Short New Year's greetings. Happy New Year greetings New Year greetings show

In our country, New Year is the most favorite holiday, so I would like to congratulate as many friends, family and loved ones as possible. Usually congratulations are heard a few hours before the chimes, when there is very little time left. In this regard, it is better to prepare short wishes for the New Year 2020 in advance.

In fact, it is very difficult to fit into a couple of sentences everything that you want to convey to your loved ones, so we have made for our readers a capacious selection of wishes that may be useful depending on the circumstances.

Wishes in your own words

Sometimes simple words spoken from the heart can touch much more than the most beautiful and pompous phrases in poetry. Don't be shy about telling your loved ones everything you feel about them, especially on New Year's Day. After all, this is a holiday when we all need attention, warmth and sincere words from friends and relatives. To cheer you up a little, we offer you several options for such congratulations in prose:

Let your mood be as bright as the lights on a Christmas tree, your thoughts as clear and light as the first snow, and your mood as playful as champagne bubbles! And may this wonderful holiday bring with it a charge of optimism for the whole year ahead! Meet him with a smile and positivity!

May your loved ones and family always be healthy and happy, and may luck and love always be with you! I hope next year is exactly how you envisioned it! Enter the New Year with new desires and dreams!

In the New Year, I wish you gorgeous Mondays, fabulous Tuesdays, wonderful Wednesdays, sunny Thursdays, wonderful Fridays, exciting Saturdays and the most romantic Sundays! Happy holiday!

May your life in the New Year be as bright as a clear sunny day, as full as a glass of champagne, as carefree as that of an oligarch’s daughter. And may your eyes always shine with joy, positivity, optimism!

I would like to wish you health, happiness, joy and definitely big salaries! Let everything be new in the new year, but let your friends remain old, faithful, kind and dearly loved! Just like you are with us!

May the next year be better than the previous one - happier, brighter, more fun, more serene. I wish you health, prosperity, smiles from friends, good luck, emotions and bright ideas.

Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

I wish you in the New Year - if you stumble, then over money, if you fall, then into your arms, if you cry, then from happiness!

May the New Year be successful for you in every way: on the personal front, at work, in your family, with friends. Good health to you and be happy! Happy New Year!

Happy holiday to you! Let all doors open, wishes come true, plans come true, dreams come true. Let happiness, like a magical snowflake, fall into your palm and never melt!

Congratulations for colleagues

Sometimes it happens that you need to say a toast in the presence of a large number of people. Some people are shy and cannot find the right words, especially if the proposal comes spontaneously. Such situations happen very often at corporate events. We will try to help you and offer several options for wishes to our colleagues:

Let's raise our glasses and once again wave the burning sparklers over our festive table. I want to wish each of you absolutely the same as a year ago. After all, this is what allowed us to remain the same cohesive and professional team. Let's develop and stay the course ahead.

Another year has passed. He was full of different impressions, successes and yet sorrows. Let's draw conclusions from it and prevent mistakes in the New Year. Dear colleagues, let's drink to our career growth, blessings in the family and the health of our loved ones!

Dear colleagues, we are all waiting for something. Someone is waiting for a promotion, someone is waiting for a salary increase, someone is waiting for a vacation. I wish that in the coming year, all our expectations will come true, and not only in terms of work, but also in personal affairs. Happy New Year!

Let's have a drink so that Santa Claus will prepare a wonderful gift for our friendly team - a year of stability and prosperity. So that salaries grow faster than prices in stores, and work brings pleasure. Happy New Year, colleagues.

They say that happy is not the one who has all the best, but the one who is able to receive the best from what he has! May our dear colleagues have more opportunities for happiness in the New Year!

Warm words in verse

There are people for whom writing a poem costs nothing. They are truly lucky and can easily wish Happy New Year to anyone. However, it is worth noting that most people do not have such talent, but want to congratulate their loved ones beautifully and sublimely. We bring to your attention several relevant poems that will be appropriate when celebrating the Year of the Pig, that is, 2019:

All the best to you, all the best,
Good luck in everything and happy occasion.
May your worries be pleasant
Work brings good feelings.
Let the New Year not bring sorrow,
But only have a great mood!

Happy New Year with a new happiness!
Let bad weather pass you by,
Laughter flows like a stream
Let it fill your whole house,
Happiness jumps with him to boot,
Luck will follow them
And wealth at the same time
It will fly through the window!

Let your wishes come true!
Everything bad will be forgotten!
Love will come with hope,
With unbridled passion!
May happiness be eternal
Health - endless,
All dreams are real
Ideas are only brilliant,
The charge is only long and vigorous!
Always! And happy New Year!

