A sandbox for a girl: we make it using knitting and crocheting models as an example. Knitted children's sandboxes - selection Knit a sandbox for a baby

IN knitted sandbox your baby will be comfortable and comfortable even in the hottest heat; he will not be constrained in movement due to the elasticity of the knitted fabric.

Knit a sandpiper for a newborn - indeed, a great option for the summer, because the sandbox has only advantages.

A knitted sandbox for a baby is incredibly beautiful!

Knitting sandbox patterns which you will find in our selection today are suitable for children of both sexes.

Do you want to knit a sandbox for a girl, and a model that a boy likes? Feel free to change the color of the yarn to a girlish one!

You just need to carefully select the yarn for knitting, which should only be of natural composition. For example LILY, 100% mercerized cotton, 125 m, 50 g. This is a classic yarn made of mercerized cotton with a soft, unobtrusive shine, does not squint in the fabric, is not too soft but not coarse, and is of medium thickness. Works well with both knitting and crochet. The purpose of the yarn is spring and summer models for adults and children for the spring and summer period.

So, let's move on to the descriptions and find out how to knit a sandbox with knitting needles.

Knitted sandbox with knitting needles. Scheme

1. Knitted sandpiper with knitting needles, pattern published on Xobi.

2. Pink sandbox for a girl, knitted, diagram published on the Knitted Fairy Tale website.

3. Children's sandbox with knitting needles, diagram published on the website "Loop".

The sandbox is rightfully considered one of the most convenient things for young children. This lightweight cropped jumpsuit is easy to put on and take off, and it does not restrict your baby's movements at all, allowing him to move freely. We suggest knitting a very stylish sandbox for a girl using knitting needles or crochet according to the step-by-step instructions below.

Knitting a sandbox for a girl with diagrams and descriptions

To knit a gentle and pleasant sandpiper with knitting needles we will need:

  • cotton yarn with the addition of a small amount of pink viscose, 100 g - 425 m;
  • some similar fine white yarn for finishing;
  • knitting needles No. 2.

Knitting is done using stockinette stitch and openwork pattern.

Scheme of openwork pattern.

1st row: 2 knit stitches, yarn over, 2 knit stitches together, 4 knit stitches (repeat n times), plus two edge loops.

3rd and 5th row: facial surface.

7th row: 5 knit stitches, yarn over, 2 knit stitches together, 4 knit stitches (repeat n times), plus two edge loops.

9th and 11th row: facial surface.

All purl rows are knitted with purl loops.

Operating procedure.

For convenience, we will knit two sandbox pieces on one knitting needle at the same time, so that we don’t have to count the rows later. We cast on 60 loops per piece and knit the first 4 rows with stockinette stitch. Starting from the 5th row, we switch to an openwork pattern, knitting loops according to the above pattern. After 12 rows, we make increases in the front rows: first, on both sides of each part we add 3 loops once, then on one side of the part we add 9 loops to form strips, on the other side - 3 loops for uniform expansion.

In the next row we connect both parts into one (you should get 162 loops) and knit the fabric as follows: 3 hollow cord loops, 5 placket loops, 1 purl loop, openwork pattern to the next placket, 1 purl loop, 5 placket loops, 3 hollow loops lace. At the same time we knit the buttonholes on the trims.

After 68 rows we begin to reduce the fabric without touching the strips. To do this, in one row we alternately knit 2 knit stitches and 2 knit stitches together.

We knit 20 rows like this, after which we divide the fabric into 3 parts as follows: 36 loops, 54 loops, 36 loops. It is convenient to knit all the parts on one knitting needle using 3 different balls. To form the armhole cutout, decrease 1 stitch in each front row 3 times. Next we knit 12 rows.

We form a neckline, for which we decrease 9-3-2-1-1-1 loops on the shelves in each front row, respectively. After 8-10 rows we close the loops of all parts. We sew the shoulder seams and make a crotch seam, if desired, we tie the edges of the product with white yarn, and sew on buttons. Before wearing, be sure to wash and carefully steam the product.

