ideas in the Old World is now France, where not so long ago two friends and avid party girls Julie Vincent and Rebecca Khazan opened the agency The Wedding Out Factory. Taking the overseas trend as a basis, the girls complemented it with purely French chic (as a result, a new term even appeared - “divorce in French”): a celebration on the occasion of the divorce should certainly take place in an expensive restaurant or a fashionable disco, the most current DJ should set the mood, there is sushi on the menu, champagne in the glasses. Plus a giant “divorce cake.” The cultural program, so to speak, is provided by fortune tellers, fakirs, henna tattooists and strippers.

Well, what about us? When it comes to accessories, attributes, symbols (in other words, the external side of the issue), we are still seriously behind. But the situation can hardly be called hopeless, since the idea is already in the air. By the way, some have already picked it up. And we’re not just talking about spontaneous do-it-yourself parties, but also about professionally organized celebrations. Yes, yes, and we already have the first agencies offering to help us celebrate a divorce with dignity (check out, for example). So, soon we will all leave the court for the ball? “Most people need something to fill the void and break the isolation that almost inevitably arises after a divorce,” says psychologist Leonid Kuznetsov. - At the same time, women (especially if they are economically independent and devoid of prejudices) show an even greater desire to respond to the situation than men. Some people go traveling, some indulge in unbridled shopping, others throw a large reception. But in any case, a revival to a new life is possible only after you have fully experienced the breakup and outgrown the situation.”

How to dress for a festive evening? Where to hold the gala event? What to serve? What gifts should you give your guests? All these questions turn into a real puzzle if this holiday is a divorce party.

Statistics and trend

Statistics say: ten years ago, every third couple was divorced, and now every second couple is divorced. It seems the whole world is experiencing a divorce boom. Celebrities are breaking almost Olympic records for getting married and getting out of it. A kind of shuttle run. Ex-spouses of billionaires are measured by fabulous amounts of “compensation”. On every morning TV program, psychologists talk about the miraculous benefits of divorce.

A modern young woman does not perceive divorce as a personal tragedy, does not cry like a beluga, does not tear her hair out of despair and awareness of the completeness of existence. She actively studies the family code, knows her legal rights, and in her notebook she always has the phone number of an intelligent lawyer specializing in the division of property. Well, are you divorced? Just think! This event does not in any way prevent you from going on dates again, achieving career heights and enjoying life.

But no one has yet invented a way to get a divorce easily and quickly. For example, limit the divorce process to a telegram “Our marriage was a mistake. Goodbye". Or ask your husband to leave wearing only gold on his naked body, sending him an SMS “Divorce! Divorce! Divorce!". Mobile and concise - to match modern realities. Instead of enjoying the opening horizons of freedom, we have to make sure of the presence or absence of jointly acquired cars, apartments, and children. Pay the state fee to the registry office and the costs of legal support. Stand in line for hours at the passport office to get your maiden name back. And many other things that cannot be avoided during an official separation.

Once the formalities are behind us, all that remains is to celebrate the divorce. With grandeur, music, fireworks and vintage wine, or in absolute silence, at home, left alone with your ex-husband.

7 ideas on how to celebrate a divorce

1. Walpurgis Night

Before the wedding, did all your friends gather for a bachelorette party? Why not go to the club with the same group and dance until the morning! And before dawn, you can arrange a ceremony of burning the attributes of an exemplary wife - curlers, frying pan and robe.

2. Anti-wedding
This is the most common option for holding a celebration in honor of a divorce. Champagne at the door of the registry office, broken glasses for good luck, symbolic slaps in the face instead of a kiss and a photo shoot in the most beautiful places of the city in a new status. Instead of doves, black crows fly into the sky, and rings are placed in a coffin for wedding rings. In essence, this is a case that can be ordered online. And bury it with the rings.

3. Appeal to the people
Record on video an image of the dial and your address to your ex-husband - in the style of the President’s New Year’s greetings. List all the things you liked so much about your marriage, your common achievements. And don’t forget about the traditional wish of good luck in your new life. Invite your ex-spouse to a farewell dinner and at the end of the evening give him a flash drive with the recording, asking him to watch the video at midnight.

4. Leisya song
Celebrating a divorce together is logical, but a little boring. It’s better to gather all your former “legal relatives” and go to karaoke in a huge crowd! Choose for performance those songs whose lyrics contain farewell words. “There was love, there was – but it all went away” - for the ex-husband. “Farewell, from all stations trains leave for distant lands” - for the former mother-in-law. “Oh, how I live today” - for the guests of the evening.

