How to get rid of old body odor using folk remedies? What exactly should you do to avoid stinking in old age? Why do older people smell?

They say that the smell emanating from older people is associated by other people with the smell of stagnant water, the smell of an old basement and something sweet and sickly ammonia.

For men, the smell of an old female body resembles the stinking-sweet smell of roses and lavender, but not the smell of citrus fruits (according to research results - you can read about them on the Internet). They say that men are able to determine how old a woman is even by the smell she exudes. And no matter how a person hides his age, the smell will still give him away.

There are two versions of the origin of the sickly sweet smell - the smell of old age.
It is believed that the Japanese were the first to discover special substances produced by the body of an elderly person, which they called nonenals. These substances are formed in the skin, and the basis for this is fatty acids coming from food. Perhaps in excess.

And the second version, which was put forward by American scientists, is the increased formation of lactic acid bacteria in the human body and on the skin.

Human skin daily disposes of waste through itself during the functioning of the body. Many minerals are excreted (utilized) through the skin. For example, iron.
In addition to being lost in urine, the skin also removes it. An excess of iron in the body (www rg ru) can negatively affect body odor. An excess of iron in the body is much worse than a deficiency.
How to remove excess iron from the body -

And two more versions that also have a right to exist: urinary and fecal incontinence, and the unpleasant odor that accompanies them; a decrease in the functioning of the sweat glands along with the consumption of specific foods rich in phytoncides (onions, garlic, red pepper and some others).

There is an opinion that old body odor is a far-fetched problem. When people see an elderly person, they picture in their minds the image of someone unwashed and not maintaining hygiene. And since some older people also look unattractive (stooped, wrinkled, with matted or sparse hair, unkempt), this enhances the impressions of others.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of old age, and in old age, if it really exists, you need to systematically refuse to eat foods high in fat. And it’s not just about saturated fats, but, in general, about all foods containing fats.
The body does not need as many fat-soluble vitamins as they are written about. It’s more correct to make sure that you get the required amount of protein, carbohydrates and essential micro- and macroelements, in particular: zinc, chromium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, and some vitamins.
It’s a good idea to cleanse the blood and lymph. This is not a quick process, but it is effective.

It wouldn’t hurt to prepare your own mineral water -.

To do this, you need to purchase the drug rehydron at the pharmacy, dilute it in the specified proportions, or simply comfortable ones, and drink it like water. Rehydron contains sodium, potassium and some other components responsible for the water-salt balance. If you have constipation (or diarrhea - both waste useful minerals), cystitis, allergies, pseudo-allergies, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, for example), rehydron will be very useful.

Age-related changes in human physiology entail problems associated with metabolic disorders in the body, the functioning of the digestive system, and endocrine glands. If a person does not follow the rules of hygiene and does not try to change his diet, then consequences occur in the form of an unpleasant senile odor. There are several ways to get rid of the smell of old age. However, before you fight the smell, you need to find out its causes.

After 60-70 years, the body can no longer intensively process fried, spicy, fatty foods, as before, so fermentation and rotting processes occur inside the stomach. Toxins are less easily removed from the body and skin. As a result, the body begins to smell bad. Aromas from medications that a person takes daily are also added here.

Fresh fruits and vegetables can cause unpleasant odors. Due to the sluggish functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, natural fiber does not have time to be digested, and processed products are not removed from the body in a timely manner.

The smell of old age, according to foreign doctors, appears along with the loss of reproductive ability. Starting from a certain age, a person’s hormonal background changes, and instead of producing hormones, other substances are synthesized.

According to scientific research conducted by Japanese specialists, as a person ages, more and more unusual chemicals - nonenals - appear in the body. They have not yet been fully studied, but it has been established that nonenals are the cause of the characteristic odor. According to scientists, perfumes with fruity or floral notes help to veil it.

The body may smell bad due to an imbalance of the endocrine glands or some other disease.

