How to choose the day for conception according to the lunar calendar? Lunar conception Planning pregnancy according to the lunar calendar.

A child conceived in the second phase of the moon
A child conceived in the second phase of the Moon is strong, healthy, has bright, healthy emotionality, is stable in life, and very harmonious.

Female zodiac signs - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.
Male signs - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

General information about lunar zodiac signs

The moon has always attracted people's attention. In different time periods, the Moon was perceived differently. In ancient times she was worshiped as a deity. Ancient people considered the Moon as powerful as the Sun, and believed that the Moon, together with the Sun, ruled the world. And in some human communities, the Moon was extolled even more than the Sun, because they believed that the Moon contributes to the spiritual development of humanity and makes people wiser. The Ancient Romans even had a holiday dedicated to the Moon. The day on which the lunar holiday was held was considered sacred.

Interest in the Moon continues to this day. Scientists around the world are trying to study the influence of the Moon on life processes occurring on earth. It has already been precisely established that such natural phenomena as sea tides directly depend on the Moon. The flora is also influenced by the Moon. In addition, some scientists believe that the Moon also governs human emotions, biorhythms, monthly cycles and the process of childbirth. It turns out that a woman’s ability to bear children depends on the distance between the Sun and the Moon at the time of this woman’s birth. Thus, any woman can determine the time favorable for conception for herself by drawing up a birth horoscope. Such a horoscope is drawn up once a month, and to draw up a horoscope it is necessary to calculate the day when the Moon will be at the same distance from the Sun as at the time of the woman’s birth. Back in the twentieth century, in the sixties, scientists proved that there is a connection between the cycles of the moon and the days most favorable for conception. At the same time, the possibility of planning the desired gender of the child was explored. As a result, scientists have established that the sex of the child depends on which zodiac sign the Moon is in at the time of planning conception. They found out that there are female zodiac signs and there are male ones. If at conception the Moon is in a feminine sign, a girl will be born, and if it is in a masculine sign, a boy will be born. This method of gender planning is quite effective, but there are also some disadvantages. Immediately after intimacy, conception may not occur, since fertilization of the egg takes some time, and after what time this fertilization will occur is unknown. This can happen in a few days, and during this time the Moon can already move to another sign, and conception will occur in this sign.

The day of conception is as important for a person as the day of birth. The character of a person, his interests, hobbies, as well as how his life will turn out, will depend on this. If it is possible to find out on what lunar day a person was conceived, then you can get quite useful information. Knowing about such a feature of the Moon as its influence on conception, you can plan the day on which the child will be conceived. At the same time, you need to know that you cannot simply choose a day that is favorable according to the lunar calendar; each day has its own pros and cons, and they must be taken into account. There are days that are not recommended for conception. There are few such days, but you also need to know about them.

The lunar conception calendar will help you plan the birth of a boy or girl.

Since ancient times it has been known that the Moon has power over all life on Earth. There is a relationship between certain events, health, harvest, animal behavior and the eternal companion of our planet.

Modern science studies human biorhythms. Scientists know about the influence of the Moon not only on a living organism, but also on the water level in rivers and seas, vegetation, the emotional state of people and the likelihood of conceiving a child.

Lunar conception calendar for 2019: influence of the Moon

Lunar conception calendar: boy or girl?

A lot of research has been done in the last century. Scientists have determined a woman's likely ability to conceive. She will be tall if the distance between the Sun and the Moon is the same as at the moment of her conception.

If you know which zodiac sign the Moon is in, you can predict the gender of the child. The lunar conception calendar 2019 was compiled on the basis of certain data.

According to observations, the birth of girls occurs when the Earth's satellite is in the following signs:

  • Taurus
  • Scorpion
  • Capricorn

A boy will be born if at the time of his birth the eternal earthly satellite was in the following signs:

  • Twins
  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius

Important: The lunar day at the moment of birth is also of great importance.

  • It is believed that people conceived on 9th lunar day, will become sorcerers, witches or secretive loners. This is the day of dark forces, magic, the development of occult sciences and divination.
  • You should avoid conceiving in 12 lunar day. A person conceived on this day will be born with a difficult fate; he will encounter many difficulties and obstacles on his way, but he will be capable of compassion.
  • A child conceived in 15th lunar day, will have a complex character, which will create a lot of trouble for yourself and your loved ones.
  • 29th lunar day- This is a difficult day for the birth of a new person. People conceived on this day will encounter evil on their way. The eternal struggle with evil forces of one kind or another will make a person’s life unbearable.

