What you can and cannot talk about after sex. What to talk to a man about to win his interest? How do you feel

The main rule, of course, is the freedom of both partners during sexual contact in bed. And in this case, it does not matter at all whether everything said in bed will carry a certain semantic load or not, since in order to approve the actions of a partner or express one’s feelings, it is enough to use short words or statements, for example, “more”, “ mmm...", "yes!". In such statements one can clearly hear not only sexual lust, but also love for a partner, pleasure and impatience received from his caresses.

Next, we probably need to discuss a rather controversial definition - “obscene language” in bed. The reasons for the satisfaction that partners can get from hearing rudeness during sex are a thing of the past. Hard life forced people then simply not to pay much attention to caresses during sex. That is, men lived then according to the only and main principle: I came, I saw, I conquered. They didn’t think about what to say in bed, they simply had no time for it. And it is for this reason that men during sex may not restrain themselves from using strong expressions that are spoken with relish and passion, and may even be pleasant for a woman. It is quite possible that in both partners, obscene language will cause an even greater surge of sexual desire, so you can say in bed what both partners like.

And now we must, of course, remember the moans and screams during sexual contact. In this case, the adequate reaction of neighbors is a fairly significant factor. In all other respects, partners will be able to do almost anything they want. By the way, it is not at all necessary that during sex moans are heard only from the partner, while the partner, bravely squeezing his lips, would remain silent, like partisans during interrogation. Neither partner is obliged to limit themselves. Both a woman and a man can do whatever they like to do in bed, that is, cry, laugh or just be silent. Keep in mind that when having sex with someone other than your regular partner, you need to initially tell him about your personal preferences. Otherwise, you may simply scare him. Or perhaps he will be the love for life and your soulmate? Will you simply frighten away personal happiness with your own behavior?!

And one more rather complex question, which concerns whether it is possible to identify one’s own sexual desires, while using statements and words for this, for example, “I want you right now!” So, saying such statements in bed is not only possible, but also necessary. However, this must be done, of course, not on the first day after meeting. But in other cases, you will be able to demand it if you really want it.

Your words can make a man a God or... cause him suffering. And your relationship with him will depend on this. So what do representatives of the stronger half of humanity want to hear from their women?
I bring to your attention several of the most common phrases that will sound like music to your man. And of course they will improve the quality of your relationship!

1. How are you feeling?

Variants of this phrase:

  • How can I help you?
  • How can I ease your condition?
  • What would you like right now?
  • What would make you happy?
  • Is there anything I can do to make us both feel better?

He really wants your care for him. Caring gives your man a sense of the depth and strength of your relationship. After all, this is how you make it clear that his physical, moral and emotional well-being is important to you. Here's what men say when they hear these phrases:

  • “I feel like a person who is cared for, listened to, heard and understood.”
  • “I understand that she really cares about how I feel in a difficult situation, and she really wants to help me.”

2. I feel safe with you

Variants of this phrase:

  • You solved this problem so easily!
  • I'm delighted how you... (fixed the TV, set up the computer, nailed the hanger, pulled the clothes cord...)
  • You took a weight off my shoulders.
  • I couldn't do this alone!
  • You did a great job for me.

When a man loves you, he wants you to feel comfort, coziness and security next to him. By letting him know that his efforts were not in vain, you inspire him to continue to make efforts in this direction. Here's how men respond to these words:

  • “I realized that I had created a good base on which we could build much more and develop our relationship.”
  • “I would do even more for her!”

3. I support you

Phrase options:

  • I'm proud of you.
  • I believe in you.
  • You definitely can do it!
  • I'm with you anyway.
  • I don't care what others think, I know you better and I have confidence in you.
  • In my eyes, in any case, you are a wonderful (strong, talented, purposeful...) man.

“My wife is my fortress,” - this is how the famous artist Evgeny Zharikov paraphrased the famous catchphrase. A better image of support is perhaps hard to find.
Your man needs to know that he can count on you. Always. Both when he takes risks and when he pours champagne to celebrate a victory.
But a man is the embodiment of strength. Does he need support?
You are significant to your man like no one else. AND when you support him, believe in him and are proud of him, he becomes even stronger:

  • “Her support gives me confidence that I can solve many problems.”
  • “I have more strength.”
  • “I feel prepared to withstand the harsh conditions that I have been put under.”

