How to design a New Year's wall newspaper? Unusual newspapers for the New Year.

The New Year is getting closer and closer - a holiday that the whole world awaits with impatience and trepidation. City streets are already slowly being transformed, shops are starting to hang holiday paraphernalia and install Christmas trees. Very soon, bright garlands will sparkle in apartments and Christmas tree decorations will sparkle on the fluffy branches of the Christmas tree.

Preparing for the New Year holidays is a fun and carefree time, when even adults forget about all their affairs and begin to get involved in work. As a rule, the room is decorated with various fancy figures, snowflakes, tinsel, but we would like to tell you about another original way - posters.

DIY wall newspapers and posters for the New Year 2017 will help you create a unique atmosphere of a winter celebration and reveal all your talents. It is not at all necessary to be able to draw beautifully, because ready-made wall newspapers can be downloaded from the Internet. All you have to do is color them and add some of your own special additions and touches to them. This article will tell you how to make a holiday poster and what to depict on it.

New Year Posters

Today there are a lot of techniques that help you create magnificent drawings on whatman paper or canvas. If you want to surprise guests, friends and relatives with an original gift, feel free to start creating a wall newspaper.

This gift option can be made both collectively and individually. The main thing is to know what you want to depict on paper. A traditional wall newspaper is made on whatman paper (the format does not matter) and large details are drawn with paints, felt-tip pens, pencils or markers.

So, to create a festive wall newspaper you need the following set of stationery:

  • whatman;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints (watercolor, gouache), brushes, pencils, pencil, eraser, felt-tip pens, markers;
  • colored paper;
  • various pictures or photographs of the people for whom this poster is being made;
  • New Year's decorations (tinsel, snowflakes, rain, sparkles, etc.).

How to properly design a wall newspaper?

First of all, you need to create a layout for the future “edition”. To do this, you must clearly understand what will be on the Whatman paper. After this, draw out with a simple pencil the approximate location of all the details of the poster. Try to keep the main information in the center and immediately catch the eye. If you do not have the talent of an artist, then you can take ready-made poster layouts from the Internet, save and print them.

Coming up with a design for a wall newspaper is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Even a child can cope with this task. Turn on your imagination, and it will tell you exactly where to insert, for example, a fancy snow curl, and where the smiling face of Santa Claus.

Do not forget that the paper should contain not only drawings, but also a text part. As a rule, it includes the following materials:

  • results of the past year, plans for the near future;
  • sincere congratulations in prose or poetry;
  • interesting details about the life of one person or an entire team;
  • a few facts about the symbol of the approaching year;
  • various interesting traditions, signs, customs and superstitions that you should learn about on the eve of the New Year holidays;
  • and much more.

For those who know how to write in beautiful calligraphic handwriting, it will not be difficult for them to write whatever they want with a marker or felt-tip pen. Everyone else can use a computer and select some original font, type the text, print it and paste it to the selected area on whatman paper.

The graphic design of a wall newspaper usually consists of various thematic drawings. It can be:

  • pictures of the Rooster and all his “relatives”.
  • snowflakes, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree with toys, firecrackers, etc.
  • photo collages - are especially popular when decorating holiday wall newspapers. You can use photos of your team, friends, family, and all sorts of New Year-themed pictures. Practice shows that such photo collages are the most pleasant and sincere surprise.

An additional touch to creating a New Year's poster can be decorating it with tinsel, rain or shiny sequins. To prevent the wall newspaper from being too colorful and cluttered, it is better to glue tinsel along the edges. In addition, natural materials will be useful to decorate such an original gift: pine cones, pine branches, moss.

Examples of wall newspapers and posters for the New Year

New Year poster for kindergarten

Many people remember the kindergarten with warmth and love. Here each of us grew up, learned about the world, and found friends. Traditionally, before the New Year, posters with congratulations to colleagues, parents and children are hung on the walls of the garden. It is worth noting that in a similar way you can make a poster for a school or university.

To make a New Year's poster you will need:

  • Whatman paper in A3-A4 format;
  • watercolors, colored pencils and gouache;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • ruler;
  • photographs of children, teachers, management;
  • various clippings from magazines, pictures from the Internet, etc.

Step 1. Place selected photographs or drawings on whatman paper on the sheet so that they occupy an advantageous position. It is much more convenient to first choose the right place, and only then glue it.

