Firebird tattoo meaning for men. Firebird Tattoos

Tattoos are always a very important decision. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of drawing very responsibly. And it is precisely to help you with this that we are creating this topic.

Here you can learn more about the meaning conveyed by a firebird tattoo in different situations.. This will help you understand whether this is your drawing, as well as put the correct and deep meaning into it.

A little about the history of tattoos

If you decide to get a tattoo, then you just need to know a little background. Therefore, here are a few words about her. In general, tattoos are a very ancient art, which was already developed by the Egyptians, Greeks and then the Romans.

As for Russian nationalities, there are very few long-standing historical references to tattoos; in fact, there are virtually none. They started talking about full-fledged tattoos only at the beginning of the twentieth century and, as a rule, they could be seen on sailors.

Today, tattooing is part of the life of modern society, and no one will be surprised by a tattoo festival or convention. A special role is played by the meaning that is put into the drawing.

In males

The Firebird, as a meaning, marks rebirth. Renewal, rebirth or simple “rising from the ashes” - that’s what this beautiful and so unreal bird means.

It is often painted by those people who have undergone dramatic changes in their lives. Often such changes have caused a complete revolution in a person’s worldview, or his principles. This is a relative name change.

In females

The firebird itself is a universal tattoo. The meaning is ambiguous. It suits absolutely everyone and has the same meaning for both boys and girls. But it is worth mentioning here that these meanings can be very multifaceted. In addition, as already mentioned, the firebird is a symbol of fire and the sun. It is also considered a talisman that protects a person from evil spirits or troubles and gives light in life.

Sometimes such a tattoo is positioned as an image of a phoenix bird. And with this meaning it is very often used in the context of cosmic infinity and the cyclical nature of life. Also, in the context of the fact that birds are inhabitants of the sky, their presence in the form of a tattoo is often perceived as a symbol of prolongation of life.

It is precisely because of the versatility of this tattoo that it is simply ideal for both women and men. In addition, the firebird can be applied to any part of the body and it will look good everywhere if the artist approaches his task responsibly.

Prison tattoos

In general, “in the zone” the firebird tattoo retains all the same meanings. But it is important to mention that very often such images carry a shameful character. Although exceptions occur quite often, such as an eagle tattoo, which very clearly expresses a person’s authority.

Also, most often people get firebird tattoos after their due date. This is often where dramatic changes in life and very categorical decisions to change your usual style are expressed. This is the meaning of this tattoo.

Today we suggest finding out the meaning of a firebird tattoo. She is one of the most popular characters in Russian fairy tales. The feathers of this amazing bird can glow and at the same time amaze people with their brilliance. In size it can be compared to a peacock.
This unusual bird lives in a golden cage in the Garden of Eden of Iria. Every night she leaves her home, takes off and illuminates everything around like a thousand lights. The firebird in the fairy tale is a real prey for the princes. However, catching a beautiful bird is not so easy. Only the youngest prince manages to get the fairy-tale heroine.

The singing of this amazing bird can heal the sick and also restore sight to the blind. She is often compared to such a famous character in Western culture as the Phoenix, who is able to be reborn from the ashes. One of the prototypes of the firebird is the peacock. The favorite delicacy of the fairy-tale heroine is golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality. When the bird begins to sing, pearls fall from its beak.
Every year it dies in the fall and is reborn only in the spring. A cage with golden apples will help you catch the firebird. Do not take it with your bare hands, as you can get burned by its plumage.

What does a firebird tattoo mean?

A tattoo with the image of a fairy-tale bird, first of all, means immortality and rebirth. This body pattern symbolizes the cyclicality and infinity of life. Such an image represents the renewal of life after the completion of a new cycle.

In ancient times, the firebird was usually compared with symbols of fire and the sun. In ancient Russian traditions, it is perceived as a very strong amulet. Such an image will certainly protect its owner from the evil eye, troubles and evil forces. Ancient Slavic beliefs say that this amulet was bestowed by the sun itself.