Your man wants you to spend time with him, and not only in case of important and useful matters. He needs shaking, switching, play, a positive charge of emotions like air! Relationships become stale and turn into routine if they always follow the model “home - work, work - home, weekends - TV”.
Therefore, arrange small holidays. And don't get hung up on one thing. If he usually takes you to cafes or restaurants, host the reception at your place. And if you also prepare a dish that you master or that he likes, you will win doubly!
What do men think?

  • “The pleasure of spending time together is so refreshing to our relationship!”
  • “We usually have special sex after events like this.”

Your man wants to know that he is still desirable to you, excites you, and you can't wait to get into bed with him. And it’s not at all necessary to hope that he initiates sex every time. Take the first step! Let him know how much you want him. You don't risk being intrusive or immodest.
Men are delighted with this:

  • "It helps me feel sexually powerful."
  • “It fires me up!”
  • “I know that I am interesting, desirable, this adds warmth to the relationship, makes us closer.”

6. Thank you!


  • I'm so grateful to you!
  • I have no words…
  • I can't tell you how great you did!
  • Your help is so important to me!
  • Your care makes me truly happy.
  • I'm very pleased that you thought of this.

A huge number of men want a simple thing: to be appreciated for what they do. He knows that you need him. He strives to help you. A loving man wants to make you happy, it’s in his blood.
Therefore, sincerely express your gratitude to him. Don't skimp! This is the fuel that motivates him to continue in the same spirit:

  • I love your voice.
  • I love listening to you snore in your sleep.
  • I love your confused look too.
  • I love your shirts, ties and socks.
  • When you say “I love...”, you are turning to him with your heart. And his heart responds. He feels with his whole being that your love is unshakable and unconditional.. He stops being afraid of his vulnerability and gains the ability to express his love in return. Isn't this what you want?

    • “A woman who can speak about her love openly and strongly is a gift from fate.”
    • “Words are very important to me. But if these words are accompanied by a loving look, or even better, a gentle touch or hug, it’s just a thrill!”

    So, if you want to show your man how much he means to you, use all the phrases that were discussed. Let your wise instinct tell you how and in what combinations to do this. And you will become the one and only for him.

    Many women around just say: “All men only want sex! He's not interested in me at all." - “He only needs me for satisfaction! Animal!" - “Men are so primitive that they are not interested in anything in a woman except sex!”. Or maybe the fair sex simply don’t want to see anything else?

    You may be surprised, but there is something what do men want even more than sex (except for ages 15–19). Only their severity and pride do not allow them to say this. Editorial today "So simple!" will dispel the main stereotype about men.

    What to tell a man

    Men don't want to offend women at all. Yes, they have a much stronger attraction to the opposite sex, but that’s nature. But as has long been known, sex is only 50% of a happy relationship. Women want men to understand them, but for some reason they themselves don’t want to look beyond the stereotype. And the male representatives are so offended that perhaps women will never know the whole truth.

    In fact, a man needs tenderness and a sense of peace. He wants to have a completely different personal world with a woman. The light touch of a beloved woman can not only improve your mood, but also relieve melancholy and motivate you to new achievements. But a man is afraid to ask for this, because, at first glance, it is so obvious. And yes, they are afraid of appearing weak and soft in the eyes of their beloved.

    A man should feel love. We are sure every man wants to feel this. It's simple - female acceptance and approval. As you know, it is the woman who sets the emotion in the relationship. Second in importance after touches are words. They can give a man confidence that will soon change the world around you.

    Men want to be interested in them. There is no need to be clever, just ask about how the day went, what was interesting, how this or that circumstance influenced him. But there is one nuance here: you should not arrange a real interrogation about a man’s work affairs, especially if he is an influential person or works in “interesting” services. There are things that a woman shouldn’t delve into too much, especially if she likes to gossip with her friends.

    Men also want to be appreciated for their efforts. Note, verbally. After all, he can’t know what you thought. He is not you. So you need to express your thoughts and admiration. That's about what a man wants to hear.