Age-related changes affect the composition of the secretion of the sweat glands, so sweat acquires a specific odor. The appearance of senile amber may be associated with weak kidney function. Often the source of sweet smells is urinary incontinence.

A sudden change in diet can also make your skin smell bad.

Ways to get rid of unpleasant odor

We offer some tips on how to rid your body of old age odor:

  1. Carry out water procedures more often. Take a light contrast shower with skin-softening cream-gel several times a day. The sweat glands, which remove waste from the body, are no longer so active, so they need help.
  2. Choose gentle detergents with a neutral Ph level so as not to wash off the lipid layer on the skin. Moisturizing, nourishing creams and ointments will help protect thin, sometimes flaky skin.
  3. If a person is unable to get to the bathroom, then his body should be regularly wiped with wet wipes soaked in herbal infusions. Wipes designed for baby care are suitable.
  4. Eat foods containing vitamins B (meat, whole grain cereals), D (milk, butter, eggs, meat products), A (carrots, parsley, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, pumpkin, peaches, apricots, provitamin found in green onions, potatoes, apples), E (cabbage, celery, sweet peppers, tomatoes, corn, dried fruits, raspberries, black currants, plums).
  5. Keep the inside of your mouth clean, use dental floss to better clean the spaces between your teeth. Visit the dentist and get treatment.
  6. Keep not only the purity of your body, but also your soul. It has been noticed that people who observe Orthodox fasts and participate in the church sacraments of Confession and Communion do not have an unpleasant odor.

Why middle-aged people smell bad

Relatively young people with a senile odor most often lead an unhealthy lifestyle:

  1. They eat large amounts of high-calorie foods, as well as vegetables and fresh fruits.
  2. They neglect basic hygiene procedures.
  3. They suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines (all products must be subjected to heat treatment - baked, boiled, stewed).
  4. The smell of problems with the genitourinary system cannot be resisted by the best perfume (you need to start treatment either with drugs or surgical methods).
  5. Bath procedures using gels that dry out the skin and leave a specific coating on it are also the cause of the sweetish odor emanating from a person.

What will help improve the situation

No one can completely get rid of their own body odors. The skin, sweat and other body secretions have their own unique faint aroma. If a person does not like it when he smells bad, then he needs to use an antiperspirant deodorant.

The product must be selected based on the individual characteristics of the skin. For the teeth and gums of the oral cavity, you can additionally use rinses and refreshing lollipops.

Psychological reasons for the appearance of bad odor

Speaking about the causes of unpleasant odor when old age has arrived, we should not forget about the psychological and social aspects of the issue:

  1. Old age is associated with a feeling of weakness and uselessness to society. A person falls into a depressed state; he does not want to take care of himself. The odors from an unwashed body, bed linen that has not been washed for a long time, and secretions of fatty and sweat glands are mixed, enhancing the musty, pungently smelling trail that trails a person.
  2. Elderly people spend a lot of time indoors with tightly closed windows because they do not like and are afraid of cold and drafts. The lack of fresh air leads to the formation of mold and mildew on the walls.
  3. The room is not ventilated, wet cleaning is rarely carried out, warm clothes are practically not removed or washed. Dead skin cells are shed and accumulate in the folds of clothing, the pile of carpets, and bedspreads. By the way, 50% of the dust in the room consists of dead cells of the human epidermis - the top layer of skin.

How to remove musty smell in a room

General cleaning will help cleanse the atmosphere of the apartment. Clean the furniture, sort through and wash things, bedding, dry accessories (pillows, blankets) that have absorbed human sweat. Clear your closets of unnecessary, unnecessary things. Carefully arrange ironed items on the shelves. You can arrange them with bags of dry herbs and aromatic soap. It is better to remove rugs and rugs so that they do not collect dust.

There is a modern technology to combat unpleasant odors - dry fog. This substance has a unique composition. Its smallest particles are able to penetrate into all hard-to-reach places and neutralize bad odors. When microparticles of fog fall on the surface of walls and furniture, they form a thin film that prevents the rapid accumulation of dust and the appearance of stagnant odors.

