The benefits and harms of vibrating massagers and vibration platforms for weight loss. Vibrating massager for weight loss

Neck and shoulder massager Takasima MY-010B

Vibrating massagers: healing vibrations

Among devices for massage, wellness and weight loss, a large niche is occupied by vibrating massagers, which are rapidly gaining popularity. After all, these are truly unique and complex devices that can not only give many minutes of pleasure, but will also bring undoubted benefits to the body, in particular, in such a complex and responsible matter as maintaining normal weight and general health.

What types of vibrating massagers are there? What are they needed for?

  • preventive and therapeutic. Both for prevention and treatment of various diseases.
  • restoring and training muscles. For athletes and those who want to have a toned, sculpted body.
  • for weight loss and cellulite elimination.

Secondly, vibrating massagers come in different models:

  • Manual. An excellent option for “hard to reach places”: neck, forearms, inner thighs, head, feet. They are used for the prevention and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, as well as for the improvement of internal organs of the body through acupuncture effects on special points of the feet.
  • Floor massagers. In turn, they are divided into:
    • Vibration platforms- designed for weight loss, stimulation of metabolic processes, strengthening the spine, cleaning blood vessels and restoring blood circulation.
    • Vibrating foot massagers- lightweight, compact with a special design taking into account biologically active points on the feet. Additional functions create static tension, which allows you to relax the muscles and blood vessels in the legs - an excellent healing and preventive effect for varicose veins and standing work.
    • There are two types of vibration racks:
    • tape vibrating massagers serve to reduce fat and cellulite on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, and are used for massage of the legs, back and general figure correction. As a rule, they are equipped with several types of turbobelts: regular, therapeutic, roller massage, needle acupuncture.
    • vibration simulators: the combined effect of high-intensity vibrations (burn fat and break down cellulite) and inductive current, which tones and treats disorders at the cellular and neural level. With low-frequency vibrations - a wonderful relaxing massage. Special programs are designed to train the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and back.
  • Massage covers and mattresses. Back massage and general body massage with a unique general health effect. Covers can be used at home, at work, in the car.
  • Slimming belts. This is not only a massage and anti-cellulite weight loss program, but also training the abdominal and back muscles, legs, arms, which allows you to “build” the body.
  • Swing machines(based on Chinese goldfish gymnastics). They create smooth oscillatory movements in the body, healing the entire body, relieving stress, and eliminating fat deposits. A huge plus is that there is a natural treatment for postural disorders, even scoliosis in the first two stages. This massage helps with painful radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Shows excellent results in the rehabilitation of patients after strokes.

The pleasure of massage - plus various benefits

Whatever vibrator you choose for yourself, its regular use guarantees you a lot of positive results.

Favorable effect on metabolic processes - digestion efficiency improves, which reduces appetite and reduces the amount of food eaten, hormonal levels stabilize

  • Positive effect on the state of the nervous system: calms, relaxes and at the same time stimulates the quality of impulse transmission between neurons. The result: improved memory, stable emotional background, good and restful sleep, good mood.
  • Vibrations destroy fat and cellulite deposits, which promotes weight loss and improves the condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Favorable effect on metabolic processes - digestion efficiency improves, which reduces appetite and reduces the amount of food eaten, hormonal levels stabilize
  • Stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow
  • Muscles are toned and tightened, joint mobility is improved
  • Naturally removes excess fluid from the body

Nowadays, many devices and devices for losing weight and improving the shape and appearance of various parts of the body have appeared on the market for weight loss and healthy lifestyle products. Among all these devices, one can distinguish such type of devices as massagers. Many potential buyers of these devices are interested in does a massager help remove belly fat??

  • Hand massagers (which you apply to your body)
  • Slimming belts (which you wear around your waist)
  • Vibration trainers (these are trainers with special straps and belts that transmit vibration to your body)

Usually, when people talk about weight loss massagers, they mean one of these options. All these types of massagers have a common operating principle - vibration. Some of them, judging by the manufacturers' statements, can emit special waves and signals that help you lose weight, but the reliability of such statements remains in question. This may just be a dishonest marketing ploy, and even if they do emit something, the effectiveness of these radiations for weight loss is questionable.

Why do people like to believe in weight loss massagers?

From time immemorial people have tried to find simple solutions to their problems. This explains the popularity of such massagers. Agree, the idea of ​​losing weight without effort and dieting sounds very attractive. Every person who wants to get rid of belly fat and improve their figure, deep down dreams of achieving these results quickly and easily.

