I have the right! What benefits are available to pensioners? What benefits are available to pensioners in Russia? Social benefits for pensioners.

What benefits do old-age pensioners have? 11.10.2017 13:01

After a person receives pensioner status, a number of new opportunities open up for him. The state took responsibility for supporting this segment of the population. Everyone needs to know what benefits an old-age pensioner has. Where and how can they be issued?

What benefits do pensioners have and how to get them?

Compensation for travel expenses to and from your vacation spot.

Compensation can be received by non-working northern pensioners receiving an old-age and disability pension. Pensioners living in the Far North and equivalent territories (Article 34 of the Law of February 19, 1993 N4520-1) are provided with such compensation once every two years. There are two options for compensation: the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia can pay for the purchase of travel tickets or reimburse their cost when the citizen himself buys them. (Rules for compensation of expenses for travel costs for pensioners, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 1, 2005 N 176.)

If there is property

Transfer of the balance of property tax deductions for personal income tax to previous tax periods.

A pensioner who has purchased any real estate can compensate for part of the expenses incurred. He has the right to receive property deductions for expenses on the acquisition (or construction) of a residential building, apartment, or room. The deduction also applies to the payment of interest on targeted loans and borrowings that the pensioner took out for these purposes. The deduction is provided for three tax periods preceding the period in which the carryover balance of property deductions was formed (clause 10 of Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

A tax deduction can also be obtained if the house (apartment) was purchased together with another owner. That is, the pensioner has a share allocated.

The benefit also applies to the purchase of a plot of land, although not just any one, but one registered for individual housing construction. A garden plot or piece of land used for a vegetable garden is not subject to this provision of the law. But the land plot on which the residential building you are purchasing is located (or a share in it) can be declared and you can get part of the money spent back.

The amount of property deduction for expenses for the acquisition (construction) of housing and deduction for expenses for paying interest on a loan taken for the acquisition (construction) of housing cannot exceed 2 million rubles and 3 million rubles, respectively (clause 1, clause 3, Clause 4 of Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It is important to know! "Plank" of 3 million rubles. property tax deduction for expenses on paying interest on a housing (construction) loan is established only for loans received from January 1, 2014 (clause 4 of article 2 of Law dated July 23, 2013 N 212-FZ).

Pensioners are exempt from paying property taxes.

Not everyone knows this, and, having reached retirement age and received a pension, they continue to regularly pay receipts for property taxes sent by the tax office. In fact, according to the law, the state no longer takes such payments from pensioners.

The benefit is received by pensioners (even working ones) who own a residential house, apartment, room, dacha, garage, other building, premises and structure. As in the case of a tax deduction, zero property tax is also established if a citizen has a registered share in the right of common property (Clause 2 of Article 4 of the Law of December 9, 1991 N 2003-1).

It is quite easy to get rid of the obligation to pay property tax annually: a document on the right to benefits (in other words, a pension certificate) must be personally submitted to the tax office (clause 1 of Article 5 of the Law of December 9, 1991 N2003-1). When going to the tax office, take with you not only your passport and pension certificate, but also a copy of the document.

If a pensioner submitted the necessary documents to the tax service later than the date of retirement, the tax authorities must recalculate the tax paid and return the money.

Other tax breaks:

Exemption of part of income from income tax (NDFL). Not subject to personal income tax:

  • the amount of pensions under state pension provision and labor pensions, as well as all social additional payments, regardless of whether they are federal or regional (that is, paid in accordance with the legislation of Russia or according to regional laws (clause 2 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the amount of payment at the expense of the organization’s own funds for the cost of sanatorium and resort vouchers, as well as the cost of treatment and medical care for former employees who resigned due to retirement due to disability or old age (clauses 9, 10 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • amount of financial assistance not exceeding 4,000 rubles. per year, provided by employers to their former employees who resigned due to retirement due to disability or age (clause 28 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Benefits for paying certain taxes for pensioners may be established by regional or local legislation. We are talking about “local” taxes; the tax rate (whether the exemption will be full or at a reduced rate) is approved by regional and local authorities.

What taxes does this apply to:

  • benefits for payment of transport tax (Article 356 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • benefits for paying land tax (clause 2 of article 387 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If a pensioner wants to continue working.