Today we’ll talk about a rather delicate issue: odor specific to older people.

People are not far removed from animals. We also give signals about our age and state of health - with the help of our body odor. But for some reason, our sense of smell is only able to clearly detect the presence of an elderly person. Why does this happen: due to a cluttered house or old age diseases? Is there any way to get rid of this smell?

Smell of an old man

Such a diagnosis actually exists. The Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia has confirmed that older people do indeed have a distinct odor. It is so recognizable that people can identify them only by body odor.

How did you find out? We selected people of three age groups:

  1. 20-30 year olds;
  2. 45-55 year olds;
  3. 75-95 year olds.

The researchers gave all these people special lightweight T-shirts with pads in their armpits, like those for nursing mothers. Each subject had to sleep in this T-shirt for five nights in a row.

For the purity of the experiment, before going to bed, the subjects had to bathe without soap and shampoo. They were also asked to refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, and eating spicy foods, garlic, onions, or any other type of food that could affect body odor.

After five days, the pads were removed, cut into quadrants and placed in individual glass jars. Then, 41 young (20 to 30 years old) participants were given two glass jars in nine combinations to rate the flavors. Participants were asked to rate the intensity and pleasantness of each odor. They also needed to either determine which sample came from an older person or estimate the age group each sample belonged to.

Participants were able to identify the odor of older people better than younger subjects. When people tried to classify odor patterns by age, they had a hard time distinguishing between young and middle-aged people, but they almost always instantly identified the smells of old people.

Experience Johan Lundström

Interestingly, despite its uniqueness - and contrary to the stereotype - the smell of an old person is not offensive. Participants rated it as less intense and less unpleasant than body odor in younger donors. Depending on gender, participants rated the smell of middle-aged men as the most intense, and the smell of older men as the most pleasant and least intense. In contrast, the smells of middle-aged women were rated as more pleasant than those of older ladies.

“Older people have a noticeable underarm odor, which younger people rated as fairly neutral and not very unpleasant,” Johan Lundström, a sensorineurobiologist at the Monell Center, commented on the study. “The experiment showed it,” he said. – That, like other animals, people are able to distinguish age based only on body odor. This effect is characteristic mainly of body odors emitted by older people.”

In Japan, the smell unique to older people is called “kareishū”

Causes of a specific odor in the elderly

What we call “body odor” is actually the odor that the skin gives off. This is directly related to the chemical composition of the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands. It changes at different periods of life.

Although we are not aware of it, the chemical formula of body odor allows us to convey various biological and social information. So, signals are encrypted here that help to choose a partner, to show that a person is already ready for procreation or, conversely, this function is no longer available to him.

The human ability to distinguish age by smell may be an evolutionary skill. Scientists suggest that this is similar to the instinct of animals. After all, when they need to distinguish a young and strong partner from an old and sick individual, they rely specifically on their sense of smell.

Why did the young people in the experiment described above not regard kareishū as something unpleasant? The authors of the study think that age-related odors should not cause negativity. Their task is to help in choosing a more suitable partner. So, a girl can pay attention to an older man, since he can give her genes that will allow her children to live longer. The young man receives a signal to bypass the elderly woman - not because she is ugly, but because she will no longer be able to become a mother for his offspring.

The Journal of Investigative Dermatology writes that old man odor may be the result of 2-nonenal molecules on the skin. This is an unsaturated aldehyde that provides the aroma of buckwheat porridge or aged beer.

Nonenal-2 in humans is formed during the metabolism of omega-7 unsaturated fatty acids in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Young and middle-aged people have almost none: fatty acids are formed as a result of other reactions. But after age 40, the skin of both men and women begins to produce more of these molecules, and its natural antioxidant defenses gradually deteriorate.