It is important to know: On the 29th lunar day Immoral people with mental characteristics are born. But the other way around can happen: a person devotes himself to God’s service.

You should also refrain from conceiving on the 13th, 19th, 20th, 23rd lunar days, new moon, full moon, solar and lunar eclipses.

However, there are also the best lunar days to conceive a new person.

  • On the 2nd lunar day you can conceive a talented person who will be loved by luck and will be accompanied by success, recognition, and authority in everything. This lunar day is better suited for conceiving a girl.
  • On the 4th lunar day You can conceive a balanced person with a light character, who will be loved by his family and people around him. He will enjoy high authority, people will be drawn to him. There is an assumption that this child will be born with the spirit of one of the ancestors.
  • On the 11th lunar day the conception of a person with great leadership potential will occur, who will be given power. This day is more suitable for conceiving a boy.
  • On the 28th lunar day you can conceive a harmonious personality with a balanced character. Through life this person will be accompanied by happiness and wisdom.

Good lunar days for conception the future child will be 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 30 lunar days.

Lunar conception calendar for January 2019

The day of birth is important for every person as well as the day of his birth. Hobbies and life in general depend on it.

So, the lunar conception calendar for January 2019:

Important: If you manage to find out on what lunar day a particular person was born, then you can get a lot of useful information about him as a person.

Lunar conception calendar for February 2019

When future parents know about the ability of the earth's satellite to influence the birth of a baby, they can plan the birth day of their unborn child. It’s worth considering that you can’t just choose a good day.

Important: Each lunar day of the day has its own pros and cons and you need to know them. A breakdown of the days will be published below.

Lunar conception calendar for February 2019:

Lunar conception calendar for March 2019

Focusing on the advice of the lunar chart, you can give a new life to a new person. At the same time, you will lay down certain qualities that meet your ideal ideas.

Lunar conception calendar for March 2019:

Lunar conception calendar for April 2019

Important: If you take a responsible approach to the issue of procreation, then be sure to listen to the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Thanks to him, you contribute to the formation of the best qualities and personal characteristics in your baby.

Lunar conception calendar for April 2019:

Lunar conception calendar for May 2019

Nowadays, knowledge in the field of astrology is very extensive. Therefore, no one doubts the truth of this science.

Lunar conception calendar for May 2019:

Lunar conception calendar for June 2019

The lunar day chart contains important information. He talks about what a person’s path will be like, what parents should pay attention to when conceiving.

Information is also provided on how to protect your child from global mistakes and what talents to develop. But all this is published below, and now it’s worth paying attention to

lunar conception calendar for June 2019:

Lunar conception calendar for July 2019

Advice: If you believe in astrology, but you can’t conceive a child, try praying.

She helps a woman and a man if they dream of a child and protects a pregnant lady who is going to be a mother.

Lunar conception calendar for July 2019:

Lunar conception calendar for August 2019

Having a child is a serious responsibility for expectant mothers and fathers. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account various factors influencing the future fate of the baby.

Use lunar conception calendar for August 2019 and determine good and bad days for the birth of a baby:

Lunar conception calendar for September 2019

You do not need to specify what lunar day it is today and whether it is favorable for conceiving a boy or a girl. We made a schedule of good and bad days for the birth of a new life.

All future parents dream that their children will be successful and that fate will gift them with numerous opportunities and interesting surprises.

Lunar conception calendar for September 2019:

Lunar conception calendar for October 2019

The calendar for conceiving a baby has many favorable days. Each of them has its own characteristics.

There are very few unfavorable days, but you need to remember them.

Lunar conception calendar for October 2019:

Important: If you are planning to conceive according to the lunar schedule, then keep in mind that bad weather, natural anomalies, exhausting physical work, the period after suffering any illness and hypothermia are all inappropriate times for conceiving a child.

Therefore, consider all the factors and days listed below.

Lunar conception calendar for November 2019

Lunar conception calendar for December 2019

The proposed schedule of days for conceiving boys and girls is not a panacea. You can listen to him, but you also need to rely on your common sense.