Some people believe that a body design with a fabulous firebird can prolong the life of its owner.

This tattoo will look great on any part of the body. Much will depend on the desired image size.

Meaning for men

A beautiful body design in the form of a firebird can also be seen on the male body. Such an image for representatives of the stronger sex will mean:

  • fortitude
  • understanding of the cyclical nature of life
  • longevity
  • protective amulet

A tattoo with the image of a firebird will tell about the strong-willed character of its owner. A man probably understands the cyclical nature of life and dreams of longevity.

Also, representatives of the stronger sex often choose such a tattoo as a protective amulet and believe that it will help them become happier.
Sometimes men choose a body pattern with a fairy-tale bird solely because of the originality of the image.

Meaning for women

Tattoos are always a very important decision. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of drawing very responsibly. And it is precisely to help you with this that we are creating this topic.

Here you can learn more about the meaning conveyed by a firebird tattoo in different situations.. This will help you understand whether this is your drawing, as well as put the correct and deep meaning into it.

A little about the history of tattoos

If you decide to get a tattoo, then you just need to know a little background. Therefore, here are a few words about her. In general, tattoos are a very ancient art, which was already developed by the Egyptians, Greeks and then the Romans.

As for Russian nationalities, there are very few long-standing historical references to tattoos; in fact, there are virtually none. They started talking about full-fledged tattoos only at the beginning of the twentieth century and, as a rule, they could be seen on sailors.

Today, tattooing is part of the life of modern society, and no one will be surprised by a tattoo festival or convention. A special role is played by the meaning that is put into the drawing.

In males

The Firebird, as a meaning, marks rebirth. Renewal, rebirth or simple “rising from the ashes” - that’s what this beautiful and so unreal bird means.

It is often painted by those people who have undergone dramatic changes in their lives. Often such changes have caused a complete revolution in a person’s worldview, or his principles. This is a relative name change.

In females

The firebird itself is a universal tattoo. The meaning is ambiguous. It suits absolutely everyone and has the same meaning for both boys and girls. But it is worth mentioning here that these meanings can be very multifaceted. In addition, as already mentioned, the firebird is a symbol of fire and the sun. It is also considered a talisman that protects a person from evil spirits or troubles and gives light in life.

Sometimes such a tattoo is positioned as an image of a phoenix bird. And with this meaning it is very often used in the context of cosmic infinity and the cyclical nature of life. Also, in the context of the fact that birds are inhabitants of the sky, their presence in the form of a tattoo is often perceived as a symbol of prolongation of life.

It is precisely because of the versatility of this tattoo that it is simply ideal for both women and men. In addition, the firebird can be applied to any part of the body and it will look good everywhere if the artist approaches his task responsibly.

Prison tattoos

In general, “in the zone” the firebird tattoo retains all the same meanings. But it is important to mention that very often such images carry a shameful character. Although exceptions occur quite often, such as an eagle tattoo, which very clearly expresses a person’s authority.

Also, most often people get firebird tattoos after their due date. This is often where dramatic changes in life and very categorical decisions to change your usual style are expressed. This is the meaning of this tattoo.

The Firebird tattoo has many meanings and a broad symbolic interpretation. First of all, the meaning of the Firebird tattoo includes the category of immortality and rebirth. Very often in this sense it is also called the Phoenix bird. The meaning of the Firebird tattoo contains the meaning of a cosmic symbol of the cyclicality and infinity of life. It symbolizes the renewal of life after the completion of the next cycle.

In ancient times, it was also associated with the symbol of fire and the sun. The Firebird is perceived in the ancient Russian tradition as a powerful amulet. Such an image will protect its owner from the evil eye, from evil forces and from troubles. According to ancient Slavic beliefs, this amulet was given by the sun.

In many cultures, birds are considered inhabitants of the celestial spheres, since they have to spend a lot of time in the sky. They are messengers of divine powers.