5. Family ties
Outdoor games and competitions are perfect for sports-minded people. The host of the celebration entangles the newly divorced couple with a rope or ribbon. At his command, you need to unravel without untying or tearing the ropes. The stumbling block in the broken marriage were the ex-husband’s gatherings with friends every Friday? Let them show their skills in the competition “Who can drink three glasses of beer the fastest.” The ex-husband constantly expressed dissatisfaction about the hour-long delays in front of the mirror? Choose the bravest of your friends and have a good laugh in the “Blindly Make Up” competition.

6. Family mystery
For a party in a country house, the currently fashionable form of entertainment - a quest - is ideal. This is a symbiosis of orienteering and puzzles. You need to hide from the participants in the game what you really want to find - for example, passports with a divorce stamp. You can find the desired prize using the map, hints, tips and signs.

7. Taste of independence
The mascot of the holiday in Russia is a table bursting with an assortment of fancy and high-calorie dishes in which you can fall asleep sweetly at the end of the evening. After an exhausting divorce, products containing natural antioxidants, as well as tryptophan, anadamide and omega-3 acids, will help restore strength. They calm you down, lift your spirits, and increase the level of the hormone of happiness - endorphin. They contain milk, cocoa, mackerel, broccoli, liver and blueberries. You can focus on the original names of your masterpieces - “The Beginning of a New Life”, “Extravaganza of Loneliness”, “Euphoria of Freedom”, and not just on the combination of jellied fish and chocolate sauce.

And the curtain falls

OK it's all over Now! The divorce party is over. In his right hand is a glass of champagne. And in his left hand is a certificate of divorce. Neither give nor take - the Statue of Liberty in Manhattan.

Finally, you can enjoy melodramas while your married friends are forced to watch the World Cup. Stop spending money from the family budget on his car insurance, his snowboard and bells and whistles for his computer. Change your status on social networks and delete all your ex-spouse’s friends. Authorize a nice colleague and at the same time create a profile on a dating site. Clear the refrigerator of processed meats and replace them with fruits and yoghurts. Throw away the fishing rods, pliers and pornography discs and single-handedly choose the color of the new curtains and rug in the bathroom. Discover and drain the ex-husband's makeshift bar in the sideboard. Give a master class “Divorce is the path to success” to those same unfree friends who already have Malkin and Arshavin in their eyes.

“One in four divorced men experiences post-divorce depression. And he returns to his “old” wife,” the statistics publishes new data.

Maybe you shouldn't have buried your wedding rings so deeply?

the site has collected examples and recipes for funny scams

The other day, our colleague got married (we take this opportunity to once again congratulate Tatyana and Nikolai!). The event had a wide resonance, but, as often happens in creative groups, it led to unexpected conclusions: we decided that it was worth writing about “anti-wedding” traditions - rituals that are not a sin to perform during a divorce.

In Japan, for example, the business has been put on a commercial stream. After paying the list price of the equivalent of $600, the couple has the right to have their wedding rings flattened with a special wooden hammer. The whole trick is in it, in the hammer. It is made in the shape of a frog's head, which is called kaeru in Japanese. According to Japanese traditions, this symbol means change for the better. After the ritual "spoilage" of the rings, the couple can lay flowers at a large frog figure near the local Shinto shrine.

In Russia, there are a dime a dozen agencies that help organize divorce celebrations! We, however, do not have kaeru. But there are other traditions!

Cake based on a mannequin

Reverse wedding

“We usually organize a theatrical production. A reverse wedding,” said Alexander, creative director of the TAKNADO agency. “For example, a husband buys freedom from his wife. At the end, divorce diplomas, sometimes certificates, sometimes even medals are awarded. For the last two divorces, we invited actors , we organized a trial - with a judge, a prosecutor and a lawyer. There were cases when we arranged a comic division of property - we drew lots to see who would get what, and then we found out that in the real division it all turned out the same way as the guests! for the wedding."

The idea to celebrate divorces on a grand scale came when the company's most important creative was faced with a divorce. His colleagues decided to sweeten the pill and make the holiday not sad, but cheerful.

The director of the agency “Workshop of Miracles” also shares the opinion of a “reverse wedding.” She admitted, however, that so far her company has not received any orders for celebrating divorces.