How to crochet a sandbox correctly in a master class

To crochet a simple, bright sandbox we will need:

  • cotton yarn with the addition of bamboo in matching colors, 100 g – 375 m;
  • hook No. 2.5.

To knit this model, you should choose patterns of simple patterns of shells, knitted with double crochets, and arches made of air loops.

Operating procedure.

We crochet a chain of air loops of the required length and knit a circular yoke in accordance with the given diagram. The length of the inner circumference of the knitted yoke should be approximately 38-40 cm.

We tie the finished yoke along the outside with one row of double crochets. We form strips along the sides with several rows of single crochets, and on the right strip we knit holes for buttons.

We tie the yoke with double crochets with threads of a different color, connecting the knitting into a circle. By knitting chains of air loops of the required length and fixing them on a knitted fabric, we form armholes.

We knit the rest of the product in accordance with one of the following simple patterns at your discretion. Since yarn of different colors is used for the sandbox, it is advisable to choose a simple knitting pattern so as not to overload the product with unnecessary details. Too dense patterns should be avoided; the child’s body should breathe.

Let's start knitting the lower part of the sandbox. We mark the middle of the future gusset with a piece of thread in a contrasting color and knit each pant leg in turning rows. In all rows we make decreases in the inner part of each part in such a way as to preserve the pattern. Don't make your trouser legs too long.

We sew the legs together with a thread of the main color and tie them along the bottom edge with several rows of double crochets with a thread of a different color. Before wearing, be sure to wash the product and carefully steam it from the reverse side. The sandbox for the girl is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch the video tutorials below in order to knit other original models of sandboxes for girls with your own hands.

The sandman is knitted for a baby 1-12 months old - a comfortable thing for walking outside.
Knitting a sandbox and a hat for children with patterns and descriptions of knitting.

Dimensions: 1 (3) 6 (12) months
You will need: beige yarn (50% acrylic, 50% cotton, 140 m/50 g) - 150 (150) 150 (200) g; yellow yarn (50% acrylic, 50% cotton, 140 m/50 g) - 50 (50) 50 (100) g; knitting needles No. 2.5 and No. 3; 4 light yellow buttons with a diameter of 14 mm; 5 buttons.

Facial surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Garter stitch: all rows are knit stitches.

Elastic 1x1: alternately 1 knit, 1 purl.

Alternating stripes: knit 2 rows with yellow yarn, 6 rows with beige yarn. Repeat these 8 rows.

Knitting density: 10 x 10 cm of stockinette stitch = 26 sts and 37 r.

Right pant leg: On knitting needles No. 2.5, cast on 32 (34) 37 (40) sts with beige yarn and knit 6 rows in garter stitch. Continue knitting with needles No. 3, observing the alternation of stripes. Knit 26 (28) 31 (34) sts in stockinette stitch, 6 sts in 1x1 rib stitch.

At a height of 2 (3) 4 (5) cm (8 (12) 16 (20) rows from the beginning of the rabbta), add 7 stitches from the edge to the left 3 times, 1 stitch in every 4th row. Knit 2 p. on received 35 (37) 40 (43) p.
In the next row, on the wrong side of the work, bind off 3 stitches, knit 32 (34) 37 (40) purl. n. Put off knitting.

Left pant leg: knit symmetrically right
Place the loops of both legs on needles No. 3, casting on 1 new loop between them. It turns out 65 (69) 75 (81) sts and continue with stockinette stitch, observing the alternation of stripes.

At a height of 14 (18) 22 (26) cm (52 ​​(68) 84 (100) rubles from the beginning of work), decrease on both sides 2 sts from the edge 4 times, 1 st in every 10th row. (To subtract 1 stitch 2 stitches from the edge: knit 2 stitches, knit 2 stitches together, continue the row and, when 4 stitches remain on the left knitting needle, knit 1 simple stitch, knit 2 stitches. ).

At the same time, at a height of 17 (21) 25 (29) cm (64 (80) 96 (112) rubles from the beginning of work), after 2 rows of yellow, knit 6 rows with knitting needles No. 2.5. beige garter stitch yarn. Continue knitting on needles No. 3 in stockinette stitch with beige yarn.

