Penguin made from plastic bottles. MK

There is a great idea to cheer you up. Find out, how to make a penguin from plastic bottles with your own hands and let the children's holiday come today. It's very simple, a craft like the one in the photo won't cost you anything except your time spent with pleasure. Make penguins from plastic bottles with your children - let it be your family creativity.

To make this craft we will need:

  • several identical plastic bottles;
  • brushes for drawing and paint;
  • scotch;
  • woolen threads for pompoms;
  • scissors;
  • fabric for scarves;
  • PVA glue or “Moment”

Step-by-step instruction

Proceed as in the photo. As you can see, the craft is not complicated, it’s as if the plastic bottles were specially created to make penguins out of them :)).

It is better not to assign the first part, where you need to work with scissors, to children. Here we cut the bottle and smooth the edges using tape.

We cover the entire bottle with white paint, mark the place for the “belly” and paint the rest of the surface black.

When the craft is dry, draw a cap for the penguin from a plastic bottle. You can choose the color as in the photo or at your discretion.

It’s not difficult to draw a beak and eyes; you don’t even need any artistic skills.

How to make a pompom

For those who forgot)))

But, once you look at the photo, you will immediately remember everything, and those who didn’t know how will understand how simple it is.

How to make a two-color pom pom or a multi-color pom pom

As you can see, the pattern is the same, you only need threads of different colors.

When our penguin from a plastic bottle dries up, glue a donut onto his hat, tie a scarf from a piece of fabric and the craft is ready.

We continue to contribute to preserving the environment by using discarded plastic bottles as materials for crafts. This time we offer you the idea of ​​​​making a charming penguin with your own hands to create a beautiful winter decoration at home, in the garden or in the country.

Below are two options for implementing the idea for your consideration. You can choose either of them or both at once, depending on your desire. If you have children, they will become excellent assistants in the process of making products from plastic bottles, since this is a very simple job that does not require special skills (especially option 2).

You are ready? – Then go ahead to the photo master class!

How to make a penguin from plastic bottles - option 1

Necessary materials:

  • 2 empty 2 liter water or beverage bottles;
  • Paints;
  • Paint brush;
  • Braid;
  • Pompon;
  • Hot glue gun.

Instructions with photos:

1. Wash the bottles thoroughly and remove all labels.
2. Cut both bottles in half and leave the bottoms.

3. To make the body, connect the lower parts of the bottles by inserting one inside the other, as shown in the photo. The bases of the bottles (one at the top, the other at the bottom) will act as the head and legs of the future penguin.
4. At this stage, you can add glue for fixation, but our bottles fit together quite tightly and we decided to do without it.

5. Apply a base coat to the penguin's body (we used white spray paint as a base coat on the entire body). After the base coat has dried, paint the body black, drawing a widow's toe on the penguin's forehead.

Make sure that the lines of the widow's toe are parallel to the two lower edges of the base of the bottle, which will be used as legs. Choose a color for the penguin's hat and paint the top base of the bottle as shown in the photo. Add facial features - eyes and beak.

6. Leave the penguin to dry completely.

7. Tie a piece of ribbon around the penguin's body like a scarf and glue a pom pom to the top of the hat using a hot glue gun. The baby is ready!

Video: how to make a penguin from a plastic bottle with your own hands

How to make a penguin from plastic bottles - option 2

Necessary materials:

  • Adhesive tape/Scotch tape;
  • Colored paper;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue.

Instructions with photos:

1. To make the penguin's body, wrap black paper around a previously stripped plastic bottle. Cut an oval out of white paper and glue it to the front of the bottle as the belly.

2. To make the scarf, cut a long strip of pink paper and glue it around the top of the body. Then cut two more long strips, make cuts at the ends to form a fringe and glue them as the ends of the scarf.