It is believed that a firebird tattoo can prolong a person’s life. Therefore, both a man and a woman can apply such an image to themselves. The tattoo can be applied to any part of the body, depending on the size of the picture. It will look great on the shoulder, on the back and even on the soles of the feet.

The bird symbolizing the sun was known back in ancient Egypt. Egyptian priests worshiped the sun and regularly made sacrifices to it. In ancient Egypt, the word phoenix, an analogue of the ancient Russian firebird, coincided in meaning with the Greek word palm. This tree was also called the solar tree.

According to legend, the phoenix bird, an analogue of which is the Russian Firebird, lives for at least five hundred years. Before dying, she builds a nest of fragrant herbs, in which she sets herself on fire. Then this amazing bird rose from the ashes three days later.

In general, the meaning of a tattoo comes down to the owner’s deep understanding of the laws of the universe. A person who wears such an image realizes that everything in the world moves in a spiral, life events are repeated, adjusted for scale and time.

If you feel that you are able to realize that at the appointed time you will be able to give way to a new life, then this is your tattoo. It is suitable for a person who is wise with life experience.

The Romans also depicted the image of a fiery bird on their coins. For them, it symbolized the immortality of the Roman Empire. The early Christians also have an image of the eternal bird. She was depicted on gravestones, denoting the eternal life of the soul.

In Jewish mythological tradition, the phoenix received its immortality from the Creator after refusing to eat the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden. Often the ancient people depicted the fiery bird in the form of an eagle, taking flight from the funeral pyre of the emperor.

This tattoo also signifies the strength of the human spirit, which overcomes all life's difficulties. In the alchemical tradition, this symbol was also used to symbolize fire.

The Russian prototype of the phoenix, the firebird, is also rightfully considered a symbol of good luck and happiness, which a person chases all his life. In order to see this fabulous bird you need to make a lot of effort and effort. This meaning of the tattoo is reflected in Mitterlinck’s famous fairy tale “The Blue Bird”. It is the pursuit of this mythological creature that fills all human life with meaning.

As such, the firebird tattoo has no gender; it is applied to the body by both men and women, as can be seen from photographs from catalogs. This tattoo does not have a specific place where it can be tattooed, but where not, it can decorate male and female figures:

  • back;
  • shoulders;
  • legs;
  • hips;
  • sides of the waist;

There is an opinion that the applied image prolongs a person’s life. is that a person can make an image of the firebird, regardless of age. The older generation understands perfectly well that something needs to be changed and updated.

What does the image of a firebird mean?

The “Fire Bird,” as mentioned above, can be applied anywhere, but sometimes the picture is symbolic, and sometimes a good master will make a realistic masterpiece. Performing such a tattoo is a rather painstaking process that has many details and they are drawn down to the smallest detail.

As a rule, masters make such drawings and various small inscriptions colorful, colorful and very rich. The symbolic work of the firebird image is performed in black and white.

The meaning of the firebird in different cultures

The Firebird is a Russian-language prototype of the Phoenix, which symbolizes rebirth. The ancient Slavs associated this bird with the sun, but in general for them it was a kind of talisman, since it was believed that it carries happiness and luck. In Ancient Rome, the firebird was depicted on coins, which spoke of the eternal life of the empire.

As mentioned earlier, the main symbol of the firebird is immortality and rebirth. This is exactly the concept that can characterize this original picture.

If we compare the firebird with the Phoenix, which spiritualizes fire, light and the sun, then it can be supplemented with eternity and infinity.

In some peoples, such a bird is a cyclical symbol, which means that after a person is reborn or reborn into life.

It is this aspect that speaks of a large number of beautiful sketches. A holy bird among the Egyptian people, the Slavs and other peoples who believe that reincarnation exists.

And if we touch a little deeper on the Slavic faith, a tattoo of a beautiful bird’s feather will be a talisman that protects the owner:

  • from witchcraft;
  • from a simple evil eye;
  • from evil spirits.