After the last decrease, continue knitting on the remaining 57 (61) 67 (73) sts.

To form armholes at a height of 24 (28) 32 (36) cm (92 (108) 124 (140 r. from the start of work), close on both sides in every 2 r.: 1 time, 3 p., 1 2 times each. Then, in every 2nd row, decrease on both sides 2 points from the edge 4 times, 1 point each.
Continue knitting on the remaining 39 (43) 49 (55) sts.

To form a shoulder at a height of 34 (39) 44 (49) cm (130 (148) 168 (188) r. from the beginning of work), close on both sides in each 2 r.: 1 time in 2 p., 2 times in 3 p. (3 times 3 p.) 1 time 3 p., 2 times 4 p. (3 times 4 p.).

To form the neckline, simultaneously with the 1st decrease in the shoulder, close the central 15 (17) 19 (23) sts and continue each side separately, closing from the neck side 1 time, 4 sts.

First knit like a back.
At a height of 17 (21) 25 (29) cm (64 (80) 96 (112) rubles from the beginning of work), after 2 rows of yellow, continue knitting in stockinette stitch with beige yarn. I'll make the armhole on the left, like on the back.

To form a neckline at a height of 24 (28) 32 (36) cm (90 (106) 122 (138) r. from the beginning of work), close on the right in every 2nd r.: 1 time for 7 sts, 2 times for 4 p., 2 times 3 p., 5 times 2 p., 9 times 1 p. (1 time 9 p., 2 times 4 p., 3 times 3 p., 3 times 2 p., 11 times for 1 p.) 1 time for 11 p., 2 times for 4 p., 3 times for 3 p., 3 times for 2 p., 13 times for 1 p. (1 time for 13 p. ., 2 times 4 p., 3 times 3 p., 4 times 2 p., 14 times 1 p.). Shape the shoulder as on the back.

Top of the left half of the front: on knitting needles No. 2.5, cast on 61 (65) 71 (77) sts with beige yarn and knit 6 r. garter stitch. Continue knitting with needles No. 3 in stockinette stitch, decreasing on both sides from the 3rd row. 2 times, 1 p. in every 10th r.

Continue knitting on the remaining 57 (61) 67 (73) sts.
At a height of 7 cm (28 rubles from the start of work), create a neckline, closing the loops on the left, as on the right half of the front.

At the same time, create an armhole on the right, as on the back.
To form a shoulder at a height of 17 (18) 19 (20) cm (66 (68) 72 (76) rubles from the beginning of work), close the loops on the right, as on the back.

Assembly: sew the shoulders. Along the edge of the neckline, using needles No. 2.5, cast on 130 (142) 154 (166) sts, starting from the right half of the front. Knit 2 p. beige garter stitch yarn. Close all the loops by knitting them. on the inside side of work.

Along the edge of each armhole, using knitting needles No. 2.5, cast on 58 (64) 70 (76) sts. Knit 2 r. beige garter stitch yarn. Close all the loops by knitting them. on the inside side of work.
On the left edge of the left half of the front, using knitting needles No. 2.5, cast on 19 sts. Knit 2 r. beige garter stitch yarn. Close all the loops by knitting them. on the inside side of work.

Sew side seams.
Make 2 loops, without cutting the threads, on the left half of the front 3 stitches from the left edge: the 1st at a distance of 1.5 cm from the bottom, the 2nd at a distance of 1.5 cm from the neck (see pattern). Sew buttons. Sew 5 buttons along the edge of the crotch seam, distributing them evenly.


On knitting needles No. 2.5, cast on 81 (89) 97 (105) sts with beige yarn. Knit 8 r. garter stitch. Continue knitting in stockinette stitch with needles No. 3, observing the alternation of stripes.
At a height of 6.5 (7.5) 8.5 (9.5) cm (26 (30) 34 (38) rubles from the beginning of work), continue knitting in stockinette stitch with beige yarn. Knit 1 persons. p., * 2 p. together knit., 6 knit. p. *, repeat from * to * (10 (11) 12 (13) decreases).