“But if they got it, they would approach it with all their creativity. I think it would be interesting to do the holiday “in reverse”: first everyone would eat cake, then there would be dinner, and then everyone would go to the registry office to get a divorce. If warm and friendly relations are maintained, allowing us to separate on holiday, why not do that! But in general, we are for marriage!” she says.

Officialdom and registry offices

“In the registry offices, everything is very official, no holidays. Maybe then someone celebrates something, but they don’t celebrate such a holiday. This is not a wedding! Here, there is a court decision, and with the division of property, and People come asking how to separate their children - they have no time for celebrations,” said one of the capital’s registry offices.

Holiday for two

Svetlana recalls the day when she and her husband went to get a divorce, like this: “Coming out of the registry office after filing the divorce, we sat in the park, then decided to go to the cinema. Then we arrived home, my mother fed us a delicious lunch, and my now ex-husband He left for his own life, different from mine. Rare communication “after” does not bother us, we are happy with each other. In general, I felt a little guilty for what did not work out. It relieved my heart when I found out that he was getting married. mutual friends communicated normally. And at the alumni meeting they were close, like good friends.”

Slavic tradition

From time immemorial, Russia has had its own tradition. Our ancestors did not exterminate any frogs, but simply “announced” “dissolution”. It was a divorce without good reasons, when the spouses finally realized that they did not get along in character. In this case, however, the wife often found herself with nothing - in such cases it did not come to the division of property. But if the marriage fell apart due to the husband’s drunkenness or because of unproven accusations of infidelity, the wife could bargain for what she had acquired through back-breaking labor.

“In the Russian tradition, divorces were not noted or celebrated. And yet, if you sit well with books, you can get creative for the holiday. The main thing is the desire to celebrate something,” the expert believes

A guide to a “fun” divorce was written by an Englishwoman Emmy Poon, titling his book “The Little Pig Gets a Divorce.” In it, she tells her story and urges readers not to worry about such a sad, at first glance, event.

She decided to write a book when she told her friends the news about her upcoming separation. They looked dejectedly at the floor and expressed condolences. This reaction made Poon think: “ What do they all regret? After all, everyone remained alive and well!”

And in response to universal grief, she organized a real banquet for 60 people with a dress code and gifts.

How to celebrate

Former spouses order special anti-engagement rings - they have already been dubbed “betrothal rings” (by analogy with engagement rings) - and put them on each other’s middle fingers.

Many ex-wives want to look chic on the day of their divorce, so they buy amazingly beautiful dresses, which often, according to eyewitnesses, look more luxurious than their wedding dresses. Guests come to the celebration with gifts (this time with separate ones for each spouse) and cards “Happy divorce!”

Rings are a completely different story. Some people order small coffins so that bury your wedding rings in them. Others order special anti-engagement rings - they have already been dubbed “betrothal” rings (by analogy with engagement rings) - and put them on each other’s middle fingers. All this is done in order to then demonstrate the new decoration with special gusto, resorting to the well-known international gesture. More thrifty people do not spend money on new jewelry and melt down their wedding rings for “spats.”

Therefore, we decided to make our contribution to this topic.

First of all, what is a “Divorce Party?”

Although divorce proceedings may seem like a rather sad event, in fact, a large number of people who have recently gone through it believe that it is a worthy reason to meet up with their friends and afford as much as possible. We mean a condition in which it becomes difficult to walk in a straight line or even stand on one.

While these parties can take many forms, most divorce websites describe them as cathartic events in which recently divorced people drown out their pain with strippers, alcohol, and the song "Survivor" playing in the background. .


We offer a couple of tips to help you decide whether this party will be a low-key event or unbridled fun. Some ideas focus on mitigating the feelings associated with divorce, while others suggest the joy of anticipating a new beautiful life, freedom of self-expression and realization of oneself as an individual.


It is always better to wait until the divorce is final. Until then, there is no clarity on significant issues, such as child custody, division of property, conditions for future life, or even reconciliation of the parties. Be sure to follow the initial and transition stages. Throw a party when it's time to focus on the next chapter of your life.


After a divorce, it is difficult to know who to invite to the party. The best way is to ask the divorced woman which of her friends she wants to see. Guests should support their friend in her right decision and create a positive atmosphere throughout the entire period.

Make sure there are no children nearby, the one who is getting divorced. It is inappropriate for them to have this experience regardless of the situation. You should also not invite work colleagues., unless they are close friends of the divorced woman, in order to protect their personal life from rumors.