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
With new joy and love.
May the year bring you good luck,
Laughter, smiles and health.
It will warm the heart with tenderness,
Will fill souls with kindness.
May the New Year be generous
The brightest, the best.

New Year's chaos
Managed to enter every house,
And people and trees mingled,
Jewelry, needles.
Tangerines and firecrackers,
And sweets, and outfits..
Happy New Year! With a new step
To life with the taste of chocolate,
Into life with a flow of beauty,
Where dreams come true.

To the chimes this time
May all your wishes come true.
May the year pass without troubles.
More sweet victories!
May the year be filled with fun
Warmth, comfort, mood!

Funny and children's SMS Happy New Year

Laughter is a part of our life. It warms our hearts, helps us overcome difficulties and prevents many of us from falling into depression. Funny Happy New Year SMS messages are perfect for the New Year holidays, because this holiday is filled with good mood and fun from start to finish. Funny SMS among teenagers has long become the norm. Why don’t we send our closest friends congratulations with jokes.

Funny for adults Cool for kids
Be the Snow Maiden on New Year's Day,

A beauty, not a fool.

In a beautiful white fur coat.

Intoxicated, cheerful, brave!

Happy New Year! Let it frost

Doesn't sting blue nose.

And in the face of the gray-haired grandfather

Will bring a lot of gifts!

When the clock strikes twelve,

You don't have to hold out for long -

Don't fall on your face at Olivier,

Be cheerful and young!

Santa Claus is just a grandfather,

He's wearing a fur coat and felt boots.

If you dance with him,

He can give a hundred gifts.

Let Santa Claus have a burgundy nose,

Good luck, a lot of money will give you,

Snow Maiden secretly all year

Quietly drinks cognac.

Well, the boss, a faithful friend,

Will provide a thousand services!

May Santa Claus be with you today

He will bring a ton of gifts:

A bag of sweets, a hundred toys,

Enough for a whole year.

Happy New Year! Don't be naughty

If you drink, have a snack.

In the morning let the girl get hot

It will give you a hangover.

Let it be white and fluffy

This New Year will be

Sweet, sweet like toffee

But useful, like compote!

I wish you not to be separated from your loved ones,

Meet with friends more often!

Happy to just get married,

Admire the wondrous nature,

It’s a pleasure to communicate with everyone,

And achieve the necessary goals,

Don't be afraid of adversity, don't be afraid of mistakes,

Live with optimism and laugh!

Three hares are galloping dashingly,

Good Santa Claus is in the sleigh!

We are lucky, good luck

And a whole lot of fun!

The New Year is already waiting at the door, the chimes can already be heard, and wonderful moments of New Year's miracles and performances are about to come. You've probably already read everything forecasts for the coming year, sewed or bought New Year's series, thought out all the details New Year's me, well, it’s time for gifts, New Year’s greetings and wishes. We will help you with this.

May the New Year not be boring,

And he will be bright and lucky,

Gambling, brave, positive,

Prosperous and active!

Let your work be interesting,

And the rest is easy and wonderful!

Every day on the calendar is beautiful,

But special and fabulous one

The kindest holiday in the world -

Wonderful New Year!

He comes dear snowy,

A round dance gathers friends,

The most sincere, the most tender,

Delightful New Year!

He gives us hope and faith

Into miracles and another turn,

Opens doors to the future

Amazing New Year!

Louder laughter and tighter hugs,

And flies towards us from all latitudes:

“Dear, dear, beloved,

Welcome to the New Year!

On the most joyful New Year!”

Happy New Year!

I give you a big hug!

And I wish frankly:

Wait for a good change!

May all shades of happiness

And a rainbow of victories,

Successes of different stripes

And a holiday bouquet

Your life will be decorated

For many, many years!

Let the winter cold sting your nose

And the snow crunches fresh and tasty,

Let Santa Claus linger

We won't be sad this night!

We will stand in a friendly round dance,

We'll move our glasses together merrily,

May you have a happy New Year,

And there was enough joy for everyone in it!

Let's sing and dance from the heart,

Let it be frosty and blizzard outside!

We are happy with this great holiday,

Let's warmly congratulate each other.

May New Year's optimism

Will remain in our hearts for a long time!

May your life be bright

Like this festive tree!

Let it shine like a star

In the January night darkness

Love to you everywhere and always

And happiness on earth!

We wish you health, good luck,

Huge success in everything!

New Year, friends, is coming -

Let him be joyful!

Joy in every moment

In every breath of love,

Happiness, warmth and patience,

Peace and goodness on your journey.

New Year's winter again at night

The smell of pine will burst into the houses,

Glasses will clink, hearts will tremble,

And there will be no end to this fairy tale!