Step 2. Label each image. For these purposes, you can use poems or prose. If you know how to come up with jokes, then insert them into the wall newspaper as well.

Step 3. Give your poster a festive look. Use bright paints, markers, and colorful tinsel.

Poster for parents for the New Year

Do you want to surprise your parents? Make them a New Year's poster with a selection of your best photos or a beautiful poem that is sure to touch their heart.

It’s easy to draw a wall newspaper; the main thing is to use your imagination and not give up halfway. Choose the right colors, designs, think about the design and you will have an excellent holiday newspaper that you can hang at home, in the office or anywhere else.

New Year's poster for your loved one

It is necessary to surround your loved one with special attention and warmth on New Year’s Day. Of course, your significant other will appreciate a material gift, especially if it is something she has long dreamed of, and you so successfully remembered it for her. But you will like a gift made by yourself no less than one purchased in a store.

It is not at all necessary to take a large format paper, A3 is enough. On it you can make a selection of the most successful photographs or write everything that you would like to convey to your loved one.

Let's say more, such a poster may come with a surprise. By gluing a small envelope to it and putting a gift in it (it could be a certificate for visiting a massage parlor or a subscription to a spa), you will incredibly please and surprise your loved one.

The coming New Year will be the year of the Fire Rooster, so when creating a wall newspaper, it is advisable to place a figurine somewhere so that it brings good luck throughout all 365 days.

Don't limit yourself to a standard approach to this wonderful holiday. Show all your dexterity and creativity, because originality is valued everywhere: in work, study, leisure, friendship. A New Year's wall newspaper and poster are a wonderful way to show how well you feel about the person (team) for whom it is intended. Don't miss your chance to please someone. Draw. You will succeed!

Video, master class

A bright colorful wall newspaper for the New Year will not only decorate the classroom, but also create a festive atmosphere. After all, in it you can talk about what events happened this year, about what new things you learned about your classmates, about who became an example for the class, and for whom the school year is a time to change yourself, as well as address my congratulations and wishes to teachers, students, parents.

In general, every wall newspaper is an example of envy in other classes and a desire to prove that your class is the best. And New Year’s is also a reason to congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday. Everything is correct.

Then let's prepare the material. And let's start with pressing and educational questions relating to the entire sphere of education and school life in particular. Here's a problem to think about.

Is general illiteracy the norm of our time?

The reality of our life is that many people constantly communicate through various resources, where they have to express their thoughts in writing. These include SMS messages, ICQ, comments on various blogs and forums, messages on social media. networks. And this need for the constant use of written language showed (to me) the widespread, universal and impenetrable illiteracy of Russian people who do not speak Russian even at school level! Why are there personal messages when entire articles and posts with an incredible number of spelling errors are posted on public resources (I’m generally silent about punctuation).

For a very long time I have been bothered by these mistakes; every time I see such an error, I get upset. But the last straw was a personal message to me from a familiar PHILOLOGIST WITH HIGHER EDUCATION, containing the phrase: “... if you need something...”. That's it, I'm shocked. Everyone puts these soft signs where they shouldn’t, but I didn’t expect this from a philologist!

What does this all mean? Is illiteracy the norm in our life? Is it time for me to stop being surprised and upset and slowly, by reading illiterate texts, become just as illiterate?

And another question: do you think illiteracy is a consequence of computerization or has the latter simply revealed this illiteracy, which was simply invisible before?

Since there are pressing issues, let’s try to solve them together. Indeed, writing and speaking correctly are the rules of good manners. We are Russians, and we should be ashamed of our country if we don’t know our language well. Someone came up with a saying: as the teacher speaks, so does his student. Therefore, dear schoolchildren, do not let your teachers down. Let's speak correctly!

45 frivolous rules of the Russian language that should be taken very seriously!

1. There is no dash between the subject and the predicate.

2. Remember that in most cases the connection can be excluded.

3. If you want to use a verb, then you need to conjugate it correctly, and not as the author wants.

4. The passive voice should generally be avoided.

5. Don’t forget about the letter �е�, otherwise you won’t be able to distinguish: case and case, sky and sky, donkey and donkey, perfect and perfect, everything and everything.

