Articulation - what is it? And how to develop it? What is articulation? When can you start exercising?

Articulation Etymology.

Comes from Lat. articulo - I pronounce clearly.


Form of motor skill.


Coordination of the action of the speech organs when pronouncing speech sounds.

When pronouncing a certain sound, auditory and kinesthetic, or speech motor, control is realized. Underdevelopment of phonemic hearing (for example, in the hearing impaired) significantly complicates the acquisition of correct articulation.


Articulation is carried out by the speech zones of the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain. Psychological Dictionary

. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.

ARTICULATION (from lat. articulo - I pronounce clearly) - the joint work of the speech organs necessary to pronounce speech sounds. A. is regulated by the speech zones of the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain. For correct pronunciation of each sound, a certain system of movements of the speech organs is required, which is formed under the influence of auditory and kinesthetic (speech motor) control over the correct pronunciation, carried out through a feedback mechanism. Different languages, with some elements of similarity, also have their own characteristic features, and often similar sounds are articulated differently in different languages ​​(Russian). T , English and German t ; Russian,e uh And e

in Western European languages, etc.). The formation of correct A. is closely related to the development phonemic hearing . Its underdevelopment or general impairment (in the hearing impaired) makes it difficult to master correct A. Distorted pronunciation of speech sounds may. is caused by a violation of the central nervous regulation of the muscles of the speech organs, which occurs when the lower parts of the postcentral region of the cortex of the left hemisphere are damaged (see. oral apraxia in the article ), as well as due to defects in the articulatory apparatus itself. A. violations are typical for.

dysarthria. Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. 2003 .

Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko:


    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000. See what “articulation” is in other dictionaries: Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Articulation- Articulation: In linguistics: Articulation (phonetics) (or Method of formation of consonants) Place of formation of consonants In music: Articulation (music) Articulation in music Other: Articulatory base Articulatory gestures Articulatory apparatus ... Wikipedia

    articulation- reprimand, pronunciation Dictionary of Russian synonyms. articulation see pronunciation Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000.- (in communications technology) a measure of the quality of communication systems designed to transmit voice information; is determined by the ratio of correctly received speech elements (sounds, syllables, words, phrases) to all transmitted ones and is expressed in %. For example, in systems... ...

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000.- in music, a method of performing a sequence of sounds on an instrument or with the voice. The main types of articulation are legato, staccato, portamento, glissando. Technically related to the techniques of moving the hand (its parts) when holding the bow, striking the key, and... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000.- (from Lat. articulo I dissect) the work of the speech organs performed when pronouncing a particular sound; degree of clarity of pronunciation... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Articulation- coordination of the action of the speech organs when pronouncing speech sounds, which is carried out by the speech zones of the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain. When pronouncing a certain sound, auditory and kinesthetic, or... ... Articulation is carried out by the speech zones of the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain.

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000.- ARTICULATION, articulation, female. (lat. articulatio) (ling.). The work of the speech organs necessary to produce speech sounds. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000.- ARTICULATION, and, female. In linguistics: the work of the speech organs when pronouncing a sound. | adj. articulatory, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    . THEM. Kondakov. 2000.- a method for measuring the quality (intelligibility) of telephone transmission. Reduced intelligibility and distortion of telephone transmissions are caused by uneven attenuation of sounds of different tones in the line and devices. To determine the magnitude of distortion, use method A ... Technical railway dictionary


  • Articulation of sounds in a graphic image Buy for 120 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Articulation of sounds in a graphic image. Educational and demonstration material. We present to your attention 46 diagrams that show the position of the articulatory apparatus during the pronunciation of vowels and consonants (voiceless and voiced, hard and soft) sounds. In Russian…

In this article we will look at the basic concepts associated with articulation (the joint work of the speech organs necessary to pronounce speech sounds).

Dorsal called a style in which the tip of the tongue is at the base of the lower teeth. The back of the tongue is arched. The place of articulation is at the tip of the tongue and the lower teeth.

Apical is called a position in which the tip of the tongue is on the most convex part of the alveoli. The place of articulation is at the tip of the tongue and the convex part of the alveoli.

The place of articulation is where the bow occurs and sound is created.

Pronunciation- the process of clear and correct sound and intonation design of a statement.

Articulation- the position and movements of the speech organs, which in their interaction pronounce the sounds of the language.

Pronunciation includes concepts such as:

  • Intonation (stress, rhythm, timbre, pause, tempo)
  • Articulation (speech organs)

Movable (tongue, lips, soft palate)

Fixed (teeth, alveoli, hard palate)

Features of the construction of the speech apparatus:

  • Power mechanism: diaphragm, lungs, trachea, larynx, oral cavity, nasal cavity
  • Vibration mechanism: vocal cords
  • Resonator: nasal cavity, oral cavity, pharynx
  • Mechanism that forms an obstacle to the passage of air: tongue (tip, anterior, middle, posterior part of the tongue), lips, teeth, soft palate and uvula, hard palate and alveoli.

Rhythm- a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables and the relative speed of their pronunciation.

It is necessary to distinguish phrasal emphasis and logical:

Phrase stress - both in Russian and in English, a number of words lose their stress in a sentence (mainly function words, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns).

Logical stress - unlike phrasal stress, often the main semantic load falls on one word (and even on function words). When the logical stress changes, the sentence changes its purpose, that is, it answers different questions.

