Denise Austin's "quick weight loss" program is easy, affordable, effective. Trainer Denise Austin: losing weight is only possible with an integrated approach All programs with Denise Austin

Many fitness instructors, in an effort to ensure that their group achieves the highest results, organize so-called training camps.

Training camp - a program for high results

A training camp is a continuous course of training that lasts from several weeks to several months and helps to solve specific problems: normalize body weight, strengthen muscles, “dry” the body or form a clear relief.

Popular fitness trainer Denise Austin did not miss this opportunity. The training camp, which she organizes remotely, is two weeks of daily exercises that include exercises to develop the heart muscle, strength, endurance and stretching.

If you are determined to get results and are ready to train every day for two weeks, join the training camp developed by Denise Austin! Reviews from those who have completed the full test prove that with them you can completely transform your body and significantly improve your health.

Denise Austin "Boot Camp"

Transform your body and improve your health with Denise Austin and her fitness program!

What parts does the program consist of:

The training camp organized by Denise Austin, the video recordings of which we now present to your attention, is reminiscent of the training of professional athletes and even fighters in its program.

  • The first part of the exercises contains elements of kickboxing; it helps to gain agility and increase the functional potential of the circulatory and respiratory systems.
  • The second part is dynamic work with light weights.
  • The third part is static exercises that help increase the elasticity of individual tendons, ligaments and muscles. In general, the lesson is divided into two blocks of twenty minutes.

Denise Austin video:

Denise Austin "Training Camp":

Denise Austin's Calorie Burning Cardio Workout:

Denise Austin "Training Camp" reviews:

Cheerful and fun! I just want to live))

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The golden rule for quickly getting rid of excess fat deposits is a competent combination of aerobic and strength training with exercises to increase the elasticity of tendons and muscles.

"Fast weight loss" - the best fat-burning workout

Using this rule, quite popular fitness instructor Denise Austin designs her workouts. The fat burning workout she suggests is the perfect balance of the above types of exercises.

Based on the purpose of her classes, Denise Austin gave them the appropriate name - “Rapid weight loss.” Reviews from those who have practiced this exercise confirm its effectiveness in losing weight and gaining lightness in the body.

The important thing is that all of Denise’s training takes place in a relaxed, positive atmosphere, and this helps even beginners who have not previously dealt with fitness and sports to get used to it and enjoy the classes.

All Denise's training takes place in a relaxed, positive atmosphere!

The “Quick Weight Loss” video recorded by Denise Austin allows residents of all countries and the most remote corners of the world to train under her guidance. All you need to complete it is the desire to practice and the mindset for results. The more accurately the instructor’s movements are reproduced, the more complete the load is. It is important to put effort into every movement, and not try to do it in the easiest way.

Parts of the program and how to study them?

  • In the first part of the workout, it is also important not to stop or pause, but if you lose the rhythm, simply start marching so as not to slow down your heart rate.
  • In the second part, you need to choose the right weights based on your initial level of training.
  • In the third, stretch smoothly and strive to improve your achievements each time.

Denise Austin Fast weight loss video

By approaching the exercises correctly and doing them at least three times a week, you will actually see a noticeable decrease in the numbers on your scale.

Denise Austin "Quick Weight Loss" reviews:

Denise Austin is truly an example of a person whose words match her deeds. She is 60 and looks 30)) Smart girl!

For those who want to successfully lose weight and get their body in order, but have no experience in sports or fitness, there are many programs, for example, from Denise Austin. Effective weight loss is achieved by performing all the exercises according to the requirements of the trainer in the video.

Aerobics with Denise Austin “Quick weight loss” has gained popularity all over the world due to its effectiveness and accessibility.

Who is Denise Austin

Denise Austin is a well-known personal fitness trainer in America, as well as the host of television programs devoted to this topic, author of thematic techniques.

The original video courses of this fitness instructor are very popular both in the USA, Europe and other countries. Their high efficiency is achieved due to the fact that each exercise is selected by the author in strict accordance with the needs of the body. Austin is the author of a large number of fitness programs dedicated not only to weight loss, but also strength and cardio routines, Pilates, yoga and much more. Almost all programs have been translated into Russian.