But therein lies the catch, because all these exercise machines cannot have any significant effect on losing weight and getting rid of belly fat. There is practically no logical basis for this.

Of course, massager manufacturers assure you that vibration has miraculous properties. According to them, it “breaks down” fat, improves metabolism, improves well-being and mood, and will make you look 20 years younger. And all this will happen quickly and easily, without any effort on your part. Do you really continue to believe in all this?

This is very easy to believe, because in the advertisements of all these massagers we see athletic people, fitness models who work out on them. You might think that they became so athletic precisely thanks to the use of these massagers.

Well, this is a beautiful fairy tale, but it’s time to take the noodles out of your ears. Neither vibration nor magical radiation will help you get rid of your belly fat. This is done completely differently. And it will require effort from you!

What should you really do to lose belly fat?

To answer many questions from people who are far from fitness and bodybuilding, it is often necessary to retell obvious truisms over and over again. Sometimes it’s tiring, but there’s no escape from it. Without understanding these basic principles, you will not be able to get rid of your hated belly.

Therefore, let us repeat these principles once again. So, the most important thing in losing weight and getting rid of belly fat is diet. Remember once and for all. Just don’t confuse diet with fasting. These are different things.

A proper diet will not require you to suffer from hunger. A proper diet involves regular moderate restrictions on the amount of calories consumed. If you do this correctly, the reduction in calories will be very insignificant for you, and you simply will not feel it. This is a topic for a separate big conversation, but in a nutshell you can read about it.

The second important component in getting rid of belly fat is choosing the right exercises. You can read about the exercises in this article -

How, after all, can vibrating massagers be useful?

Finally, it must be said that you can get some benefits from using vibrating massagers. We are talking about those cases when people lead a sedentary lifestyle, and their body simply stagnates. Some of them are simply too lazy to do physical exercise, while others really don’t have such an opportunity (although, very often, laziness is justified by the lack of opportunity).

In this case, regular use of a massager will help to at least somehow “shake up” the body. The massager can increase blood circulation and activate metabolic processes in the massaged area of ​​the body. For an active person this will not be enough, but for a sedentary lifestyle it will be better than nothing at all.

If you also belong to this category of people, you need, first of all, to think about regular physical activity, and not rely only on massagers. You can get a basic understanding of choosing a training and nutrition plan from the article.

Vibrating massagers- These are devices designed to influence the human body using mechanical vibrations. With their help you can improve blood circulation and metabolism. Vibrating massagers also help remove excess fluid from the body and accelerate regeneration processes. These devices are ideal for people suffering from osteochondrosis or other diseases associated with the spine.

The main purpose of vibrating massagers is to combat excess weight and improve the contours of the figure. 30 minutes of training on a vibrating massager is equal in effectiveness to an hour and a half of tedious training in the gym. With regular use, you can get rid of cellulite, increase skin and muscle elasticity, and lose excess weight.

Another advantage of vibrating massagers is the stimulation of internal organs by influencing reflexogenic zones. Under the influence of the device, the body produces biologically active substances such as histamine, acetylcholine and others. Lymph carries them throughout the body, stimulating all systems and organs.

There are several contraindications to using a vibrating massager. Floor-standing devices cannot be used for ulcers, gastritis, polynephritis, or in the presence of kidney stones. For people with impaired heart function, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using vibrating massagers.

Other contraindications for using a vibrating massager for women are an unstable menstrual cycle or painful periods, pregnancy and lactation.

Among the variety of vibrating massagers, the following types can be distinguished:

  • stationary (floor);
  • compact (manual);
  • vibrating facial massagers.

Based on reviews from real customers and expert ratings, a rating of the best vibrating massagers for each of the above types was compiled, which indicates all the main advantages and disadvantages of the devices.

The best floor-standing electric vibrating massagers

Floor-standing electric vibration massagers are devices with a metal base. In its upper part there is a control panel and a mount for massage tapes driven by an electric motor.

Depending on the functionality of the vibrating massager, the package includes belts with different surfaces designed to massage different areas of the human body. Among the disadvantages of floor-mounted vibromassagers, it should be noted that they are bulky and noisy in comparison with compact models.

3 HouseFit HM-3003

Ideal for use at home
A country: USA (manufactured in China)
Average price: 15,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Floor-standing vibrating body massager HouseFit HM-3003 is an electric device with a durable transparent glass base. It is a high-quality exercise machine designed to massage the chest, back, shoulders and buttocks. With its help, you can relax muscles, speed up the process of removing fats and toxins from the body, eliminate cellulite and increase blood pressure.