Working retirees also have some advantages. For example, an employer is obliged, based on an employee’s application, to provide him with leave without pay (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The amount of such leave (the maximum number of days provided during the year) depends on the category of the pensioner:

  • participants of the Great Patriotic War have the right to receive up to 35 calendar days a year;
  • working old-age pensioners (by age) are entitled to up to 14 calendar days per year;
  • working pensioners - disabled people - up to 60 calendar days a year.

Free training or advanced training at the employment service.

Since 2013, citizens who have reached retirement age, but do not want to interrupt their active life, can contact the employment service and undergo advanced training in their field. You can also learn another profession: undergo retraining and retraining. The service is provided free of charge.

What if there is a problem and you need help? Targeted assistance is not just money.

Targeted financial assistance is provided to citizens, including pensioners, who are in difficult life situations. The law stipulates that such assistance can be received not only in the form of money. You can get food, sanitation and hygiene products, clothing, shoes and other essential items. The law also provides for the provision of fuel, as well as special vehicles, technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people and persons in need of external care (clause 1 of article 8 of the Law of December 10, 1995 N 195-FZ).

The regions are responsible for such assistance. At the local level, depending on the available opportunities, the types and amounts of support and the conditions for receiving it are stipulated in special documents. Therefore, when asking for help, you should first ask for a regulatory act that regulates the provision of targeted assistance where you live.

The grounds and procedure for providing targeted financial assistance are provided for by the legislation of the constituent entities of Russia (that is, each region adopts its own law) (Clause 2 of Article 8 of the Law of December 10, 1995 N 195-FZ).

Targeted support is not easy to get. It’s not for nothing that regulatory documents contain a clause about “difficult life situations.” What does this mean? Request for help may be caused, in particular, by such emergency circumstances as a natural disaster (flood, earthquake, landslide), fire, flooding of an apartment, theft of property, death of close relatives, etc. (clause 3 of the Regulations; clause 1 of the Procedure; clause 9 of the Rules).

Gas and heat are at the expense of the state.

The rules for financial support of social programs in the regions (see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 10, 2011 N 456) provide for the financing of expenses (providing one-time financial assistance) to reimburse the expenses incurred by a pensioner for the gasification of his home. The benefit applies to non-working pensioners who own a residential building. This house must be their only place of residence (clause 9 of the Rules).

Such assistance is provided by regional authorities to non-working pensioners who receive an old-age and disability pension. This could be a ministry, department or committee for social protection of the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Assistance is provided through subsidies from the Pension Fund budget if the region has adopted a social program for gasification in rural areas.

As a rule, the full amount of the cost of connecting gas to the house is not refunded: part of the costs is borne by the pensioner himself. What share of the payment can be reimbursed to him is decided by each region.

Free medicines and vaccinations.

Elderly people have the right to receive medical care not only in the general network of clinics and hospitals, but also in gerontological centers and geriatric offices. The procedure for referring patients to these organizations is established by the regions.

In addition, older people who have disabilities and have not refused a set of social services have the right to receive preferential medications. The current list of medicines includes 360 names of medicines provided as part of outpatient care, of which 228 names (63%) are vital and essential medicines (see orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 18, 2006 N 665 and December 29 2004 N 328).

Disabled veterans also have the right to free sanatorium vouchers. Patients also undergo after-care and rehabilitation in sanatoriums within the framework of territorial programs after high-tech treatment.

Since 2013, older citizens (from 60 to 99 years old) must undergo medical examination (see order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 3, 2012 N 1006n). Medical examination is carried out once every 3 years, with the exception of disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, persons awarded the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad” and recognized as disabled due to a general illness, work injury and other reasons. These groups undergo medical examination annually, regardless of age.

The National Vaccination Schedule states that citizens 60 years of age and older can get a flu shot every year. The start time for vaccination is announced every fall depending on the epidemiological situation in the region. To get vaccinated for free, you need to contact your local doctor at the clinic at your place of residence.

How to get targeted assistance for a pensioner? Step-by-step instruction.

  1. Check the location (address) of your social security agency (at the place of registration) or the center for the provision of state and municipal services. There you will submit the necessary documents.
  2. Write a statement. Indicate the method of receiving financial assistance. Money can be transferred to a personal account opened in any Russian bank. You can also receive money to the account of the Federal Post Office at your place of residence or in cash through the cash desk of the territorial division of the social security authority (clause 3 of the Procedure; clauses 3, 4 of the Regulations).
  3. Prepare originals and copies of documents (clauses 3, 4 of the Procedure; clauses 3, 4 of the Regulations). You will need to submit:
    • passport or other identity document;
    • a document confirming registration at the place of residence (certificate from the passport office at the place of registration);
    • pensioner's ID;
    • documents confirming a difficult life situation, the presence of emergency circumstances. This could be an extract from household or house books, a certificate from internal affairs bodies about the loss of documents and money, a certificate about a fire, natural disaster, and so on.
  4. You can submit an application and documents to a territorial division or multifunctional center in person, send it by regular mail or by email with a digital signature (through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services).