Because year after year we are again

We believe in happiness, in miracles, in love!

And with all our hearts we wish you again

Celebrate the New Year with hope!

The clock strikes,

New Year is in a hurry!

I want to go with him without further ado

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

May happiness be a light snowflake

It will fall into your palms,

But it doesn’t melt overnight,

And it only grows over the years!

Red-nosed, red-cheeked

Good Grandfather Frost

Through the blizzard and deep snow

Brought the holiday to the house!

Let the lights burn on the branches

This wonderful night

Let about all obedient children

Happiness will take care!

May there be many steps in the new year

Broad and bold - forward!

May faith, hope, love protect you,

And he will find earthly happiness!

Dream, strive, live in harmony

With loved ones and friends,

May the coming new year

Only good things will happen to you!

The old year is passing, a new one is coming,

And his steps can already be heard,

Let your sadness melt like a snowflake,

May your dreams be wonderful!

Both in spring and summer in this wonderful year

And for many, many years to come,

May I be with you, follow you around the world

My boundless love is coming!

I wish you a Happy New Year

Only joyful worries,

To have a lot of money,

So that the road is smooth,

So that your leisure time is not boring,

So that a friend always loves.

And so that the house is full of guests,

And passion with fire!

Grandchildren and children galore,

And the best gifts,

Well, what’s most important -

The joy of every day!

Happy New Year! Solemnly, loudly

The clock struck twelve.

With new happiness! Goodness and health

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

May all your wishes come true

And the ice crystals will melt,

Let all the grievances be forgotten,

And the sorrows will go away forever!

There will always be joy with you!

I wish you a lot of happiness in life,

Let bad weather pass by

And a glorious good New Year

It will bring you good luck.

The good old year is passing away,

Taking your sorrows with you.

The new fabulous one is in a hurry

By leaps and bounds

And he carries with him in addition

Exactly seven pounds of luck,

Happiness and goodness for everyone,

Inspiration, loud laughter.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

So that in the coming year,

Who will enter the house like a fairy tale,

Love will bring hope,

You were always on horseback

Good luck, doubly joy,

Happy meetings and warm words,

Let only love rule the world!

Good fairy deer

Let him bring gifts

New Year's Santa Claus

Happiness will bring you

Let the New Year be bright,

Let the gifts please you

And dreams come true!

Happiness, peace, warmth!

Hurry to the chimes

Make wishes.

May the New Year make you happy

With heartfelt confessions,

Happy moments

Big adventures

Mental anguish,

Happy dreams!

Raising a glass and remembering the old year,

Let's forget all the grievances and sorrows,

Let the new one preserve and multiply

All the best you could wish for!

Good, glorious New Year

Happiness, joy will bring,

And prosperity and comfort

Happy New Year they will come to the house!

New Year is knocking on the door -

Open up to him quickly

He brought a bag of happiness

With joy, kindness, participation,

A ton of patience, a ton of luck,

And good luck to boot!

We wish you next year

Laugh, rejoice, believe,

Believe in a lucky star

And don’t be sad and don’t be timid,

Be healthy and not get sick!

Spring in the soul,

Flowers in the garden

And happiness next year!

The New Year comes into effect.

Let him be the cutest

Very kind and happy

Joyful, unique!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!, well, if congratulations and wishes are not enough for you, then take a look

Happy New Year is rushing -
Open the doors wider!
Will bring good luck to everyone,
Who believes in success and happiness!

Make a wish today
What sparkles in your soul -
This night is magic
Let all your wishes come true!

Let joy fill the house,
Filling everything around.
A bright and wonderful dream
It will suddenly become an ordinary day.

We wish you a Happy New Year
Have fun and good luck,
Let your dreams come true
Tasks are being accomplished!

Don't let your wallet be empty
Will be filled forever
I wish you happiness and love,
From now on - endlessly!

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Let it be for the New Year,
Dear Grandfather Frost to you,
He will bring a gift!

The holiday of our childhood has come. Congratulations to everyone, friends! May every day, every moment bring joy and reveal the delights of life. We all wish that life sparkles like fireworks that never run out. This bright symbol will always remind you how bright life can be. Happy holiday!

The New Year will knock on our doors like a snowflake.
The chimes will ring loudly and notify people.
On a magical night he will look into the windows, smile,
He will bring gifts, dance, laugh.

Greet him with joy and an open soul
Then the whole coming year will pay off with interest,
Good luck, happiness, blessings. I wish you good health...
Happy wonderful New Year! I congratulate you!

New Year's fairy tale today
He will open colored pages for us!
On this festive New Year's day
We wish everyone happiness, dear ones!