The vibrating massager comes with 3 massage belts, the intensity of movement of which can be adjusted using the control panel by selecting one of 6 operating modes. In addition to a double smooth belt designed for massaging the back, shoulder and chest areas, there is a belt with massage fingers for small areas of the body, as well as a textured belt with anti-cellulite protrusions for massaging the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.


  • reliable design that can withstand loads of up to 100 kg;
  • modern and stylish design, allowing the vibrating massager to look good in any home interior;
  • the presence of three different belts for different parts of the body;
  • the ability to perform not only anti-cellulite, but also preventive, therapeutic and relaxing types of massage;
  • the presence of six operating modes of the device.


  • produces loud noise when operating.

2 Kampfer MAGIC KV-1103

Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 19,290.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The MAGIC KV-1103 vibration massager model, presented by the famous manufacturer of sports equipment Kampfer, is a powerful and multifunctional device. With its help, you can perform all types of massage on almost any part of the body.

Classes on MAGIC KV-1103 help improve subcutaneous blood circulation, increase muscle tone and skin elasticity, and maintain good physical shape. Customer reviews indicate that with the help of a vibrating massager you can warm up your muscles before training, relieve fatigue and pain.

MAGIC KV-1103 is equipped with a large number of different massage belts. In addition to standard anti-cellulite, needle and double tapes, the kit includes a roller “turbo” belt, ordinary belts for legs and arms, as well as belts with handles designed for hand massage.


  • reliability in operation and stylish design of the device;
  • high power (up to 130 W), allowing both general therapeutic massage and serious corrective effects;
  • the presence of 8 tapes for various types of massage;
  • great functionality - the ability to select one of 5 automatic programs and 20 speed modes;
  • convenient control panel including automatic timer.


  • not detected.


The best healing effect
Country: China
Average price: 12,970 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Electric vibration massager BODY SCULPTURE BM-1200 GX-C is an ideal device for passive gymnastics. After regular exercise, blood circulation in the body improves, and fat deposits under the skin decrease.

Using the various massage belts included in the kit, you can quickly and painlessly tone almost all the muscles of the body.

Structurally, BODY SCULPTURE BM-1200 GX-C is made in the form of a stand on a glass base, to which a vibrating massager is attached. The stand can be adjusted in height depending on the height of the person. According to doctors' recommendations, the maximum power of the device does not exceed 80 W, which makes the vibrating massager absolutely safe for the body. The speed of the vibrating massager is smoothly adjusted using a convenient control panel.

The vibrating massager comes with 6 massage tapes, adjustable in length:

  • roller "turbo" belt for massaging small areas;
  • "thousand fingers" tape to relax the skin;
  • belt with “bumps” to combat cellulite;
  • double tape for warming up muscles;
  • two ordinary belts for legs and arms;
  • two ribbons for brushes.


  • possibility of use for figure correction, prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis, therapeutic reflex or restorative massage;
  • smooth speed control without stopping the electric motor;
  • the presence of a large number of different massage tapes.


  • a little noisy when working.

The best compact (manual) vibrating massagers

This type of vibrating massager is very convenient for home use. Such devices look like an iron equipped with rollers. By applying it to the desired area of ​​the body, you can give a relaxing massage to your legs, back or neck. The main advantage is its compactness, allowing you to carry it with you. Some hand-held vibrating massagers are equipped with an infrared function, which warms up muscles and tissues.

4 Medisana HM 850

Autonomy and compactness
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Medisana HM 850 portable vibration massager does an excellent job of treating and preventing many diseases associated with the spine, neck, legs and arms. With regular use of the device, the general condition of the body improves, pain is relieved and muscle tone improves.

The convenient arrangement of four massage heads allows you to conveniently massage the most problematic areas. Two intensity levels make the process as comfortable as possible. With the help of a comfortable long handle, you can massage any part of the body without assistance. The vibrating massager is powered by two batteries.


  • compactness and autonomy;
  • ergonomic and stylish design;
  • possibility of high-definition massage;
  • availability of replaceable attachments for different types of massage.


  • not detected.

