How does the name Irina stand for? What does the name Irina mean for a woman: full description

Short form of the name Irina. Ira, Irinka, Irisha, Arinka, Irunya, Irusya, Irusha, Rina, Ina, Arisha, Aryukha, Aryusha, Reni, Rena.
Synonyms for the name Irina. Irini, Irena, Arina, Orina, Yarina, Irene, Irene, Irene, Irene, Irene, Irene, Irene, Irene, Erin.
Origin of the name Irina. The name Irina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Irina translated from ancient Greek means “peace, tranquility.” Derived from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirene, the goddess of peace and tranquility. The name Irina also has a masculine form - Irenaeus and Irinius (Orthodox calendar), and in Catholic calendars as Irenaeus.

The name Irina was widespread in Rus' in the Middle Ages; this is confirmed by the abundance of proverbs where this name is used. In the common people, the name Irina was very often pronounced as Arina - “Aunt Arina spoke in two,” “Three Arinas live in a year: Arina - the opening of the shore, Arina the nursery and Arina - the flight of the cranes” (this is a folk sign on the days of remembrance of Saints Irene). Among peasants and merchants in the 18th century, it was the address Arina, not Irina, that was widespread. The name Irina was more often used among the nobility.

The name Irina has various colloquial forms - Arina, Erina, Yarina, Irinya (most often among Slavic and Russian peoples), as well as those that arose under the influence of Western European languages ​​- Irena, Irena, Irene, Irene. The ancient church forms of the name Irina - Orina, Irinia - are also used, but less frequently. Arina, Yarina have become independent names and are used independently of the name Irina.

Short forms of the name Irina - Ira, Rina, Rena - have become independent names.

Irina is a very sensitive child. She performs her duties perfectly, showing her parents a lot of love. Otherwise, Irina may show laziness, carelessness and strive for isolation. She does not tolerate injustice, and because of her sensitivity, she can become very angry and has a hard time forgiving insults.

Irina is a sensitive woman, has natural grace and has an idea of ​​balance and harmony. Irina values ​​family values ​​very much; she is a noble woman who loves to please and does not tolerate violence and aggression. Irinas often make peace with everyone - they love peace and tranquility around them. She values ​​loyalty, greatness, beauty, and will work to achieve her dreams. Her courage never fails when she is motivated. Irina is a perfectionist. Thus, the man of her life will be handsome, sophisticated, witty, intelligent, and of course, with a good character.

Irina has a strong will, but also timidity before making decisions. But if a decision has already been made, then it will be carried out. She is an intellectual and spiritual person and loves to read.

Irina chooses a profession that requires communication with people. These are doctors, teachers, salesmen, lawyers, actresses, psychologists. At the same time, Irina really loves a busy life. She loves to be praised, and after receiving praise she is ready to work with even greater zeal. Ira takes responsibility for any business she undertakes. The owner of the name Irina does not lose faith in herself, in her strength, no matter how thorny her path may be. Ira easily gets along with different people, it is not difficult for her to establish various business contacts, but she just doesn’t always follow through.

Irina is a very active, receptive and intelligent woman. She looks at things soberly, does not have her head in the clouds, and therefore is rarely sentimental. Ira is a decisive, independent, strong-willed, uninhibited girl in her actions and judgments. You can imagine her as a cold, independent woman, but she really needs affection and human warmth, then Irina will blossom and will be able to fully give her love and her heart to her chosen one.

Irina is not devoid of common sense, although sometimes she can commit rash acts and make purchases dictated by a fleeting desire. In general, Ira has a balanced approach to things and knows how to control herself.

Since childhood, Ira has had good creative abilities; her studies do not require much effort from her. She realistically assesses reality and always knows what is best to do at the moment. She is usually attractive and attracts the attention of men. Most often, Irina is an extrovert. She easily adapts to any conditions. Feels better among men than in the company of women. She can behave very relaxedly with friends, will not refuse to drink wine, and loves holidays and feasts.

Her attitude, her main life goal is to devote herself entirely to some business. This can include her family, social activities, and sometimes even religion. Irina is very patient, always guided by the so-called feminine logic and knows how to control herself well. Ira has a well-developed inner instinct; she is not at all easy to trick or deceive. Most often, Irina is versatile and has an excellent memory. Ira is a very subtle and delicate diplomat, and she uses this strong character trait very actively.

