Project “The History of a Button. Once upon a time there was a button. Lesson summary for senior children on the topic

BUTTON, button, button, button - a circle or ball, a hat with an eye, sewn to clothing, for fastening with a loop, with a loop. Pugva (female church) bulge, hump. Puga, puzhka - the blunt end of an egg, heel, tail. Button maker, or button maker, button maker.

The word “button” sounds interesting in different languages: * In Japanese it is “netsuke”, although this word is more common to denote a type of art. * Italian - bottone, Spanish baton - bud, unopened bud. * In German - Knopf, in Dutch Knoor means “bump, bulge, top”. (Compare with the word "button", which refers to a type of fastener).

In ancient times, people connected their clothes with various animal bones, small sticks, and plant thorns. In ancient Egypt, buckles were already used, or one piece of clothing was threaded through a hole made in another, or the ends were simply tied together.

The oldest buttons and button-like objects were used as decoration rather than for fastening and were discovered in India. They were made about 5000 years ago!!! The ancestors of the Russian button date back to the 6th century. Old Russian buttons-weights

Buttons, as a rule, were decorated with a pattern. For example, concentric circles meant the sun. The five-pointed star is a symbol of fertility. In Russia, the button mainly served as a talisman. The buttons were hollow, in the form of a ball, into which a piece of metal was placed. When walking, such buttons rattled and thereby scared away evil spirits.

Buttons were appreciated only in the Middle Ages, when suits tailored and sewn exactly to fit the figure came into fashion. They could not be put on without ripping them out. Therefore, fashionistas and fashionistas had to wait until the clothes were sewn directly onto the figure before going out, and then freed themselves from the “shackles of beauty” for just as long.

The button was first used as a fastener in Germany around the 13th century. Buttons then quickly spread throughout Europe and were used to make tight-fitting clothing. True works of art appeared. Using a special glaze, artists painted the buttons with bright pictures.

Having originated, the button remained an element of the men's military uniform for a long time. Ladies preferred stilettos and safety pins. Peter I ordered buttons to be sewn on the front side of the sleeve of a soldier's uniform for one purpose: to preserve expensive cloth, not allowing yesterday's peasants to wipe their nose or mouth with their sleeves after eating.

But, like everything in the world of fashion, when a certain level of perfection is achieved, women appropriate it for themselves. The same thing happened with buttons. When buttons became a real object of art, women turned their attention to them. The button served as a decorative decoration. Buttons were made from precious metals, corals, and amber.

In 1877, as one of the fashion magazines of the time put it, “women were seized with button madness.” At the same time, buttons covered with fabric appeared. Women are simply tired of polishing metal plates to a shine every day.

Silver English and French buttons in the Art Nouveau style. Buttons with the image of insects, covered with glass. Mid or late 18th century. Copper buttons. Presumably England. XVIII century

And in the 2000s, colored glass buttons, produced in West Germany and Czechoslovakia, became popular all over the world. Pure bright colors, gold and silver trim, and thoughtful design made them a wonderful addition and decoration to women's clothing. But with the widespread proliferation of household washing machines, which spoil and break fragile glass, they had to be abandoned. After World War II, there was a catastrophic shortage of raw materials for the production of buttons, so any material at hand was used: in Germany, buttons were produced from the windshield of decommissioned fighter planes, and an artel near Moscow stamped them from gramophone records softened in a fire.

Buttons 16th century Bread buttons Century button Wooden button

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Municipal budgetary preschool institution kindergarten No. 12 structural unit “Beryozka” Short-term project “Magic Button”. Teachers: Karmanova G.V. Taepova R.H.

Relevance We live in a time of rapid speed and high technology. Every year the number of technical innovations that amaze with their capabilities increases. The world of objects, already huge, is replenished and expanded. All this is reflected in our daily life - we no longer pay attention to the objects that we use every day. It’s a pity, because some of them, sometimes even the most ordinary ones, contain a lot of interesting things.

Type of project: Research and creative Duration: Short-term (3 weeks) By number of participants: group (children, parents, teachers) Subject of research: Buttons.

Involve parents and children in joint productive creativity. Goal of the project: Objectives: Expand your horizons through familiarization with the accumulated human experience of knowing the world. To introduce children to the history of the button, its types and classification, to expand children’s knowledge about the world around them; Develop the imagination of children and parents, creativity, interest in collecting; develop fine motor skills of the hands, cognitive activity, imagination, and communication skills. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to work in a team, and instill a caring attitude towards other people’s work and crafts.