6. Those who are not scratched and not out of the habit of writing correctly write vowels after spitting ones.

7. Show off your subtle sense of language when writing unpronounceable consonants.

8. We must come to the understanding that it is written only “to come”.

9. Having wiped ourselves in the corridors of offices, in the future we will become knowledgeable and will come to the conclusion that our texts will contain fewer and fewer unnecessary letters.

10. A soft sign in the indefinite form of a verb should be determined by its presence in the question of the verb, which is sometimes forgotten.

11. Don’t put two “not” in a row if it’s not necessary.

12. The word “no” has no forms of change.

13. Without half a liter, half of Russia will not understand how to write complex nouns.

14. Ending a sentence with a pronoun is bad style, that’s not what it’s for.

15. Those who end a sentence with a preposition, send to. Not for the sake of rudeness, but for order.

16. Not abbreviated!

17. Check the text for missing and extra words in the text.

18. Regarding unfinished sentences.

19. If the structures are incomplete, it’s bad.

20. No narcissistic Bank, its President and Chairman of the Board of Directors are capitalized.

21. The rule says that “indirect speech is not put in quotation marks.”

22. Don’t build riddles from the ellipses at the end of an exhaustive sentence...

23. One exclamation mark is enough!!!

24. NEVER!select! words. A person reading a text with HIGHLIGHTS feels that his own understanding of the meaning is not trusted.

25. Use parallel constructions not only to clarify, but also to clarify.

26. Correct the spelling of words using the dictionary.

27. It is better to write numbers up to 10 in words in words.

28. Numerals can be declined in one hundred and twenty-five ways, but only one of them is correct.

29. Use words for purposes truly meaningful.

30. Do not divide the indivisible and do not combine different things, but write some things with a hyphen.

31. An inappropriate analogy in the text looks like a fur coat tucked into panties.

32. Exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement.

33. Do not use long words where short ones can be used.

34. Babysitting - wow, blah. Leave it to the little dolls, not the big guys.

35. Be more or less specific.

36. As Emerson taught: “Don’t quote.” Communicate your own thoughts.

37. Who needs rhetorical questions?

38. Doesn’t the order of words change the style of speech?

39. An unexpected verse will upset the mood of your readers.

40. A verse where rhyme is built on verbs is the very first to be thrown into the trash.

41. In life, be careful about your market: if you want to perform well, stop talking about jargon.

42. Clarifications in parentheses (although significant) are (usually) unnecessary.

43. Repeating all repeated words of the same root is a tautology - an unnecessary excess.

44. If you want to be understood correctly, do not use foreign language and barbarisms. Ferstein?

45. For the sake of presentation, be a creative promoter of native Russian synonyms for top positions in the preference rating.
Now it’s worth summing up the events of the school and class in particular for the entire past period. This is the first school bell, and a trip to the museum or to the cinema, and a school ball, and Teacher's Day, and sports competitions, and competitions, class hours, olympiads, discussions, disputes, open lessons. Everything that was interesting to you can become material for a school wall newspaper.

Not a single wall newspaper can do without cheerful, funny stories, ditties, riddles, jokes and very tricky questions. Here are some examples.

