A woman creates her World herself! How do we see, see and perceive the world around us? The one that creates her own world is prose.

Everything is simple in this world! A woman’s happiness or unhappiness depends on the states that she transmits to the world around her. A woman who fulfills her true destiny is happy, no matter what social status she has and no matter what social environment surrounds her. True femininity, in the language of modern physics, is high-frequency. It transmits highly organized states into the world around us. And not only this! It easily respins low-frequency vibrations, transforming them into a new surrounding space. A true woman easily interacts with any energies and, like a zealous housewife, uses each of them to create a quality environment.

Yes Yes! A woman creates the conditions, the environment from which a man interacts with the world around him.
A man is a mind, he is pragmatic and realistic, he is down to earth. He lives and thinks in material categories and easily interacts with the material world. A man, from an environment created by a woman, creates the material world according to the parameters set by the woman (“the husband is the head, the wife is the neck, wherever she wants to turn it”). Why do you think it is customary for aristocrats and high society for men to stand up when a woman enters or when she gets up from her seat? Remember, in the movie Pretty Woman there is a revealing moment when, at a business meeting in a restaurant, Julia Roberts’ character sits down and stands up several times. And, following her, the men sit down and stand up. Men are too pragmatic to amuse themselves with such irrational actions! Is not it? And yet, from the standpoint of quantum physics, they are easily explainable. This is not only and not so much a tribute to tradition and the “costs of education.” A highly organized woman ALWAYS has the four upper chakras in a state of activity, whereas, like men, the upper chakras are included in the work only when necessary, and not always with ease))). It is much easier to resonate with the source of new energy and maximize interaction processes in two different environments (WOMAN - MAN) while being on the same level. When a man and a woman stand, information is exchanged in energy systems. The chakras read energy parameters and optimize the interaction of two different environments. Let us also remember: “I LOVE YOU NOT FOR WHAT YOU ARE, BUT FOR WHAT I BECOME AROUND YOU!” A woman “makes” a man, and the man then creates the World in which the woman lives.
My dear, don’t you like what you see around you? And, at the same time, “the horses are still galloping, but the huts are still burning”?... isn’t it time for us all to moderate our irrepressible emotions? Our brain is torn with contradictions, and our Soul rushes between fears and resentments. So what do we want from the World around us? HE IS ONLY A REFLECTION OF OUR INNER STATE!
A woman has ceased to perform her main function - to harmonize space. She rushed to help the man arrange the external - material World. The woman has lost her main quality - FAITH! Our actions in the outside world are clumsy, they do not create anything new, they only multiply the disharmony that we ourselves once created. We need to admit it!

Maybe it's time to return to your true purpose: to inspire and fill with beauty. Remember what skills EVERY woman of high society should have: draw (we create an image), play musical instruments and sing (fill the image with vibrations - energy), speak several foreign languages ​​(what difference does it make to inspire a man of what nationality?), sew, embroider (not only does the needle spin the most powerful torsion component of events, which are then realized in life, but the woman’s surroundings and herself are also decorated).

... I wanted to write a short post))). I hope, my dears, I haven’t tired you too much with scientific terminology? Fill yourself with beauty! I wish this to all of us with all my Heart! AND THE WORLD WILL FLOWER! And it depends only on the WOMAN!

Question: “How to access the abundance of the Universe?”

All the abundance of the Universe is already yours. Access to it is open and has always been open. There is no special key or secret code that must be used to open the door of the safe where the abundance of the Universe is stored.

Where do you imagine this abundance? Behind a closed door? Or in a cave, the entrance to which is blocked with stones? No. It is right where you are. It, like you, is part of this Universe.

And there are no obstacles separating you from abundance.

Yes, you guessed it: no obstacles except those you create for yourself.

But these obstacles you create are illusory. In fact, there are none. They are just appearances. It costs you nothing to get rid of them from your eyes, to disperse this fog. And then you will see that you have always had access to the abundance of the Universe, and you still have it now.

How do you imagine the abundance of the Universe? Like a giant storage room filled with jewelry? Or like a cornucopia that can shower you with all sorts of gifts? No, dear ones, the abundance of the Universe is a completely different thing. This is the source from which it is given to you as needed. Do you understand? The source itself is inexhaustible. But what would happen to you if this inexhaustible stream suddenly fell on you? Nothing good, right?