Knit 1 p. on the remaining 61 (67) 73 (79) p.
Repeat these decreases 2 more times in every 4th row, 3 times in every 2nd row.

Knit 1 p. on the remaining 11 (12) 13 (14) p. In the next row: 1 month and 6 months: knit 1 person. p., then all p. 2 persons together. 3 months and 12 months: knit all stitches in 2 stitches together. Thread the thread through the remaining 6 (6) 7 (7) stitches and pull off. Sew the seam of the hat.

Beautiful, elegant, but at the same time practical and functional things for babies are a real find for mothers. In this one you can go to the clinic to see a doctor, go for a walk, and play at home. The sandbox is just a prime example of such a wardrobe item. It looks very aesthetically pleasing, is easy to use and does not restrict the child’s movements. Unfortunately, such a thing is not cheap in stores. And small children get dirty very often, so it’s better to have several of these clothes in reserve. It is not always possible to buy them right away. Then you should turn to a more budget-friendly option - knitting or sewing a sandbox for a girl or a boy yourself.

Fashion guide

When babies grow up and begin to move actively, problems with clothing arise. T-shirts, blouses, shirts constantly come out of trousers and panties. Debris and small parts of toys can get into underwear, injuring the baby’s delicate skin. In addition, due to drafts walking across the floor, the child can catch a cold and get sick. Taking this moment into account, such an element of clothing as a bodysuit was invented. It consists of panties and a T-shirt joined together.

The bodysuit made caring for the little ones much easier. Thanks to them:

  • Children always have a neat appearance;
  • babies do not risk hypothermia;
  • when changing a diaper there is no need to undress the child completely;
  • do not restrict the movements of babies.

Of course, such useful properties of this modern innovation could not go unnoticed. Therefore, the bodysuit formed the basis for a number of other models of children's clothing, such as the sandbox or slips.

By and large, a sandpiper is a jumpsuit consisting of a T-shirt and shorts connected together. In the girl's version, instead of short pants there can be a skirt.

The advantages of a sandbox over separate clothes are obvious. They are based on the same advantages that bodysuits have.

Let's start knitting on our own

Crocheting a cute little jumpsuit for a girl will not be difficult at all. Even inexperienced novice craftswomen can master the process of making this product.

To work, you will need soft threads of a delicate color that do not cause allergies. Remember that for kids you can choose colors not only by gender, but also neutral ones - lemon, light green, lilac. They are suitable for both boys and girls.

For a milk air sandpiper you will need:

  • 100 grams of bamboo or milky cotton threads with a density of 250m/100g;
  • two fancy buttons;
  • hook No. 2.5.

This model is intended for a baby of six to nine months. The work is performed using the following scheme:

  1. We begin work by making pants. First, one koloshina is knitted in the round, then another. Each requires 54 air loops. Next, they are connected to each other using two loops, which are added additionally. We also knit 20 rows in a circle.
  2. At the height of the product in 27 rows we form the front and back. To do this, leave 4 unknitted loops on each side for the armholes. We knit the front and back elements separately.
  3. Starting from the 30th row, on the front part for the cutout we leave 20 loops in the center. We form the harnesses of the product by knitting another 10 rows.
  4. We knit the back in the same way.
  5. We make a sandbox. To do this, we tie all the edges of the product with a double crochet.
  6. Sew buttons onto the straps. Using air loops we form a fastener for them.
  7. Steam the finished sandbox.

The next bright jumpsuit is also easy to knit after studying the description of the work.

An unusual cute sandbox in the shape of a frog will decorate any little one.

And another clothing option that will suit kids of both sexes if knitted with yarn in neutral shades.

For those craftswomen who are more confident in holding knitting needles in their hands than a crochet hook, using the following pattern it will be easy to knit a sandbox with their own hands.

Such a thing can be decorated with a small applique, patch or ribbons. The main thing is not to forget to securely fasten the decoration.

The baby, dressed in a delicate pink jumpsuit, will cause affection to any passerby on the street.