Preparatory stage: Information sheet for parents about the start of the project; Together with parents, preparing buttons for the project; Creation of the “Magic Buttons” collection in the group; Selection of illustrative and artistic materials; Drawing up notes for thematic lessons in different sections of the program.

The main stage of ECD Working with parents Working with children Joint activities of adults and children

Creation of the “Button - Magician” collection.

Joint activities of parents and children

Parents' work: “Massage mats for the prevention of flat feet.”

Family of Andrey O. and family of Darina Z.


Didactic game: “Memorize and repeat”

Didactic game: “Match the leaves to the tree”

Button patterns

"Miracle tree."

Educational activities in special moments Modeling “The Miracle of a Button”

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing on the topic: “Such different buttons”

Educational activities in special moments “Artistic and aesthetic development” Application: “Fish in an aquarium.”

Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling on the theme: “Here is our train rushing, the wheels are knocking”

The final stage is the broadcast of the project. Photo exhibition of special moments during the project. Review of massage mats. Design of the mini-museum “Magic Button”. Presentation of the project Exhibition of handicrafts of joint activities of parents and children (photo frames, magic bag, panels, handbags and bracelets, etc.)

Expected result: Development of children's cognitive and creative abilities. - Manifestation of independent activity of children. - Improving work on interaction with parents, activating parents as participants in the project. - A positive attitude towards the world based on emotional and sensory experience.


Our guests


Svetlana Volchenko
Project “The History of a Button”

« History of the button»

educational and research project for preschoolers.

Passport project

Educational area: Cognition

Type project: educational and research.

By the nature of contacts: In implementation project Children of the senior and preparatory groups and group teachers take part.

By number of participants: group.


It is no secret that the leading role in the formation of a child’s personality and in the formation of his spiritual world belongs to the emotional sphere. It is through it that one should act. A preschool child lives in a specific natural social and cultural environment.

The child’s ability to animate the inanimate world with his imagination allows him to “humanize everything that exists”

The ways to involve preschoolers in the process of perception and productive creativity are varied. Fairy-tale narration, game situations, and elements of pantomime will add dynamism and intriguing mystery to the lessons.

Waste material is probably one of the most common materials for arts and crafts. Plastic bottles, food containers, cups, spoons and plates, plastic straws, kinder surprises, old things and other household waste are worth nothing, but using them in your creativity you can make real masterpieces.

We will stop at buttons.

Button- This is a ready-made material, easy to use for crafts with children. You can say "decorative" waste material.

The relevance of our topic is that the teacher’s task is to show children what can be done from ordinary buttons where it can be used. Develop collecting skills. Interest in research activities

And it’s also no secret that the development of fine motor skills (flexibility and accuracy of finger movements) and tactile sensitivity is a powerful stimulus for the development of children's perception, attention, memory, thinking and speech. Children who have better developed fine hand movements have a more developed brain, especially those parts of it that are responsible for speech. The fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the human central nervous system.

Therefore, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child from a very early age. But simply doing exercises will be boring for your child - you need to turn them into interesting and useful games. In our case, games using buttons. Making crafts from buttons.

And it is very important for parents to work together with their children, to create a unified space for the development of the child in the family and preschool educational institutions, to make parents participants in the educational process.

Target project:

Children develop natural scientific ideas about objects in the world around them.

Broadening one's horizons through educational and research activities.

Development of fine motor skills, coherent speech, thinking and creative abilities of children.


Introduce children to history of buttons, their diversity, range of use.

Development of the desire for search and cognitive activity.

Development of mental activity and creative abilities.

Supporting the desire of older preschoolers to examine objects to identify their features.

Encouraging children to independently use mastered standards to analyze objects, highlight their similarities and differences on several grounds.

Development of communication skills.

Forming an idea of ​​the diversity of species buttons.

Introducing children to different sewing methods buttons.

Improving analytical perception, stimulating interest in comparing objects, learning their features and purpose.

To interest and captivate children with the idea of ​​collecting.

Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards clothing and including buttons.

Stages project

Stage I – preparatory.

Discussing goals and objectives with children.