Irina can often be imagined as an impeccable person, but one of her negative traits is her touchiness. It is very easy to offend Ira with a word; she is not vindictive, but at the moment of offense she can commit many rash and bad actions. Irina is a selfless friend.

Irina is always a loving, caring mother and faithful wife. She is highly respected by her husband and children; her opinion is always listened to in the family and when making decisions. However, Ira does not want to completely devote her life to the interests of her husband and home. She strives to be independent from home, although she loves her family very much. Her favorite hobby is reading; she prefers exciting adventures, fantasy novels and detective stories. Ira tries to keep up with fashion trends in various areas of life.

Irina's birthday

Irina celebrates her name day on January 12, January 16, February 26, March 7, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 22, October 1.

Famous people named Irina

  • Irena (Irena) Sandler, Irena Sendler, Irena Sendlerova ((1910 - 2008) Polish resistance activist. During World War II, Irena Sendler - an employee of the Warsaw Health Administration and a member of the Polish underground organization - the Council for Aid to Jews (Zhegota) - often visited Warsaw ghetto, where she monitored sick children. Under this cover, she and her comrades took 2,500 children from the ghetto, who were then transferred to Polish orphanages, private families and monasteries. Irena Sendler recorded the data of all rescued children on narrow strips of thin paper. and hid this list in a glass bottle. The bottle was buried under an apple tree in a friend’s garden, in order to find the children’s relatives after the war. On October 20, 1943, she was arrested after torture, but she was saved by the guards who accompanied her. she was bribed to the place of execution. In official papers, she was declared executed. Until the end of the war, Irena Sendler was in hiding, but continued to help Jewish children. In 1965, the Israeli Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem awarded Irena Sendler the title of Righteous Among the Nations. In 2003 she was awarded the Order of the White Eagle. In 2007, the Polish President and the Israeli Prime Minister nominated her for the Nobel Peace Prize, but the prize was awarded to US Vice President Al Gore. In 2007 she was awarded the International Order of Smile. Honorary citizen of the city of Warsaw and the city of Tarczyn. The portrait of Irena Sendler together with Zofia Kossak-Szczucka and Matilda Getter is placed on the Polish silver coins of the Polish Righteous Among the Nations.
  • Irina Slutskaya (Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first seven-time European figure skating champion in history (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports)
  • Irina Khakamada (politician)
  • Irina Muravyova (theater and film actress)
  • Irina Rodnina (outstanding Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion, Russian public figure)
  • Irina Chashchina (rhythmic gymnastics athlete)
  • Irina Bugrimova (first female predator trainer)
  • Irina Bogacheva (singer of the Mariinsky Theater)
  • Irina Arkhipova (Bolshoi Theater singer, teacher)
  • Irina Alferova (theater and film actress)
  • Irina Kupchenko (theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Irina Rozanova (theater and film actress)

A name is not just a word, it determines the fate of its owner, assigns him certain character traits, expresses his attitude to life, work, love. Modern couples sometimes find it difficult to decide on a name for their unborn child. And the fear of choosing the “wrong” option is justified: every parent wants to program the fate of their child in the best possible way.

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Irina's characterization is very multifaceted. The secret of the name will be revealed only to those who look carefully.

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      The name Irina is of ancient Greek origin. Literally translated it means “peaceful life”, “peace”.

      The original version of the name was Eirene. This was the name of the goddess of peace in Ancient Greece. Today the most common sound versions are:

    1. 1. In Orthodoxy - Irenaeus, Irinius.
    2. 2. In Catholicism - Irenaeus.

    However, in the post-Soviet space, girls are usually called Irina (abbreviated as Ira). For representatives of Slavic peoples, this form of name is convenient for pronunciation and perception.


    Since childhood, Ira has been clearly aware of her role in the family and society. She grows up to be an emotionally liberated, sensitive girl. Without hesitation he expresses love for his loved ones. A feeling of attachment to her parents encourages Irina to take an active part in household chores and help as much as she can.

    For a child with this name, understanding and sensitivity on the part of caregivers are very important.

    Irina is ready to fight for the right to spiritual freedom. In matters of choosing hobbies and life path, she relies only on herself. The best way to gain Irina's trust (or respect) is to accept her without judgment. Any attempt to “reshape” her personality - through peaceful persuasion or sharp ultimatums - will cause aggression.

    If Irina does not find love and support from loved ones, she becomes isolated. In this case, the thirst for life and emotional activity are replaced by lethargy, apathy, and laziness.