Riddles and jokes

Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins.)
How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put in.)
What do people walk on? (On the ground.)
What can't you bake bread without? (No crust.)
How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One - the second will no longer be on an empty stomach.)
What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh.)
In which year do people eat more? (On leap days.)
Which month is the shortest? (May – three letters.)
Who speaks all languages? (Echo.)
Why does the dog bark? (Can't speak.)
What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin.)
When a new house is built, what is the first nail driven into? (In a hat.)
Whose head is expensive? (A cow, because she really does have a head and horns!)
What tree does a bird sit on during a heavy rainfall? (On wet.)
What question cannot be answered positively? (Are you sleeping?)
Why does the rooster crow with his eyes closed? (Shows that he sings by heart.)
Which month has 28 days? (Any month has 28 days.)
What is between the window and the door? (Letter "I".)
Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can use a piece of ice.)
How many minutes should you boil a hard-boiled egg - two, three, five? (Not at all, it’s already cooked. It’s hard-boiled.)
Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are standing.)
Where does the water stand? (In glass.)
What happens to a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (It will be wet.)
What disease does no one get on land? (Nautical.)
Are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you.)
What is under a person's feet when he walks across a bridge? (Boot soles.)
What do people often walk on and never drive on? (On the stairs.)
How far into the forest can a hare run? (To the middle of the forest, then he already runs out of the forest.)
What happens to the crow after three years? (She is in her 4th year.)
What tree does a hare hide under when it rains? (Under the wet.)
What needs to be done to cut off the branch on which the crow is sitting without disturbing it? (Wait until she flies away.)
Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total? (One.)
The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (Maybe, since the dog sits on the ground on its tail.)
If a cat climbed a tree and wants to climb down the smooth trunk, how will it get down: head down or tail first? (Tail first, otherwise she won’t hold on.)
Who's upside down above us? (Fly.)
What does half an apple look like? (For the second half.)
Three ostriches were flying. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
Which bird is made up of a letter and a river? ("Oriole.)
What is between the city and the village? (Conjunction “and”.)
What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)
My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? (Myself.)
There were seven candles burning in the room. A man passed by and put out two candles. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned down.)
What city can you embroider in? (Beads)
Which tributary of the Dnieper is attractive to hunters? (Teterev River.)
Which river is the scariest? (Tiger.)
What city is on the moose's head? (Krivoy Rog.)
Which city is the squirrel's favorite habitat? (Bor.)
What land will never grow old? (New Earth.)
What year lasts only one day? (New Year.)
What nose doesn't need a handkerchief? (Ship.)
What American city can you make a suit from? (Boston.)

Which French city do the curtains on the windows often remind us of? (Tulle.)
Which river flies? (Crow.)
What stands in the middle of the Volga? (Letter "L".)
Which river floats? (Goose.)
In which city are sheaves dried? (Riga.)
What state is worn on the head? (Panama.)
Which city is “made” of dough? (Kalach.)
Which river and city can bite? (Volchikha city, Medveditsa river.)
Which capital of a European state is located on soft ground? (Paris on the Seine.)
Which island flies? (Albatross.)
Which river can you “eat”? (Balyk.)
Which city is the coldest? (Winter.)
Which city is the largest? (Giant.)
Which city is used for packaging goods? (Tara.)
Which two cities are named after game birds? (Eagle; Falcon.)
What city lives in the river? (Nelma.)
What city can be cut off with a knife? (Branch.)
Which city is part of a horse's harness? (Bridle.)
What is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed? (Anchor.)
All around is water, and in the middle is law. What it is? (The prosecutor is bathing.)
What can fly underwater at great depths? (Fly in a submarine.)
The more there are, the less weight. What is this? (Holes.)
What kind of ribbon cannot be woven into a braid? (Machine gun.)
What is the cow in front and the bull behind? (Letter "K".)
When is a person in a room without a head? (When he puts it out of the window onto the street.)
Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)
Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald.)
Is it possible to jump higher than a nine-story building? (It is possible, because nine-story buildings cannot jump.)
What will the bay horse be like if you give it a bath? (Wet.)
In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat.)
What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty.)
What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street.)
What horse doesn't eat oats? (Chess.)
What can't you eat for breakfast? (Dinner and supper.)
How far into the forest can a hare run? (Until the middle of the forest, since further on he will already be getting out of the depths.)
How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)
Why do gorilla have big nostrils? (Because she has thick fingers.)
One corner of the square table was sawed off. How many angles does he have now? (Five.)
How is a horse different from a needle? (First you sit on a needle, then you jump, and first you jump on a horse, then you sit.)
In which month do they eat the least? (in February, because this month has the fewest days)
What alphabet consists of only six letters? (word "alphabet")
What day of the week is the shortest? (Wednesday - the fewest letters in this word)
What is the heron in front and the hare behind? (letter "c")

The main advantage of a wall newspaper for the New Year is that you can add details and congratulations that are interesting to specific people. This unique bright and beautiful creation will surely please and be remembered for a long time by those for whom it was made.