Nonenal-2 is a fat-soluble substance, so it remains on the skin even after washing it with water. In addition, it quickly ends up on clothes from the body, and it is also difficult to wash it off from there.

What makes skin smell worse?

In fact, leather is not just fabric. This is the largest organ of our body. Its task is not only to protect internal organs, but also to partially remove waste products from the body (they are also called waste). Most of the substances formed as a result of metabolism must be excreted in urine, bile and feces, as well as in respiration.

Deterioration of the excretory organs

As we know, with age everything starts to work worse. The number of working elements in the kidneys gradually decreases - chronic kidney disease develops. The intestines contract worse - they develop, and toxic substances from the intestines enter the blood and poison the body. Gas exchange in the lungs also worsens. The skin has to take on the functions of all these organs, and its smell changes.

Chronic diseases

If the body odor of an elderly person is quite pungent and unpleasant, this may be associated with diseases:

  • intestines: chronic colitis or enterocolitis, dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • adrenal glands and gonads, responsible for the production of testosterone (metabolites of this hormone control the sebaceous glands);
  • endocrine pancreas (diabetes mellitus): this changes the pH of the skin, as a result its microflora changes.

That is, before simply thinking that a relative is emitting the “usual smell of old age,” rule out these diseases.

Taking medications

All drugs taken by older people must be broken down into active molecules and then excreted in bile, urine, breath or sweat. As we said, in old age the excretory organs no longer work so well, so medications are less excreted.

If the parent’s body odor is very unpleasant, talk to your doctor to see if you should reduce the dosage of medications or eliminate any of them.

Nutritional nature

Everything we eat passes through the intestines. If food has a complex composition, it has to linger longer, being processed by various enzymes. This, coupled with poor bowel function, also affects body odor. After all, again the skin has to take on more excretory work.

An elderly person should not eat fast food, fatty, fried and spicy foods, which increase the load on the intestines and, subsequently, on the skin.

Hygiene problems

The older a person is, the thinner and more vulnerable his skin is. It is prone to peeling and rapid loss of the surface protective film. When an elderly person bathes, he does not get the same feeling of cleanliness as before. On the contrary, washing is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: increased dryness, tightness, itching in the anus and genitals. To reduce discomfort, an elderly person tries to wash less often. This enhances the already not the most pleasant body odor.

There is one more feature: with age, the pelvic floor muscles weaken. This means that urinary or even fecal incontinence develops. Such odors are added to the overall mixture of a body that is rarely washed.

To top it all off, from the age of 55 your sense of smell begins to deteriorate. Before the age of 70, presbyosmia develops in 24.5%; after 70 to 80 years, a third of people lose their sense of smell. This is due to a decrease in the number of special nerve cells that transmit aromas to the brain, and cannot be prevented. Consequently, an elderly person does not feel the odor from his body and does not understand that some kind of problem has arisen with him.

Nature of habits

In old age, people often live alone. They already have almost no joy in life, and if there is no contact with younger relatives, then they may even fall into depression. In this case, they find an “outlet” in accumulating things. They surround themselves with carpets, pillows, ottomans and other soft items that are very difficult to wash. Combined with the fact that many older people are simply terrified of drafts and rarely open cabinets, this helps to concentrate the “smell of old age” in the house.

A similar love for accumulating things is also found in senility. In such conditions, the smell from 2-nonenal and other substances from human skin is also highly concentrated in the apartment.

In addition, blood circulation in the body deteriorates with age. An elderly man is freezing and tries to wrap himself in warm clothes. It is these clothes that are washed less often, because not everyone has about 6-10 woolen or terry jackets and pants in stock. And if there is, then not every old man will be ready to change it on time - after all, “you have to save money.” Consequently, these things carry a more concentrated odor.

What to do about the smell of old age?

This requires an integrated approach aimed at:

  • and to improve personal hygiene;
  • and to optimize nutrition - according to existing diseases and conditions;
  • and on the moral state of the elderly person.

