Evening makeup in a romantic style. How to do romantic makeup

In the life of a big city girl, there are so few truly romantic evenings, innocent dates, walks in the moonlight... If your boyfriend is a romantic by nature, consider yourself lucky. Not everyone can boast of this. Usually men have so many worries in which they plunge headlong that there is simply no time left for you.

A romantic man will always try to decorate your life: organize candlelit dinners, scatter rose petals in your bathroom, give gorgeous bouquets of flowers at every opportunity... what can I say. One can only dream about this.

But even the most inveterate "cracker" will not be able to refuse his chosen one attention on Valentine's Day. Ahead of you is a holiday of romance, a night of passionate love, which must be taken care of in advance. In particular, have time to prepare not only a delicious table, but also yourself, as an object of desires and desires.

Today I will talk about makeup as an integral part of your sexy and romantic image. Therefore, I would like to immediately draw your attention to one of the most important rules of “love” make-up: DON’T OVERDO IT!

Many women believe that the more expensive cosmetics they wear, the more impressive they look. I won't argue with this. This kind of makeup is more suitable for social events or parties, but not for a romantic evening. Men have always valued, value and will continue to value - NATURALITY. And no matter how you try to prove to your betrothed that your new red lipstick from Dior is a magic wand that any self-respecting lady should have, when he sees its prints on his new jacket, he is unlikely to want to believe you.

There is nothing sexier than naturally plump lips and a bashful blush, a shimmering sparkle in the eyes and a playful flutter of lowered eyelashes. This drives men crazy.

Unfortunately, we cannot always foresee some changes on our face, such as “bags” under the eyes, red whites of the eyes from fatigue, freckles, and most unexpectedly, a sudden pimple or allergy. It is unlikely that this will excite your young man (although there are exceptions).

Therefore, makeup is simply necessary for every woman. The main thing is to learn how to do it in such a way that a man can only guess about the presence of this or that cosmetic product. Thanks to some women's secrets, you can give yourself a healthy, natural look without much effort.

Your chosen one must be puzzled by how you manage to be so beautiful and radiant, despite a difficult day at work and a sleepless night.

So let's start with the face.

To hide fatigue and revitalize your complexion, use foundation or powder. Try not to use foundation all over your skin, as it can look artificial and bulky. Make up pimples, rashes and dark circles under the eyes. For everything else, use a light tone. In winter, warm shades will be relevant: light copper, beige and pinkish brown. When choosing powder, give preference to bronze. It will create the appearance of sun glare on your face. For fair skin, matte powder is more suitable - it will make the complexion more intense and even.

To give freshness, purity and radiance to your skin, also use white powder and sometimes light pearlescent shadows. It is necessary to apply a small amount of powder or shadow with a brush to the tip of the nose and blend. You can do the same under the eyes, eyebrows and any areas that need to be smoothed.

If you have large facial features and want to give them elegance, use powders and creams in dark shades. With their help you can also visually make your face or cheeks smaller and add elegance to your features. For example, if you want to highlight your cheekbones, shade them with a darker color. Dark powder or foundation is applied under the cheekbones, which is carefully shaded. Only then blush is applied to the cheekbones. This method helps to avoid a sharp border, which often catches the eye when using blush inappropriately.

Dark powder applied to its sides - from the eyebrows to the beginning of the nostrils - will help to visually narrow the nose. Just don’t overdo it, the shade should be barely noticeable and well shaded, otherwise you will look like a wax figure. If you want to hide some of the appearance of your double chin, use darker shades for it too.


Only light and natural tones! If you prefer dark or rich shadows, then try to apply them in a light layer and blend them well, otherwise your look will be too heavy, which can scare off the young man.

In order to achieve maximum naturalness, try using only brownish tones in your makeup. Instead of eye shadow, apply beige or light brown blush, highlight your cheekbones with a more intense color and correct problem areas. For eyebrows and eyes, also use a brown outline. Neat and stylish makeup is guaranteed to you. Usually this procedure takes 5–10 minutes, and the effect is amazing, despite its simplicity.

Such shades of shadows as light green, sky blue, sand, beige, golden, coral, pinkish will also be successful... Such shadows should create a feeling of freshness and purity on your face, but in no case contrast with it.

To make your eyes more expressive, use contour or eyeliner, but remember to use moderation. The contour pencil should be only a couple of shades darker than your eyeshadow. Avoid long arrows and thick lines. Remember: we strive for naturalness, so you will have to forget about black pencils, at least for one day. Try colored eyeliner - gray, blue, green, lilac - depending on the main range of your makeup. The same can be said about mascara: instead of traditional black, use brown or light blue. Avoid mascara that clumps and clumps your lashes. It’s better that they be short, but even, than voluminous, but broken into bunches. You can achieve the effect of shining eyes with the help of shiny powder shadows, which are applied to the middle of the eyelid with a small brush. Since the middle of the eyelid is the roundest part of the eye, glitter shadow will cast highlights in all directions. To add mystery to your look, pay special attention to your eyelashes. Before applying voluminous mascara, you need to powder your eyelashes: this will make them look much larger and fluffier, and most importantly, they will remain natural.