New Year's greetings

Happy New Year to teachers

You are like mothers to us,
Even though we may be stubborn,
But we know: teachers,
The Earth rests on you!
New Year's greetings
Today we want to tell you:
Be young, successful,
And lucky, of course.
From now on let them be alright
Your students' notebooks,
Let the children know a lot
And get straight A's.
Teachers, there is no one better than you in the world,
Santa Claus knows this for sure.
And therefore words of greetings to you
He brought good ones from all over the world.
Your life is rich in students:
Bankers, astronauts and doctors -
They were all children once,
The ones you had to learn!
So don’t let your eyes get tired
Looking at the notebooks of thousands of children.
And in the New Year your wish will come true,
So that every child is happy to learn.
Severity does not suit you today -
Let her languish in a stuffy classroom.
The old year is already hastening to an end,
The new one comes overnight.
Our teacher, our assistant, friend,
We want to wish you wonderful everyday life,
So that happiness does not run out of hands,
And with luck the year would not be difficult!
During the bustle of the New Year,
In worries, in tireless labors
We will have time to tell you today,
That we love you always!
Please accept our congratulations!
Health, kindness, understanding
And good mood to you!
May all your aspirations grow stronger!
May your wishes come true!

Happy New Year to children and parents

Happy New Year, winter holiday
I congratulate you with all my heart!
May this year be happy
Let there be no worries or troubles.
Let it be an unexpected dream,
Let him be an invited friend.
And this year will bring you
Wonderful juice and nice honey.
New Year is knocking on the window,
“Congratulations, people. You!"
Along a snowy path
He came and the desired hour.
He gave us blizzards as a gift,
Wind, sun and frost,
And the resinous smell of spruce,
And a whole cartload of hope.
Happy New Year to you, friends!
Congratulations! With a Christmas tree! I.
Let the frost play more merrily
Let it freeze your cheeks,
Happy year of joy, happiness, love!
Happy New Year, I congratulate you,
Happy first joyful day of January!
Let the snowflakes fluffy snow
They'll kiss you for me!
We wish you New Year's miracles
And so that everything works out like in a fairy tale,
So only with and never without
And on New Year's Day something pleasant happened.
May you have a merry new year
Takes your mind off all worries
Let sorrows and worries
He will leave you on the doorstep
And he will enter your house, sparkling,
Promising health to everyone.

So, you have a selection ready for the New Year's wall newspaper. You can use all frames for wishes, stories, and pranks. We think that you have enough imagination to decorate your wall newspaper brightly, elegantly, beautifully and with a sense of humor. Good luck to you!

A hand-made New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 is a great opportunity to give a good mood to your friends and family on this bright holiday. Today we will conduct master classes and tell you how to make a bright holiday wall newspaper (poster) for a kindergarten or school using simple materials at hand. What if you decorate the walls of your home office with funny New Year’s drawings? Colleagues will definitely be delighted! So, let's get to work.

Wall newspaper for the New Year 2016: materials and tools

When designing any wall newspaper, it is important to harmoniously combine the main elements - the headline, texts of congratulations and poems, drawings, notes. It is better to highlight the main words with bright, catchy colors that immediately attract the attention of readers.

Before starting work, stock up on:

  • Whatman paper - size A1
  • templates-drawings
  • pieces of flat foam plastic - thickness up to 5 mm
  • ceramic tiles - as a work surface
  • black marker
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • colored wax crayons
  • double-sided tape
  • stationery knife
  • satin ribbon
  • candy wrappers

How to draw a New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 Year of the Monkey - step-by-step instructions

  1. First, we find and print templates for New Year's items and characters. On thematic sites you can always find a lot of Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and Snowmen. Of course, you can choose a color option, but using a black and white blank format gives room to our imagination.

  2. The selected and printed blanks need to be cut out and placed on a sheet of whatman paper. Don't forget to mark the locations of individual parts using a marker.

  3. We remove the details from the sheet and use a blue or light blue wax crayon to create a background.

  4. We place the figures on pieces of dense foam and trace the outlines with a black marker. Now the parts can be removed and the internal details can be completed by hand.

  5. Pieces of foam plastic with drawn templates for the future wall newspaper should be laid out on the surface of the ceramic tile, and then carefully cut along the contour using a stationery knife. The result was foam plastic figures of New Year's characters. Take a green wax crayon and trace the tree branches along the contour.
  6. Finely chop the colored candy wrappers into many shiny pieces.

  7. Let’s start “decorating” individual parts using glitter from candy wrappers. To decorate the Christmas tree, apply glue to its surface (except for the green outlines), and then “shower” it with shiny pieces. In the same way, only from blue sparkles, we “make” the clothing details for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden - hats, collars, mittens.