It’s not just that, when we are talking about the firebird, its feather is a talisman that helps in the battle against evil and protects the main character, i.e. guy or girl, from all troubles.

A firebird tattoo is not just a bright and beautiful body decoration, but also a strong amulet. In ancient Russian traditions, the image signifies the Sun and Fire. In order for the symbol to have powerful positive energy, you need to know where and how to apply a tattoo correctly. Who would suit a firebird tattoo? What deep meaning is hidden in this design?

The myth of the magic bird

The Firebird is a fairy-tale character that comes from Russian folk tales. The prototype of the image was the peacock: this is evidenced by the characteristic long feathers and the corresponding size of the body. According to legend, the bird lived in a golden cage and ate exclusively rejuvenating golden apples. They gave her youth and beauty. When the beautiful creature began to sing, pearls fell out of its beak. Only the youngest prince managed to get the bird. It was believed that it was impossible to grab it with bare hands, since the feathers were blazing with fire.

In mythology, the firebird was the personification of the sun, flame, light. She had the amazing ability to die every fall and come to life again the following spring. For this, they began to compare her with the Phoenix bird, the image of which has been known since the Middle Ages. According to myth, the Phoenix prepared himself a bed of fragrant herbs and set himself on fire. After 3 days, he appeared updated, but with accumulated past experience and knowledge. The Slavic firebird was reborn every 500 years. This symbolized infinity, immortality and cyclicality.

The firebird's feather was considered a powerful amulet that protected against witchcraft, damage, and the evil eye. It’s not for nothing that epic heroes used it in battle against their enemies. The fallen feather was brought into the house and placed in a dark room. For several days it illuminated everything around, and then turned into gold. The firebird could be caught using a golden cage and rejuvenating apples as bait.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

What the firebird tattoo means can be judged from the Slavic epic. This is immortality, renewal, rebirth. The owner of such a drawing strives for wisdom and understanding of the meaning of life. He knows that everything in the world is cyclical, that a black stripe will certainly be followed by a white one. Troubles do not frighten such a person, because he approaches life philosophically.

Bird tattoos have a meaning that echoes similar images, because all birds are considered divine messengers. There is an opinion that the souls of dead people inhabit these creatures. The firebird tattoo also symbolizes the immortality of the soul, destiny and, to some extent, fatality. This tattoo is suitable for people who want to start life from scratch. Past experience will help them avoid mistakes in the future, give them wisdom and the opportunity to move forward.

Firebird feather tattoo is suitable for both women and the stronger sex of any age. This is an amulet that will bring good luck in your endeavors, fill your life with new colors and protect you from negative influences. A feather tattoo will protect against the evil eye and witchcraft, especially if the design is located on the wrist, arm or leg.

A firebird tattoo on a girl’s side, thigh or back will become a beautiful body decoration that will emphasize grace, femininity and elegance (see photo in the gallery). A bright image will certainly attract the attention of the opposite sex and arouse admiration among others. The firebird tattoo is often found in men with a strong-willed character and a desire for longevity.

Performance technique

Bird tattoos are one of girls’ favorite body jewelry. Light airy images favorably emphasize youth and beauty, especially in combination with flowers and butterflies. A color sketch in watercolor style is a great option for such an image. Firebird tattoos are best done in peach and yellow shades (see photo below). To make the composition more impressive, you can add red and gold - then the sketch will fully correspond to the book illustration. A firebird tattoo on the shoulder blade and shoulder will become a talisman and decoration for the fair sex.

The image of a firebird feather is a talisman that has magical powers. In order to perform its main function, a small tattoo is applied to the wrist, neck or ankle. It is advisable to hide the image from prying eyes. Classic style or minimalism are suitable for lovers of monochrome designs. Extravagant individuals can look at the geometric drawings, where the firebird is depicted schematically.