Officials make decisions to provide financial assistance (or to refuse) within the time limits established in a particular region. So, for example, in Moscow a month is allotted for this (clauses 3, 4 of the Regulations), and in the Moscow region - 10 working days from the date of the pensioner’s application, however, this period can be extended by decision of the head of the territorial unit to 25 working days (clause 6 Order). The day of application is considered to be the day the territorial unit or multifunctional center receives the application and documents. If the documents were sent by mail, the counting begins from the day they were received by the social security authority.

When you receive a notice of financial assistance, you need to contact the organization that you indicated to receive the money: a social security unit, a post office or a bank. If you are refused, you need to contact the medical department or multifunctional center to find out the reason for this decision. You may need to provide any additional documents or information to give officials a chance to reconsider the decision.

Dear readers, it often happens that officials do not always react to publications on the Internet - they say, you never know who wrote what and where. Therefore, when demanding yours, refer to official documents: this will make it easier to break through the wall of bureaucracy.

When retiring, Russians are not always aware of possible benefits. In many cases, the declarative principle applies to receiving preferences from the state. This means that if a pensioner does not claim certain privileges and does not apply for them, then such benefits do not automatically apply to the person.

Tax preferences for pensioners

Among other options, benefits for pensioners are provided in the form of exemption from certain taxes. A citizen, while retired, can take advantage of tax advantages and a kind of financial assistance for the elderly.

Type of tax

The essence of tax privilege

Personal income tax (income)

  1. Exemption from taxation (13%) of certain income - pensions and social supplements to it, as well as other income up to 4,000 rubles. per year for each basis:
  • gifts, financial assistance from employers;
  • payment (compensation) by employers for the cost of medicines to citizens receiving an old-age pension;
  • payment by organizations for sanatorium vouchers, treatment for persons receiving an old-age or disability pension.
  1. Transferring property deductions to previous tax periods when purchasing an apartment, a plot of land for individual residential development, or purchasing/constructing a house (relevant for working pensioners or those who have recently retired).

For property

Exemption of all pensioners, non-working and continuing to work, from property tax on one piece of real estate (house, apartment, dacha, outbuilding of a personal subsidiary plot with an area of ​​up to 50 m², garage).


Benefits are established by regional authorities and vary in different areas.


Mastering a new profession and learning computer literacy

Russians of retirement age who want to continue working can improve their skills, learn a new profession or learn how to use a computer. This opportunity is provided by the employment service. Retraining services are free. To receive benefits, a non-working pensioner must contact the Employment Center at their place of residence.

Social assistance for pensioners

The benefit is targeted in nature and is provided by local authorities at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation if it is provided for by the social programs of a particular region.

Social benefits for pensioners are provided in the following forms:

  • money;
  • food supply;
  • provision of clothing, shoes;
  • provision of sanitation and hygiene items, fuel for heating premises without central heating;
  • providing disabled people and those in need of care with special means for rehabilitation and mobility.

Assistance is allocated after a personal application through the social security authorities at the place of registration of the elderly Russian, where a decision is made on the form and volume of assistance provided. For Moscow, financial assistance varies from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles, and the average amount is 8,000 rubles.

Free travel to and from your holiday destination for northerners

Elderly retired Russians who do not work and live in the Far North (equivalent areas) are additionally provided with compensation for expenses when paying for tickets to their vacation destination and back. Such travel benefits are provided to pensioners once every 2 years and exclusively for movement within the country. There are two options for receiving benefits from the Pension Fund:

  • travel payment;
  • reimbursement of the cost (price) of purchased tickets.

Vacation benefits extend not only to travel: there are social vouchers to sanatoriums for retirees. To receive them, you must be placed on a special queue with the preliminary submission of a medical certificate about the need for sanatorium-resort recovery and treatment. Labor veterans are usually given preference in the queue.