  8. We decorate the inscription “Happy New Year 2016” and other elements with colored crayons. All that remains is to glue the individual parts to a sheet of Whatman paper with double-sided tape and that’s it - the wall newspaper is ready for the New Year 2016 with your own hands. You can also use satin ribbons as decoration for the Christmas tree.

    And here are other original photos of New Year's wall newspapers for 2016 for kindergarten or school:

    Let's look at another master class on creating a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with your own hands. We will need the following materials and tools:

    • A1 sheet of whatman paper
    • gouache or watercolor paints
    • PVA glue
    • tassel
    • colored paper
    • Toothbrush

    How to make a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

    Before starting work, you need to create a layout of the future wall newspaper. To do this, take a regular sheet of paper and mark the title, illustrations, and notes on its surface. Such preliminary preparation will allow us to assess the compliance of all elements in size and location. After all, it will be a shame if the title written in the final version turns out to be too large, and the notes are very small and unnoticeable against the general background.

    1. We apply a tone in the form of streaks, waves, snowflakes or small dots onto a sheet of whatman paper. The main thing is that the base does not “harm the eye” and is kept in calm shades - blue, light blue, yellow. You can leave 2 cm wide margins along the edges of the sheet.
    2. We mark the main elements of the New Year's wall newspaper - the place of the heading, inscriptions, drawings. For example, the position of the title can be done in different ways: above the text, on the side, diagonally, at an angle.

    3. You can make the drawings for the New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 yourself using watercolor paints or gouache. Applications from New Year's coloring pages, cut out and pasted onto a wall newspaper, look original. All that remains is to paint it beautifully in “New Year’s” colors.

    4. Details made from colored paper can easily be made unusual and festive. We take a dry brush, dip it in gouache and “poke” the paint onto the paper. You can use a toothbrush for the same purpose.

    5. In the wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 we post interesting notes about the holiday - the names of Santa Claus in different countries, the history of the origin of the New Year and the Christmas tree, poems. The result is this cute creation:

    How to make a poster for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: step-by-step master class

    A New Year's poster is a great opportunity to lift your spirits with a dose of good humor. What can you put on a poster? Drawings, applications, friendly cartoons, funny notes and photographs. Well, and of course, the symbol of 2016 - a cheerful Monkey!

    Necessary materials for work:

    • Whatman sheet
    • paints - watercolor or gouache
    • colored pencils or markers
    • ruler
    • scissors
    • photos of schoolchildren or work employees
    • New Year themed magazine clippings

    Posters for the New Year 2016 - step by step instructions

    1. We place all the elements of the poster on a sheet of whatman paper and then glue it.
    2. We create signatures, comments, notes for each image. New Year's poems of your own composition will become the “highlight” of your holiday poster.
    3. Color the sheet with bright colors. However, do not forget about maintaining color harmony - catchy “screaming” shades may look too harsh in the overall composition.

    How to make a New Year's poster - 2016 with your own hands, video

    It’s not difficult to create a wall newspaper or poster for the New Year 2016 - just stock up on the simplest materials and tools. Beads, rhinestones, shiny paper, satin ribbons and sparkles will be excellent decorative elements. A little imagination - and the New Year's surprise is ready!

On the eve of the New Year holidays, preparations begin in educational and preschool institutions: decorating classrooms and areas for events, rehearsing matinees and festive performances. In addition, competitions are organized for the best drawing or wall newspaper. For talented children, this is a chance to show their abilities to a large audience. But what should those guys do who want to take part, but have poor drawing techniques? There is an exit! You need to download a ready-made wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 (with your own hands), the templates of which will help you create a real masterpiece without any fine art skills. But first, you need to find out how to properly create a wall newspaper and what materials you will need.

What to consider when creating a wall newspaper

  1. Remember that the content and theme of the wall newspaper must be unique, since children remember well the themes of past issues.
  2. In addition to standard congratulations and New Year's images, the newspaper should be informative. Include in it several materials about school and extracurricular activities, useful announcements, and a summary of the 2018 school year.
  3. No one has canceled originality. Come up with something new and unusual. For example, the quest “Find a gift from Santa Claus” with clever, humorous tips.

What materials will you need?

There are no standard guidelines in this regard. It all depends on the technique you will use in the design. It is necessary to take into account that the design of a wall newspaper is not only drawings and photographs. You can use any elements of decorative art. For example, figures in the style of origami, patchwork, quilling, applique, scrapbooking, etc. will look great. Eco-decor looks original - compositions from cones, fir branches, berries and leaves. It all depends on your imagination, so any materials can be suitable - from colored paper to leather and fur.