Determining the level of formation of preschoolers’ ideas about buttons. Two question model used "What do I know?" And "What do I want to know?". Thus, the main research questions were identified activities:

"What does the word mean? button

“What did people use before the invention buttons

"What were the first buttons

“What types are there buttons

“What materials are they made from? buttons

Stage II is the main one.

Topics have been selected projects, which the children and their parents had to prepare.

The stages of research activities were determined, options for searching for information, and the products of activity that the children planned to receive at the end were discussed project.

As a result of the implementation of joint projects preschooler prepared samples of sewing methods buttons, collected material about the species buttons.

Stage III is the final stage.

Registration of the result project.

A presentation of the implementation of all stages has been prepared project.

During the research, the group created a mini-museum and collected collections buttons, samples buttons"Metal and plastic buttons» , "Children's buttons» , « Buttons - decorations» .

Implementation project.

Educational situation:

Speech development (speech development). Looking at paintings depicting buttons. A story from personal experience "How I learned to fasten buttons» Writing descriptive stories about buttons. Memorizing poems and proverbs about buttons. Use of proverbs and sayings.

Making up fairy tales and stories about a button« Button» , "A Tale about a Beloved" button» , « Button» and etc.

Speech exercises: "Pick and Tell", « Button got lost» , "Which button, “Describe button» ;

Cognitive development: Conversations on topic: "Where did it come from? button» , « History of the button» , « History of buttons» .

Communication situation: « Buttons- information carriers".

Didactic games: “Distribute buttons for groups(by color, shape, size, material)», "Make a picture", "Find a Pair", “What geometric figure does it look like? button» ,

Artistic and aesthetic activity:

Drawing: "Let's draw button» , "Let's draw button» , "Grapes"

grapes", "Ladybug", « Buttons for fairy-tale characters", "Aquarium", "Sun" and etc.

Modeling: "Pyramid", "Doll from buttons» , "Globe", "Centipede", "Bright photo frame", "Amanita". "Berry Glade", "Vitamins in a Jar", "Beautiful plate", "Flowers", "Caterpillar", "Dressing up the Christmas tree", "Magic Flower", "Ladybug" and etc.

Application: "Lay out from buttons picture» , "Bunch of grapes", "Caterpillar", "Pyramid", "Merry Men".

Construction: Creation of volumetric structures from buttons using wire, plasticine, cocktail sticks, etc.

Laying out from buttons of various patterns(mosaic, etc.) .

"Caterpillar", "Laying out patterns", "Butterfly", "Bracelet for Mom", « "A tree made of threads and buttons» . "House","Pot with a flower" and etc.

Manual labor: Sewing buttons, stringing.

"Beads from buttons» "Beads", "Heart for Mom", "Hot stand" "Decoration for the kitchen", "Ring", "Butterflies", "Plate" and etc.

Play activity:

Didactic games:

"What does it look like button» Button mosaic», "Pick up the wheels", "Count it", "Miracle- button» , "Look-decorate", "Private button» "Seven-flowered flower", « Buttons» , "Composite Pictures", "We're putting things in order", "Throwing buttons» , "Pick the Fruit", "Geometric figures", "Plant a flowerbed", “Match with clothes” and etc.

Role-playing games:

"Shop", "Studio", "Family", "We are designers" and etc.

Experimental - search activity:

Consideration buttons under a magnifying glass; familiarization with the properties and qualities of the materials from which they are made buttons(color, shape, size, transparency, strength, weight, texture, etc.)

Working with parents:

Parent meetings

Conversations with parents about the importance of this problem;

Making crafts,

Making up fairy tales and stories by button,

Replenishment of the collection buttons,

Folder addition « The button is a miracle worker» , "Miracle - button»

Holding a show-competition of crafts “Mom and I are needlewomen”

Holding an exhibition-competition of drawings « Button» "My button»

Conducting a fairy tale competition button"Dreamland";

Family holidays “My mother, grandmother and I are great craftsmen!”;

Writing little books about your stories or fairy tales, about button.

Expected results.

Expanding children's vocabulary.

Developing children's interest in research, experimental activities, creative and cognitive abilities.

Active participation of children in conducting experiments and research.

Developing the ability to pose a specific problem, find its solution and draw an appropriate conclusion.