Lunar conception calendar for December 2019:

How to use the lunar conception calendar 2019: tips

How to use the lunar calendar - tips

Advice: Plan to conceive a child on a specific day in order to endow him with certain character traits and abilities.

  • IN 1st, 2nd and 3rd lunar day lucky people are born. They are protected by a Guardian Angel and can resolve any life situations. Such people are successful in society and, most often, they are long-livers
  • IN 4th, 5th and 6th lunar day people are born whose lives will be unpredictable. The reward and punishment of Heaven overtakes them unexpectedly. These people are visionaries and big dreamers. Constant changes and new emotions await them.
  • IN 7th and 8th lunar day parents will be able to conceive a baby who will live a successful life. She will bring him joy and pleasure. Many different events, travel, new places - all this awaits the person who will be conceived these days
  • 9th lunar day- day of dark magical forces. A person who was conceived on this day will have to cultivate healthy religiosity and an understanding of the laws of life. Beware of practicing magic and divination in front of a child.
  • 10th, 11th lunar day- a person will live a good life in terms of saturation. His relatives and not only living ones will support him in everything. People born on these days will have an exorbitant sense of self-esteem.
  • 12 lunar day- Difficult life.
  • 13th, 14th and 15th lunar day- life full of surprises, both positive (day 14) and negative. These people will also be supported by their ancestors. It is necessary to teach a child conceived these days. integrity, so that in adult life he does not worry about what he did.
  • 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th lunar days- kind and gentle people. They strive for harmony, morality and ethics. These are cheerful people with a light character.
  • 20th, 21st and 22nd lunar day. People born on these days will try to get everything from life. But they won't always succeed. Therefore, a person will live his whole life in irritability and a feeling of dissatisfaction.
  • IN 23rd, 24th and 25th lunar day extraordinary personalities are born. They achieve good results in life
  • 26th, 27th and 28th lunar day- attractiveness to the opposite sex. Therefore, people born on these days will enjoy success in society and will always be at their best.
  • 29th lunar day- a difficult day for the birth of a new life. Man will always encounter evil.
  • 30th lunar day- a suitable day for conceiving people with an easy and happy life. They will quickly find their soul mate and live a long and happy family life.

We told you how to use the lunar conception calendar 2019. The tips will help you set this important day on which your future baby will be born.

If you believe in astrology, then the lunar calendar will definitely help you conceive a successful and happy person!

Video: Lunar calendar and its influence on human life!

What methods do women not use in an attempt to prepare for pregnancy or even plan the gender of their future baby? One of these options is conception according to the lunar calendar. He will tell you which day will be favorable, the possible gender of the child, and even what character and destiny the newborn will have.

Influence of Moon Phases

The moon is considered the patroness of the female body. Scientists even conducted experiments to establish a connection between the lunar phases and the menstrual cycle. The moon goes through four periods in total, these are:

  • height;
  • full moon;
  • decline;
  • new moon.

It is the full moon that kindles a woman’s sexual appetite and fantasies. . It has been noted that during this period the most intimate contacts occur. and, as a result, pregnancies. But it is believed that a more favorable period for conception is the time from the new moon to the full moon - thanks to growth, positive energy accumulates in a person, which will give the mother strength for healthy and strong offspring. In such women, pregnancy is easier, toxicosis and other unpleasant moments are less evident.

Interestingly, wild mammals go into heat during the full moon. Scientists suggest that ancient people’s biological clocks also followed this scenario, but with the development of progress and man moving further and further from nature, they went astray.

Conception by birthday

The best lunar day for conception is the one on which the expectant mother was born. That is, by the date and hour of birth, women calculate what phase the moon was in. If this happened in the second phase, then it is during these periods that it is best for a woman to plan her pregnancies throughout her life.

This will have a beneficial effect on both the gestation period and labor, and will even bring happiness to the child in the future. His life will be easy, good luck and prosperity will accompany him.

By the way, the body itself will even try to send signals during this period. The methods can be different: unexpected ovulation when it cannot happen, for example, during menarche. Or it may happen that the birth control pills fail and unexpected fertilization occurs.

