Birthday gift for my son. The son has become an adult

Children have a rather strange habit of growing up. And this process does not lend itself to any persuasion or laws of family happiness: just yesterday you gave your son a toy radio-controlled car, and today he is already demanding a real car. What can we do, let's try to decide together what to give our adult son for his birthday.

Age 16-20 years

Actually, these age limits are quite arbitrary, meaning that the boy has grown up and is at the stage of adulthood. Now selfish notes predominate in his character, he begins to feel the formation of himself as a man, and this is something that needs to be given increased attention:
  • We give men's accessories: your own toiletry case with expensive toilet water, a comb and manicure accessories. If he considers this gift too “unmanly”, then a razor would be an ideal alternative.
  • Suit and tie, patent leather shoes. Believe me, such a gentleman's set should be bought not only for graduation - it is best to order a suit for your son from an experienced tailor, taking his measurements and choosing expensive imported fabric.
  • Gadgets and other devices. In other words, a gift for an adult son can also be considered as a toy. A powerful gaming computer or, conversely, a mobile and lightweight tablet, let him tell you what he wants to get.

Age 20-40 years

To put it more clearly - the age of a mature man and commander. And all the same, your incomparable son. During this period, he will get married and start his own family, he should have his own children, and now he will spend much more money not on himself, but on them. Who, if not you, will pamper him with a gift?
  • The most expensive gift is financial assistance in buying a car or apartment. This is precisely evidence of the separation of the new family; the family had to prepare for such a purchase from the very birth of the heir.
  • Household appliances are also an option for furnishing his new home. Here it is better to consult with him yourself. In any case, the new family will need something. This also includes furniture.
  • Interior items for his living room/bedroom or office. Better, of course, is the latter - a purely masculine gift.

Age 40 and above

Now you communicate with him in the same language, you are equally experienced people. And now you understand that more than anything else in the world he begins to value comfort and coziness. The best gift is a robe and slippers, but this is trivial. Just ask him about his new hobbies and interests, and give him a “toy”, like in childhood. A country wicker chair, a new fishing rod or a hunting rifle, in a word, something fundamental that only parents can give.

Sometimes a trip or vacation membership to a gym or spa can be a good gift. A massage session or a seven-day tour of Thailand is not important. All the same, he will appreciate your efforts and the warmth with which the gift was presented.

All parents wish only the best for their children and try to provide everything they need. Since childhood, they surround their children with love and try to please them with gifts for any occasion. Even when children grow up, the desire to do something nice for them does not disappear. That’s why it’s often so difficult to choose the best gift for a loved one. If you don’t know what to give your son for his birthday, our advice will help.

How to choose the right gift for your son?

The first thing you need to remember is that you are choosing a gift for your son, not for yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on his tastes and wishes. Often parents try to give their children what they consider useful and necessary. Such a gift will definitely not please the birthday boy. Therefore, always build on his tastes and interests.

Don't forget about your son's age. Perhaps for you he always remains a cute, pink-cheeked baby, but children grow up and their range of interests changes. To always be aware of your son’s preferences, try to communicate more often and spend time together.

TOP 10 birthday gifts for son

  1. PC Accessories
  2. Gadgets
  3. Books
  4. Board games
  5. Jewelry dyeing with engraving
  6. Car accessories
  7. Products for active recreation and sports
  8. Tickets for an interesting event
  9. Adventure
  10. Gift Certificate

What to give a son under 10 years old for his birthday

If your son is still a child, the best gift for him will be toys, as well as all kinds of items for sports and intellectual development. With age, the preferences and capabilities of the birthday person change, so toys for a two-year-old child and a nine-year-old boy will be very different. The best gift ideas for your little son:

  • Up to 4 years. At this age, children love bright toys that are pleasant to touch with their hands, for example, soft animals and cubes. An excellent gift would be a home sandbox and a set of buckets with shovels for playing in the sand in the yard. And boys at that age love cars. But you need to choose simple models with a streamlined shape so that the child does not get hurt. Various transformers or radio-controlled vehicles are still too complicated for a child. You can also give a boy his first tricycle or pusher. Finger paints and bright crayons, as well as a wall board for drawing, will be useful. At the same age, your baby will need his first book. You can choose a special book for bathing or with recorded audio stories.
  • 4-8 years. At this age, children usually already go to kindergarten and their range of interests expands greatly. In addition to simple gifts that are relevant in the first years of life, now the child will enjoy board games, puzzles and mosaics, as well as toys for role-playing games. Cars in the games will also play different roles, so the kid will be happy with a fire truck, ambulance, police car, various construction equipment, etc. For war games you will need toy weapons, knightly armor, etc. It is very important to accustom your child to sports; a home basketball hoop, toy bowling, and wall bars will help with this. At the age of five, a child can already ride a two-wheeled bicycle and roller skates. You definitely need to purchase a helmet and protection for your elbows and knees. Educational math games and educational toy computers will also be useful.
  • 8-12 years old. The boy's range of interests is constantly expanding, so colorful encyclopedias, a globe and quite complex economic board games will be useful to him. The birthday boy will also enjoy a toy railroad, radio-controlled transport, sports equipment and a new, almost adult, bicycle. At this age, the boy will already need his own mobile phone. He will also be happy with a tablet or camera. If your son is interested in music, he will need an instrument. You can also give a ticket to a concert or an interesting sporting event. A trip to a water park or amusement park would be a great gift. If the boy is independent enough, he will be happy to receive a gift certificate from the store and choose the right gift for himself.

When choosing a gift for your son, don’t be afraid to ask about his wishes. If he is old enough, you can discuss a possible gift in advance. Of course, there will be no surprise, but you will ease the pain of choice, and the child will definitely not be disappointed due to his own high expectations.

When choosing a gift for your son, avoid things “for growth.” The gift must please the moment you receive it and be immediately suitable for use, otherwise the impression of the gift will be irretrievably lost.

What to give your teenage son for his birthday

Typically, teenagers have many hobbies and they change at lightning speed. But for parents who maintain a close and trusting relationship with their son, choosing a gift will not be difficult. The most popular and sought-after gifts:

  • A sociable guy who loves hanging out with people the same age would love a ticket to a concert or sporting event. You can also organize a paintball or laser tag battle for the birthday boy and his friends, or invite everyone to a shooting range or bowling alley.
  • A serious and diligent birthday boy will enjoy a popular training course, for example, working in Photoshop, a prefabricated model of a ship or an antique car, or a serious board game like Monopoly.
  • A true fashionista will be pleased with chic sunglasses, an expensive “adult” wallet, a belt, a watch and other stylish accessories. You can also give a certificate from a clothing store.
  • An active guy will enjoy a variety of sports accessories, such as assembled dumbbells, a fitness bracelet, a good ball, a basketball hoop, etc. You can also give him a gym or pool membership.

There are gifts that will please almost any teenager. These include:

  • Modern gadgets. All young people like a new smartphone, tablet, e-reader, portable speaker and other digital innovations.
  • PC accessories. They must be chosen based on the interests of the birthday person, for example, a gamer needs a special mouse, and a music lover will be delighted with good speakers.

Although your son already considers himself almost an adult, he will be happy with some toys. Of course, it must be something serious, for example, a radio-controlled helicopter or quadcopter. Also, the birthday boy will probably enjoy a real darts or an almost real crossbow, permitted by law.

If you can’t give a good gift to your teenage son or don’t have time, don’t be afraid to give money. This is one of the few cases when such a gift is not only allowed, but will also be received very favorably. Most teenagers will be happy to receive a small amount of money and spend it as they wish.

To avoid upsetting your son with your gift, avoid gifts that are too childish or humorous, which could offend him. Remember, teenagers are too vulnerable and can misunderstand even the most innocent jokes. Also, avoid boring practical gifts. Items for school or everyday clothes are not a gift in the eyes of a teenager.

What to give your adult son for his birthday?

The hardest thing is with gifts for adult children. It is important to take into account not only the age and hobbies of the birthday person, but also his occupation and financial situation. If the son is still young and is just setting up his life, he will need any useful gifts, for example:

  • Stylish and high-quality business suit;
  • Appliances;
  • Certificate for individual shoe tailoring;
  • Leather belt and wallet;
  • Fashionable shirt with a tie specially selected to match;
  • Dishes and textiles for the home if the son lives alone.
  • If the birthday person has a car, he will need gifts such as:
  • A set of winter or summer tires;
  • Anti-theft device;
  • Parktronic;
  • Car radio;
  • Car charger;
  • Vacuum cleaner for cleaning the interior;
  • Seat covers.