3 CS Medica VibraPulsar CS-v1 compact

Excellent device for therapeutic massage
Country: China
Average price: 1,950 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Vibrating massager CS Medica VibraPulsar CS-v1 effectively relieves pain and soothes the receptors of muscles, skin and ligaments. When performing a massage, the formation of endorphins, histamine and other substances beneficial to the body increases in the body. Blood circulation is also stimulated, lymph outflow from tissues increases, and cells are enriched with oxygen. The mechanical effect of the vibrating massager is accompanied by intense heating of the tissues. This helps relieve muscle fatigue and pain syndromes, and also helps remove toxins from the body.

The vibrating massager is equipped with a comfortable long handle that allows you to massage any part of the body. The device is equipped with four attachments for different massages:

  • smooth – provides a general relaxing body massage;
  • point – provides a targeted effect on a specific area of ​​the body;
  • soft – designed for a relaxing massage of sensitive areas;
  • nozzle with 4 heads - for enhanced stimulation of blood supply and lymph flow, as well as for effective fight against cellulite.


  • intense impact - from two to three thousand beats per minute;
  • four massage programs and auto timer;
  • three levels of vibration intensity.

2 Nozomi MH 102

The most suitable model for figure correction
Country: Japan
Average price: RUB 2,129.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A massager with an attachment made of two unique fingers will do an excellent job of treating large parts of the body: legs, arms, shoulders, back. It is not recommended for use on the head, neck and face, because more delicate care is needed there. Two speed modes allow you to choose the intensity and nature of the massage of the desired area. The infrared rays with which the device is equipped warm up the entire body, right down to the bones and joints, making it pliable for further therapeutic manipulations. This radiation is safe for humans and produces positive changes on the immune system and the body as a whole.

The Japanese device can relieve unpleasant back pain, swollen legs after prolonged exercise, and overstrained muscles from sports. It perfectly solves the problem of losing weight, breaking down fat deposits and helping to improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and reduce volume. Numerous reviews confirm the effectiveness of this model. Some women write that the first significant changes in volume were noticeable within a month, and in combination with sports they can be achieved in a couple of weeks. This is probably the best model for figure correction.

1 Hakuto hm 1005

The best alternative to professional massage
Country: Japan
Average price: 17,700 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Once you receive this electric model, you will no longer have to spend money on visiting a salon or find time in your busy schedule, because you can get a massage at any time. The set includes three attachments designed for different types of effects and areas of the body. The first one is ideal for massaging the hips and back, in particular the muscles located near the spine. It perfectly relaxes and relieves tension. Using it regularly on the thighs, you can notice the smoothing of the skin, gradual elimination of the “orange peel”, and a reduction in volume.

The second attachment is for sensitive areas such as the scalp, face and décolleté. She delicately massages them, giving the surface smoothness and velvety. The universal third attachment, according to the manufacturer, is well suited for all parts of the body, but works best as a massager for the feet and legs, helping to relieve tension and gain a feeling of lightness. The long handle allows you to reach the most difficult to reach places. Buyers claim that the device is a good alternative to Thai massage due to its cam function, which can maximally work the muscles of the cervical-collar area and lower back.

The best vibrating facial massagers

Vibrating facial massagers are an excellent tool for manual therapy. With regular use, they can replace expensive procedures in beauty salons.

In addition to compactness, another advantage is the activation of protective intradermal processes designed to preserve youth, freshness and beauty of the face.

3 US Medica Joy

Excellent ergonomics. Sealed housing
Country: USA
Average price: 880 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This vibrating massager is the best thing you can come up with! It is acceptable to take it anywhere: to study, work, or travel. It runs on one battery, and its small size allows you to put it even in a small handbag. It will become an indispensable assistant during the day when you want to relax and unwind a little. A huge advantage of this wonderful wand is its absolute noiselessness, and therefore Medica Joy will not irritate with buzzing. The manufacturer recommends applying the massager to a problem area on any part of the body for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the muscles have time to tense, relax and return to their “working” state. Vibrations, penetrating deep into the tissues, trigger the body's restoration process, due to which the skin condition improves and becomes more elastic.

Joy is unlikely to give an ideal result on large problem areas of the body (legs, stomach) due to its miniature size, but it will do an excellent job, for example, on the face. In addition, the massager can be used with cosmetics, helping them penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. This is a good option for those who want to maintain youth, get rid of skin wrinkles and tighten their oval shape. The indisputable advantage of this model is its sealed body, so massage can be done even in the shower.