    By temperament type, Ira is choleric. She finds it difficult to contain her feelings in a critical situation. A woman's character is dominated by impulsiveness, enthusiasm, and optimism.

    The owner of this name knows exactly what she is striving for and achieves her goals with patience and perseverance.

    Relationships with people

    Irina has an innate gift to win hearts. She is sociable and easily wins people over to her side. He likes to flirt with others, and these actions cannot always be regarded as an attempt at seduction. Flirting for Ira is a way of communication, a lifestyle.

    Irina is the life of the party. She just needs to be in the center of events and have pleasant interlocutors nearby.

    A lady with that name feels more comfortable in a group of women, where you can have a heartfelt conversation, discuss movies and the latest news. At the same time, Ira enjoys being in male company - interested glances from the stronger sex instill confidence in her.

    Love and marriage

    Irina is a tender, amorous person. She quickly and sometimes thoughtlessly succumbs to passion. She is attracted to drama, both in books and in life. That is why Ira loves selflessly, sighing every minute for her betrothed.

    But for marriage she will choose a reliable, patient, caring man. Irina, acting gently and unobtrusively, adapts her partner to herself, creating the ideal gentleman with her own hands.

    Primacy in the family is given to the husband: Ira loves when her husband solves everyday problems for her. But it is the wife who is the leader in the relationship - the initiative is always in her hands.

    A particularly successful marriage is possible with Andrei, Sergei, Boris, Leonid, Stepan. But an alliance with Roman, Dmitry, Valery will not bring anything good.

    Good compatibility with a man born under the constellation Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra. Irina is by nature a non-conflict person, so relations with representatives of other zodiac signs will be neutral - the sweet and charming Ira will lure even an enemy to her side.


    During her studies, Ira gives preference to creative subjects, but mastering the exact sciences is not difficult for her. With a little effort, the girl achieves success in everything. Often takes on the role of an excellent student. Teachers recognize and encourage her efforts.

    Irina is a romantic, deeply vulnerable person. This part of a woman’s personality largely determines her predisposition to different types of art: writing, poetry, music.

    Often the owners of this name became famous actresses, singers, poetesses, and TV presenters.

    Love of freedom and thirst for justice play an important role in Irina’s development as a public and/or political figure.

    Ira is not inclined to do homework. She prefers cooking: she strives to master different cooking techniques and is not afraid to experiment with flavors.

The name Irina comes from the name Eirene - this is how the goddess of peace was called in ancient Greek mythology. Irina translates as “peace-loving.” The most famous Irene in Orthodoxy is Saint Irene of Macedon. With its help, tens of thousands of pagans converted to Christianity. In Byzantium there are temples that were built in her honor.

Character of the name Irina

In order to correctly determine the meaning of the name Irina, it is important to take into account the time of year of her birth. Irina, born in winter, is usually very tough and principled. She also has such qualities as delicacy and diplomacy. Winter Irina likes to invent problems for herself and then successfully solve them. She is often shy, silent and rarely talks to others. He communicates mainly with boys.

Vesennaya Irina is characterized by such character traits as love of work, cunning and the ability to find a way out of any situation. She is independent and does not like to be idle, however, she sometimes lacks determination. Irina, born in spring, knows how to sensibly assess the situation and maintain a sober mind. Thanks to these qualities, she always manages to make the right choice. She is characterized by sociability, she loves new acquaintances. In addition to being an excellent conversationalist, she is also a wonderful listener.

Irina, whose birthday is in the spring, is characterized by a love of work. Her kindness knows no bounds, and she trusts people unconditionally. Summer Irina is sympathetic and will always come to the aid of those in need. She can't stand being criticized. She loves her family and friends very much and they reciprocate her love.

The bearer of the name Irina, born in the fall, is calm and non-conflict. She is very scrupulous in any matter, and also likes to calculate everything in advance. Before making any decision, she will carefully weigh the pros and cons. Autumn Irina never envy people. However, her character is difficult and it is not always easy to find a common language with her. She is fair, hates self-interest in people and will never communicate with a person who goes “over the heads” of his goal.

Irina has a sharp mind. Thanks to her diplomacy, she is able to get out of even the most awkward situation. Irina has an excellent memory. She likes to live and enjoy life. Thanks to her, Irina is able to achieve success in any field of activity. Since the most important thing for her is financial well-being, her career occupies the main place in her life. She is ready to work as anyone, as long as they pay well. In business, Irina also expects success. Responsibility, resourcefulness and delicacy will help her develop it. But it will be better if Irina does not build the business alone. Since she is indecisive, she needs a partner who makes all the important decisions. However, Irina’s opinion must also always be taken into account, since she does not recognize anyone’s authority except herself.