Predicting the baby's gender

Using the lunar birth calendar of a child, you can try to predict his gender. According to astrologers, this calculation provides a guarantee of more than 90%. In order to conceive a girl, you need to give preference to the months that are protected by female zodiac signs:

  • Fish;
  • Calf;
  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn;
  • Scorpion.

For the birth of boys, the same principle is used:

  • Scales;
  • Aries;
  • Twins;
  • Aquarius;
  • Sagittarius.

This method is a kind of horoscope for conceiving a child. Of course, people of science consider such a technique to be quite deceptive. This is explained by the fact that, even using laboratory calculations, it is not always possible to accurately guess who will be born to a couple. After all, ovulation may be a little late or, conversely, occur earlier. As they say: “Nobody canceled His Majesty’s chance.”

But at the same time, it has been proven that thoughts are material, and if a girl has faith and a great desire to give birth to a daughter or son, then she will succeed, even despite traditional views on the situation.

Which day to choose

As already mentioned, it is better to choose the period of the waxing moon; it will bring good health and spiritual growth to the baby. But you also need to know the best lunar days for conception, there are few of them, only eleven, but they can not only give a happy life to the offspring, but also facilitate fertilization itself:

The presented list is not categorical, nothing bad will happen if conception occurs on another day, but still, when listening to the lunar calendar of pregnancy, it is better to rely on these dates.

Character and fate of the child

If a couple decides to use the method of lunar conception, then it would be useful to find out what good days are predicted for the baby in the future. And even choosing the desired character in this way is very simple . So, the list above suggests that the baby conceived:

Based on astrological forecasts during conception, you should not blindly believe them and expect that this is exactly how everything will be. Every parent wants a happy destiny for their child, and it doesn’t matter where he finds his happiness. The main thing is that parents are prepared for the surprises that life may bring them.

Attention, TODAY only!

It is known that the Moon has a huge influence on all processes of the body. If you are planning to get pregnant, we recommend that you use the lunar calendar for conceiving a child. Using it, you can conceive and also guess the gender of your unborn child.

Lunar conception calendar: favorable days

According to astrologers, the most successful day for conceiving a child is a woman’s birthday. It is on this lunar day and three days after it that the expectant mother’s body is most prepared for fertilization of the egg. As for men, they are also more fertile on their birthday.

The most favorable period for conception according to the lunar calendar is the time of the waxing Moon. These days you can conceive a healthy, strong, beautiful and capable child. It is good if at this moment the woman is ovulating. Astrologers claim that trying to conceive during the waxing moon during ovulation does not misfire.

Conception during the waning moon is unfavorable. The child may be born with health problems. It is also believed that a child conceived during the waning moon will be born either premature or very weak, and in the future may develop a bad character.

The full moon is an uncertain period for conception. On this lunar day you can conceive an indigo child, a talented or even a slightly unusual baby. The full moon can affect a woman’s body at the time of sexual intercourse, both positively and negatively. Consequently, a child may later grow up to be a genius, or he may become a misunderstood and not accepted person in society.

The new moon is a neutral period for conception according to the lunar calendar. But on this lunar day there is a high probability of misfire, so it is better not to experiment and choose a more suitable day for the birth of a new person.

With the help of astrology and the lunar phase calendar, you can plan in advance the gender of the child. If you, for example, want to conceive a boy, you need to choose a suitable day for this according to the lunar calendar.

How to conceive a boy?

If you want to give birth to a boy, you should choose a specific day for conception. Look at the lunar calendar for the month and look at the Moon in the Zodiac Signs. According to astrology, all horoscope constellations are divided into female and male Signs. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a day when the Moon is in male constellations. So, you can conceive a boy on days when the Moon is in the Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius.

There is another way to guess the gender of the child. In this case, everything will depend on the expectant mother. If a woman is an odd number of years old at the time of sexual intercourse, then she needs to work on conceiving a boy in odd months of the calendar (January, March, May, July, September, November).

How to conceive a girl?

In order to conceive a girl, just as in the first case, you need to choose the right day for this according to the lunar calendar. It is recommended to conceive girls on days when the Moon is in the female Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Scorpio.

You can conceive a girl in another way. For this, the expectant mother must be an even number of years old. In this case, favorable months for conceiving a girl according to the lunar calendar are even months (February, April, June, August, October, December).