So you get it as needed. To that extent, mind you! - which you yourself have determined for yourself. If this measure is too small in your opinion, reconsider it! Express your intention to receive as much as you really need.

It is only important to notice that the Universe actually gives you benefits all the time. A roof over your head, food on your table, necessary clothing, sources of income, friends, loved ones... Not enough? Decide what else you need. And don't forget to tell the Universe about it. She has everything for you and is ready to share - when you are ready to receive. I think you understand my answer.

Affirmations to attract into your life all the necessary riches of the Universe

I am a beautiful Divine being. I am Light, I am Love. I am the creator and creator of my world. In the name of Light and Love, I am creating my own paradise on Earth.

I am worthy of abundance, prosperity, peace and love. I open my heart to all the riches of the Universe. I let all the riches of the Universe into my life.

I trust God completely. I trust the world, I trust life. I know that life has prepared for me many benefits that are available to me at any time, as needed. All I have to do is reach out my hand to get what I need.

I myself create my world from the endless energies of the Universe. Through the strength and creative power of my Divine Spirit, I create abundance in my life.

There are no limits to the creative possibilities of my Spirit. I'm happy to be a creator. I am happy to live on this beautiful planet at this wonderful time. I thank God for every moment on Earth, for all the blessings given to me, and for the gift of life itself. I live each day in the Love and Light of God, for my highest good and the highest good of all.

Question: “What should I do if what happens to me is not at all what I would like? How to become the creator of your own life?

Exactly what happens to you is what you send a request to the Universe for. In other words, your life is built according to your own intentions. No other forces can interfere with how you build your life.

If what happens is not what you want, it means that you are building your life with the help of intentions that you are not aware of. Or your intentions are formed by you when you are in dissonant states.

Ask yourself: “When I want something, does my desire come from love or fear? Out of peace and tranquility or out of irritation and nervousness?

When you come from love and peace, you come from harmonious energies, and the result is also harmonious. When you come from a place of fear and irritation, you come from dissonant energies, and don't be surprised if the result is not as desirable as you would like.

You know how to be the creator of your life - you are already creating it.

Everything you receive is the result of your creation. The question is what exactly and how exactly, by what means you create, what energies you use in the process of creation. Make it your goal to discover the plans of your Spirit and create with it. In this case, loss is excluded.

Affirmations for gaining control over your life

I am a bright Spirit in a human shell. As Spirit, I feel my strength and power. As a human being, I constantly feel my connection, my unity with the Spirit. Powerful streams of strength and energy pass through me. This is the force that creates the world. This is the force that affirms the harmony of the world. I merge with this force and gain its power, its creative power, its harmony.

I am open to a higher power, which is me. I trust the power of the Spirit to guide me through life and support me. This power gives me peace, tranquility, harmony, peace and allows me to feel and be safe, no matter what happens around me.

Being completely safe under the protection and protection of the Spirit, I calmly and with dignity bring my light even into dark areas - and the world becomes brighter. With the power of my Spirit, the power of Light and Love, I transform the world for the better.

The world around me is the way I create it. I create for myself a world of love, peace, harmony, light. My world is safe and beautiful - because I am a creator, powerful and creative, and I myself created my world this way.

The power of the Spirit always shows me the right path. I receive the right advice and tips that my Divine hypostasis gives me. My angels and guides help me. I confidently, calmly and joyfully walk my life path, for the benefit of me and all people.

based on materials from the book: Tamara Schmidt - "Kryon. The answer to any question. What to do so as not to miss happiness."

my comments are in italics

All people differ from each other in appearance, character, habits. Every person has special talents and gifts, whether they know about them or not.
Each of us emits our own vibration, which is made up of certain components. With its help you create reality.

What makes up your unique vibrational signature?
And what are the ways to create reality?
What is a person's vibrational signature?

In the mid-twentieth century, physicists proved that at the quantum level, all material objects are composed of energy. In itself it is neutral, neither positive nor negative. According to the law of the universe, energy is constantly in motion. If the flow of energy in a person’s body stops or malfunctions, this leads to problems with health, finances, and relationships. Fluctuations in the energy field give rise to vibration. Vibration is a signal that a person sends.

The quality and direction of vibration depends on its frequency. Frequency determines the amplitude of vibrations and the wavelength. The higher the level of human development, the higher his vibrational level, the higher the frequency of vibrations of his energy field. A person is a radio station that sends a signal to the outside and receives it back.