Irina prefers quiet hobbies, but sometimes she can play sports or go on a trip. Most of all, Irina loves to read and make things with her own hands. Her craving for needlework will be able to bring her good profit in the future, because she knows how to sew and knit well. Irina loves to relax in large and noisy companies. She also likes to attend different events. Irina can easily move or change jobs, as she easily gets used to new living conditions. It can be both objective and subjective. She can often move from one job to another in order to find an interesting and well-paid occupation for herself. Irina has a remarkably developed intuition, which she always listens to and is never mistaken.

Name Irina for a girl

Irina is a very calm and obedient child. Pampering is not her nature. Since childhood, she has loved quieter pastimes, such as reading books or drawing. Ira likes to be friends more with boys than with girls, since sometimes she can still be lively. But Irina doesn’t play on the street for long. She quickly gets bored with this activity and runs home to sit down with her favorite book. Since childhood, Irina has been making plans for the future and dreaming of wealth. These dreams motivate her to move forward and study well. Young Ira is easily offended, but she quickly forgets all insults and forgives those who offended her.

As a teenager, Irina wants to become independent and independent as soon as possible. She gets a job early and easily finds a common language with colleagues. Despite her young age, Irina can quickly grow into a leader. At the same time, her subordinates will respect her, as she is reasonable, calm and fair.

Thanks to her erudition, Irina can support a conversation on any topic. If a conflict brews in a conversation, she always shows diplomacy and skillfully smoothes out the situation. Irina is characterized by responsiveness, simplicity and a wonderful sense of humor. Therefore, she has many friends whom she is always ready to help.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Irina

Irina is very chaste. She lives in accordance with generally accepted norms of behavior. Loneliness does not bother Irina, so she does not try to save herself with love. Irina loves with all her heart and is completely immersed in this feeling. Her chosen one is always surrounded by warmth and care. She does not want to upset her companion, so she never shares her problems with him and does not admit if something does not suit her intimately. Basically, Irina is very selective, maintains a distance from a man for a long time and does not go beyond innocent flirting. She likes it when her partner looks after her and wins her affection. But sometimes Irina falls in love at first sight and immediately surrenders to this feeling.

Irina often feels loneliness, even if her chosen one surrounds her with attention and affection. A man's persistence is not important to her. After all, Irina is convinced that it is not he who chooses his companion, but she who chooses her gentleman. Irina does not like to do housework. She gives preference to work and a man who wants to connect his fate with her must take this fact into account. Of course, her house will always be tidy and her family members will be fed, but you shouldn’t expect excesses in the form of homemade pies from her. Irina does not like to depend on someone, so even after marrying a millionaire, she will continue to work. She gets bored easily at home and has too much energy. If the husband does not want Irina to “go on a spree,” then he better come to terms with her hard work.

However, sometimes Irina is ready to give up work. The reason for this could be her children. If they need her around the clock, she will easily quit. Irina loves her children so much that she is even ready to leave her husband for them if, in her opinion, he is a bad father. According to her, her husband should spend all his free time on Irina, because it is important for her to feel needed.

The most successful will be Irina’s union with Andrei, Seryozha, Stepan, Boris, Vanya and Leonid. But it is better for her to avoid relationships with Valera, Konstantin, Roma and Dmitry. They will most likely turn out unsuccessfully.

Famous personalities with Irina

  • Irina Godunova- Russian queen. She was the wife of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. She took the Russian throne after the death of her husband. She ruled for just over a month until her brother, Boris Godunov, was elected tsar.
  • Irina Golovkina- granddaughter of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. She was a writer and gained fame with her novel Swan Song. The book was published with the title “The Vanquished.”
  • Irina Bugrimova- circus performer. The first woman in the Soviet Union to become a trainer. She trained lions.
  • Irina Arkhipova- Russian singer with a mezzo-soprano voice. She performed at the Bolshoi Theater.
  • Irina Tokmakova- poet and prose writer. She wrote works for children and also translated children's poems from foreign languages. Irina Muravyova- famous Soviet actress. She gained popularity thanks to the films “Carnival” and “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” She also has a beautiful voice and performed almost all the songs in the films herself.
  • Irina Rodnina-Russian figure skater. Won Olympic gold in pair skating. He is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  • Irina Viner-Usmanova- rhythmic gymnastics coach. He has many honorary titles, for example, the title of Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation. She trained such famous athletes as Alina Kabaeva, Yana Batyrshina, Olga Belova and so on. He is a confidant of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
  • Irina Allegrova- famous singer. Performs mainly pop songs. In 2010 she became a People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Irina Slutskaya- titled Russian figure skater. She is the only one in the world who became European champion 7 times, and also won the World Grand Prix final, won bronze and silver at the Olympics and won the World Championship twice. Currently, he reviews sports news on Channel One.