A selection of photographs

The use of mythical creatures as a basis for tattoos is becoming increasingly popular. Firebird can become an example of how Slavic folklore enters the life of modern people. It was this creature that was considered the personification of the sun, light, and fire. An interesting fact is that this particular bird was often compared to the phoenix, which, as is known, could be restored from the ashes. This kind of tattoo can look great on many parts of the body. In addition, both girls and men can use the image of this mythical creature. The meanings of a tattoo with this bird are varied, so a representative of any gender can choose what they need.

Firebird. What kind of creature?

The Firebird is a fabulous creature. It is for her that the main characters of works are often sent. According to legend, this bird has a number of useful abilities. For example, one of them is the ability to restore sight to the blind. You can also occasionally find a feather lost by this beautiful creature. Then the house will not need any light sources for a long time. And over time, this item can become gold. A bird lives in the Garden of Eden, in a cage made of pure gold. At night she can fly out for a walk, then everything around is illuminated with beautiful light.

The firebird tattoo, a photo of which is on the Internet, is very beautiful. This is not surprising, since this creature is described as beautiful. The bird has golden and silver feathers and can be compared in beauty to fire or the sun. When flapping, the wings can resemble flames, and the eyes, in turn, resemble precious stones.

Firebird in the form of a colored tattoo on the side of a girl’s body

Firebird prototypes

There is an opinion that the firebird is similar to two creatures at once. In appearance it is compared to peacocks, which were not so often encountered by the Slavs and were perceived as very beautiful and important creatures. In terms of its magical properties, the firebird can be compared to a phoenix. Both of these creatures were closely associated with rebirth and fire.

Firebird tattoo in black and white

Did you know? Since in many fairy tales, daring men were asked to catch this creature, there is a known method that helps to lure the bird into a cage. The fact is that Firebird loves apples, and not simple ones, but gold-plated ones, which are sometimes called rejuvenating ones. That’s why they lure the creature into a cage with their help. An interesting fact is that the phoenix also eats such a delicacy. Therefore, the meanings of a firebird tattoo may echo the image of this mythical character.

Fire heat bird tattoo on arm

Firebird tattoo meanings

Like most tattoos, the firebird image has a number of meanings. Some of them are directly related to the properties of the creature. The main interpretations include:

  • rebirth. According to myths, the firebird dies every fall and is reborn in the spring. Likewise, a person who chooses a firebird tattoo, the design of which is interesting, can sincerely believe in the theory of rebirth. Also this may indicate a change in character, that is, the owner, seems to be saying that he has become a different person;
  • desire for light. In this case, light can mean a lot, from knowledge to improving the moral character of the tattoo owner;
  • symbol of well-being. The image of this magical creature is closely associated with luck and happiness. Therefore, a tattoo containing a reference to the firebird can become a powerful amulet. To do this, it is better to make the image brighter and more colorful;
  • longevity. According to the Slavs, the firebird could bring people the ability to live longer. Therefore, in a number of countries there is an opinion that a tattoo with this creature can prolong the life of the owner.

Tattoo on a guy's chest in the form of a firebird

Firebird tattoo. Places of application

This type of tattoo can be applied to almost any area of ​​the body. However, a really beautiful and unique design is best placed on large areas. For example, a bird that resembles the sun on its back, hip or side will look advantageous. It is also worth thinking about the color scheme. If you use bright colors, but not related to the image of a mythical creature, then instead of a firebird you can get a peacock or a parrot. Traditionally, this character is depicted using fiery tones: red, red, yellow. The black and white version of the tattoo looks a little flat. However, everything depends on the skill of the master.

Trash polka tattoo with firebird image

The firebird tattoo covers my entire powerful back. For me, this is a powerful talisman, perhaps even a talisman. The main thing in such a tattoo is rich colors. Here is my miracle bird, as if it were made of fire. The predominant color is red. That's why the drawing looks very cool.