3. Cut out two wings from black paper and glue them to the back of the penguin's body.

4. To make the head, cut out a circle from black paper and a smaller circle from white paper. Cut out eyes from black paper and a beak from orange paper and glue them onto the white circle. Glue the white circle onto the black circle in the center.

5. Cut out a hat from pink paper and glue it onto the penguin’s head. Glue the penguin's head to the front of the body above the scarf line.

6. Cut out two paws from orange paper and glue them to the base of the bottle, as shown in the photo.
The work is done!

So, you have two funny penguins. Using additional materials and your own imagination, you can create a beautiful winter composition on the windowsill, under the New Year tree, in the area near the house or in some other place that will delight the eye and lift the spirits of the whole family on long winter evenings.

The favorite characters of many children and adults are penguins. Of course, from the cartoon "Madagascar". Bringing the cartoon characters into reality and leaving them to guard the garden house is our task for today.

We will create penguins from plastic bottles: the material is common and easy to work with.

We should end up with these cute guys:

Penguins made from plastic bottles look great in the snow and with their whole appearance remind you of the imminent arrival of the New Year.

Penguin from a plastic bottle: master class

1. First we need a bottle. If you use a standard plastic bottle, for example, an oil bottle, the penguin will turn out very thin. It is better to use “pot-bellied” bottles. A penguin toy from such a plastic bottle will turn out large and beautiful:

The color of the bottle is not at all important, since it will be completely covered with opaque paint.

2. Cut the bottles in half and leave the bases.

From two bottle halves you will get one cute little penguin.

3. Now glue the two halves together.

4. Now the fun begins. First, we need to cover the resulting workpiece with white paint. It is most convenient to spray paint from a can, but you can also use regular acrylic paints and a good old brush.

5. We begin to paint the toy. First we draw the border of the “tailcoat”, then we outline the eyes and beak. We draw bright clothes so that the penguins stand out in the snow.

6. Now you need to prepare a pompom for the hat. To do this, take two cardboard rings and put them together...

And wrap it with threads.

Then we cut the threads along the outer circumference. We insert one part of the scissors into the gap formed by two cardboard circles and cut the threads in a circle without touching the layer of threads along the inner circumference. We don't remove cardboard!

Now take a thread, insert it between two pieces of cardboard and tighten it. Uncut threads along the inner circumference are intercepted and collected into one “sheaf”.

Now remove the cardboard and straighten the threads. It turns out this funny pom-pom:

7. All that remains is to glue the pompom to the drawn hat, and the craft from a plastic pinvin bottle is ready!

Winter is a wonderful time of year! Clear, bright sky, bright sun, fluffy soft snow... But sometimes, when the sun suddenly takes a day off, you really want something bright, cheerful and positive, don’t you? Therefore, today the topic of my photo master class is a penguin from a plastic bottle. We will make a funny, cute, clumsy and very good-natured baby. Do you agree?

More precisely, not even a baby, but a baby. Because this little penguin we have is a girl and she already has a name. Nuki.

I was inspired to create this miracle by one of the works of the wonderful needlewoman Lucy ( // It was with her that I first saw how animals are made from plastic bottles of drinks like Cola, Sprite, etc. Of course, when I saw Lucy's penguins, I couldn't remain indifferent. A new idea immediately appeared in my brain and I hastened to bring it to life.

DIY penguin from a plastic bottle

In order to make a penguin from a plastic bottle, we will need the following materials and tools:

  • 2 plastic bottles (1 liter) of CocaCola or Sprite
  • stationery knife
  • scissors
  • glue "Moment"
  • pencil
  • felt-tip pen or marker
  • acrylic paints

Once you have everything you need at hand, we can get to work. And the first thing we will do is cut the bottles along the pre-marked lines. A CocaCola bottle is quite convenient in this regard, because by stepping back an equal distance from the central corrugated part of the bottle along the entire diameter, you can cut it fairly evenly.