Results of monitoring the cognitive development of children at different ages (senior preschool, preparatory) The group was shown the success of the work carried out. Children began to ask more questions, actively show interest in objects of the world around them, and establish connections between the properties of objects and their use.

History of buttons captivated children and their parents so much that they began to create family collections buttons.

The main thing I taught project children and parents - this is the realization that even the most ordinary thing can contain amazing the history of its appearance.

Implementation results project were prepared and shown to parents in the form of a presentation.


1. Dybina O. V. "Man-Made World". – M., 2001.

2. Dybina O. V. “What happened before... Games - journeys into the past of objects". – M., 2001.

3. Kiseleva L. S., Danilina T. A. et al. “ Design method in the activities of a preschool institution. A manual for managers and practical workers of preschool educational institutions." – M., 2003.

4. Directory of the senior teacher of a preschool institution.

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Project activities
Pupils of 4 “B” class MBOU secondary school No. 21 Antseva Victoria Scientific supervisor: Belousova M.I.

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Project theme: “A button in our life”

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Type of project: creative Form of work: extracurricular Purpose of the project: get acquainted with the history of the origin and life of the button Tasks: study the history of the origin of the button, form an idea of ​​the variety of buttons, develop the desire for creative abilities

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Why did I choose buttons to study? I want to know: what does the word “button” mean? What did people use before buttons were invented? What were the first buttons? Do buttons have rivals? What are buttons used for, besides fastening?

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In this creative work we will look at:
Ancient buttons Archaeological excavations Buttons in Russia Buttons-amulets Buttons in the wardrobe Price of a button Variety of buttons Monuments to a button Crafts from buttons

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Most of the things around us were invented so long ago that now no one can say exactly when exactly this happened. This happened with the button that accompanies us all our lives.

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Thorns, small sticks, animal bones - ancient people used all this to hold together fabric, skin, and leather.
Ancient buttons

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The first clasps appeared in the 3rd millennium BC. At archaeological excavations in the Indus River Valley, real stone buttons with two or three holes were found.
Archaeological excavations

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In Russia, buttons have been known since the 6th century. But they were used as a talisman. Large amulets buttons, with some kind of stone inside so that they would ring like bells, were sewn to clothes, sometimes without a loop at all. When the amulets fell out of use, the button acquired its intended purpose - it became a fastener.
When did buttons appear in Russia?

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Ancient shamans and sorcerers could use buttons to bewitch a loved one or ward off evil spirits. A button with 4 holes could influence a person’s fate, all you need to do is sew it on in the right way.
Button amulets

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The word “Button” comes from “scare”: to scare away evil forces hostile to man. They were often made red. Since it was believed that red is the color of fire, it enhances the properties of the amulet button. The shape of the buttons was also not accidental: in the form of an acorn or an egg - a symbol of fertility. Symbols of the sun - a circle with a dot in the middle, a spiral - protection from black, hostile forces.

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Popular wisdom says that if a man is missing a button, he should marry or divorce. If you meet a chimney sweep on the street, you need to grab him by the button and make a wish - it will definitely come true. If a black cat crosses your path, you should pass the ill-fated place with your eyes closed and holding a button.
Folk wisdom

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In Europe, buttons began to be used recently - about 500 years ago. Europeans used lacing and sewed dozens and hundreds of buttons onto their suits, not for convenience, but for the sake of beauty.
Europe without buttons

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Only men were interested in buttons
Women did not use buttons for a long time; only men were interested in them. There were so many buttons sewn onto a man's dress, more than several thousand, that it became very heavy.

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History remembers that the French king Francis ordered 13,600 gold buttons to decorate his velvet suit.

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By decree of Peter I, it was ordered to sew buttons on the front side of the sleeve of a soldier’s uniform. The purpose of the decree was to wean soldiers from wiping their mouths with their sleeves after eating in order to preserve expensive cloth longer.
Decree of Peter I

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Centuries ago, buttons weren't just expensive—they were precious. They were passed down by inheritance. A fur coat could cost less than the buttons placed on it. One such button could buy a house, and a set of buttons could buy a small principality.
Priced like pearls and gold

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In the 19th century, precious clothing was forced out of the wardrobe. The buttons have also changed.
Cheap and beautiful

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The advent of plastic was a revolution in the history of button making. Invented in the 1860s, celluloid was easily processed and dyed in a variety of colors. Both linen buttons and exquisite buttons for ballroom dresses were made from it.