The nature of the party should correspond to the level of mental state of the now unmarried woman. Some prefer quiet gatherings, while others prefer unbridled fun. Make sure that such an event will not morally harm your divorced friend. This is not entertainment for guests, so consultation with the host of the event is very important.

Select a topic, based on what is a positive association for a divorcee. Choose their favorite colors, style of music, and even things like their favorite scented candles and foods. Here you goSome of the popular theme parties:

Fun Mixology for a Party

You can do bachelorette party for a divorcee make it more fun by creating alcoholic cocktails with funny names as a group, and then arrange a tasting of them:

  1. Divorced - Ginger ale (Schweppes) 100 ml + Berry liqueur 100 ml
  2. Kamikaze - Lime juice (lemon) 30 ml + Vodka 30 ml + Orange liqueur (Hiram Walker Triple Sec, Cointreau, Blue Caraçao) 30 ml, ice
  3. Sex on the beach - Vodka 50 ml + Peach liqueur 25 ml + Cranberry juice 40 ml + Pineapple juice 40 ml + ice 100 g, decorate the glass with a slice of pineapple and a raspberry on a stick
  4. Cosmopolitan - vodka 45 ml + Cointreau orange liqueur 15 ml + cranberry juice 30 ml + lime juice 10 ml
  5. What is Hell - Apricot brandy Hiram Walker 30 ml + Gin 30 ml + Vermouth dry Martini Rossi 30 ml
  6. Red-haired Nymphomaniac - 50 ml cranberry juice + 15 ml peach liqueur + 20mp Jägermeister
  7. Hit below the belt- Classic lemonade 120 ml + Lemon vodka 60 ml, serve with two melon balls

What to Avoid

We are against any extremes accompanied excessive drinking alcohol or drugs, since this, of course, can turn into a banal party. Below we'll share some tips to help you do bachelorette party after divorce successful:

Don't invite your friends to a party just to have fun. This is about celebrating independence, not a night of revelry.

Do not use videos and photographs to then share on social networks unless the culprit asks you to do so. This should be an event among our own.

Do not attempt sexual banter. This is a dedication party, not revenge.

Don't burn wedding photos or anything else that a divorcee's children might want to see someday.

Don't destroy your divorce papers; at some point you may need those for legal purposes.

Do not characterize a failed marriage as a mistake in choosing a divorcee, so as not to instill feelings of guilt. Focus more on the positive things that are happening now.

Good luck!

It is customary to celebrate a wedding noisily and cheerfully, but a holiday in honor of divorce is the exception rather than the rule. It was all the more interesting for us to find such examples.


“My ex-husband and friends celebrated our divorce: a white car with ribbons, me in a red dress (the same one I got married in) with a bouquet of white and red flowers, he in a tuxedo. We went to traditional wedding places in Moscow, took photographs, drank champagne. Towards the end of the walk on Vorobyovy Gory, they solemnly took off their wedding rings and threw them into the Moscow River. They got into different cars with the sign “Just divorced!” and went in different directions to meet for a feast in his dad’s bachelor apartment. And then - congratulations: “Happy new life!”, flowers, gifts, shouts of “Sweet!”, at the end of the evening - fireworks. There were also tears. From happiness and gratitude that loved ones supported us that day in our decision. Now my ex-husband and I are best friends, we often chat on the phone for hours, laugh, complaints have almost disappeared from our conversations, we no longer consider ourselves obligated to each other. To the question of others: “Shouldn’t you get back together again?” I answer: “Why spoil such a wonderful relationship?” Svetlana, 27, Moscow


“When I received the court decision, I literally danced. My sister turned the radio volume up to maximum and screamed: “You're back! Hurray!” (the ex-husband limited my communication with friends). In the evening, friends gathered near my house. At the entrance there is a surprise, the same car as at my wedding, only black. I'm wearing a black dress, black boots. I go out, my girls pounce on me with congratulations, camera flashes (I ordered a photographer), then we go for a ride around the city. Then - a restaurant. The hall is decorated with balloons and candles. And above the table there is a large balloon with the inscription “Kostya” (ex-husband’s name). At the end of the holiday, I threw a dart and pierced this ball. My sister gave me a bouquet of yellow and blue flowers and a T-shirt with the inscription “Ivanova I” (my maiden name). The highlight of the evening was a cake in the form of a Lexus IS 250 (my husband wanted to sue me for it). On the roof is a figurine of a girl in a black dress, similar to me. The groom was lying in the jam under the wheels. The idea was appreciated! The holiday was a success!” Elena, 23, Irkutsk


