What does a dandelion tattoo mean? Dandelion tattoo with and without birds: symbolism, meaning and signs The meaning of a dandelion tattoo with birds on the shoulder blade.

Each image in the art of body painting is endowed with a certain symbolic meaning and reflects the individuality of the owner. Girls often choose a dandelion tattoo without thinking about its interpretation. What does a tattoo actually mean, and who would suit such a design?

Spring flower in mythology

The image of this spring plant has always had a positive meaning. For example, in the Victorian era it was believed that a flower could fulfill one’s deepest desire. Dandelion represented sun, happiness and warmth. Our ancestors often endowed the plant with magical properties, so they used it in rituals, fortune telling, as a love potion or amulet. They believed that a bright flower could protect against damage and the evil eye, as well as attract happiness and good luck to life. Therefore, it was hung at the head of children's cribs. For newlyweds, the root of the plant contributed to a strong marriage and the birth of healthy children. For this purpose, it was placed under the newlyweds’ bed.

Even though dandelion is essentially a weed, its medicinal properties are mentioned in old medical encyclopedias. People believed that a decoction from the plant could cure many diseases. In modern Feng Shui teaching, the flower is associated with material well-being and good health. It is often called the “flower of the military,” since men are forced to leave home and build a life in a new place. A dream in which you see a dandelion promises favorable changes in life. In the Christian religion, the flower is associated with the torment of Christ during the crucifixion and symbolizes sadness and sorrow.

There are interesting beliefs and signs associated with dandelion. It is believed that a child who finds this flower will grow exactly the length of the plant in a year. If you make a wish, blow on a dandelion and all the seeds scatter, your wish will certainly come true.

Dandelion tattoo meanings

The meaning of a dandelion tattoo is multifaceted. A dandelion tattoo in the modern art of body painting means kindness, tenderness, purity, cheerfulness, and carelessness. The owner of such a pattern is an optimist and romantic by nature. He is not afraid of sorrows and adversity, because he believes that all difficulties are temporary and good times are just around the corner. Such a person loves to travel, often changes his place of residence, and is distinguished by his sociability and perseverance. He easily adapts to any conditions and achieves his goals.

Dandelion tattoos with birds represent the desire for freedom and independence. Often a similar pattern can be found among people from the lower strata of society who have reached certain heights in life. In this case, a dandelion tattoo with birds serves as a reminder of the true origin and current successes.

For girls, the flower symbolizes flirtatiousness, lightness and playfulness. The owner of such an image may be flighty and childish. She loves adventure, is optimistic about the future and enjoys life.

The meaning of a dandelion tattoo may vary depending on the nature of the composition. For example, a fading flower represents sadness and heartache. A sketch of a dandelion tattoo with scattering seeds speaks of the philosophical nature of its owner and signifies the transience of life and the frailty of existence. A thematic inscription can complement the composition and give it a special meaning. Sometimes such a design is chosen by dreamers, extreme sports enthusiasts or travelers.

Popular execution styles

A dandelion tattoo with birds (see photo in the gallery) will look impressive in a watercolor style. The image is distinguished by lightness, airiness, smooth lines and the absence of clear contours. One gets the impression that this is a painting by an artist, and not just a body drawing. Work in a similar style is suitable for girls and will emphasize their fragility, femininity and youth. The composition will look beautiful on the shoulder blade, foot or leg.

Realism tattoos attract people with their naturalness and brightness. A color image is usually filled with many small details and play of shades.

Quite often, birds are depicted in sketches with dandelions. For example, a dandelion and swallow tattoo is suitable not only for women, but also for the stronger sex. A large-scale composition will look impressive on your back or arm.

Fans of strict and laconic images should pay attention to do-it-yourself or minimalist styles. The tattoo is usually done in black and white with clear outlines and thick shading. A small dandelion tattoo on the neck or wrist, made using a similar technique, will look original. The drawing can be decorated with an inscription, then it will acquire a special meaning and symbolism. Such a tattoo can serve as a talisman that attracts fortune and happiness in life.