It will not be difficult for the most skilled craftswomen to knit an elegant sandbox with knitting needles with an ornament made from cars. This item can be worn when going out and visiting.

A description and diagram of a simpler version of the sandbox, but no less beautiful and festive, is presented below.

Video on the topic of the article

A selection of videos will help you get inspired to create a cute wardrobe item for your baby, learn the secrets of the craft, and get answers to questions about knitting a sandbox. She will not only give you practical advice, but will also take you into the fabulous world of needlework.

Beautiful, elegant, but at the same time practical and functional things for babies are a real find for mothers. In this one you can go to the clinic to see a doctor, go for a walk, and play at home. The sandbox is just a prime example of such a wardrobe item. It looks very aesthetically pleasing, is easy to use and does not restrict the child’s movements. Unfortunately, such a thing is not cheap in stores. And small children get dirty very often, so it’s better to have several of these clothes in reserve. It is not always possible to buy them right away. Then you should turn to a more budget-friendly option - knitting or sewing a sandbox for a girl or a boy yourself.

Fashion guide

When babies grow up and begin to move actively, problems with clothing arise. T-shirts, blouses, shirts constantly come out of trousers and panties. Debris and small parts of toys can get into underwear, injuring the baby’s delicate skin. In addition, due to drafts walking across the floor, the child can catch a cold and get sick. Taking this moment into account, such an element of clothing as a bodysuit was invented. It consists of panties and a T-shirt joined together.

The bodysuit made caring for the little ones much easier. Thanks to them:

  • Children always have a neat appearance;
  • babies do not risk hypothermia;
  • when changing a diaper there is no need to undress the child completely;
  • do not restrict the movements of babies.

Of course, such useful properties of this modern innovation could not go unnoticed. Therefore, the bodysuit formed the basis for a number of other models of children's clothing, such as the sandbox or slips.

By and large, a sandpiper is a jumpsuit consisting of a T-shirt and shorts connected together. In the girl's version, instead of short pants there can be a skirt.

The advantages of a sandbox over separate clothes are obvious. They are based on the same advantages that bodysuits have.

Let's start knitting on our own

Crocheting a cute little jumpsuit for a girl will not be difficult at all. Even inexperienced novice craftswomen can master the process of making this product.

To work, you will need soft threads of a delicate color that do not cause allergies. Remember that for kids you can choose colors not only by gender, but also neutral ones - lemon, light green, lilac. They are suitable for both boys and girls.

For a milk air sandpiper you will need:

  • 100 grams of bamboo or milky cotton threads with a density of 250m/100g;
  • two fancy buttons;
  • hook No. 2.5.

This model is intended for a baby of six to nine months. The work is performed using the following scheme:

  1. We begin work by making pants. First, one koloshina is knitted in the round, then another. Each requires 54 air loops. Next, they are connected to each other using two loops, which are added additionally. We also knit 20 rows in a circle.
  2. At the height of the product in 27 rows we form the front and back. To do this, leave 4 unknitted loops on each side for the armholes. We knit the front and back elements separately.
  3. Starting from the 30th row, on the front part for the cutout we leave 20 loops in the center. We form the harnesses of the product by knitting another 10 rows.
  4. We knit the back in the same way.
  5. We make a sandbox. To do this, we tie all the edges of the product with a double crochet.
  6. Sew buttons onto the straps. Using air loops we form a fastener for them.
  7. Steam the finished sandbox.

The next bright jumpsuit is also easy to knit after studying the description of the work.

An unusual cute sandbox in the shape of a frog will decorate any little one.

And another clothing option that will suit kids of both sexes if knitted with yarn in neutral shades.

For those craftswomen who are more confident in holding knitting needles in their hands than a crochet hook, using the following pattern it will be easy to knit a sandbox with their own hands.

Such a thing can be decorated with a small applique, patch or ribbons. The main thing is not to forget to securely fasten the decoration.

The baby, dressed in a delicate pink jumpsuit, will cause affection to any passerby on the street.

It will not be difficult for the most skilled craftswomen to knit an elegant sandbox with knitting needles with an ornament made from cars. This item can be worn when going out and visiting.

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