Lips are the most sensual part of your face; they contain almost all the power of female eroticism. It is necessary to channel this force in the right direction. The best assistant will be lip gloss with reflective particles. Today, buying such gloss is not a problem. Thanks to it, your lips will become soft, juicy and devilishly attractive.

If you want to highlight the natural shape of your lips, use pink and coffee shades of lipstick in combination with a contour pencil a shade darker. Translucent golden lipstick applied over the base color will help make your lips sexier.

To make thin lips look fuller, use the following technique: First, line the middle of your upper lip with a light nude pencil. Using a light brown pencil (you can use the one you use for eyebrows), carefully draw a dot under the lower lip and blend it. This will enhance the natural shadow in this area of ​​the lips and make them look fuller. Then cover your lips with a sparkling gloss: the more light your lips cast, the visually larger they appear.

That's basically all the basic techniques. Before meeting your loved one, don't forget about perfume. However, there should not be much aroma. Perfume only the main places: wrists, behind the ears, temples and... then think for yourself. The main thing is not to interrupt the main smell of your body, which excites a man much more.

Read about the best love scents for Valentine's Day, as well as aphrodisiacs, in our previous articles.

You will need

  • - Foundation
  • - powder
  • - light blush
  • - light shadows
  • - eyeliner
  • - lengthening mascara
  • - pastel gloss or lipstick


Option 1. We start makeup with foundation. Choose a foundation color that best suits your skin color. The color of the skin on the neck and face should not be different. Apply a little loose powder on top to set the tone. The skin will become matte and smooth. Highlight your eyebrows with a pencil or shadow. Be careful, the lines must be smooth. An incorrect eyebrow shape can ruin your entire makeup. Apply light purple shadows to the upper fixed eyelid, and a little shadow to the upper moving eyelid. For ideas, take eyeliner or a soft, sharp pencil. Place dots along the eyelash edge at the top and bottom. Then we connect these points. If the line is not very straight, correct it with a cotton swab. We take white shadows and apply them to the moving upper eyelid and to the eyeliner below. The shadows will make the eyeliner line smooth and remove unevenness. We complete the eye makeup with mascara. There shouldn't be a lot of mascara. Apply a little matte lipstick to your lips. You can apply it with your fingertip. This way you can better adjust the color of your lipstick. This romantic makeup is suitable for evening dates.

Option 2. If you have beautiful, smooth skin. If your skin is devoid of acne and pigmentation, then this romantic makeup option will suit you. Apply a light tone to the skin, you can only use powder. If so, then apply it under your eyes and on your chin. It will give glow to your skin. A little pink shadow on the cheekbones, carefully blending the borders. Apply pink, pearlescent shadows to the eyes. Shadows are applied to the upper eyelid to the eyebrows. If you wish, you can line the upper eyelid with a thin black arrow. Lengthening mascara will complete the makeup. Pastel pink gloss on lips. This makeup is suitable for a daytime date.

Option 3. Even out the skin with foundation and set everything with powder. Apply pinkish-peach blush to the cheekbones. Take the applicator with gray shadows. We draw the upper and lower eyelids. We try to draw them near the eyelash edge. Then take blue shadows and draw a corner on the outer corner of the eye. This technique will make your eyes especially attractive. Fill the corner and upper movable eyelid with shadows. Then take white or beige glitter shadows and apply them to the inner corner of the eye. We complete the makeup with mascara. We line our lips with a lip pencil in a natural shade. Apply pearlescent glitter on top.

Romantic style makeup:

A romantic look is the best option for evening makeup. If you want to create the perfect impression and stand out from others, romantic makeup is very suitable. It will be remembered by everyone, and you will be at your best.

This kind of romantic makeup can be easily done on your own, at home, using a small set of the most common cosmetics. Our master class with step-by-step photos will definitely help you make your eyes expressive and attractive to your beloved guy.

The romantic style is distinguished by femininity, fragility, and tenderness in the image. What should romantic makeup look like? So:

Stage 1: disguise

The first stage in creating romantic makeup is forming a base for future makeup and masking small skin imperfections. It is important to remember the heroines of American films with an ideal attractive appearance, despite the seeming minimum of cosmetics used. To create such a magnificent natural look, you need a lot of time and cosmetic tools: foundation and concealer, powder, etc.