For extravagant individuals, a tattoo of a dandelion with birds in the new school style is suitable. Photos and sketches can be found in large quantities on the Internet, choosing the most suitable idea. The peculiarity of this technique is the presence of a storyline and the ironic nature of the composition. Birds are usually depicted in cartoon form, and flowers complement the overall idea of ​​the work. The tattoo is bright, rich and has clear black contours. Slight distortion of lines and shapes is allowed, which gives the drawing originality and exclusivity. A large tattoo is suitable for the shoulder and will look good on the back.

Photos of tattoos

Selection of sketches

Did you know? There is a popular belief that a child who encounters a dandelion will grow in a year by as many sentiments as the length of the found flower. In general, dandelion was very often used in folk fortune telling and superstitions.

Dandelion with hearts

Romantic, playful, flighty people also liked the dandelion tattoo. The meaning of her girl is often defined as a love of adventure, joy of life, and a positive outlook on the world.

This sketch also attracts travelers, lovers of roads and wind in their faces. In their tattoos, parachute seeds are sure to fly away from the flower that grew them.

Dandelion birds on a girl's back

Image options

Whatever a person’s preferences in the meaning of the design, a dandelion tattoo can convey them. Flower sketches mainly revolve around the following subjects:

  • A young dandelion with a yellow inflorescence is associated with spring, warmth and joy. This drawing suits optimists.
  • A flowering or withered plant speaks of a person’s experiences, his bitterness or sadness.
  • A flower with scattering seeds is chosen by travelers, visionaries and dreamers, those who love to be nostalgic for childhood and dream of other worlds. Others stuff this option to remind themselves of the transience of life.
  • Birds flying away from a dandelion. A very popular sketch that symbolizes the desire for freedom.
  • Inscription. Often under the plant there is a life quote related to the owner’s worldview or the transience of time.

My tattoo is a discreet wild dandelion on my shoulder blade in black. I think that, unlike bright roses and noble lotuses, it emphasizes the inner beauty of a person.

Maria, Irkutsk

Cute dandelion tattoo

Dandelion tattoo meaning

There are a lot of bright and unusual colors in the world. Most of them are suitable for beautiful bouquets and are excellent decorations. Therefore, even in tattoos you can often see roses, lilies, peonies and other flowers of various shapes and colors. However, not all people want to associate themselves with something extremely bright and catchy. Beauty can be hidden in something small and modest. Dandelion is just the kind of flower that looks great as a neat and delicate beauty. Moreover, its life path is much more interesting than that of many other flowers, so the meaning can be seen deeper.


Colored tattoos, often depicting a still fresh yellow dandelion, personify youth and spring freshness. It is after the winter cold that these lovely yellow stars delight us, informing us of the approaching warmth. They are chosen by proactive people who are not ready to sit still. By the way, dandelions often make their way through tiny cracks in the asphalt and survive where all other plants simply wither. Because of this, the meaning of a dandelion tattoo is overcoming any obstacles and an insane desire to live.

In Christian culture, dandelions were a symbol of the Passion of Christ. Dutch painters used them as decorations in scenes of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the other side of the coin can be called bitterness, sadness and powerlessness, if we focus on the historical background.

Dandelion is an ideal symbol of the cyclical nature of life and the eternal series of rebirths. It has a very clear and simple life path, and if you look at it from a philosophical point of view, the dandelion is a perfect example of a living creature. It is born from a small flying seed, originates in almost any soil, makes its way out through any obstacles, after which it blooms, fades, gives birth to offspring, which scatter throughout the world in the form of dozens of small seeds, and the process is repeated again and again. Such a symbol can be printed not only on girls, but also on couples, because its meaning does not fit 100% into the feminine theme.

The image of a dandelion can also be associated with medicine and cooking. This plant has long been considered healing and is chosen as a tattoo by some people solely for its healing properties. In cooking, everything is a little more complicated: this plant has a unique and specific taste, but it is very difficult to cook due to its very pronounced bitterness. Therefore, people seeking to achieve special culinary heights can also turn their attention to it.

Sometimes this flower can mean lightness and freedom, in other cases it speaks of coquetry and flirting on the part of the wearer. It is worth noting that the dandelion is a symbol of the military. The military also rush to where they are sent, and just like these flowers, they are able to stubbornly go towards the goal and live at any cost.