This signal is the vibrational signature of a person. It is unique to everyone and makes us different from each other.

What does a vibrational signature consist of?

A person's vibrational signature is made up of many vibrations that a person emits outwardly, at different levels.

Let's look at three of them that have the biggest impact.

Level 1 - Physical body

Each organ in the physical body emits a specific vibration and frequency. The most important human organs are the brain and heart. The human brain is an electrochemical organ, and its electricity is measured by brain waves.

There are 4 types of brain waves ranging from slowest to fastest.

Beta waves- the fastest. They occur during wakefulness, when the brain is busy with mental activity. The more strenuous the activity, the more excited you are, the higher the frequency.

Alpha waves- slower brain waves. They appear when you are relaxed, dreaming, visualizing, or in the process of creativity.

Theta waves- much slower and associated with the first stage of sleep. You are in a state of theta waves at deeper levels of meditation, inspired by creativity and imagination. A stream of ideas and creative insights floats to the surface of your consciousness.

Delta waves- the slowest. They are found during deep sleep and are associated with sleepwalking and sleep talking.

The human brain constantly switches between these 4 frequencies. At each level of vibration, a person functions differently.

If you want to increase the flow of insights, creative ideas, and feel calm and harmony, slow down and practice meditation.

If you want to quickly process information or receive it in a stream, this can be done in a fast stream - gamma rhythm (about 25-30 Hz and higher). In some circles it is also called the “rhythm of genius,” because when it flashes, a powerful stream of consciousness opens, in which brilliant music and paintings are written, and information is processed hyper quickly.

Brain frequencies correspond to levels of consciousness.

Beta waves relate to surface consciousness, everyday reality and linear thinking.

The more intensely focused your thinking, the more limited your consciousness.

When brain waves slow down to the alpha level, anxiety disappears. You become open, aware and able to perceive subtle types of information.

You access deep areas of memory. Everything that was previously stored in the subconscious comes to the surface.

When the brain slows down to the theta level, you begin to understand the essence of your true self. The ego gives way to your spiritual essence, which comes to the fore.

Level 2 – Energy body

The energy body is our energy system, which consists of 7 main chakras.

Each of them emits its own vibration. Depending on the state of the chakras, one or another vibrational message is transmitted to the outside world.

Few can boast of excellent physical health, the absence of problems with self-esteem, finances and other life difficulties.

And all because not all people have a completely healthy chakra system and no blocks.

To find out which chakras are worth paying attention to, look at the infographic to see what each chakra conveys in a healthy state and in a state of imbalance.

Level 3 - Emotions and thoughts

Our emotions are stored in the emotional body, and our thoughts are stored in the mental body.

Depending on what emotion or thought you experience during the day, that signal you send to the outside world.

Low frequency vibrations include the following emotions: doubt, vulnerability, fear, hatred, guilt, shame, rage, disappointment, depression.

At the mental level, this manifests itself in the form of accusations, impatience, obsession, neurosis.

Emotions of love, gratitude, generosity, joy, and enthusiasm broadcast high-frequency vibrations.

When you experience them, you become receptive, open, creative. Inspiration and insight visit you.

Keep track of what emotions you most often show in life. You send the corresponding signal to the outside world.

The signals transmitted by your physical, energetic, emotional and mental bodies form a single signal - a vibrational signature.

It is broadcast from the inside to the outside world and intersects with the vibrations of other people. Finds people with a similar vibrational signature and comes back with an imprint of the vibrations of the people who caused the resonance.

If you wake up out of sorts and feel irritated for any reason, you transmit this vibration into the environment. She finds a person there with a similar vibration frequency and attracts him into your life. A chain reaction occurs. You spread your dissatisfaction further, increasing the amount of irritation and negativity in your life. The wider the social circle, the greater the energy exchange occurs between people, including close relatives, friends, work colleagues and even passers-by.

In each of them, energy information exchange occurs at the level of corresponding frequencies and vibrations.

Ways to create reality

Depending on what vibrations you send to the outside world day after day, minute after minute, second after second, you create the corresponding reality.

Let's highlight 3 ways to create reality.