Creating ideal, beautiful and healthy skin should begin by masking minor skin imperfections. As a rule, at this stage, concealer becomes an excellent assistant - it hides dark circles under the eyes, irritation, age spots and small pimples. Depending on the severity of the problem, it is necessary to choose a certain shade of concealer, for example, in order to hide small pimples, you can use a traditional classic beige camouflage pencil, and to “eliminate” a seriously noticeable rash, a yellowish shade of concealer is better suited. You should be especially careful when camouflaging the skin around the eyes - excess cosmetics can only draw attention to fine wrinkles and expression lines.

Stage 2: shine

A magical tool in creating a romantic look is a highlighter, which gives the skin a natural, healthy glow. Highlighter is needed to make certain areas of the face lighter. The action of this tool is based on tiny particles that reflect light. Using a highlighter, you can highlight facial features, make the skin as fresh and healthy as possible, but it is important to remember that applying the product to problem areas of the face will only highlight them and attract increased attention to them. Typically, highlighter is applied to the central area of ​​the nose, the area above the eyebrows and temples.

Stage 3: blush

Having created a certain base for potential romantic makeup, you can proceed directly to using decorative cosmetics. You should start with blush. Blush in light pink or peach color is indispensable when creating a romantic look. They should be applied to the upper area of ​​the cheeks, blending well, so that the shade appears as natural as possible.

It is important not to forget about such moments as expressiveness and quality of romantic makeup. If you dare to open your face by pulling your hair back, then watch your tone. An even and smooth tone is the main emphasis in romantic makeup. And don't go overboard with the brightness of the colors. There can be only one point of attention on the face: eyes or lips, or tone. Everything doesn’t fit together, and you will look artificially like a doll.

Romantic makeup for brown eyes is noticeably different from makeup done on a blue-eyed or green-eyed girl. In general, romantic makeup has a lot of features that depend not only on the shade of the eyes, but also on the girl’s color type, the nature of the event and the time of day. And any girl can do it at home.

Romantic makeup colors

Romantic style makeup involves the use of pastel colors. That is, no defiant brightness - only modesty and tenderness. As a tone - only light natural shades - peach beige, ivory, caramel. For lips we also use light colors: scarlet, light pink, soft coral... It doesn’t matter whether the girl is blonde or brunette. But romantic eye makeup directly depends on the color of the iris.

Basic rules for romantic eye makeup

  • Radiant skin. For it to be so, you must either use a high-quality foundation with shimmer, or get a good night's sleep. Healthy sleep has a positive effect on skin condition;
  • Don't skimp on the mascara. Lush eyelashes are the key to a successful romantic image of a girl;
  • Experiment with arrows. Dark lines emphasizing the eyes may extend slightly beyond their boundaries. That's what it is . It should tend a little upward, otherwise you will look like a sad Pierrot;
  • No lipstick. Romantic makeup is acceptable only with lip gloss. If your lips are too pale, you can apply a little liquid lipstick. We also don’t use contour pencils;
  • Don't forget about . They will add a certain shyness and naivety to the image - what is needed for a romantically inclined girl;
  • Eyebrow shape. It can be anything, depending on the shape of your face. But they must be processed. It is best if the eyebrows are of medium thickness. Too thick or thin eyebrows are not in fashion today;
  • Powder is always at hand. Wherever you go, always take powder with you. Even if you don’t use foundation, preferring a natural complexion, powder will help you remove oily shine and give your skin radiance (see point 1).

Do-it-yourself romantic eye color makeup

Let's try to do the makeup for a romantic date ourselves. We will select colors for it depending on the shade of our eyes.

Blue eyes

Romantic makeup for blue eyes involves the use of cool tones of shadows: gray, greenish, silver-blue, light blue. It is not recommended to use brown shadows - they will make the look heavy. Bright pink shadows will help create a romantic look if you also dress up in a pink dress or wear an accessory of the same color.

Step-by-step implementation of one of the options for a romantic make-up for blue-eyed ladies using sea-green eyeshadow:

  1. We shade the crease of the eyelid with black shadows and shade it slightly, leaving the middle of the moving eyelid untouched;
  2. We outline the outline with a black pencil, shading it with a brush;
  3. In the center of the eyelid we apply sea green shadows - deep blue, maybe with sparkles;
  4. We apply white shadows under the eyebrow to make the look expressive;
  5. We paint the eyelashes with blue mascara.

Romantic makeup for blue eyes is ready. It is suitable for both everyday wear and as a .

Green eyes

Green-eyed girls are rare. Many people insert colored lenses into their eyes in order to somehow look like a mysterious witch. For you, a step-by-step diagram telling you how to do romantic makeup for green eyes yourself, using white, pink, lilac and dark purple shades.

  1. The makeup structure is very simple. First, apply white shadows to the moving eyelid;
  2. Cover the outer part of the movable upper eyelid with pink;
  3. We draw the arrow with lilac shadows. It should tend upward and not go too far beyond the eye;
  4. Use dark purple shadows to fill the crease of the upper eyelid. It should create a kind of contour.