    1. "I'm glad you brought us here, thank you.".
    2. “You are so great! You work so hard and try so hard for our family.”.
    3. So that she touches my shoulder and whispers: “You are such a good father and husband. I love you for this".
    4. When I offered her my vacation option, she took my hand and said: “Damn it, I adore you!”
    5. When I come home from work, she meets me at the door and says: "Hello! I am so glad to see you". Ideally, if she does this with a smile, and if she also wears beautiful lingerie...
    6. So that when I feel bad, she just hugs me and says: "Everything will be fine". Without further ado or questions.
    7. So that after sex she doesn’t immediately start talking about everyday life, but says: "Wow! Well, you’re still a beast!”

    Remember the last time you complimented a man? And what was his reaction? Do men like to be complimented?

    I believe that the compliments we give to women (such as “t You are my most beautiful, honey, you look so good"), efficient and effective...

    Men also like it when people say nice things to them. This is our nature - we love to be praised. But are those kind words that a woman says to her man really a compliment? You will learn more about this later.

    And as always, I will tell you about the compliments that a man WANTS to hear. But first I want to explain why I decided to write this article for you.

    Believe me, first you need to strive , and only then - to be understood. In this order. I want to emphasize that this does not mean that you put your interests in the background. Quite the opposite; the result is that both are happy.

    What do compliments to a woman and a man have in common and how do they differ?

    The compliments we give each other have the same goal - to show the importance of our lover or lover to us. So let's go in order. To begin with, I want to convey to you the importance of compliments to the man you love.

    Compliments to a man are necessary in order to instill strength in him and give him support. Your words, when they convey sincere care, are able to convey to your beloved that he “hero"He wants to hear about it, not guess. By praising his masculine qualities, you strengthen a man’s self-confidence.

    He needs to know that he is strong, that he has influence, that he has the gift of persuasion, for example. Let him know what you see in him."your hero."

    This article is valuable because you will gain practical skills if you read it to the end. In addition, I will share "secret information" which I give only during trainings.

    Thanks Evgenia! Mutual understanding reigns in their family relationships with their loved ones. I'm happy for them.

    Do you want to get the husband of your dreams? Then let's get started.

    The purpose of complimenting a man is to maintain an emotional connection in the relationship.

    First, let's remember what it is - an emotional connection? In the modern world, there is an opinion that successful and functional relationships in a married couple are built on mutual respect and unconditional trust. And love, passion and so on " romance" is not a matter of first importance, "
    it’s possible without it” .

    If in your relationship with a man there is a place for that very “ romance", then strengthens them " emotional connection" This is important for your communication. And I'll tell you why.

    An emotional connection in a married couple is the foundation on which your Home is built. A home where you want to return as soon as possible. Do you know the feeling when you really want to go home after “ bad day", where all the negativity of the day will not dominate you. This is the place where troubles lose their weight and become insignificant.

    Be sure that if you, as a married couple, do not create such an atmosphere for each other, then no one will do this for you. Such an environment is necessary. After all, things may come to , breakup.

    Ask yourself: do I want communication with my man to create conditions “security inside my Home "? If "Yes”, then a very effective method is to compliment your man. And do it right.

    In the training we teach women the art of giving the right compliments. An entire lesson No. 18, entitled “Compliments,” is dedicated to this skill.

    The effect compliments can have on a man

    And this is a particularly important point. How do you like this idea: you can " program» actions of a man using « the right compliments".

    It is noteworthy that with their simple help you can get from a man... whatever! If you know how to compliment a man in bed, in correspondence, at work, anywhere and at any time, about his style, about his appearance - thereby instilling in him the desire to do something. Also you can while complimenting him.

    I want you to understand correctly. To do this, I will quote one statement from the muse V.V. Mayakovsky - Lily Brik. This idea conveys the essence very accurately. She said:
    “...We need to convince a man that he is wonderful and even brilliant, it’s just that others don’t understand this. And allow what is forbidden to him at home, and then you will create your ideal man..." .

    But you could do " correct"compliment to a man. Say that none of the men you know has such extraordinary mental abilities. Believe me, this motivates you to achieve achievements. The mechanism works - and the man, confident in his abilities, begins to act.

    How to compliment a man correctly?