Bottom line

Dandelion is an extraordinary plant. You can hardly imagine how many beliefs there are about this flower in different nations. They were used as flowers for wedding bouquets to make the life of the newlyweds fun and joyful. Dandelions are also considered witchcraft plants; they were often used for fortune telling to find out about life expectancy or, for example, the number of children you will have in the future. In general, all these points are the answer to the question of what a dandelion tattoo means.

But hibiscus, lilies and other plants are very popular all over the world.

For those who want to decorate their body with something unusual, a dandelion tattoo is an excellent alternative: it attracts attention and carries many symbolic meanings. In the article we will tell you what a dandelion tattoo means, and also look at photos of finished works and original sketches for girls and guys.

Dandelion tattoo: meaning

Dandelions have long been part of legends and folklore in various cultures around the world. Due to this, this feature gave the flower certain symbolic meanings.

In ancient times, when people in America and Europe learned about the health benefits of this plant, they began to use it as a tonic. Perhaps for this reason, dandelion symbolizes life.

In addition to its medicinal values, dandelion has a special significance in religion, as it is associated with some pre-Christian gods.

The plant has a relationship with the sun and this connects it with the God named Apollo, who is also known as the God of healing, which justifies the amazing healing abilities of this beautiful flower.

Dandelion is also associated with a goddess named Hecate, who is responsible for intuition and clarity of vision.

In Russia, the flower is associated with dreams and hopes, because children often make a wish by blowing the fluff off the flower.

Flying dandelion umbrellas symbolize lightness and freedom. They also remind us that everything is temporary, so we should enjoy every moment.

In some cultures, people add these flowers to their wedding bouquets because they are believed to bring good luck to the newlyweds.

A famous quote associated with this beautiful plant is, “Every breath is a new chance.” Therefore, the flower reminds us that we cannot change the past, but we have the ability to create our own future.

In a modern context, dandelion is a symbol of childhood, warmth, lightness, growth and healing.

An artist can use different colors when applying a dandelion tattoo, and each of them carries its own meaning.

For example, a yellow bud represents intelligence, joy, healing, radiance and communication, while a white orb indicates new beginnings, purity and purification. Its green part, which is the stem and leaves, indicates nature, life, rebirth and health.

In addition, dandelion is associated with the fiery sun sign of Leo, which gives it reverence in astrology as well.

Popular design options

The days when tattoos were only done with black ink are long gone. Today, tattoo artists are experimenting with different shades, shapes and techniques, turning tattoos into real works of art.

As a rule, a dandelion tattoo is done in bright colors that attract attention. Also, plants are often combined with other motifs, which give them additional meaning. Below we consider a list of the most popular designs and their symbolism.

Dandelion with flying seeds

This is the most popular and effective design that can tell a lot about a person’s personality. In general, it denotes the desire for freedom and daydreaming.

Dandelion tattoo with birds

A tattoo with this motif has a meaning that implies the fulfillment of desires and dreams. Also, a tattoo of a flower with birds means a love of travel and independence.

Dandelion combined with butterflies

This motif signifies life change and transformation.

Dandelion in combination with other flowers

Flowers are often used to complement various tattoo motifs. Moreover, when any plant is included, the symbolism of the tattoo may vary depending on the type of flower chosen and its color. For example, the meaning of the rose flower is passion and love, and the peony is beauty and innocence.

Watercolor design

Water, in most cases, is associated with life. This tattoo shows the creativity of its owner and is a symbol of life.

Tattoo combined with a quote

The dandelion sketch carries many meanings. A quotation gives you the opportunity to expand and deepen your desired meaning.

Dandelion tattoo: sketches and photos

The beauty of a design is largely determined by the creativity and experience of the tattoo artist. Therefore, when you decide to get a dandelion tattoo on your skin, you should look for an experienced artist who can polish the design to perfection.

The most popular styles for tattoos are minimalism, watercolor and realism.

As for the placement of the drawing, it is preferable for girls to apply sketches on the wrist, neck and back. While for men, a tattoo will look great on a leg or arm, for example, on a shoulder.

The gallery in the photo shows the best works of tattoo artists that will help you decide on the idea of ​​​​the future sketch.