Human Reactor

A person plays endless ping-pong, unconsciously reacting to vibrations coming from outside. He responds with anger to anger, irritation to irritation.
Everything that he sends out comes back to him in an increased size. He does not control and is not aware of this process. If you send such a person a wave of negativity, he immediately turns on and reacts. The majority of people on planet Earth belong to this type of people. They create their reality unconsciously.

Transformer Man

Such a person recognizes himself as the director of his life. He knows that the present is made up of the actions he performed in the past. He understands that if he wants to get a different result in the future, he needs to change his actions now. He thinks with his heart, feels with his head. Knows how to transform negative into positive. Minimally susceptible to external influence. This type includes people who follow the path of spiritual development, heal their traumas, and free themselves from limiting beliefs.

Generator Man

This is a person who has learned to generate energy himself. It does not depend on external sources, the ascending and descending flow of cosmic energy.
It does NOT depend on the external influence of other people's vibrations. This means that no one but him takes part in his creation of reality.
This is the future of humanity. This is where you and I are heading.

Your vibrational signature may change as you evolve spiritually.

If you want to receive gifts from the universe in the form of joy, money, energy, new knowledge and opportunities, take care of what you send to the outside world. Improve your vibrational messages to attract what you really want into your life.

The life of most people goes on “automatically”, reactions are programmed into their consciousness and are repeated day after day.
If you want to become a transformer or generator, monitor your reactions throughout the day and, if you catch yourself in a “negative” or constantly repeating destructive (automatic) reaction, simply react neutrally, or better yet positively, with humor, rewrite the ossified program to something else . With this you will go through your little lesson and over time completely clear unwanted situations from your life, as the entire palette of basic awareness tasks will be completed.

We live in ONE world, but each abides in YOUR reality.

I have already published articles about the power of thought and how we ourselves create our lives with our own thinking, words and actions, and now I found some more interesting material on the topic.

Man himself creates the reality of his world

Regarding present life, I would like to note that a strong contrast is now evident everywhere. And the further it goes, the more it manifests itself. In almost every country you can find both heavenly “islands” and hellish places. And how does it happen that some people attract all that is most beneficial into their reality, while others attract negativity and evil in its various manifestations? Some enjoy warm beaches and give their love to their neighbors, while others, very close by, thirst for the blood of their brothers, holding weapons in their hands.

Let's try to analyze it?

The reality of this world is that it has many faces. Everyone sees and perceives what they have absorbed from those around them since childhood, on the basis of which they have built their ideas about the world. We can say that everything around us is a mirror of our worldview. And people, and events, everything. If we don’t like something, we reject it - this is exactly what we do not accept in ourselves, or what we would like to do or have ourselves, but for some reason we reject it as negative, we have some blocks about this.

A person either builds his own reality or lives in someone else’s. The flow of life has a proven mechanism of influence on a person with the goal of guiding, making him move independently and independently steer his life. This is especially true for people with potential who have forgotten that they did not come into this world to go with the flow of someone else’s reality. This mechanism takes a person beyond his comfort zone and forces him to take the helm into his own hands. If a person continues to refuse and evade, he is removed from this world. In this case, either death from an accident or an illness that is incurable within the framework of medicine. But there is no disease that a person cannot cope with on his own.

The beautiful thing is that only we and no one else create our life and our reality. Coming here with some kind of plan, we can still change the scenario of our life as we want. If we change in the direction of degradation, life shows us; if we develop (according to the script or not), life helps us. Once you understand this, everything around you will transform. And then it becomes easier to create your own world. And this created world already has an impact on other worlds, other people. Helps them transform, change, heal. That is why subconsciously people are so drawn to Teachers and advanced representatives of humanity. To enter the limits of their reality, their world, to heal and receive a charge of energy. Anyone can create such a world for themselves. And only this way can you change something globally in the common world!

When you fight some external events, you only waste your energy, fueling not the positive outcome of these events, but what you are fighting against.

First put things in order in your reality, then you will be able to effectively change something around you. And when a person with chaos in his world tries to restore order outside, this is at least ineffective, and even completely destructive, both for himself and for those around him.. Having established order in your reality, you begin to understand that loud wrestling is completely ineffective in comparison with other methods... But this is a completely different topic.

Source What reality to live in on the website "The Magical World of Alisha".

And before we indulge in any thoughts, plans and actions, let’s try to think about what the consequences of this will be, and do I want such a reality?

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