    So, the desire to bring back the smile on your loved one’s face, the desire to cheer him up is commendable and absolutely true. But in most cases, women use “supposedly tried and proven” methods that bring the opposite result.

    For example: try to bring it to " intimate talk" The catch here is that it’s mostly men who endure the hardships.” inside yourself" And therefore for him “ talking about your problems“This is in no way an encouragement. On the contrary, he will move even further away.

    Remember, has this ever happened to you: he reacted to a sincere attempt to help his lover in such a way that he closed himself off even more?

    I want to convey that the best compliment for a man is a phrase that characterizes your state next to him, makes it clear that you are happy and grateful to him for being with you. A man wants to understand that you are happy with the way he is caring for you. He wants to know that you feel happy next to him, that you appreciate what he does for you. Therefore, I want to introduce you to a very easy but effective method.
    Pay attention to these 16 phrases, “ exposed” as compliments to a man. You can successfully use them to develop and improve those qualities for which you value him - courage, strength and similar character traits.

    16 phrases disguised as compliments to a man...

    1. Your smile turns me on / You make me lose my sanity
    2. I lose track of time when I'm near you
    3. I always think about you when you're around
    4. I adore your smile. In the morning, when I see her, she motivates me to be even better for you.
    5. Take my hand, let's go for a walk. I want everyone to see what a wonderful man I have
    6. Looking into your eyes, I want to dissolve in them. I want you. You nourish my life force more than the air I breathe
    7. I want you to hug me" whole body" Let not even the wind pass between us
    8. I can't think about anything else when you're next to me
    9. If you were a drink, I would drink you in one gulp / or vice versa - savor it, with a blissful smile on my face
    10. Having touched your world once, I became eager to be a part of it forever.
    11. I love it when you look at me like that. I feel loved
    12. When you speak, I even hear your warm breath
    13. There is no such person in the whole world. Which would be of such value to me
    14. It was next to you that I understood the essence of the statement “ women love with their ears" When you speak, my attention is drawn to every word you say. Your voice is a real magnet
    15. I admire your ability to do....../your ability
    16. The best place on earth I can be is in your strong embrace. I feel protected next to you

    Compliments to a man are a weapon.

    So, in your fragile hands is a tool with which you can create the man of your dreams.

    You will be surprised how easy it is to have a man next to you who meets all your needs. The main thing is that you do not deprive him of his freedom, because this is what he himself wants - TO BE THE BEST FOR YOU. Remind him that you feel protected next to him, and you will feel it more and more.

    Instill in him that this level of intellectual development cannot be compared « no head» at his job, that he has no competitors there. Every day this confidence will grow stronger. Fill the mind of your chosen one with this confidence.

    And again about harmony. Not always your words can achieve the final goal and encourage a man. These words may seem forced, and he will perceive them as flattery. Believe what you say when complimenting a man.

    In addition, men should not be over-praised. He’s arrogant :) This has been tested by more than one woman and more than one man.

    Marilyn Monroe said: " I agree to live in a world ruled by men as long as I can be a woman in this world" You have power, use it. This is how this world works.

    But I want to remind you: I want happy families to be built. And it is for women pursuing the noble goal of creating a family and healthy relationships that I give away my accumulated experience. And this experience is not intended to seduce a man and rejoice "purchasing a toy."

    Lesson No. 5, entitled “Secrets of building relationships” (as part of the training), gives a woman practical skills and techniques to take her relationship with a man to a new level. Including with the help of compliments.

    Thank you for reading this article. It is very important for me to know that my words have value for you! Save these phrases on your social network page. Remember, when you say the right compliments to a man, you are making the right choice!

    Read the top materials on my blog:

    Giving advice on how to love correctly is, of course, stupid, loving correctly is simply loving. But I still want to draw attention to the subtleties of relationships between women and men.

    Love brings great joy to the life of each of us, but often our internal fears and unresolved problems turn the joy of love into suffering and everyday quarrels, into showdowns and mutual reproaches.

    If you could follow all the advice in relationships between men and women and it would be easy, there would probably be a lot more happy couples and people.

    No amount of advice will bring peace and harmony if this advice does not come from your depths.

    If in your unconscious you do not respect a man and in your inner world he is already devalued, then no matter how hard you try to follow the advice and be the RIGHT woman, there will be no result.