The dandelion tattoo is a symbol that personifies the frailty of existence. This is due to the lightness of the many fluffs that are carried by the wind over long distances. Dandelion is a light and unusually delicate flower, crumbling at the slightest breath of wind. Because of its bright yellow cup, it is called the flower of the sun. And sometimes it is a military flower, since dandelion seeds are torn from their native roots and settled in a new place. A tattoo with a picture of a dandelion is an image of nature and its unfading beauty, joy and youth.

History of the symbol

The Goddess of Flowers chose her favorite flower. At first, the tulip was chosen for its beauty, but his answers to the goddess were very arrogant. Rose immediately began to insist on special attention to herself and constant care. Violet chose the edge of the forest instead of the goddess's courtyard. And only the dandelion told her that he agreed to grow in a place where he could bring joy to people and give happiness to children.
There is another story about a kind girl, a milkmaid, wearing a yellow scarf and a green dress. With her bright and pure image, she drove away, like the wind, from everyone she met, bad thoughts and unkind plans. The girl fell in love with the loud-voiced Lark, who did not reciprocate her feelings. Distressed by the refusal, she shook her scarf so hard that gold coins fell out of it, rolling all over the world, and then turning into beautiful sunny flowers. Peoples professing Christianity consider it a foreshadowing of Christ's suffering, which brought the disciples of Christ a feeling of sorrow and bitterness. Dandelion blooms on the eve of Christian Easter.

Meaning of a dandelion tattoo

The uniqueness of the plant is transferred to the symbolic meaning of the drawing. I remember this flower with umbrellas flying away when we blow on it, which is associated with a carefree childhood. Therefore, the image of a flower is often philosophically associated with a favorable time of the present, joy and gratitude for what is given now, because life is fleeting. Folk significance in the culture of many countries is associated with the fulfillment of dreams. Therefore, when applying a dandelion tattoo, keep a secret dream in your thoughts and it will definitely come true.

Since the flower survives in the most unpretentious conditions, the symbol is interpreted as perseverance and strength for survival. In this case, the sketch is chosen by people who dream of achieving their goal and taking a good place in the sun. The plant symbolizes people who travel with ease. A tattoo of a dandelion with scattering seeds is suitable for them. It carries meaning for lovers of roads and winds of adventure.

Dandelion is used in fortune telling to find out life expectancy, in how many years the wedding will take place, how many children there will be - in this case, the symbol takes on a magical meaning. In a religious sense - as evidence of faith.

Tattoo placement

The location on the body for applying a dandelion tattoo is selected based on the size and shape of the image. Small-sized designs are applied to the hands, feet, and neck. Medium on the shoulder blades, shoulders, lower abdomen, large shoulder blades and lower abdomen. A small round image of a flower looks beautiful on the neck, and an oblong one looks beautiful on the forearm. A more voluminous picture would be suitable on the shoulder blades and back.

Color scheme, compatibility with other symbols

For the color scheme, tones from light to dark shades are used - from yellow to blue, green, indigo, crimson. The color black is often used for drawing, which conveys all the beauty of the plant in one tone.
In a colored dandelion tattoo, a young yellow flower is applied, which symbolizes the approach of warmth. A fading plant is chosen by those who have some kind of experience and sadness. An image with scattering seeds from a flower is a choice for a traveler and a dreamer who cherishes a childhood dream. A dandelion tattoo with birds symbolizes freedom and the desire to have freedom. Often a quote with the owner’s worldview is written under the picture. Small and medium-sized drawings are suitable for stand-alone placement, while large ones can be combined with additional signs and symbols.

The meaning of a dandelion tattoo on a girl

Colored watercolors of the symbol look rich and emphasize the romanticism of the girl. The symbol is located on the neck, shoulder blades, lower abdomen, side, lower back, hand, foot, wrist.
The tattoo is suitable for both men and girls; guys often place the image on their shoulders.


A tattoo with the image of a dandelion carries a deep meaning, representing the embodiment of nature and its beauty. It will look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing on any part of the body. Each detail of the drawing has its own meaning, so you need to approach the choice of sketch carefully, using the advice of an experienced craftsman.

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