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On men's clothing the buttons are located on the right, and on women's clothing they are on the left. At the time of button creation, men often dressed themselves, and women were dressed by maids - so buttons were sewn on for them in a mirror image.
Men and women

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In the 20th century, clothing became even simpler and more comfortable. Functionality was valued, not decorativeness. You won’t see any kind of buttons: metal, glass, plastic, wood, knitted, leather, embroidered, mother-of-pearl.
XX century

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After World War II, there was a catastrophic shortage of materials for buttons. In Germany, buttons were made from the windshield of decommissioned fighter planes. Near Moscow, they set up production from gramophone records softened over a fire.

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In the 21st century, buttons have many competitors: hooks, snaps, zippers, and Velcro. But not a single fastener can compare with a button in beauty and variety.

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Over the centuries, there have been all sorts of buttons: from small peas to the size of eggs, in the shape of a cone or a ball, faceted, chased, openwork, decorated with carvings, enamel, glass or pearls. Many of them have become works of art and are kept in museums.
Variety of buttons

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Great Warriors Buttons

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Buttons with watercolor inserts

The big story of a small button.

You can become an archangel, a fool or a criminal, and no one will notice. But if you are missing a button, everyone will pay attention to it. (E.M. Remarque)

Button. What could be interesting about this familiar, everyday object? “Clear as a button” we find in the dictionary of comparisons.

However, if you look at it from a slightly different angle, a lot of interesting things may open up. After all, every thing has not only its own history, but also a lot of fantastically exciting features.

The first fasteners, resembling buttons, appeared around the 3rd millennium BC. A real button with two holes for sewing was found at excavations in the Indus Valley.

In Europe, the first buttons appeared in the 4th century BC. among the Greek warriors.

During the Middle Ages, knights brought them to Europe from the Middle East, but buttons gained popularity only in the 18th century. And at first, oddly enough, men showed interest in the new fasteners. Women greeted the appearance of buttons with hostility and continued to use pins.

Men's clothing at that time was not inferior to women's clothing in brightness and luxury. Buttons were made of precious metals and were often decorated with precious stones.
The button, which was then called a “button,” reached Russian fashionistas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.

If we collect the ideas of scientists from different fields of knowledge - historians, ethnographers, etc., then we can distinguish four main functions of a button:

1.utilitarian (button like fastener);

3.magical (button - amulet or talisman);

4.semiotic or informative (button as an identification mark).

On the one hand, buttons found in various excavations clearly served as fasteners. Thus, the uniform of Greek warriors was fastened at the front with belts using several metal buttons with “legs.”

On the other hand, among the archaeological finds of ancient Greek art from the 4th century. BC. to the 1st century AD There are buttons made of gold, which speaks, first of all, of their decorative value. It is a known fact that the cost of a fur coat was two and a half times less than the cost of the buttons placed on it.

Today, hardly anyone remembers that in the past the button was one of the important magical amulets designed to scare away forces hostile to humans. A pellet, a piece of tin or a round pebble was placed in the hollow buttons, which produced a muffled sound when moved, reminiscent of the sound of a bell. And the buttons turned into amulets.

Interestingly, button in Russian has the same root as the words scare, scarecrow, pugach. Some Russian researchers believe that this coincidence is due precisely to the fact that the button has long served as protection against evil forces. From this we can conclude that among Western peoples the main functions of a button have always been utilitarian and decorative, while among the Slavs the function of a talisman was put in first place.

When buttons appeared, they were worn much more than necessary, because the more noble and rich a person was, the more there should have been. It is known, for example, that the French king Francis I once ordered a jeweler 13,600 small gold buttons to decorate just one velvet suit.

In many countries, philobutonism - collecting buttons - is not inferior in popularity to philately - collecting postage stamps.

The button was the very first clothing fastener invented by man. And, as it turned out, the longest-lasting one. This is not only a functional detail, but also a decorative accessory, which often allows one to “break away” from clothes and live an independent life. In the last two or three years, interest in buttons in our country has increased noticeably. Directories and a thematic website appeared on the Internet. We began to take something as seemingly insignificant as a button seriously. This is very important, because a button is a witness of the era.

Women's portal - Bonterry