The rhythm of English speech is characterized by the fact that stressed syllables follow each other at more or less regular intervals, regardless of the number of unstressed syllables between them, therefore, the more unstressed syllables between two stresses, the faster each of them is pronounced.

In English, two or more stresses are possible within a word, but in Russian there is only one.

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lat. articulatio, from articulo - dismember, pronounce articulately) - the activity of the speech organs in the formation of sounds. The idea of ​​articulate human speech formed the basis of the concept according to which the ability to speak is a fundamental feature characteristic of all languages. The principle of double A. was developed in the 1940-1950s by a French researcher, representative of structural-functional linguistics A. Martinet. According to Martin, natural language has two levels of division. The first division is a way of grouping data from experiences common to all representatives of a particular linguistic community. It consists in the fact that any factuality about which they want to make others aware is divided into successive units, each of which has a sound form and meaning. That is, any fact of reality is conveyed in speech by a certain number of words. For example, to say “I am walking” means to express the act of walking. This phrase consists of two words, each of which has an independent meaning. This level of autonomously significant units is the first A. The units of the first division are minimal signs - monemes, the number of which forms an “open list”. It is impossible to determine exactly how many different monemes are contained in a certain language, since in any society new needs are constantly discovered, giving rise to new designations. However, we can split the word into smaller, meaningless units - phonemes; sound in itself does not mean anything - neither an object, nor a concept, nor an action: for example, the set “tкte” has the meaning “head”, and the units “tк-” and “te” do not have any special meanings. These units characterize the second division and perform a semantic-distinctive function: the sound form can be divided into successive units, each of which is capable of distinguishing one word from the others. Thanks to the existence of the second division, languages ​​are able to limit themselves to several dozen different sound formations, the combinations of which create the sound appearance of the units of the first division ("tom" - "house", "code" - "cat", etc.). The list of phonemes is closed, since each language has a precisely defined and, moreover, very limited number of units of the second division (for example, in the French language their number ranges from 31 to 34). In addition to the additional economy that the second division creates, it also has the advantage that it makes the form of the signifier independent of the meaning of the corresponding signified, due to which the linguistic form acquires greater stability. Thanks to this organization, language appears to us as a rationally organized semiotic system. The number of sounds is limited, the number of monems is extremely large, and the number of utterances (formed from monems) is almost infinite. That is why the tongue resembles a pyramid turned upside down. Phonemes do not mean anything, monemes (paradigmatic community), formed on the basis of phonemes, are the level of denotative meanings, and syntagms are combinations of words, statements that are capable of creating additional, connotative meanings. A distinctive feature of Martinet’s linguistic concept is considered to be the principle of economy substantiated by him, which solely governs the evolution and functioning of language. Double division facilitates the use and further development of communication tools and makes it possible to transmit a very large amount of accurate information at a low cost. Thus, you can communicate to others about your painful sensations through a groan (such a message cannot be characterized as linguistic), but a groan is a reflection of any sensation of pain and in this sense the message can be interpreted in any way. The situation will be different if you say the phrase “I have a headache” - the four consecutive units that make up the phrase give an idea of ​​the nature of the pain tormenting a person. It follows from this what the economy of the first division consists of: we could imagine a communication system in which each phenomenon or state corresponds to a special exclamation, but we only have to imagine the whole variety of such situations to understand that human memory is not able to assimilate appropriate number of exclamations and intonations. Several thousand signs (monemes), with wide combinational capabilities, allow us to make messages about such a huge number of phenomena that millions of different exclamations would not be enough to denote. So, the concept of double division plays a dual role: 1) double division is the criterion with the help of which linguistic phenomena themselves are revealed (for an utterance is only properly linguistic insofar as it can be subjected to double division). However, as it turned out, there may still be some linguistic phenomena (such as prosodic phenomena) outside the boundaries of double articulation; 2) double division is such an organization of language that most effectively implements the principle of economy. If the similarity of all languages ​​lies in the fact that they all have double division, then the differences between them lie in the techniques used by speakers of different languages ​​when dividing the data of their experience, as well as in the ways of realizing the capabilities inherent in the speech organs. Each language is characterized by a special division, and this applies to both statements and signifiers (cf. French “Jai mal a la tete” and Italian “mi duole il capo”: in the first case, the subject of the statement is the person uttering it, in the second - a sore head). It happens that differences in division lead to a different approach to the assessment of a certain phenomenon, or, conversely, a difference in the assessment of a phenomenon entails a difference in division. Based on the principle he proposed, Martinet gives the following definition of language: any language is an instrument of communication through which human experience is divided, specific to a given community, into units endowed with semantic content and sound expression, called monemes; this sound expression is in turn divided into successive distinctive units - phonemes, a certain number of which characterizes each language; the nature and relationships of phonemes vary from language to language. Every language represents a type of organization that corresponds to this definition. The significance of this concept is determined not only and not so much by its influence on the development of linguistic teachings proper, but by its resonance in the field of visual research (primarily, film semiotics of the 1960s). The idea of ​​double division as a necessary feature of language (in contrast to any other semiotic systems) led to the formation of the idea of ​​triple A. cinematic code in an era when the question of the specificity and essence of film language, its autonomy (in relation to verbal language), about the very possibility of qualifying a film image as a language. The failure of attempts to apply the principle of double A to the analysis of film language ultimately gave rise to doubts about the universality of the structural-linguistic model of the analysis of cultural phenomena. A.R. Usmanova

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