Flu shot

Retired Russians can get a free flu vaccination every year. The benefit in the form of a flu shot is relevant and in demand in old age. This medical service is available free of charge to persons over 60 years of age. You must inform your local doctor at the clinic where the citizen is served at his place of residence that you want to get vaccinated against influenza.

  • Transport tax benefit for pensioners - terms of provision, registration procedure and package of documents
  • Benefits for pensioners and labor veterans - what is required by law, list of compensations and payments, registration procedure
  • Tax on a privatized apartment for pensioners - who is exempt from payment and conditions for receiving benefits

Additional leave

For working pensioners, the state provides a benefit in the form of the opportunity to take additional vacation days. The employer will be obliged to send such a retired employee on leave without pay based on the application. The duration of annual leave (maximum days per year) is determined by the social categories of the older worker:

  • WWII participant – 35 days;
  • old age pensioner – 14 days;
  • disabled pensioner – 60 days.

Food discounts

Today, almost every grocery store and supermarket offers senior citizens a discount upon presentation of their pension certificate. The size of the discount varies from store to store and may further vary by hour and day of the week (as, for example, in the Pyaterochka chain). Industrial and household goods stores also provide pension bonuses and discounts. The main thing is for an elderly person not to forget to inquire about their availability.

Reimbursement of gas fuel expenses

Benefits are provided to pensioners for gasification of housing, subject to the following circumstances:

  • assistance is provided exclusively to unemployed senior citizens;
  • the house where gasification is carried out and where a citizen of retirement age lives is his only home owned;
  • the subsidy is allocated if the region has a specific social program.

Free museum admission

There are many museums in large cities where pensioner visitors have free entry at specific times, hours, and days. You can find out about them on official websites, social networks on the pages of museums, or inquire by phone. On the Day of the Elderly, for this category of citizens, all museums are freely accessible, without paying for a visit.


Benefits for older people are provided in such areas of life as social, pension, tax, housing, labor, where they are regulated at all levels of government provision. Citizens who have reached retirement age need to know what benefits are available to old-age pensioners.

Preferential conditions for retired working citizens

Not all people in Russia retire when they reach a certain age. In the practice of assigning payments, there are many cases when citizens establish a pension ahead of schedule: for length of service, during upbringing, during work of a harmful nature, while conducting professional activities in the regions of the North.

The state provides the following benefits for pensioners working after receiving a pension:

  • removal of obligations in connection with the payment of funds for taxes (on the sale and purchase of housing, income tax) – Articles 217, 407 Tax Code, provision of deductions – Articles 218, 219, 220 Tax Code;
  • dismissal without warning the employer and without working 2 weeks intended for selecting a candidate for the position ( Article 78 Labor Code), receive additional vacation days in the amount of 2 weeks ( Article 128 Labor Code);
  • annual recalculation of maintenance, since as a result of work activities, the applicant accumulates additional points that affect the increase in payments.

ATTENTION! To recalculate payments annually, a citizen does not need to contact a government agency every year; specialists carry out this procedure automatically.

Benefits for pensioners by age

For non-working citizens who, due to age or health status, do not carry out professional activities, benefits are provided to old-age pensioners. Age pensioners are entitled to:

  • providing discounts on utility bills, installing a telephone at your place of residence out of turn, priority gas connection (social benefits);
  • tax benefits for pensioners: removal of obligations to make payments in full or in part, depending on the region, for 1 property (if there are several of them), and, as well as a deduction;
  • free drug provision with prescriptions and emergency services in health care institutions, dental prosthetics, sanatorium-resort treatment free of charge upon referral from a doctor;
  • provision of housing is realized only for people who really need it; this status is assigned by the administration that resolves issues related to the housing stock.

IMPORTANT! When contacting the authorities involved in establishing payments (tax office, social security authorities, administration), confirmation of status and submission of copies of documents with an application containing a request to receive benefits is required.

The exception is medical institutions where it is required to show identification. Specialists are focused on prompt assistance and reception.

Social supplements to pensions

The payment for the monthly maintenance of a citizen who has reached the age of retirement is calculated taking into account his work and insurance experience and earnings. Not all people applying for payments have high rates, which is necessary for decent financial support from the Pension Fund.

The state supports these citizens and provides some additional payments to the pension so that its level corresponds to the subsistence level. Article 12.1 of Law No. 178 regulating the basis for the provision of social assistance, speaks of the following additional payments:

  • monthly cash payment (along with a set of social services);
  • additional material support (excluding social assistance measures);
  • federal surcharge;
  • regional surcharge.