We advise you to first decide what types of decor you will use, then prepare all the necessary materials. Don't forget that most of them can be found at home, these are parts of old clothes, magazine clippings, foil, pieces of fabric, broken toys, cotton wool and much more.

How to properly design a wall newspaper

In order for the newspaper to be impeccable, you must adhere to the main rule: correctly distribute the blocks of content. To do this, make a plan for your future creation - decide which articles, drawings, photographs and design elements you plan to place.

Take a simple pencil and a ruler. Divide the “whatman paper” into even cells, leaving more space in the center for the main New Year’s composition. This will make it possible to evenly distribute the space on the sheet. Be sure to leave space at the top for the main title and congratulations. Sign all the blocks with a pencil so as not to forget the sequence of content.

Example of a wall newspaper:

  1. Text. Alternatively, create a document with text in Photoshop, using handwritten fonts, and print it on a printer, adjusting the width to the size of the wall newspaper column. Then glue it onto the Whatman paper. You can also add a beautiful New Year's frame. Don't forget that your creation will be read by different people, so make the letters a little larger.
  2. Drawings. Pictures should reflect the topic of the articles and fit harmoniously into the overall composition. Mandatory characters for 2018 are the yellow earthen Dog and the traditional Father Frost, Snow Maiden, and Snowman.
  3. Collage. An entertaining element will be clippings from photographs of students, teachers and parents. Cut out people's heads and glue them to the human body shapes you drew. The collage can be designed in the form of a round dance around a Christmas tree or a snowball fight, ice skating, sledding, skiing, etc.

    Advice! If your fine arts skills are poor, we recommend downloading a coloring book of the desired theme, printing it out and drawing out the template using carbon paper.

  4. Decor. Perhaps the most important detail in the design of a newspaper. Without bright decoration, the product will look gloomy, boring and will not arouse much interest. To achieve this, you can use the most incredible arts and crafts techniques - from simple appliqué to paper curling or beading.

Additional ideas

It is very important to make your creation not only informative and colorful, but also interactive. The children will be happy to take part in the “Best New Year's Greetings” competition if they place an envelope in one of the newspaper blocks and place a table with markers and pieces of paper next to it. Anyone can write a wish and put it in a pocket. The author of the most original greeting will receive a prize.

Of course, not everyone may like our version of a wall newspaper, as well as the ideas, so your imagination and abilities will help you create a real masterpiece that will remain in your memory for many years.

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The symbol of 2018 is a dog

New Year characters

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Christmas tree and toys

The pustunchik knows the secrets of impeccable design of a New Year's wall newspaper and today he will be happy to share them with you, my friend.

The first step is to create a layout of the New Year's newspaper poster. Take a draft and roughly indicate on it the headline, articles and illustrations that you plan to place in the newspaper. Pay attention to the size of each component: articles should not be too small, and headings should not be too large. Now, barely noticeably, do the same on whatman paper.

Whatman paper A1 is best suited for a New Year's wall newspaper. If you don’t find one, you can glue together several A4 sheets.


To prevent the New Year's wall newspaper from looking “empty,” you can tint whatman paper by making an interesting background.

The paper will look impressive if:

1. Dip a dry brush into the paint and apply it with a poke to the boom,

2. Use a dry brush to make strokes,

3. Make a tone with a toothbrush, sprinkling paint from it onto whatman paper,

4. Take a little paint on your finger and leave fingerprints on the paper.

Applications look cool on a wall newspaper. You can make cutouts from magazines, make voluminous snowflakes, Christmas tree decorations, etc., and another great idea would be to print out coloring books, color them and stick the finished drawings on a wall newspaper.


Pay special attention to the title. Here are a few ways the heading can be positioned in relation to the text.


Winter holidays involve the implementation of comic winter riddles. Think about it. The Pustunchik made sure that your New Year's wall newspaper was meaningful, full of many winter poems and interesting things. Read useful information about the New Year holidays and their heroes, and use the materials to create a unique holiday newspaper poster:

Here is an example of a New Year's wall newspaper that you can print for a festive evening.

The newspaper consists of 8 A4 parts. The finished New Year's poster will be in A1 format.

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