Valentin, Nizhny Novgorod

Firebird tattoo on the shoulder blade

The image of a firebird in works

A wonderful creature that is capable of healing, being reborn, and reminiscent of fire, was actively mentioned not only in fairy tales. For example, Osamu Tezuka's manga is named after this creature. This series consists of 12 parts in total. Each of them is closely related to thoughts about rebirth. As the action progresses, the heroes come to the idea that for immortality it is necessary to catch a magical bird, which is somewhat reminiscent of a peacock. Due to the death of the author of the work, the series remained unfinished. However, an anime series was made based on the manga.

Feather tattoo has a wide range of meanings. In different cultures, traditions and legends, the feather is interpreted as a symbol of courage, a symbol of lightness and the embodiment of divine protection. Feathers are primarily associated with birds, which, as is known, symbolize flight, lightness, and sublimity. Feathers were used to make arrows and writing instruments. Therefore, depending on the association and interpretation, a feather can have completely different interpretations.

Feather Tattoo Meaning - Subtleties of Feather Tattoos

Among the Indians of North America, a feather meant the protection of spirits. A person who wore feathers, such as eagle feathers, absorbed the power of that bird. Also, bird feathers were used to create amulets. For military purposes, feathers were used to create arrows. You can often see a tattoo that combines several attributes of a similar theme: for example.

The feather is directly related to the bird and is a concept of similar meaning. That is why the feather can be interpreted as a symbol of flight, soaring, lightness, sublimity.

The feather of mythical birds, such as the phoenix or firebird, is a symbol of:

  • Good luck
  • revival
  • magical abilities
  • fortune

Peacock feathermeans luxury and wealth. Peacocks have the most luxurious plumage of all birds; these noble creatures are sometimes considered descendants of those same mythological phoenixes and firebirds and are endowed with the ability to bring good luck and wealth.

Blue feather tattoo- a symbol of happiness, good luck and dreams. The legend of the blue bird tells that as long as there is at least one person on earth who can dream, believe in the best and seek his own happiness, the blue bird will help all people.

People of creative professions can choose a feather tattoo as a symbol of creative flight.

In many cultures, the feather is associated with dreams. It is light and weightless, so it flies freely wherever the wind blows. It was believed that if you dreamedwhite feather, then this foreshadows a new spiritual period in your life.Red feathersymbolizes passion and love.Yellow or orange featherspeaks of extraordinary mental abilities.

Popular Feather Tattoo Styles:

  • Watercolor
  • Realism
  • Abstraction

Popular Places for Feather Tattoos:

  • Hand
  • Clavicles
  • Ribs

Popular combinations of Tattoos with Feathers

  • Feather and Arrow Tattoo - Symbolizes determination.

  • Tattoo with a Feather and a Bird - Symbolizes flight and sublimity, freedom.
  • Tattoo with a Feather and an inscription - The interpretation depends on the content of the inscription.

  • Tattoo with Feather and Indians - Headdresses and other talismans of Indians have the properties of talismans and amulets. They protect their owner and make him stronger.

  • Tattoo with a Feather and Inkwell - A writing pen represents creativity and flight of thought. This tattoo is suitable for writers, journalists, poets and other creative professions.

Feather Tattoo for Girls

Girls choose a feather tattoo because of its interpretation, small size and aesthetic appearance. A small romantic feather on the leg or wrist may be the first tattoo a girl decides to get.

This one is small but meaningfulthe symbol performs both the function of decoration and the function of a talisman.

Feather Tattoo for Men

Men, as a rule, are closer to the classic interpretation of the feather tattoo, which was followed by the American Indians. A feather for men is a symbol of the patronage of higher powers, achievement of goals, direction and the right vector of life. Men often get tattoos with a feather in tandem with them, since they are very similar in content and have the same roots, complementing each other in meaning.

Firebird tattoo is a universal symbol suitable for men and women. Transforms its meaning depending on the medium. Its interpretation is influenced not only by gender, but also by the age of the wearer. Made in the colors of fire, it can be complemented with shades of blue and green.

What does the image of a firebird mean?