If your son does not yet have a driving license, pay for his training at a driving school. This useful skill will definitely come in handy in the future, and he will often remember his parents when he gets behind the wheel.

Also, a young and active man will like gifts for active recreation and sports. And if he spends a lot of time at the computer, he will find various convenient devices useful, such as a mug-warmer powered by USB or a mini-fridge for drinks. And he will probably enjoy an adventure, for example, a parachute jump or paragliding.

If your son is an accomplished adult, he will appreciate a touching and/or memorable gift. This could be engraved jewelry or a watch. A believing man will like a pectoral cross, an amulet or a small silver icon with his patron saint. You can complement the gift with your favorite delicacy, prepared by mother’s hands and, of course, with the best wishes.

Parents always remember their children's birthday, no matter what age the children are. If there are no special problems with children's gifts, then choosing a gift for a son who has already grown up is sometimes not so easy. After all, he is no longer a child, but rather a growing man, so you should choose gifts based on his desires, not forgetting about his hobbies.

Advice: remember the uniqueness and significance of the gift, because toys and trips to children's entertainment are not suitable for an adult guy; young men prefer modern technology, cars, adult sports, travel, and other youth trends.

Universal idea

Any birthday is rarely complete without a feast, and what table would be without a festive decoration - a delicious dessert. For a loving mother, and they usually know how to cook deliciously, it will not be difficult to bake an unusual surprise in the form of a huge, colorfully decorated cake for a well-grown baby. Such a gift will please not only the birthday boy, but also all his guests, and the mother will definitely be happy.

From the category of modern technology

  1. For the computer genius
  2. The computer comes into our lives from early childhood, and over time our grown-up sons become computer specialists who always lack accessories for their electronic friend. Make your son happy on his birthday with these computer trifles:

Advice: entrust the choice of a gift in the field of computer technology to a specialist consultant or invite the birthday boy himself to the hardware store. True, then there will be no surprise.

  • Electronic items
  • Children have been interested in electronics since childhood, because modern gadgets not only entertain, but also make life easier at any age. What to choose:

    If your son has completely matured and lives separately, surprise him - buy some home appliances. It could be a water vacuum cleaner, a multi-cooker for quick cooking, a microwave, change its refrigerator to a more powerful model. You know what your son needs first.

  • For the avid motorist
  • If the parents are wealthy people, they may well please their beloved offspring on the day of celebration with the object of his dreams - a car, even if not the most expensive brand.

    If a guy has an “iron horse,” help equip him with the necessary things:

    Advice: if a young man is just preparing to become a motorist, pay for his training at a driving school as a birthday present. This is an excellent investment in his son’s future, and when he gets behind the wheel, he will always remember to whom he owes his driving license.

    Practical and fashionable gifts

    Although many people think that giving items of clothing on such a day is not a very good decision, this is allowed to relatives and friends. Knowing the tastes of their birthday boy and his size, they can easily select outerwear for an adult guy:

    Tip: choosing clothes as a gift is sometimes difficult, and you may not get a surprise. Therefore, invite the hero of the occasion for a shopping trip and invite him to choose an item that suits him for an amount that is acceptable to you. Or simply give a certificate for purchases in a fashionable youth style boutique.

    From the category of sports accessories

    Today everyone strives for a healthy lifestyle, and for a guy who is passionate about sports, the best birthday present will be pieces of sports equipment and equipment.

    Advice: give your son, a sports fan, a ticket to the next game of his favorite team or a uniform with their symbols. You can opt for a gym or sports club membership and let the guy try to repeat the achievements of his favorite players.

    Original ideas

    Advice: if none of the gift options are suitable, just give the young man money, but let it be a significant amount. After all, it’s not just a holiday, but a birthday.

    The celebration should be remembered for many years. Therefore, make every effort to organize a real bright holiday for your already adult son, he is always so missed.

    For any parent, children will always remain small, no matter what age they are. And no matter how old a daughter or son gets, they will always want to receive a gift from their beloved mother. Choosing a present for an adult son is quite difficult, since he is no longer the little boy who was happy with a ticket to the circus or a new car. A grown man needs appropriate gifts. An excellent option would be to focus on the child’s hobbies and desires.