Their sizes are revised in connection with changes in the cost of living in each region.

Subsidies for utility bills

The list of benefits for pensioners includes a procedure that makes it possible to save on utility bills; it is implemented in the form. Persons whose expenses for the amenities provided to them amount to more than 22% of the monthly pension can apply. In order to receive it, you need:

  • be a citizen of Russia;
  • availability of registration of the fact of residence in the residential premises in which utilities are paid;
  • no arrears in payment;
  • spending more than 22% of the pension on utility bills.

If there are two potential recipients living in a family, then the calculation is made based on the total total income and expenses.

Preferential conditions for older people are determined at the level of federal legislation, but at the regional level additional benefits can be established that enable citizens to maintain a high-quality and adequate standard of living.

Since pensioners are one of the most vulnerable social segments of the population, the state makes every effort to create comfortable conditions for their existence in modern society. Much attention in work in this area is paid to various benefits intended for use exclusively by pensioners. Undoubtedly, the main right of pensioners is to receive a pension. Read more about the procedure and conditions for assigning pensions in our section.

Privileges and benefits for working pensioners

A separate item of all available benefits for people of retirement age is the category that continues to work actively, due to which it receives certain benefits, which include the following:

  1. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, any employer, upon receiving an application from a working pensioner with a request to provide him with leave at his own expense, is obliged to satisfy it. There are small time limits here, which directly depend on the category to which the person belongs. Namely, if he is a participant in the Second World War, he can take leave at his own expense for 35 days, but if a person retired upon reaching the legal age, then this period is 14 days, but if he is disabled, then leave without pay fees can reach 60 days. The calendar days provided by law can be used either one-time or in parts, depending on needs, divided into 1 year.
  2. If a person continues to work after reaching retirement age and there is a need or desire to improve his professional qualifications, then in this case he can take advantage of a free service to improve his qualifications at the employment service of his city. In addition, on the same basis, you can get another profession.

Tax deductions for pensioners when purchasing real estate

Secondly, the benefits associated with real estate include the transfer of balances of property deductions for personal income tax to previous tax periods.

The essence of this benefit is that if a pensioner legally owns a built or purchased residential building, room, apartment, or is a shared owner of an apartment, as well as a plot of land on which a house has already been built, or it is provided for these purposes. Then he may demand payment of a property deduction for expenses related to the construction of real estate, as well as payment of interest accrued on certain loans taken for appropriate purposes, for 3 tax periods that go before the period in which the directly transferable balance from property is formed deductions.

Benefits for pensioners to pay for housing and communal services

Another category of benefits related to real estate, namely premises intended for permanent residence, can be called the benefit of receiving gas and heat at the expense of the state. In accordance with certain social programs for the financial support of each region separately, they include the provision of one-time financial assistance to pensioners in terms of reimbursement of money spent on gasification of their homes.

In order to receive such a payment, certain conditions must be met, which include:

  1. This house or apartment must be the only place of residence of a particular pensioner.
  2. The pensioner must not work and must receive either an old-age or disability pension.

To receive this financial assistance, you must contact the regional executive authority. This may be a regional ministry or department, as well as a committee for social protection of the population of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the implementation of this law. It is also worth noting that such assistance can only be received in the region of the Russian Federation in which there is a social program for general gasification in rural areas. The amount of payment that is returned to the pensioner almost never covers 100% of expenses and is calculated by each region independently. At best it's 50%.

Other types of benefits for pensioners

In addition to everything described above, pensioners in some regions have a preferential system for paying for travel on public transport, utilities, purchasing any medicines, etc., based on local and regional regulations.

Also, the law provides for a program of so-called targeted assistance for all regions, which is aimed at people who find themselves in difficult life situations, including pensioners. In accordance with the law, it can be expressed in certain monetary amounts, for example, in the provision of food, clothing, footwear, personal hygiene and sanitation, and other essential items. In addition to basic necessities, in certain cases this may include fuel or the provision of a specialized vehicle or technical means for the rehabilitation of a person who requires constant care.

Responsibility for providing assistance of this kind lies with the regions individually. In order to obtain it, you must be truly in emergency circumstances, the list of which is regulated not only by general provisions for all regions, but there are also local regional lists. They also stipulate such points as documents confirming the right of a pensioner or other person to receive such benefits, their amounts, types and much more.