The meaning of the name Irina for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a complete analysis of the character, compatibility and fate of the name Irina in this article!

Full name: Irina

Meaning: from the ancient Greek name Eirene - “tranquility”, “peace”, “peace”

Similar names: Irini, Irena, Arina, Orina, Yarina, Airin, Irene, Irene, Irene, Irin, Erin

Church name: Irina

What does the name Irina mean?

The name Irina is of ancient Greek origin and means “peace”, “peace” or “tranquility”. Irina are purposeful and balanced girls. The interpretation of the name speaks of its bearer as a woman with tough views on life and a sober assessment of current events.

This is a strong, calm and independent woman who achieves any goal. Options: Irini, Arina, Yarina, Irene, Irene, Irene, Irene, Orina, Irene, Irene and Erin. My parents affectionately call my daughter Irishka or Irochka. Shortened version of the name: Ira.

The name Irina in different languages ​​of the world

In the Arabic language: ايرين (Salma – peace)

In Belarusian: Iryna

In Bulgarian: Irina, Irena

In Hungarian: Iréne

In Greek: Εἰρήνη

In Armenian: Իրինա

In Georgian: ირინა

In Spanish: Irene

In Italian: Irene

In Chinese: 伊丽娜

In German: Irene

In Polish: Irena

In Portuguese: Irene

In Romanian: Irina

In Serbian: Irina

In Ukrainian: Irina

Finnish: Irene

In French: Irène

In Czech: Irena

In Japanese: イリーナ

Characteristics and astrology named after Irina

Favorable day: Friday

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Patron Planet: Venus

Talisman stone: opal

Color: pale blue

Plant: lily of the valley

Animal: owl

What does the name Irina mean for a girl, girl and woman?

Irina is an obedient child, she studies well, and rarely quarrels with her peers. She strives to be the best in everything, so she puts effort into every academic discipline. She happily takes part in creative competitions, for example, Miss Autumn and similar events. Can compete in math olympiads.

If a girl sets a realistic goal, she always achieves it quickly. Irina is a comprehensively developed child. Teachers appreciate her diligence and diligence. She has many friends because she is responsive to help. Irina is not impulsive and calculates her every step in advance. He demands increased attention to himself, and if there is no such thing, he knows how to achieve it.

In adolescence, when girlfriends fall in love and lose their minds over guys, she does not admire the opposite sex and does not fall in love. It's hard to impress her. For her, a guy is just another adventure or game, despite the fact that the girl is an amorous person. Ira has been independent since this age, so it will not be possible to manage her. She must have the last word.

This is an open person who has a hard time with inattention to his person. But you won’t be able to lure her in with excessive praise. In everything she tries to adhere to the golden mean. Any goal set is achieved by her. Irina knows her worth, but sometimes she can suffer from low self-esteem if she grows up in a dysfunctional family. Under good upbringing conditions, he has a tough character and strong will.

The moment when Irina wants to get married, she will most likely choose her future husband not for love, but for his personal potential. She will make a faithful wife, a wonderful mother and a good housewife, capable of creating comfort at home and bringing her warmth into it. Irina is easy to talk to, so she always has a lot of guests. A woman loves noisy feasts and cheerful celebrations. Dependent on the assessment of her nature by the people around her, she wants to create a good and lasting impression.

The husband must show constant attention to Irina, otherwise she may start looking for the missing affection from other men. But family values ​​are above passions and temptations for her, so she tries to preserve marriage until the end. She can endure domestic violence for a single year and only then get a divorce.

Character and fate of the name Irina

  • rationality
  • openness
  • wisdom

Irina does not know how to give up, so she can turn out to be a good scientist or an irreplaceable specialist. She tries to bring any skill to automatism, turning it into a skill in order to become a master of her craft. The girl knows how to restrain her emotions and calculate the consequences of her not yet committed actions.