    For those who like to sit at the computer

    Today, almost no man can do without a computer or laptop. If your son is just such a person, then you can choose from a huge assortment. Approximate options:

    Laptop lamp;
    - computer chair or table;
    - small refrigerator;
    - keyboard vacuum cleaner;
    - mug heater;
    - various USB kits;
    - unique speakers.

    If possible, give your son a new computer or laptop. Since they are constantly improving, it is easy to choose the most modern PC.

    Various techniques
    At absolutely any age, a man shows interest in technology. And from the many possible options, it’s easy to choose what your son will really like. The most common gifts are the following:

    - Mp3 player;
    - Tablet PC;
    - camcorder;
    - modern iPad;
    - headphones made in an unusual style;
    - digital camera;
    - unusual keyboard;
    - acoustic system.

    Technology changes every day, new modern innovations are coming out.

    Gift for a motorist

    For a car enthusiast, you can give a gift in the form of car products. There is a choice for every taste and budget. And a donated item can become very useful and almost irreplaceable. Possible accessories:
    - car alarm;
    - fresh ignition;
    - fog lights;
    - alloy wheels;
    - set of tires;
    - mobile phone charger;
    - cooler bag;
    - set of tools;
    - radio tape recorder;
    - vacuum cleaner for car;
    - a set of cleaning and polishing products;
    - cape for massage;
    - seat heater.

    It happens that parents have the opportunity to give a new or used car. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a gift. Most often, parents provide financial assistance to their child in saving for him.

    A gift for a true dude

    Every man loves to attract attention from the opposite sex. For this, beautiful and fashionable clothes will be simply irreplaceable. And no matter what age the child is, he will be very happy with a new shirt, suit, shoes and the like. The most important thing is that the items are branded, fashionable and of the right size.
    Possible options:
    - T-shirt;
    - shirt;
    - trousers;
    - sweater;
    - coat;
    - shoes;
    - jacket;
    - cloak;
    - coat.
    But there is one drawback. If a child has a wife or just a significant other, she may show dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is better to avoid possible disagreements and refuse this option.

    Such a gift is undoubtedly memorable. And it's hard to imagine a more luxurious option. Here you can choose from a range of:
    - gold chain;
    - gold signet;
    - watch;
    - amulet;
    - cufflinks;
    - buckle;
    - tie clip.
    All listed products must be made of gold. Such a gift will not only bring joy, but will also be passed on from generation to generation.

    Travel and leisure

    The most unusual gift for an adult son would be a trip or adventure. Most parents want their child to be able to see the world and therefore give him a trip abroad. But also the following are included in the category of amazing and pleasant gifts:
    - make a parachute jump;
    - paintball;
    - fly in a hot air balloon;
    - karting;
    - ride a quad bike;
    - diving;
    - relax in a sanatorium;
    - take a walk through historical places;
    - go fishing.
    Don't worry about your son, these types of gifts are thoroughly checked and are safe. And such a gift will be simply unforgettable and very pleasant.

    For a true man

    The stronger sex has always loved extreme types of recreation, so my son will gladly accept a gift from a number of things that relate to his hobbies. For example:
    - shotgun;
    - gun;
    - dirk;
    - Swiss knife;
    - musket;
    - sword.
    Of course, there are some nuances, since our legislation has its own opinion on military weapons, but you can make a cunning move and give a souvenir weapon. And with the amount of assortment, your eyes just run wide.

    Gift for an athlete

    A man who has this type of hobby typically has perseverance and purposefully pursues his goal. Because only such a young person can achieve results in training. Therefore, an indispensable gift for him will be:
    - sports bag;
    - gym membership:
    - pedometer;
    - punching bag;
    - branded tracksuit;
    - boxing gloves;
    - a ticket to your favorite team's game.
    It is best to choose such gifts together with your son, or at least consult with him in advance. He knows better which item is most needed.

    For a businessman

    For a man who devotes most of his time to work, there are two possible choices: either for work or for leisure. Both of them will become useful. You should pay attention to:
    - items for business clothing;
    - watch;
    - briefcase;
    - classic wallet;
    - a set of writing instruments;
    - paid vacation in a sanatorium;
    - tickets to a sports match.
    It is worth remembering that all these things should be beautiful and emphasize the status of the birthday person.