Among them are the following:

  • “Work on problem areas”;
  • “Lose 5 kilograms”;
  • “Yoga for those who want to lose weight”;
  • "Fitness for pregnant women";
  • “Just what you need”;
  • "Training camp" and others.

Below we will talk about Denise Austin’s “Rapid Weight Loss” program. Reviews about it are mostly positive, and you can also read some of them.

Program description

This author's program is the most famous; it was these video lessons that brought Austin worldwide popularity. Thanks to such exercises, you can successfully get rid of fat on your arms, buttocks, stomach and thighs. The body will also become more toned and elastic.

The classes are simple and accessible to every girl: even without special physical training, you can successfully get rid of extra pounds.

This program includes two 25-minute workouts. To speed up metabolism, burn fat and increase cardiac endurance, you will need to perform rhythmic movements from dancing or aerobics, and to strengthen your muscles and body as a whole, do exercises with dumbbells. Excellent results are achieved through a combination of strength and aerobic exercise. When you lose fat and tone your muscles, your figure will be closer to ideal.

To practice this program, you need to have a mat and two dumbbells at home. It is better to start training with dumbbells of 0.5-1 kg each, and then you can increase their weight to 2 kilograms. Almost all strength exercises involve several muscle groups at the same time. For example, you can work your inner thighs and biceps at the same time. Thanks to this, calorie consumption will increase during one session.

The two types of workouts can be alternated with each other, and it will take you less than half an hour to complete the workouts during the day. If you have endurance, then you can do both types of training in a row, so you will achieve what you want faster. It is recommended to exercise at least 3-4 times a week and only on a regular basis. There should be no breaks in training for more than two days. Only systematically can you achieve noticeable success.

The program includes the following types of exercises:

Mostly the reviews about the Denise Austin program are good, but everyone has their own preferences and capabilities. Some people prefer dance classes, while others prefer strength exercises, against which the muscles of different zones are pumped. The purpose of the lesson is also taken into account. Some people need to get in shape after pregnancy, while others just want to stay toned.

Pros and cons of classes

The complex of classes under consideration has both many positive and negative aspects.

If we talk about the advantages of the program, it is worth noting the following:

The program has significantly fewer disadvantages, but they are still there:

  • if you have been doing fitness for some time, then the load on this program will be too light for you and is unlikely to suit you;
  • In the first part of the course you will need to perform sweeping and wide movements, choose spacious rooms for training.

Every girl who cares about her figure has probably heard about the world-famous fitness trainer Denise Austin. Many will remember her video hands broadcast on television or videotapes (discs) recording her workouts. Fit, active, positive Denise always charges with energy and forces even the laziest to work on themselves.

Denise Austin encourages leading a healthy lifestyle by exercising at least 30 minutes a day. At the same time, she recommends eating right, avoiding strict diets and extreme weight loss.

The life and work of Denise Austin

I would like to immediately note that Denise is currently 57 years old, and her figure is still the envy of even young girls. She has been married to Jeff Austin, a sports agent and former professional tennis player, for 30 years. Together with him and two lovely daughters - Kelly (24 years old) and Katie (21 years old) - Denise lives in Washington, DC.

Denise started playing sports at the age of 12. First it was gymnastics, which led her to an athletic scholarship at the University of Arizona. She later transferred to the University of California, where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in physical education. Since 2002, she has been a Member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports.

To date, the energetic Denise has sold more than 25 million videos with various workouts and has written 12 books about diets and fitness. In addition, she hosts television fitness shows in the United States. Her programs include aerobics, strength training, yoga and Pilates.

Training and nutrition

Denise Austin adheres to a proper balanced diet, does not skip meals and refuses unhealthy foods. In addition, she replaces sugar with its artificial counterparts. Denise also drinks a lot of fluids (water with lemon, herbal and green tea). She tries to eat between 7 am and 7 pm. However, sometimes she allows herself to relax and go out to a restaurant for a late dinner with her husband.

Denise works out every day. And this is in addition to filming their fitness programs.

During pregnancy, Denise not only did not stop training, but even recorded a video with exercises for pregnant women. With the birth of each of her daughters, Denise gained about 15 kg of excess weight. According to her, it took her 3 months after giving birth to look good and 6 months to return to her original shape.

Exercises for weight loss (video)

Pilates for everyone (video)

Yoga for weight loss (video)

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