Ira is stubborn and smart. He expresses his point of view on a controversial issue right away, because he does not consider it necessary to “hide a stone in his bosom.” She may not have a good relationship with her overbearing mother-in-law, who dictates to Ira how to live. Being an independent girl, she will not allow her to teach her.

  • touchiness
  • rigidity
  • coarseness

Since childhood, Irina has been looking for attention and opportunities for self-affirmation. Having matured, she tries to do several things at once, both at work and at home, so that she is noticed, appreciated, and praised. She loves being singled out from the crowd of other women or employees. Without praise from her husband, she becomes rude and harsh.

Irina is the engine of the family, who is not afraid to take risks. Often serves on the school parent committee. Ira quickly gets tired of the same surroundings, so she makes a lot of acquaintances and loves moving, both from one area of ​​the city to another, and from city to city.

Irina's fate

Irina is an independent and strong-willed woman. Such qualities appeared in her due to a difficult childhood or an unsuccessful marriage. Therefore, her fate cannot be called easy, but it cannot be considered difficult either. Because a woman easily copes with any everyday difficulties and problems.

Often this is a creative person who can monetize his abilities, for example, take orders for knitted toys or open his own online store. She loves to be in society - going to the cinema, to the theater, attending exhibitions and literary evenings. Not all women love Irin because they are easy to communicate with men.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Irina can achieve good results in any field of activity because she has a sharp mind and good intuition. She is easy to train and efficient. He can become a programmer, mathematician, or start his own business. He perceives promotions on the career ladder as praise and encouragement.

She doesn’t have the grip of a shark, but she deals with her opponents toughly, accurately, cautiously and technically. She can “survive” an inconvenient person from the team so that no one will understand that it was she who had a hand in this matter. She makes a strict but fair leader. Ira has no goal of earning a lot of money. Although it is easy to do this or accumulate the amount she needs. This is a modern and strong woman who does not follow men’s lead and does not hide behind their backs.

Marriage and family

In marriage, Irina is looking for stability. The spouse chooses differently - if in her youth, then out of love or stupidity, if after the 30-year mark, then for mercantile reasons. She always supports her husband in any of his endeavors and helps with advice. She can make your home cozy, bake something delicious, and help children with their school homework.

Irina skillfully finds time for all these things. The main thing for her is to feel her husband’s love and attention. She needs to hear words of approval and praise addressed to her. If the spouse is not capable of this, then there will be quarrels and misunderstandings. Due to her strong nature, Ira can endure assault and insults from her husband for a long time, but this will come to an end, because a woman is not known for her patience. She loves children and can become a mother of many children.

Sex and love

Passion and attraction to the opposite sex does not completely absorb Ira. She will not allow her partner to do something that she herself is not happy with. Her desires in bed are of paramount importance. Such a bright woman like Irina does not allow her partner to relax, because she is always surrounded by many fans. The companion needs to be on alert.

A girl is not always relaxed in sex, especially with a new partner. But he loves to try and experiment. She is often visited by fantasies, which she willingly shares with her partner. These can be unusual places for intimacy. Casual sex can happen in a woman’s life, after which Ira will regret the event and lament for a long time. But then he will calm down and understand that nothing terrible happened, and in his old age he will have something to remember.


Irina skillfully controls her emotions, so she does not suffer from nervous disorders or neuroses, and sleeps well. But this is only possible if her childhood was favorable and calm. In other conditions of upbringing, she can grow into a woman susceptible to stress. Premenstrual syndrome goes unnoticed in youth, but in adulthood it becomes nervous and tearful.

Health problems can begin due to fatigue and overwork at work. He doesn’t give in to bad habits and watches his weight. Easily gains weight and loses weight. If her lifestyle requires constant movement, problems with heart failure or musculoskeletal system may arise. Irina should pay special attention to her joints and reproductive system.

Interests and hobbies

As a child, Ira can become interested in sports - gymnastics, athletics. Likes to change sports sections, trying himself in different roles. In his youth he prefers to read a lot. He chooses serious literature when he is in a relationship with some guy, or novels when he is going through a period of loneliness. Irina loves to make things, for example, knitting, sewing, drawing.

She can also compose poetry, the inspiration for which comes to her at night. He can make a business out of his favorite activity if he has the support of his spouse and his financial assistance for some time. Likes to write stories, especially autobiographical ones. She can do any kind of creative activity, even playing musical instruments.