    For a child who either loves nature very much or has not gone out into it for a long time, you can give:
    - barbecue grill;
    - grate – grill;
    - tent;
    - picnic set;
    - folding chair and table;
    - hammock;
    - high-quality folding knife.

    All items can be made in a classic style, or, conversely, in an unusual design. Undoubtedly, you should like the last option much more.

    Gift for a musician

    Give a surprise that is directly related to your son's hobby. The very first possible option is a musical instrument. If you already have it and are among your favorites, then you can consider the following options:
    - ticket to a concert of your favorite artist;
    - loudspeakers;
    - unusual headphones;
    - guitar strings;
    - amplifier;
    - a collection of CDs from your favorite band;
    - mediator.
    The main reference point is the musical direction and the instrument that the beloved child plays. It is best to give an adult son a gift that he really needs. If the choice is very difficult to make, then there is nothing wrong with consulting with your son.

    It's better to ask him than to give him an unnecessary gift. If the son does not want to voice his desires and prefers to remain silent, then a sum of money given in an envelope will be a universal gift. You can give it in an unusual way. For example, buy a money tree and carefully hang banknotes on it. The most important thing is that they can be easily removed. After all, the son has grown up a long time ago and can choose a worthy present for himself.

    Many parents are tormented by one eternal question: what to give their son for his birthday? It's not easy to answer. Moms, with the support of dads, make mistakes when choosing a gift. And such “mistakes” sometimes lead to misunderstandings between parents and son. What needs to be done to avoid making mistakes?

    The answer to this question, dear parent, you will find in this material. Here we show you what to consider when choosing a gift for your son, give you examples of good ideas and recommend stores where you can buy them.

    How to choose a gift for your son on his birthday?

    When choosing a gift, you need to pay attention to two main factors: age and range of interests. People tend to think about themselves, even when choosing things for others. When buying a gift, a person thinks, first of all, about his interests. This is absolutely the wrong approach. Most likely the birthday boy will be dissatisfied. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the interests of your son, to know what he is interested in, where he works and what exactly he does there.

    What is needed for this? Nothing special, just talk to your son, ask him about his work, what he does in his free time. Communication is one of the most important keys to choosing the right gift. With its help, we learn about our son’s life and thereby understand what he needs and what he lacks.

    There are different gifts for different ages. This must be taken into account. Agree, if you give your 40-year-old son a toy car, it will be a little strange. Perhaps, knowing “how your son lives,” it will still be difficult for you to choose a gift for him. Below are possible ideas for different ages and interests.

    Is your son an esthete and passionate about clothes?

    For every man, how he looks is very important. The age-old rule “Don’t judge a book by its cover” does not apply. We often judge people by their clothes. She plays an important role in the first impression of a man, so you need to dress well and stylishly.

    And if your son still follows all this and, to some extent, can be called a “shopaholic,” then stylish clothes and accessories will be an excellent gift and will delight your son.

    Here are examples of such gifts:

    • Tie
    • Cufflinks
    • Sweater
    • Classic suit
    • Sneakers
    • Coat
    • T-shirt
    • Jeans
    • Trousers
    • Tie clip
    • Shirt

    You can give completely different clothing options, but here you need to take into account an important thing: what clothes does your son prefer? What does he wear most often? Classic suits or casual, street wear? It is better to give clothes to sons from 15 to 45. It is during this time frame that a man takes care of his clothes.

    Examples of stores where you can buy a good gift from clothes

    • Angelo Bonetti
    • Absolutex
    • Pierre Cardin
    • Befree
    • La biali
    • Mango man
    • Colin's
    • Oodji

    An original gift for IT youth

    Computers and mobile devices can be called man's “best friends.” He spends most of his time with them. Many professions are directly related to working behind a monitor. Various accessories can be a great gift and helper.

    Gift ideas for a geek:

    • HDD
    • Tablet
    • Headphones
    • Professional gaming mouse
    • Professional backlit keyboard
    • USB - hub
    • Flash drive
    • Printer
    • Portable speaker

    When you give something from technology, you need to take into account one small nuance - whether he has the device that you want to give, otherwise an awkward situation may turn out. You can find out about this a month before the birthday during a normal conversation, so that he does not suspect anything.

    Examples of stores where you can buy a good technical gift:


    Brands worth paying attention to:

    • XiaoMi
    • Samsung
    • Apple

    If your son is a book lover

    Nevertheless, the book never ceases to be an excellent gift, especially for a son who reads.