    I think the great benefit of such advice is to know them and better understand your weaknesses, to think about your inner female state, about your deep perception of men.

    First of all, you need to understand that in a relationship, external behavior is not as important as the internal state of each person.

    The man, oddly enough, loves first of all his condition next to a woman, depending on HOW he feels, his desire to be with her will be.

    If he feels like a MAN next to a woman, then he will try to do everything possible for her.

    A woman should also feel like a WOMAN next to a man, then she will see a MAN in him, but the main responsibility for a woman’s condition lies with the woman. No one will take care of you more than you take care of yourself. Alas, this is true.

    Loving correctly is first and foremost

    take care of your inner state

    , well-being and mood. Therefore, first about us, about women, and only then about our


    What and how they love and how to love them correctly.

    How to actually take care of your inner state?

    1. Do not turn your relationship with a man into only responsibilities for yourself, do not deprive your relationship of life and joy.

    If you work 2-3 jobs, and when you come home the whole house is on you, then what kind of joy can we talk about in a relationship?

    You should not be exhausted, tired, lack of sleep - all this leads to your energy exhaustion, lack of strength and loss of mood, which in turn affects all your loved ones and, first of all, you.

    2. Taking care of yourself and your condition includes the ability to hear yourself and your desires, Very often, in your desire to help and please others, you forget about yourself.

    No question, if caring for others really brings you joy and you recharge, then for God’s sake...

    What if, on the contrary, it exhausts you? So think about it

    how to take care of yourself first


    It may be correct to distribute responsibilities between your family, learn to say NO, feel the boundaries of your personal space and generally have it, both in reality and internally.

    3.Loving correctly is

    do not impose your love, do not suffocate a man with love

    and do not demand love and attention from him.

    A woman should take care of her inner world so that harmony and peace reign there

    If you are overcome by fears of being abandoned, becoming unnecessary, you are afraid


    And you don't see the joy in life without

    Whether you like it or not, you will ruin your relationship and your life.

    To love correctly is not to lose yourself in a relationship, not to try to merge with a man into one whole, depriving yourself and his personal space.

    You should have your own interesting life without a man. Don’t give up your hobbies, don’t stop communicating with friends and relatives, don’t get hung up on a man as the most important, and most importantly the ONLY, interesting object for you.

    Know how to dissolve in a man and lose yourself, forgetting about everything, and most importantly, don’t forget to come back to yourself.

    4. Taking care of your condition means being able to enjoy the process. When you cook, try not to cook for the result, so that there is something to eat, but try to cook something from which you will enjoy while cooking.

    Learn to enjoy everything you do. Take 15-20 minutes every morning to be alone with yourself, with a cup of your favorite tea or coffee, to tune in to the pleasant excitement of the new day.

    It's right to loveFirst of all, it’s about being able to communicate correctly.

    This is difficult to do when emotions take over you, you are upset and offended, so it is important to keep your inner world in order, to deal with your grievances, the pain of the past. Free yourself from all negative and interfering attitudes, then the wave of rage and anger will not overwhelm you, and you will be able to control yourself in conversation and choose the right words.

    When you are hurt, you escape from your pain by hurting a man, thereby burning bridges to further understanding of each other.

    You need to be able to communicate with a man “I am messages”, talk about your feelings - “I am angry”, “I am angry”, “I am offended”, “I feel like you don’t need me.”

    Then be sure to voice the reason why you feel all this, and then offer a solution that would suit you.

    This way you will maintain his masculine state in a man, because “You messages” in which you blame him always have a very negative impact on the man and as a result you get nothing, only even more pain and resentment.

    You need to be able to calmly and correctly defend your position and desires.

    6. It is important to pay attention to your facial expressions and intonations when you talk to a man. Without noticing it yourself, you can send a man signals about your real attitude towards him, which is hidden deep inside you and often you yourself may not even be aware of your true attitude.

    Your attitude towards a man is formed not with a specific man with whom you live or meet, but from those attitudes that you absorbed from your mother, from the relationships that you had in your family, from your mother’s attitude towards your father and men in general.

    7. To love correctly is to be able to be open and talk about your feelings, experiences, desires directly, without hints. Men don't understand women's florid conversations.