Compatibility of the name Irina with male names

Irina can have strong and very passionate relationships with Alexander, Andrey, Artem, Bulat, Victor, Vissarion, Vladimir, Gennady, German, Dmitry and Zakhar. Also with Igor, Joseph, Lukyan, Mieczyslaw, Nazar, Pamphilus, Peter, Savely and Tikhon. Each of them will be an attentive and caring partner or companion.

Irina will feel calm and peaceful with a man whose names are Anatoly, Anton, Boris, Veniamin, Vitaly, Gabriel, Georgy, Gleb, Evgeny, Leonid, Lev, Rafail, Rostislav and Savely. Because they will bring stability and confidence in the future into her life.

Constant quarrels and misunderstandings can arise in a woman in relationships with Valentin, Vsevolod, Egor, Ilya, Makar, Mitrofan, Nikanor, Pavel and Savva. These men will turn out to be great jealous people who will drive Ira into a frenzy with their suspicions and insults.

Irina has very poor compatibility with men whose names are Vasily, Daniil, Ivan, Kuzma, Mark, Naum, Oleg, Plato and Thaddeus. They cannot give her the necessary attention, without which she simply cannot feel happy and desired. Only friendship is possible with them, and not long-term.

Irina is a fairly common name and is interpreted as “calmness”, “peace”.

Origin of the name

"Irina" was once a simple Greek word meaning rest and peace, but over time it became a feminine name in its own right.

general characteristics

Since childhood, Ira has been independent and determined. If she has something in mind, it is unlikely that she will stop halfway. She feels stronger affection for her father than for her mother, so the daughter has a more trusting relationship with him. She can tell dad secrets that she won't tell mom.

He studies well at school, doing homework and solving problems on the board does not take much effort from the child.

Irina is a realist, she does not dream of something unrealistic, she always soberly assesses what is happening.

In adolescence, a girl enjoys reading science fiction and detective novels, and may also become interested in attending sports activities.

Her father's favorite has no sentimentality in her blood, she can be harsh and rude, but this does not prevent the girl from finding new friends. Having matured, Ira is more drawn to male society; she quickly becomes bored in female company.

Positive character traits

A girl from the cradle has honesty and decency. Growing up, she will not cause trouble to her parents; they will not have to blush for their daughter at school meetings. Irina strives to live separately and independently already in her youth; she does not want to linger in her parents’ nest, although she is attached to her “ancestors.” This person does not believe in fairy tales, and never dreams of the impossible.

Emotional restraint helps Ira correctly assess the situation; the girl will not allow her feelings to get the better of her, which will greatly contribute to her self-realization in her career.
In life, Irina is a sociable person; her sociability helps her make many friends. In society, a woman behaves at ease and relaxed, it is always interesting to communicate with her.

Negative character traits

If in childhood Ira’s skepticism and prudence are not particularly noticeable, then in an adult woman these traits manifest themselves excessively.

A girl’s vanity and pride can create problems for Irusa in her personal life. Excessive touchiness will interfere with building relationships, and pride will not allow you to take the first step towards reconciliation. Irina’s coldness can also affect the feelings of the girl’s partner in a negative way.

Zodiac sign

Taurus girls can be called Irina; this name is perfect for this sign. Irina’s patron in Taurus will be Venus, who is responsible for love and beauty. The dreamer Ira’s wardrobe is dominated by light shades of blue, and jewelry with opal protects the girl from bad influences.


Irka, Irisha, Ira, Irishka, Irishenka, Irunya, Irunechka, Irusya, Irinka.

Name options

Irene, Ira, Irene, Erin, Ira, Irene.

Historical figures

1910 – 2001 – the first female trainer working with predators, Irina Bugrimova.
1910 – 2008 – Polish activist Irena Sendler.
1925 – 2010 – opera singer Irina Arkhipova.


Singers Irina Allegrova and Irina Dubtsova
Figure skater Irina Slutskaya
Politician Irina Khakamada
Actresses: Muravyova, Alferova, Rozanova
Soviet figure skater Irina Rodnina
Gymnast Irina Chashchina
Theater singer Irina Bogacheva
Theater and cinema actress Irina Kupchenko
Supermodel Irina Shayk (real name is Shaykhlislamova).

Name day

February 26; March 07; April 29; May 18; 26 of May; 10th of August; August 17; August 22; October 1st.

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