Therefore, the advice is as follows:

Personal hygiene

The bathroom must be safe. Then the elderly person will have a greater desire to wash. For this:

  • place a rubber mat in the bathtub;
  • nail handrails to the wall above the bathroom;
  • create a convenient place near the head end of the bathtub so that shampoos and soaps can be placed there.

In old age, it is best to take a shower rather than a bath, preferably a contrast shower. In this case, the lipid film is not washed off as much. In addition, shower water should be warm, not hot. Better yet, take a contrast shower.

To wash your body, you do not need shower gel, but some kind of pH-neutral soap, for example, baby soap. There is no need to rub the body too hard; it is better to use a soft mesh washcloth. And after a shower, apply a non-greasy body cream to your skin.

If an elderly relative suffers from urinary incontinence, you should consult a urologist about treatment for this condition. And while you're at it, buy special urological pads.

If bathing is impossible, it is impossible to leave an elderly person without hygiene measures. Not so much to eliminate odor, but to prevent bedsores. Therefore, take clean gauze, make a decoction of chamomile or string and wipe the body of your relative.

Don't forget about oral hygiene: brushing your teeth is not enough, you also need to clean your tongue and use floss. You can also look for Otoko Kaoru special resin or similar. It cleanses your teeth and makes your body emit a pleasant aroma.


It is important that fatty, fried and spicy foods are excluded from the diet of an elderly person. Products containing trans fats are also excluded. But there should be as many products containing fiber as possible.

See the basic principles of the diet.

If a relative has diabetes, do not forget to check their blood sugar level before meals. This will help.

Eliminating odor in the apartment

To remove the smell in the apartment:

  • be sure to have carpets and upholstered furniture dry cleaned;
  • Wash clothes, bedding, and blankets as often as possible. Use fabric softener;
  • place sachets with fragrant herbs around the apartment: lavender, mint, oregano, thyme;
  • periodically light the aroma lamp using citrus aromatic oils or incense sticks;
  • use a dry fog generator.

Useful tips

Musty smell, characteristic of old things can have a very negative impact on the overall comfort and environment in general. Old age is not very pleasant to look at and can be a little intimidating not only with its appearance, but also with unpleasant aromas.

The smell can come mainly from old things. If we are talking about people, then, as a rule, a heavy unpleasant aroma comes from them if certain factors are not observed:

Smells like old age

If we are talking about people, then, as a rule, a heavy unpleasant aroma comes from non-compliance with certain factors:

1. Personal hygiene: Elderly people are no longer able to take care of themselves the way they did before; they simply no longer care about such problems. All household chores for older people can cause difficulties due to infirmity, loneliness, and illness. Various diseases, such as arthritis, decreased vision or osteochondrosis, greatly impair the ability to move quickly and make it difficult to take a normal shower. If an old man is lonely, then he simply doesn’t see any point in washing.

2. Clothes:Typically, older people wear the same clothes for a very long time. Clothes are capable of absorbing all the smells and surrounding aromas like a sponge. And as a result of this superposition of individual odors, peculiar fluids of old age are formed.

Read also:10+ Ways to Get Rid of Odor in the Refrigerator

3. Poorly washed laundry and insufficient cleaning: Older people stop keeping their rooms clean and clean less or not at all. They wear things for weeks without washing them. Considering that they do not have a washing machine, then they simply physically cannot bring their things into proper shape.

4. Elderly skin begins to thin out with age and demand increased attention to yourself. People of the old school, as a rule, use simple soap, which greatly dries out the already very dry skin of old people. And they begin to experience discomfort after taking a shower, as the entire skin begins to tighten strongly, itching and peeling appear. And accordingly, such people begin to wash much less often in order to avoid unpleasant moments.

5. After 50 years, the body stops producing sex hormones. And this immediately begins to affect body odor, as the human body begins to rebuild, the composition of sweat changes, and metabolism changes. And women enter menopause.