“We divorced my husband (foreigner) on my initiative. I fell in love with someone else and wanted to be with him. I came to court with my beloved man, and my husband with a translator. The judge looked at my husband, turned her gaze to me (at that moment I was six months pregnant with my beloved), listened to the explanation: “We are getting a divorce because of different views on life,” we also said that we had reached peaceful agreements on the residence of our common children and property issues. Verdict: “Equally guilty.” I issued a fine. That's all. After the trial, I, my beloved man, ex-husband and translator went to a cafe and celebrated the divorce in a cozy atmosphere. We drank tea and cakes, talked, and remembered what we had experienced. A few years later, the ex-husband left with his second wife (he married a Russian again) and our two daughters to his homeland. But we are still family friends.” Lyudmila, 39, Kaliningrad


Psychologist and author of the book “Seven Steps to a Successful Divorce,” American Lara Davis, believes that it is useful for ex-spouses to have a common divorce party: “Your common life belongs not only to you, but also to your friends and family. They have a right to know what's going on." Lara is sure: if the spouses are visible on this day, it will be easier for them to survive the divorce, and they will not have to feel like a fragile figurine that loved ones are afraid to drop or injure. Another argument in favor of the party: “With its help, spouses have a better chance of maintaining friendly relations and communication.”



“That day I took the day off, slept well and rushed to another city to get a divorce. The relationship fizzled out, but we continued to communicate on friendly terms. My husband met me at the airport with a bouquet of roses and a huge soft toy, a gray wolf (his name is Sergei). After completing the paperwork, my friends and I went out of town for a barbecue. A photo shoot was held on the sandy shore and a video was shot in the style of Trash the Wedding Dress. We fooled around, rolled on the sand, painted each other with fake blood. When it got dark, they burned the wedding dresses on a fire and launched two heart-shaped balloons into the sky. As a sign that our hearts are free for new love. I liked this day more than our wedding.” Ekaterina, 26, St. Petersburg


  • Anti-wedding photo albums are popular in Italy; in them, ex-spouses keep pictures taken on the day of their divorce.
  • In Canada, it is not uncommon to receive postcards with the inscription “Happy Divorce!”
  • In the United States, two books boldly claim the title of bestseller: “The Divorce Party Planner” and “Seven Steps to Separating with Success.”


“On the day of her divorce, a friend invited me to a bar and was straightforward: “I want to get drunk.” How can you not support your friend?! There were many visitors to the establishment. The waiter brought our order, we raised the first toast: “For her, for freedom!” Then the second: “For him, let him be happy!” After two glasses, my friend perked up, became bolder and... went to the stage. I saw her talking about something with a musician. He smiles in response and nods his head. And now she’s already in front of the microphone: “Dear friends! Today I got divorced. For this occasion, I ordered Valery Kipelov’s song “I’m Free.” Let my now ex-husband find his happiness - the kind that he himself wants, and most importantly, deserves!” At first, deathly silence reigned in the hall, which a moment later was broken up by a flurry of exclamations, applause and cries of “Congratulations!” The public supported the choice of the song, then it was ordered twice more. ...During the third performance, after the words “There is no more room for you in my soul,” my friend began to cry. Sometimes one of the couple wants a divorce, and it takes time to get over it. One after another, women sat down at our table, reassured us, advised us, and shared their stories. The men were silent and drinking sympathetically. But that's not the end of the story! A few hours later, in that same bar, my friend met Him, as it soon turned out, her future husband!” Sophia, 31, Ekaterinburg


Confectioners in the USA and Europe have recipes for anti-wedding cakes. All the ingredients in them are the same as in wedding ones, but the decorative elements allow your imagination to run wild. According to Suzanne Maxwell, owner of a bakery in Texas, such cakes can be decorated with fallen wedding rings, upside-down doves, broken wedding bells, and cartoon figures of ex-wives and husbands. Florida pastry chef Larry Bach offers ex-spouses an upside-down wedding cake or decorates the dessert with murder scenes (the man is usually unlucky in these). Georgius Vasiliou, a baker from Berlin, has been making cakes like this since 2005. Instead of roses, there is an edible portrait of the ex-husband. Englishwoman Fay Miller creates marzipan scenes of marital scandals, packed suitcases, brides with guns and knives. Prices for her creative work range from $100 to $1300.

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