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are provided for both in federal legislation and in the laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In order to use them, the pensioner only needs to present a pension certificate to the tax office.

What benefits do pensioners have?

The system of social support for the population dates back to Soviet times. For certain categories of citizens, benefits were provided as incentives and incentives. In particular, this applies to pensioners.

Despite the fact that pensions are constantly indexed, sometimes these measures do not help raise the standard of living of this category of citizens to a decent level. Therefore, pensioners have always been one of the most vulnerable categories in social terms.

Pensioners can enjoy the following benefits:

  • by old age;
  • on disability;
  • if recognized as low-income;
  • if they are labor veterans;
  • if they are WWII veterans.

All benefits, except tax ones, are assigned by the social protection authorities at the place of residence. If we are talking about various tax deductions, then the pensioner decides this issue at the tax office.

You won’t get much from the state, especially since in 2014 there was a tendency to cancel some benefits or reduce payments for them, but, nevertheless, you should know what you are entitled to.

It should be noted that all benefits are assigned on an application basis; If you do not come with the appropriate application and pension certificate to the government authority, you will be left without benefits.

Tax benefits for old-age pensioners

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the following tax benefits for pensioners:

  1. Exemption from property tax. This means that if a pensioner owns a house, apartment, cottage, garage or other building, then he does not have to pay property tax. But the tax office must present a document confirming his right to the benefit (pension certificate).
  2. Possibility to transfer the balance of property tax deductions for personal income tax to previous tax periods. A pensioner who has confirmed ownership of a purchased apartment, garage, plot for individual housing construction, etc., can receive a property deduction for expenses incurred related to the acquisition (construction) of real estate and for the payment of interest on targeted loans for 3 tax periods preceding the period in which the carryover balance of property deductions was formed.

    But in this case there are restrictions on the amount of deduction. If we are talking about the construction or purchase of real estate, then the deduction can be made in an amount of no more than 2 million rubles. If we are talking about a loan taken for the purchase (construction) of housing, then the deduction is made based on the amount of 3 million rubles. (we are talking about loans taken after 01/01/2014).

  3. Part of the income is exempt from paying personal income tax.

The following income is not subject to personal income tax:

Don't know your rights?

  • Pensions.
  • Financial assistance in an amount not exceeding 4,000 rubles. per year, which is paid by the former employer if the citizen retired due to old age or as a result of disability.
  • Payment by an organization for sanatorium-resort treatment and medical care for its former employees who left due to retirement due to old age or disability.

Regulatory acts of the subject may establish additional tax benefits for pensioners for the following taxes:

  • Transport tax.
  • Land tax.

What benefits do pensioners have, besides tax ones?

In addition to tax benefits, pensioners have the right to receive other benefits, in particular:

  1. Working pensioners should be granted leave without pay upon their request in the following cases:

    For participants of the Great Patriotic War - for 35 calendar days a year.

    Disabled pensioners - 60 days a year.

    Old age pensioners - 14 days a year.

    Federal laws may establish other cases of granting unpaid leave to pensioners.

  2. Compensation for travel to your vacation destination in the Russian Federation and back.

    This compensation is provided only to non-working disability or old-age pensioners living in the Far North and equivalent areas.

    Compensation is paid by the pension fund authorities once every 2 years, either in cash or by purchasing tickets.

  3. Subsidy for utility bills for low-income pensioners.
  4. If the cost of living of a pensioner in a subject is higher than the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation as a whole, then a regional social supplement will be established for the pensioner.

This benefit is provided for by the Federal Law “On State Social Assistance”. This payment stops if the pensioner starts working. To receive it, a pensioner must contact the social security authorities at their place of residence.

The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may provide other benefits for old-age pensioners, in particular, this may concern the payment of compensation to the place of travel to sanatorium-resort treatment and back, reimbursement of costs for the purchase of fuel in houses with stove heating, etc.

In particular, in the Moscow region there is a cost reimbursement benefit for pensioners living alone or families consisting of pensioners to pay for telephony services.

There are social support measures such as the provision of social worker services for pensioners living alone.

Despite the fact that tax benefits are established by federal law, many pensioners simply do not know about them. And if we are talking about regional regulatory legal acts, then in this case it becomes even more difficult, since they are not written about in the media or covered on television.

In order to receive complete information about everything that is owed to you, contact the social security authorities and the tax office at your place of residence for clarification.

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