6. Due to the fear of drafts, Older people refuse to ventilate the room.

7. Habits such as eating garlic onions or taking corvalol and valerian, together with storing old things in a certain way, make their contribution. Particles of keratinized skin of an aged person begin to settle in the room, bacteria begin to multiply, and the smell of old age begins to permeate the entire surrounding space.

8. If an elderly person lives in the room next to you , then you need to try to improve his hygiene. A washing machine and fragrance powder can solve the problem of unwashed or poorly washed laundry. The problem of a dirty body can be solved by a gel for sensitive skin. Try to provide proper care for the frail old person and help him with cleaning the apartment on an ongoing basis.

9. Pets in the house contribute to odor. in the apartment. After all, if an elderly person cannot properly care for himself, then, of course, he will not be able to monitor the cleanliness of his pet.

10. Food:American researchers have concluded that an unpleasant odor is characteristic of older people who prefer to eat fatty foods and large amounts of meat. Those people who eat vegetables (vegetarians) never smell any specific old odors.

Read also:How to save any shoes from an unpleasant odor

The appearance of old odors in the apartment

The smell of old age, which has a peculiar specificity, can appear in a room for various reasons., among which may be factors such as a breakdown of the ventilation system, a break in the water supply or sewerage system, high humidity levels, fungal infections, dampness, poor thermal insulation, old, poorly dried items in closets or other enclosed spaces.

In those rooms where old furniture is located, it is this that serves as a source of a specific smell.

A similar smell is formed in those rooms, which serve as storerooms if they are not properly cared for. Usually we ourselves create the appearance of an average smell of decay when we throw different rubbish into a pile, and its smells overlap each other. And in this regard, stale paper gives off very strong odors, since the cellulose included in its composition absorbs everything very well.

Read also:9 secrets on how to get rid of sweat odor without deodorant

How to get rid of unpleasant odor in a room

First of all, it is necessary to identify the source of the rotten old smell and eliminate it. General cleaning with special products can help with this.

    Don't use air fresheners, since they are not able to completely eliminate odors, but only partially mask them. But the most unpleasant thing is that they cause enormous harm to human health. Indeed, behind these pleasant odors are hidden very harmful toxic substances, which quite easily enter the human body along with the breath, and are also absorbed through the skin.

    If trash has accumulated in the room for a long time, then you just need to throw it away or go through it and throw away what has already served its purpose and is not needed. Things like broken chairs, old shoes, clothes worn out a long time ago, newspapers and magazines should simply be thrown away immediately.

    All hard-to-reach places in the apartment should be thoroughly washed, wipe all doors, walls and even ceilings. Or maybe it’s even better to change the wallpaper completely.

    It is advisable to get rid of carpets for good immediately. If this is not possible, then using special products you should thoroughly clean it and ventilate everything well, and best of all, take it to the dry cleaner right away.

    You should open your curtains every day, since ultraviolet light kills mold and pathogens. A UV lamp also has a good effect, but it is important to know that when using it there should be no one in the room. It is recommended to turn on the lamp once a week for ten to fifteen minutes.

In order to start the fight for freshness in the apartment, you need to stock up on the necessary cleaning tools:

Removing the old smell with vinegar

Best for room treatment for those with old odors, vinegar is perfect. This is an indispensable tool for removing all unpleasant and heavy odors.

To do this, mix two tablespoons of vinegar with a glass of water., moisten a rag in the resulting solution and very carefully wipe every wooden element in the house. After about a week, this procedure must be repeated.

Vinegar removes odors very well, and disinfects the room. For more convenient use, it can be poured into a spray bottle.

How to remove the smell of old age with potassium permanganate

This tool is most suitable for to treat dark furniture, since light furniture can change its color. It is necessary to prepare a weak, slightly pink solution and wipe the furniture in the same way as with vinegar.

Other remedies against specific old man smell

In order for the result to be successfully established after colossal work and cleaning the room with vinegar and potassium permanganate, you need to prevent old persistent unpleasant odors from returning.