With the help of the lunar conception calendar, you can plan your pregnancy and give birth to a child of the desired gender. But no matter how your baby is born, he must be loved and desired! We wish you good luck and don't forget to click and

24.02.2014 14:10

Astrologers say that the right wedding date can be the key to a happy and strong family life. ...

There are many special ways to conceive a girl. For this purpose, it is necessary to use the lunar calendar 2019 when conceiving, and you should also take into account the dates of ovulation, the Chinese special calendar and mathematical analysis.

There are many types of calendars for pregnancy, where the lunar personal calendar occupies a special place. Thanks to unique astrology, you can find out in almost all cases what gender the baby will be born. To accurately predict gender, the lunar calendar recommends conceiving at a certain period of the year; it is the moon that will tell you when to strive for pregnancy. For this purpose, one should take into account the movement and position of the Moon itself according to the Zodiac, as well as the day of the month, the phase of the Moon and the time of conception.

Moon in the Zodiac 2019

To clearly determine the sex of the unborn baby, it is necessary to take into account the trajectories of the Moon and monitor the exact time of conception; the Zodiac sign of the location of the earth’s satellite is also of great importance. Thanks to numerous studies, astrologers were able to find out that the signs of the Zodiac are divided into female and male. Considering this, you can really find out when to conceive a girl or a boy. If at the moment of conception the Moon is in a feminine sign, then a boy will be born, and if in a masculine sign, a girl will be born.

  • Male constellations
  1. Sagittarius
  2. Aquarius
  3. Twins
  • Female constellations
  1. Taurus
  2. Capricorn
  3. Scorpion

Lunar calendar for conceiving a child 2019

Couples who want to become parents will do everything to ensure that conception occurs as soon as possible. Medicine turns out to be useless in some situations, so sometimes it’s worth thinking about natural phenomena that will help you achieve your plans.

The fertile phases of the Moon can help the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Astrologers are confident that the character of the unborn child depends entirely on the lunar period in which conception occurred.


If a child was conceived on a new moon in 2019, then he will be rather weak-willed and will not be able to stand up for himself in difficult life situations. The baby will be vulnerable, the same can be said about his physical condition. Parents will have to constantly monitor the health of the girl or boy, try to protect him from danger and offenders, so as not to traumatize his mental state.

Children who were conceived in the first lunar phase will become very kind, will strive to help others, and treat them with all sincerity. They will become very cheerful and active. As adults, they will have many friends, people will be drawn to them and want to communicate.

If pregnancy occurs in the second phase of the moon, then the child will be born strong and healthy. In life he will be able to achieve great success and climb the career ladder.

If conception occurred on a full moon, then the baby will be very emotional and impulsive, will not be able to restrain his impulses, sometimes even aggression is possible. Throughout life, the child will be guided only by his own interests and feelings; logical thinking and common sense are not available to him. Pregnancy will also be problematic and difficult, and complications should be expected during childbirth.

If a woman’s pregnancy occurs in the third and fourth phases of the moon, then the children will become very demanding of themselves. They will strive to become better than those around them and try to achieve success. Also, such individuals are very closed and secretive, and may turn out to be completely different from how others see them.

When planning a pregnancy according to the Moon 2019, you need to pay close attention to the growing earth’s satellite, because this period is considered the most favorable for conception. However, you should absolutely not become pregnant during an eclipse, because the health and character of the baby can be completely unpredictable.

You should pay attention not only to the lunar phases, but also to the dates. If the baby is conceived on the month or day of a woman’s birth, then a girl is more likely to be born. If on the contrary, then you should expect a son.

However, if the spouses consider the issue of the baby’s gender to be of fundamental importance, then they need to take a closer look at the lunar calendar 2019 and its clues.

Lunar calendar 2019 for conceiving a girl

A young couple who wants to conceive a girl should definitely look at the 2019 lunar calendar. It contains the most favorable days for conception:

  • January - 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31;
  • February - 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27;
  • March - 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27;
  • April - 1, 4-6, 9, 10. 13-15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28;
  • May - 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29, 30;
  • June - 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20-22, 25-27, 30;
  • July - 1, 4, 5, 8-10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27-29;
  • August -1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29;
  • September - 1, 2, 5-7, 10-12, 15-17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 29, 30;
  • October -3, 4, 7-9, 12-14, 17-19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31;
  • November - 4, 5, 9, 10, 13-15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26-28;
  • December - 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28-30.