Despite the fact that this romantic makeup for green eyes is quite colorful, it is not too bright, due to the shades of lilac being close to each other. In general, green-eyed people can afford a variety of tones: golden, bluish, grayish, and brown.

Brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls have a fairly rich eye shade, so there are no “contraindications” in the color scheme of eyeshadow for them. But let's not forget that we are trying to make romantic makeup for brown eyes, and not evening or extravagant, so we will definitely refuse black shadows and green eyeliner.

To create romantic makeup for brown eyes, you can use the previous instructions. The colors can be left the same if you have fair skin. If you are dark-skinned, then it is better to replace pink eyeshadow with peach, and, accordingly, lilac and purple, with beige and brown.

Video: master class on creating romantic makeup

In general, romantic makeup has a lot of features that depend not only on the shade of the eyes, but also on the girl’s color type, the nature of the event and the time of day. And any girl can do it at home.

Romantic makeup colors.

Romantic style makeup involves the use of pastel colors. That is, no defiant brightness - only modesty and tenderness. As a tone - only light natural shades - peach beige, ivory, caramel. For lips we also use light colors: scarlet, light pink, soft coral…. It doesn’t matter whether the girl is blonde or brunette. But romantic eye makeup directly depends on the color of the iris.

Basic rules for romantic eye makeup.

Radiant skin. For it to be so, you must either use a high-quality foundation with shimmer, or get a good night's sleep. Healthy sleep has a positive effect on skin condition;

Don't skimp on the mascara. Lush eyelashes are the key to a successful romantic image of a girl;

Experiment with arrows. Dark lines emphasizing the eyes may extend slightly beyond their boundaries. This is the arrow. It should tend a little upward, otherwise you will look like a sad Pierrot;

No lipstick. Romantic makeup is only acceptable with lip gloss. Only if your lips are too pale, you can apply a little liquid lipstick. We also do not use contour pencils;

Don't forget about blush. They will give the image a certain shyness, naivety - what is needed for a romantically inclined girl;

Eyebrow shape. It can be anything, depending on the shape of your face. But they must be processed. It is best if the eyebrows are of medium thickness. Too thick or thin eyebrows are not in fashion today;

Powder is always at hand. Wherever you go, always take powder with you. Even if you don’t use foundation, preferring a natural complexion, powder will help you remove oily shine and give your skin radiance (see point 1.

Do-it-yourself romantic eye color makeup.

Let's try to do the makeup for a romantic date ourselves. We will select colors for it depending on the shade of our eyes.

Romantic makeup for blue eyes involves the use of cool tones of shadows: gray, greenish, silver blue, light blue. It is not recommended to use brown shadows - they will make the look heavy. Bright pink shadows will help create a romantic look if you also dress up in a pink dress or wear an accessory of the same color.

Step-by-step implementation of one of the options for a romantic make-up for blue-eyed ladies using sea-green eyeshadow:

1. shade the crease of the eyelid with black shadows and shade it slightly, leaving the middle of the moving eyelid untouched;

2. outline the outline with a black pencil, shading it with a brush;

3. in the center of the eyelid we apply sea green shadows - deep blue, maybe with sparkles;.

4. Apply white shadows under the eyebrow to make the look expressive;

5. We paint the eyelashes with blue mascara.

6. Romantic makeup for blue eyes is ready. It is suitable for both everyday wear and as an evening Makeup.

Green-eyed girls are rare. Many people insert colored lenses into their eyes in order to somehow look like a mysterious witch. For you, a step-by-step diagram telling you how to do romantic makeup for green eyes yourself, using white, pink, lilac and dark purple shades.

The makeup structure is very simple.
1. first apply white shadows to the moving eyelid;

2. cover the outer part of the movable upper eyelid with pink;

3. Draw the arrow with lilac shadows. It should tend upward and not go too far beyond the eye;

4. Use dark purple shadows to paint over the crease of the upper eyelid. It should create a kind of contour.

Despite the fact that this romantic makeup for green eyes is quite colorful, it is not too bright, due to the shades of lilac being close to each other. In general, green-eyed people can afford a variety of tones: golden, bluish, grayish, and brown.

Brown-eyed girls have a fairly rich eye shade, so there are no “Contraindications” in the color scheme of eyeshadow for them. But let's not forget that we are trying to make romantic makeup for brown eyes, and not evening or extravagant, so we will definitely refuse black shadows and green eyeliner.

To create romantic makeup for brown eyes, you can use the previous instructions. The colors can be left the same if you have fair skin. Thus, if you are dark-skinned, then it is better to replace pink shadows with peach, and, accordingly, lilac and purple, with beige and brown.

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