May the New Year bring good luck,
Let there always be green light in everything!
And let everything be so, not otherwise!
Clear, rosy, definitely!

Congratulations on the long-awaited New Year! Let the trembling feeling of delight, from the anticipation of joyful changes, not leave you throughout the celebration and remain a sweet sore point for the whole coming year! Good luck in all industries and endeavors! And of course, love! Absolute, mutual and beautiful!

The snow is spinning and flying,
Happiness is in the air
And it's coming any minute now
The best New Year!

You meet him with your soul,
With faith in the best, big.
Well, he will answer you
Life will give light:

The sea will bring success,
Will take away any grief.
In the coming year
You will be happy to get along!

At this moment I want to congratulate you
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve!
May the stars be high again
They will delight you with a mysterious glow!

After all, billions of years have been shining in the night
And year after year, each one, seeing off,
Witnesses of all the mysteries of existence
We got to know them from end to end.

Let the moonlight and the whisper of the stars
We are slowly being escorted into the New Year!
And they will become companions of all dreams come true,
From the heights they light the good path for us all!

Congratulations on this holiday - Happy New Year! Let the snow-white snowfall turn into clean pages of life. We wish you bright days and nights full of secrets in the New Year. Let the feeling that life is beautiful never leave you, and let the mystery bring only joy and inspiration. Happy New Year!

New Year is knocking on the door,
The clock is striking twelve!
May this year pass brightly,
Like holiday fireworks!

I wish you not to know grief,
Always live in joy
Confidently step forward
Both in the heat and in the cold!

May good Grandfather Frost
Will show you attention
And will make it come true
Cherished wish!

New Year is knocking on the window.
Wait a little longer
And you will see the world from a fairy tale:
Bright lights and masks

The ringing of chimes, the clinking of glasses,
Streets under the blanket
Christmas tree, balls, garlands
And crystal verandas.

Celebrates honest people
After all, the New Year is coming to us.
Happy New Year!
I wish you fairy tales in reality!

Finally, that new year is coming that will turn your life upside down and it will become more interesting, funnier, kinder and luckier. I sincerely congratulate you on the new year, new life, new relationships and new, not yet explored, desires! Dreams come true - your time has come!

Happy New Year! Magic,
Laughter, happiness and warmth,
Peace, joy, prosperity
And in all matters order!

Let everything be gray and bad
He will take the old year with him.
From now on, only bright moments
Let them create the mood!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Have fun and laugh
Don't be offended by anything
Live easily and without worries
The whole coming new year.

Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth,
Always be positive
May you always be lucky in everything!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and kindness!
Let all bad weather pass by,
Life will give you full gifts!

Happy New Year! I wish that happiness and good luck become your faithful companions! May your health be good, and may you be accompanied throughout the year by only joyful events, positive emotions and success in all your endeavors! Let your loved ones bring joy and your most cherished dreams come true!

I wish you this New Year
Less sadness and worries,
More happiness and goodness,
Smiles, tenderness, warmth!

May your friends be true
And a very friendly family,
So that every day is successful,
And so that you have enough strength for everything!

Well, let's also have a New Year
Will bring more money
Health, peace and love,
So that there is no winter in your heart!

Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness in life,
Many good wishes,
May all your dreams come true!

The most vivid impressions,
The most fabulous moments.
May this year bring you
A lot of joyful troubles!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness is only over the edge.
So that life is not life, but paradise.

Don't get sick and get enough sleep,
Stay optimistic
Inspire people around
To bring ideas to fruition!

May fate protect you
And an angel is standing nearby!

I wish you peace and goodness,
Love, warmth!
May this New Year
Will bring success and joy!

May the New Year open its doors
Into the world of magic, care, faith.
And all good things will begin!
May luck smile on you!

May this glorious New Year
Will give happiness and good luck,
Will bring a lot of health
And an ocean of money to boot!

May everyone's dreams come true,
Let your smile shine brightly!
I wish you peace, kindness
And wonderful gifts!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Sea of ​​happiness, sea of ​​laughter
And in all matters success.

All wishes come true
And it’s all just luck,
Good health for future use
And a tangle of magical days.

I wish you a new year
Catch your luck on the go.
Surprise everyone, manage everything,
Laugh and don't be sad.

Love, hope and believe
And try on happiness for yourself,
And never bother you,
And it’s just interesting to live!

The time has come when everyone can
Dream about new plans,
Think about something carefully
Make a wish for everything under the tree.
I am glad to congratulate you on the New Year!
And late this evening
Let Santa Claus pass you by
Gives you happiness and warmth.
A herd of deer will come running to you
...they will bring gifts.
Rivers of goodness and delight to you,
Let comfort reign in your place.

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