Seasons according to the Moon 2019


Astrologers are convinced that babies who were conceived in the first half of December will be very strong and in excellent health. They can handle any difficulties, they are always ready for new achievements and strive for their goals. However, such individuals will have a strong character, so it will not be possible to solve problems peacefully.


January babies will be very kind and responsive, they are ready to give everything to others, they do not feel sorry for anything. However, their character will be too soft and touchy; they will go into shock in any unpleasant situations. They will very often turn to their parents for help and seek their protection throughout their lives.

Astrologers claim that conception occurring in the first half of the month will give happy parents a healthy girl. Children conceived in the second decade will be generous, sympathetic and good-natured. Excessive softness can also be their disadvantage. In this case, parents will become support and support.


Children who were conceived in February will have mental disorders, and their health will not be all right. The exception is the days at the very end of the month and problems may be avoided. In general, astrologers advise postponing pregnancy in February.


This month is very favorable for conceiving a baby. Astrologers are confident that such children will have excellent health, they are smart and creative, and extremely talented. Well, the expectant mother will not experience any difficulties during the entire pregnancy.


If parents want to conceive in April, then it is recommended to do this in the first half. Then the baby will be sincere, open and kind. If pregnancy occurs in the second half of the month, the child will also be healthy and sociable, but the pregnancy itself will be very difficult, and problems with the woman’s health during this period are possible.


Those children who were conceived in early May will be very creative and will appreciate art. They will be able to achieve great success if their creative abilities are developed from childhood and directed in the right direction. Those babies who were conceived at the end of May will definitely learn to earn good money and will never live in poverty.


Astrologers advise with great care to strive for pregnancy this month, because it is quite unfavorable. Only on the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 15th you can try to conceive a child, then he will not have health problems, and the pregnancy will be normal.


This month is very good for pregnancy. It is better to strive to conceive a baby in the first and last days of the month. Then the children will be healthy and strong, great creative talents and determination are not excluded. Education will go very well.


Astrologers recommend conception only at the beginning and end of August. The remaining days fall into the transitional lunar period, and this is very dangerous. Mother and child may have serious health and physical problems.


You should not conceive at the beginning of the month so that the child does not turn out to be too weak. At the end of September, no problems with the baby’s physical condition should arise; he will be full of energy and determination.


This month you should strive to get pregnant at the beginning of October, and be careful at the end. The moon will have an extremely negative effect on all living things, including fertilization.


You should strive for pregnancy either at the beginning or at the end of the month. In mid-November, the Moon will have an adverse effect on the process of conception and future offspring.

Each nation has its own methods, in particular the Russian lunar calendar recommends the full moon for conceiving girls. The main thing is to take into account the natural cycles of the moon phases; it should be calculated in order to predict the gender of the unborn child.

Astrologers are sure that to conceive girls it is better to use only the time of the waxing Moon, since the daughter will be very strong, smart and beautiful, and will have excellent health. But conceiving a child during the waning moon is no longer recommended, as this can promise a variety of illnesses for babies. If a child is conceived on a full moon, then the girl will turn out to be very talented and beautiful, whereas in the very first phases of the moon you should refrain from conceiving. Experts also say that if the mother is an even number of years old, then she should conceive in even months of the year.

In addition to taking into account the phases of the moon, there are many other interesting options for conceiving girls, although none of them can give future parents a hundred percent guarantee. Gender can be predicted using lunar calendars; the Japanese and Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean calendars are also very interesting; there are many more unique signs in each country. For this purpose, you should take into account ovulation, time of day and even the month of conception, which greatly influences the future gender of the baby. For more than 20 years, the dependence of the sex of the child on the nutrition of the mother herself has been considered and studied, which is confirmed by many studies.

To increase the likelihood of conceiving a girl, it is recommended not to eat apricots and bananas, avocados and peaches, coffee and tea, sausages and ham, celery and beets. This does not give guarantees, but nevertheless, all these methods can give results, that is, trying to accurately predict the gender makes sense, here it should be remembered that no matter the gender, the child always needs care and care. Future parents must remember that regardless of the gender of the newborn, he needs tenderness, love and care, and not for something, but in spite of it.

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