You can use various other means to do this:

    Place citrus peels and zests throughout your apartment. It can be laid out on all shelves, boxes and crevices of the apartment.

    Ground or whole coffee beans. The main thing here is that the smell from it goes smoothly to all corners.

    Scented soap. It can be cut into many small cubes and placed in all places in the room, especially in closets with bedding.

    Soda, lemon powder, activated carbon. These substances are also placed in bowls throughout the house.

Homemade deodorant

There is a way to remove unpleasant odors in the room using a homemade deodorant. made at home.

It is done quite easily. To do this, mix vinegar and warm water in a ratio of one to one, and add any favorite essential oil to this mixture. The resulting spray should be used to treat those surfaces that emit an old and musty smell.

Many housewives use this spray to care for their premises. When wiping, you should always close the cabinet doors only when the surface is completely dry.


With this device, which can refresh any room as much as possible., you can cope with the task very well, since with its help the air is well disinfected, and all bad odors are easily eliminated. For the same effect, you can also use an aroma lamp.

Cleaning upholstered furniture

You should always pay attention to upholstered furniture, which often bears the brunt of the impact from older people, since waste products of older people very often end up on the surface of sofas or beds.

When treating any upholstered furniture, it is recommended to always open the windows wide. To prepare the solution, mix well one teaspoon of citric acid with two glasses of water, one teaspoon of vinegar and one tablespoon of liquid soap or any detergent.

When you prepare the mixture, a thick, stable foam will form., which must be applied with a sponge to the upholstery of the sofa. After approximately two hours, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned with a brush.


If in a room where there is an unpleasant senile odor, burn a little paper, then the smoke will very quickly kill any unpleasant aromas. Regular toilet paper, crumpled into a ball, works well for these purposes. It ignites quite easily and smokes for a long time.

This, of course, will not be able to completely solve the situation, especially since a new smell will appear - the smell of smoke.

Ventilation of the room

It is necessary to make it a rule to constantly ventilate the room. This is the only way to keep the house fresh. Even at night, it is best to leave the window slightly open to allow fresh air to flow into the house. If possible, you need to ventilate the room once an hour.

Adding Scented Cleaners

In general, it is advisable to wash the floors in your home daily. If you add literally one capful of floor cleaning product that has a strong odor to the water, then the odor molecules that have ingrained themselves in the floor, and there are some, will immediately begin to die.

Incense sticks, oils

These are very good and useful things in the fight against the smell of old things in the apartment. They have a very persistent and at the same time subtle smell. Some housewives recommend not only adding oil to water, but even spreading a small amount of oil on wooden cabinets. And also where things are stored. Juniper, lavender, sandalwood, etc. oils are perfect for this purpose.

Cooking food

Since cooking is accompanied by certain aromas, housewives recommend cooking in the house as often as possible. Moreover, all household members will be delighted with this.

Indoor plants in pots

We all know that our smaller green friends have the ability to filter and purify indoor air. It follows that the more plants there are in the house, the cleaner the air will be.

Natural fragrances for things

As a rule, any dried herbs, dry perfumes, or regular scented soaps are suitable here. It is recommended to place these products where things are stored, especially bedding.

Dry fog generator

This device allows you to permanently and completely get rid of the smell of antiquity. It is capable of spraying small particles that envelop molecules and can irritate our sense of smell. The particle size can penetrate even the deepest structures and layers.

Why does it have this name? When the process of spraying particles with a generator occurs, a kind of cloud is formed, which is very similar to fog.

This device was invented in the USA. The substances obtained there have the ability to penetrate into the most inaccessible places. It’s hard to imagine, but they are able to penetrate even the pores of any materials. The device is able to capture odor and remove it permanently.

When older people live in the same room for a very long time, unpleasant odors can hardly be avoided. Unfortunately, the odor problem is not always and not everyone can completely cope with.