    • Gift card to a bookstore
    • EBook
    • Paper book

    One caveat, if you are giving a book as a gift, it is better to choose lesser-known ones or those that have just been published. Your son has probably already read most of the books. The book does not have any age restrictions. Literature and its “helpers” can be selected for any age.

    Examples of stores where you can buy books and book accessories:


    The brand does not play a role here, start from your financial capabilities and cover design. Choose the one you like.

    An unusual gift for an athlete son

    A healthy lifestyle and exercise have gained peak popularity. Everyone wants to look slim, fit, healthy.

    When giving a gift to your athlete son, you need to take into account the type of sport he plays. We will suggest general gifts that are suitable for all sports:

    • Gym gloves
    • Wireless headphones
    • Sports watch or fitness bracelet
    • Special containers for food
    • Sports nutrition (BCAA, protein, creatine, L-carnitine, etc.)
    • Sports bag
    • Sports suit
    • Shaker, sports water bottle
    • Wristband
    • Pedometer

    Examples of stores where you can buy sporting goods:


    Brands worth attention:

    • Adidas
    • Reebok
    • Kappa

    Gifts for a son with masculine interests

    Many people like to spend their leisure time outdoors: hunting, fishing. Such a son needs special gifts. For such interests, it is very difficult to choose a thing that the birthday person will “like” without consulting him.

    Here are gift ideas for real men:

    • Multifunctional Swiss knife
    • Shotgun
    • Spinning
    • Gun
    • Dirk
    • Jackknife
    • Camouflage suit
    • Water flask
    • Flippers
    • Raincoat tent
    • Diving suit
    • Inflatable boat

    It is worth considering that gifts for sons who are hunters or sons who are fishermen are very expensive. Calculate your financial capabilities.

    Stores with a wide range:


    Son who loves the outdoors

    Many families like to go with their family on weekends to the forest or somewhere in nature. A wonderful vacation that allows you to relax and reload for the new work week. But for such a vacation you also need special things. Moreover, there are never enough of them!

    What to choose?

    • Tent
    • Portable grill
    • Skewers
    • Special bag for dishes
    • Comfortable hammock
    • Thermos
    • Set of dishes for traveling out of town

    Stores worth checking out:


    The manufacturing company does not play a special role here; choose what you like.

    What to give your musician son for his birthday?

    When solving this question, you are faced with the problem of a variety of answers and options. There are a huge number of types of music.

    We will present universal gifts that are suitable for everyone.

    • Large, over-ear headphones
    • Speakers with good sound quality
    • Metronome
    • Recording in a recording studio or certificate for several recordings
    • Player
    • Microphone for recording

    The shops:

    • Professional stores that sell audio equipment are also suitable.

    Brands worth attention:

    • Yamaha
    • Sennheiser

    Gift for a motorist

    A car is a necessity in the 21st century. We constantly want to improve our cars, we buy car accessories. A son who is interested in cars will find various accessories or car magazines useful. Here are examples of gifts:

    • A set of winter tires or just tires
    • Car phone charger
    • Fog lights
    • Seat heaters
    • Phone stand
    • Glasses for driving
    • Car pillow
    • DVR

    All these gifts are quite functional and useful for both your son and his car.

    Stores where you can purchase goods in this segment:


    It is impossible to highlight any special brands here, so we will not pay attention to this.

    A gift for a businessman or son who is completely dedicated to his work

    For such people, the appearance and organization of the workspace is important.

    What to choose?

    • Classic watches
    • Business briefcase
    • Beautiful fountain pen
    • Desktop anti-stress
    • Diary
    • Business suit
    • Book!

    You can choose something of your own, for this you should communicate more with your son about his work or business. Then you will find out what problems he has and which you can solve with your gift.

    The shops:

    • Pierre Cardin
    • Hugo Boss
    • Angelo Bonetti
    • La biali

    Regarding stationery and anti-stress products, you can choose any product.

    In this article we have presented gift options for your beloved sons with various hobbies. The main thing you should consider when choosing is his range of interests and age.

    Many people want to make a surprise, but this can turn against you, even if you communicate constantly, it is better to ask than to guess and waste your own money. Share your options and reactions to them from the birthday boy in the comments.

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