For men, a firebird tattoo symbolizes stability and the desire for change. This is a fire sign that suits ardent and passionate natures. Fire is a strong impulsive element. The future owner must be 100% sure that the sign corresponds to its essence. For men and boys, the firebird transforms into a phoenix.

The common firebird tattoo's meaning for girls varies depending on the area of ​​the body. On or on the chest it takes on the meaning of spiritual expression. A form with open wings on the back is a rebirth to life, a talisman against negativity.

In different cultures, the firebird tattoo takes on a different meaning for women over 30 years of age. The location on the thigh signifies passion, ardent nature. The covered shoulder is a direct call for good luck, happiness and family well-being.

Fire symbolism is suitable for Aries and. It awakens positive qualities in them, strengthening the direction towards self-development. Leos should approach the choice of the phoenix image with caution. Applied to the chest area, it will increase the craving for narcissism and pride. Placed on the shoulder, on the contrary, it will emphasize creative potential.

In Cancer and Scorpio, the image of a flaming bird increases sensitivity to subtle energies. With the sign, the mystical potential of the bearer will be strengthened. For Virgos, Taurus and Aquarius, symbolism will help increase well-being. It will become a magnet for financial success, the rest will depend on the perseverance of the owner.

Capricorns, Gemini, Pisces, Libra and Virgo are little susceptible to the influence of the image. Owners will be able to increase the potential of the area in which they invest their efforts.

Material symbolism

In European cultures, the phoenix is ​​a symbol of rebirth. It is borrowed from southeastern folklore. In slang, a firebird tattoo is an impetus to change your life for the better.

Additional values:

  • purification of the spirit;
  • cycle of rebirth;
  • master of life;
  • steadfastness;
  • strong will;
  • victory over circumstances.

Raised wings mean ascension, turning the energy of fire into spiritual power. Wings spread to the sides are a barrier to any negative interference. When applied to a phoenix, it gives a message to unlock potential. In this area, the sign supports a person’s desire to travel.

The image of a flaming bird is intended for individuals who have no doubt about their life purpose. This is a sign of strong spirit. Insecure people with unstable life values ​​will fall under the influence of the fire element. Instead of positive meaning, negative qualities will be enhanced.

Where and who should get a firebird tattoo?

The location of the image of the fiery bird is subject to regularities. In the area of ​​the back and shoulder, the face of the phoenix is ​​applied by both men and women. A firebird in color on the shoulder with a transition to the chest looks advantageous.

For a guy, a phoenix tattoo looks great on the forearm. The fire bird is applied to the wide part of the lower leg. A firebird stamped on a guy's shoulder will highlight the biceps and form a clear outline of the arm. The symbol located on the hand will charge you with energy and encourage you to take active action.

For girls, the recommended area on the stomach of the tattoo will emphasize the abdominal line and act as a talisman. Women are recommended to get a firebird tattoo on their thigh. It will enhance the passion of nature and emphasize the ardent nature of the wearer.

By understanding what a heat tattoo means, girls strengthen the desired area of ​​their character. By applying a design to the thighs or abdomen, they concentrate feminine energy. In the area of ​​the chest and shoulder blades, they increase clarity of consciousness and passion of the heart. Along the spine, motivation and desire for a career are enhanced. They increase creativity.

The choice of colors depends on the aesthetic preferences of the owner. Experienced craftsmen recommend agreeing on the palette before drawing up a sketch. In addition to its sacred meaning, a tattoo should convey aesthetic beauty. The combination of shades depends on the skin tone, the degree of its transparency and density.

Representatives of the stronger sex are recommended to give preference to warm colors. Shades of flame will go in an advantageous tandem with deep black lines. The delicate skin of girls is suitable for dilution with blue, lilac and ultramarine splashes. You should avoid an abundance of black and hard contours. It is worth giving preference to watercolor and superrealism techniques.

Phoenix tattoo video

Women's portal - Bonterry