If, after you have made every effort to get rid of the specific smell of old people, but absolutely nothing has helped you, it is best to make a major renovation in your apartment.

And in order to consolidate the results obtained for as long as possible, you must adhere to some simple rules:

1. Try to regularly ventilate your apartment. Or just always, if possible, leave the windows open, especially when household members are not at home.

2. Always keep the room tidy and do not bring new things. The apartment needs some time to relax and freshen up a bit.

3. If there is high moisture in the house, it will lead to mold. And therefore, it is recommended to carry out general cleaning as often as possible.

4. Try to use only natural fragrances for your home.


As a rule, the smell of old age causes unpleasant associations and makes you quickly leave such a room.

Cleaning this property is very difficult, but necessary. This can leave guests with a positive impression of the well-keptness of your home.

In order to permanently remove a specific aroma from an apartment, it is necessary to act comprehensively, without attention, without leaving a single detail. Because if you carry out superficial cleaning, the problem will still return over time.

Unfortunately, people are not eternal and sooner or later a period comes when an elderly person dies. Often, in memory of themselves, they leave apartments and houses to their relatives.

It is impossible to live there from the first days, because the air is saturated with old age. This raises the question, how to get rid of the smell of old age in a room?

Preparatory activities

Before removing the smell from an old apartment, you need to understand how strongly the unpleasant aroma has ingrained itself into the surrounding space.

First of all, spend time in the old man's house. If the weather is warm outside, you can open the windows slightly. Place outerwear, bedspreads, towels, and chairs on the balcony.

To make the solution you will need:

  • 20 milliliters of liquid soap and dishwashing gel;
  • 2 mugs of water;
  • a spoonful of citric acid and vinegar.

Mix everything and shake until foam appears. Take a clean sponge and pour the resulting product onto it, clean the sofas, armchairs and mattress.

The smell disappears due to the thick foam; to achieve the best result, you need to leave the foam on the furniture for one to two hours. Use a brush to remove residue.

Other anti-stench techniques

Living in an apartment where there is a stench from old age is difficult. Odors permeate everything around you.

To get rid of the stench from things you can use:

  • peel or zest from citrus fruits. Place them on shelves in the closet, window sills, boxes;
  • ground or bean coffee. Place it in plates and place it throughout the apartment;
  • scented soap. It needs to be cut into small pieces and spread around the room;
  • citric acid, soda or activated carbon. These products are considered good adsorbents that absorb any odor.

But these methods do not always help create conditions for fragrance.

Some housewives claim that they got rid of mustiness with the help of:

  • wax candles. Light a candle and walk with it to all corners. It's best if the candles smell like fragrances. Then it is enough to place them in those places where the unpleasant aroma is most felt;
  • burning paper. The smoke overpowers other aromas. To do this, take paper or newspaper, crumple it and set it on fire;
  • special devices. Nowadays there are aroma lamps, ionizers and humidifiers, quartz lamps and ozonizers. They quickly change the atmosphere in the apartment.

Any method removes mustiness and stench from old age. But which one will be effective depends on the individual characteristics of the room.

When older people live in the same walls for a long time, an unpleasant smell cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, not in all cases it is possible to cope with the problem.

If all else fails, then it is best to make major repairs in the apartment. Experts say that the stench accumulates in wallpaper and floors. Therefore, it is worth opening up the floors and laying a new covering.

To make the result pleasing for a long time, follow some tips:

  1. Ventilate the room regularly. If possible, then leave the windows slightly open all night and for the time when everyone in the household is at work or school.
  2. Keep your home tidy. Don't bring in new things right away. The apartment needs some rest and refreshment.
  3. Increased moisture leads to the appearance of mold in the house. Therefore, carry out general cleaning as often as possible.
  4. Use natural flavors.

The smell of senility in an apartment is one of the common problems that affects young families. But it is possible to get rid of the stench if you resort to using various methods.

Women's portal - Bonterry