    A confident woman will not give hints; she will speak directly about her desires.

    Very often women, due to complexes and insecurity

    don't know how to ask

    And they don’t know how to accept.

    For some reason, it seems to them that a man must figure out everything himself, sometimes forgetting simple things, ask and be heard. You need to be able to voice your requests and desires directly without hints.

    You need to ask sincerely and at the same time always leave room in your soul for refusal, but there is no doubt that the request may remain unfulfilled... And you definitely need to have patience, each man has his own speed of perception, someone needs several days to fulfill your request and desire, for some a few months. They asked and forgot...if it is very important, then write him lists and attach them in a visible place, reminding him periodically.

    A self-confident woman will rarely think about refusing her, and if she receives it, she will not be very upset, at least she will not in any way connect this with the fact that she is not loved.

    When a woman sincerely asks a man, he feels needed and needed by her. This maintains his condition as a MAN.

    8. Loving correctly is

    be able to be grateful

    , to be able to sincerely thank and rejoice in what a man does, it is important to be able to see the good in his actions, and not focus on the shortcomings.

    Living next to a man, we begin to treat him as our property, completely forgetting that he is a separate person. We begin to take everything that comes from him for granted, as if all this should be, sometimes, not considering it necessary to say from the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU. Not a stock phrase, but a sincere thank you.

    When we receive a little from strangers, we begin to warmly thank them, but we rarely spoil our man with our gratitude.

    9. To love correctly is not to tolerate quarrels in public., telling his mother and friends about what a monster he is.

    Firstly, you are not presenting yourself in the best light, but you chose it and live with it.

    And secondly, you undermine his authority and turn your loved ones against him, thereby cutting off the branch on which you are sitting. In difficult moments, when relationships are cracking, it is unlikely that after your stories, one of your loved ones will help you preserve them.

    You will only be able to hear one piece of advice - why do you need him so much, which will not add to your respect for him at all.

    10. To love correctly is to know what love language your man speaks, what is important to him - your hugs or a deliciously cooked dinner, a clean apartment or your praise, a little surprise.

    You can thoroughly clean the apartment, but he will feel unwanted and unloved because you didn’t fry the delicious cutlets that his mother cooked for him.

    Or, on the contrary, you prepare him a dinner of foreign dishes, and he will pay attention to the scattered things in the house.

    You don’t need to try to be perfect in everything, it’s enough to just understand when your man feels your love and care for himself.

    11. To love correctly is also to respect a man, Moreover, respect has nothing to do with spiritual intimacy. Mental intimacy creates an attraction to each other without reason or basis; intimacy can arise simply after a good person treats you well, but this does not guarantee you respect for him.

    Respect is always based on real achievements, not necessarily material, but also spiritual qualities that require no less work than material ones.

    Any person has qualities and achievements for which he can be respected, it all depends on whether you see them or not.

    Respecting a man means respecting the boundaries of his personal space and his desires.

    Men are very sensitive to any pressure, they immediately begin to show stubbornness.

    A loving woman will not put pressure on a man; she will be able to express her desires in a respectful manner, leaving the choice to the man.

    12. The right way to love a man is to believe in him. Don't doubt him and his abilities. Believing is seeing potential, and if you don’t see and don’t believe in his abilities, don’t take things that aren’t YOURS, leave them for another woman who will see in him what you didn’t see and not because you’re bad or couldn’t see, you just have a different angle of view.

    Why is it so important for a woman

    take care of yourself first

    Because a man is very sensitive to a woman’s mood, although he does not show it.

    Everything a man does, he does it only FOR the sake of the woman, family, children, and it is very important for him to see the woman satisfied and happy.

    If a woman is irritated and tired, then the man receives for himself the information “I AM BAD”, “I cannot make her happy”, “She feels bad with me”, and who likes to feel forever bad.

    Sometimes a woman deliberately demonstrates her dissatisfaction, wanting a man to think about it and begin to change his behavior or attitude, but the woman does not realize that her dissatisfaction with him and reproaches have the opposite effect, the man withdraws.

    Now you understand how important it is to take care of not only your appearance, but also your inner world. Being in harmony with yourself, you will create harmony around you.

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