I recommend marking with an ordinary felt-tip pen. It is easier to remove later, unlike a marker. To make cutting easier, I first make a cut with a stationery knife, and then take scissors and trim if necessary. So, to cut off the larger part, we will step back approximately 2 cm from the central grooved part of the bottle. And to cut the bottom part, we simply cut along the groove of the bottle.

Now we insert one half of the bottle into the other, having previously coated the edges with Moment glue and press it on top with something heavy, for example books. Leave it like this for a while. Since I started everything at night, I put the carcass under a stack of books and calmly went to bed, and in the morning everything was ready!

Now we need to cover our carcass with white paint. You can use acrylic paint or use white spray to paint leather items and shoes. I used my old spray. It turned out to be very convenient.

A little advice: if you don’t have either one or the other, I recommend using ordinary gouache and adding a little PVA glue to it. With this simple method, you will ensure that when the paint dries, it will not crumble and wear off, staining your fingers.

After the paint has completely dried, carefully draw with a simple pencil the contours of the muzzle, tummy, eyes, beak... You may not be able to draw symmetrical lines the first time. Dont be upset! It didn’t work out for me right away either. You can, of course, console yourself with the fact that absolute symmetry does not exist in nature, but you can first draw a face on a sheet of paper, adjust the drawing relative to the middle line, folding it in half, and only then transfer it to a painted workpiece.

Don't be afraid to erase unnecessary lines with an eraser. Then, we will still cover our face with fresh white paint.

The face is ready! Lovely! Now let's outline the location of the wings. It is important to understand here that the outline will be very conditional. Only in order to further determine what shape and size the wings will be. Therefore, you should not dwell on this for long and carefully draw out the shape.

So, after we have outlined the shape and location of our future wings (or rather the wings of a plastic penguin), we need to cut out two corresponding blanks from the remains of the bottle. We will make notches along the upper edge on both sides so that they are better secured in the already fully prepared carcass.

Well, all the main details are ready and it’s time to get down to the most enjoyable part of our master class - the artistic one. Cover the desired areas of the carcass with black paint. Using the template of the cut out wings, we make cuts on the carcass at an angle of approximately 45-50 degrees. You may have a different angle depending on your original design.

Great! Now let's move on to the small details - color and draw the eyes, beak, muzzle and abdomen. We paint the wings in such a way that the inner white part of the wing appears to be visible from the front side.

Important: do not forget that the wings need to be painted symmetrically in relation to each other. Otherwise you will have to redo it. And this, you see, is sad.

After everything is painted and dried, an absolutely wonderful and touching little penguin should appear on the table in front of you. I'm so pleased with the result! It turns out that plastic bottles can make very cute and wonderful crafts.

But it’s too early to stop. Adding some shadows... Unfortunately, I do not have professional artist skills, so, to be honest, shadows are always difficult for me. But I tried really hard and I hope it shows.

Like this. The shadows turned out very light and unobtrusive. And now the long-awaited moment has come when we need to put everything together and see what we got. We insert the wings into the previously prepared slots and straighten them. If desired, the wings can be fixed with glue for reliability.

For example, one of my wings constantly tried to fall off. So I applied glue to the protruding part of the part and glued it into the slot.

Ready! Why not a girl?! She is so cute! All that's left is to put on some warm ones and let's go outside! But there are no headphones yet. I'll have to knit.

You know, as soon as I finished work, my Katyushka asked me to hold the penguin in my hands. She really liked him (or rather, she). And not only for her, but also for me. And to my husband. He didn’t even believe it at first when I said that I made it from ordinary plastic bottles.

And by the way, you can make not only penguins from bottles, but also other crafts that can easily decorate your garden or yard. It would seem like a waste material, but so useful from a decorative point of view.

But it’s time for me to say goodbye to you. I'd love to hear your comments. Perhaps some of you have already decided to make such a penguin. Or maybe you have already made some other crafts from plastic bottles? Write and show. I will be very interested.

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I wish you creative success and a great mood!

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