2 Ionic vibration massager Revoskin

The perfect combination of innovative technology and safety
Country: Japan
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The ionic vibration massager Energy Beauty Bar, presented by Revoskin, is designed to get rid of wrinkles and maintain healthy skin. Also during the procedures, blood circulation in the skin cells is restored and metabolic processes improve. The skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Gold plating on the vibrating massager protects the skin from various infections and also accelerates cell division.

Thanks to the high frequency (6000 per minute) of vibrations, muscle tone increases and the facial contour improves. At the same time, the skin is moisturized, fine wrinkles begin to even out, and acne and fat spots disappear.


  • the device has absolutely no contraindications - it can be used by people of different ages and genders with different skin types;
  • the ability to massage not only the face, but any parts of the body;
  • the use of a vibrating massager promotes the disappearance of age spots and irregularities on the skin, and in adolescence – acne;
  • use of gold plating that kills bacteria.

1 MediTech KM-911N

Better efficiency
Country: USA
Average price: 1,450 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The American vibrating massager combines everything necessary for the beauty and health of the human body. The set includes 7 attachments that can be changed as needed. The main one, with an infrared irradiator, helps to normalize and even speed up metabolism, remove waste, toxins and other substances that negatively affect it from the body. The rays produce an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, improve blood circulation in the body and overall well-being, and have a positive effect on the immune system. Before using this attachment, it is recommended to consult a doctor because there are contraindications.

The remaining attachments (point, soft, universal and others) can be used for both body and face massage. Also, the kit includes a head massage form. All of them are able to relax and restore muscles, affecting even the deepest layers, which sometimes cannot be achieved with manual massage. Judging by the reviews of women, the result obtained from using this model justifies the means: the overall tone of the body increases, the skin becomes more flexible, wrinkles are smoothed out, and extra centimeters are removed.

The Roman physician Asclepiades used various methods of vibration or shaking the patient’s body in his practice in the 2nd-1st centuries BC. In the 19th century, with the invention of electricity, special devices and machines began to be created to help massage therapists perform rhythmic shaking and oscillating movements. Today, vibrating massagers of all types are used in official medicine and cosmetology, in fitness and sports, as well as in everyday life. For whom are vibration massage procedures not recommended, what are its contraindications?

Unlike other manual techniques in modern physiotherapy, hardware-based vibration massage is more effective, since electrical equipment performs all manipulations within strictly specified ranges of amplitude, frequency and duration of pulses. Depending on the intensity of vibration treatment, relaxation of the muscles and nervous system is achieved or, conversely, stimulation of fading neuromuscular reflexes.

In order to use vibrating massagers at home with the greatest benefit for your health, you need to know for which diseases electric pulse therapy improves the condition, how the sessions are carried out and what restrictions exist for them. In any doubtful situations, it would be a good idea to consult with the attending cardiologist, therapist or gastroenterologist, and for women it would be a good idea to be examined by a gynecologist, since vibration massage is contraindicated during pregnancy.

About the healing properties of vibrations

The purpose of vibrating massagers allows for comprehensive home massage for bronchitis or bronchial asthma outside the acute stage, for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and recovery from injuries or fractures. Since ancient times, vibrations have been used to treat various types of neuroses and paralysis, since vibrational manipulations accelerate the regeneration of muscles, bones, ligaments and joints.

Under the influence of vibration massage, blood circulation is stimulated and the body is healed in case of intestinal dyskinesia or metabolic dysfunction. The reflex action of vibration impulses improves well-being and relieves pain in osteochondrosis and radiculitis, eliminates tension or congestion in the pelvic organs and lumbosacral spine due to inactivity.

Long-term clinical studies of the mechanism of action of vibration therapy on patients with various ailments have revealed the fact that vibration pulses with a frequency of up to 50-60 hertz cause natural body weight loss against the background of a general improvement in condition and relief of painful symptoms. Today, the lymphatic drainage properties of vibrations help in weight loss, getting rid of cellulite and body shaping.

Contraindications to the use of vibrating massagers

Like all physiotherapeutic procedures, vibration massage is canceled in case of acute inflammation and febrile conditions, bleeding and hemophilia, appendicitis and relapse of chronic diseases. Vibrating massagers should not be used for eczema and purulent skin lesions, aneurysms, varicose veins and vein thrombosis.

Vibromassage is not prescribed for cancer patients, with hepatitis and tuberculosis, with nephritis and other kidney disorders, with stomach or duodenal ulcers. Manifestations of endarteritis, osteoporosis or atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, hernia and Raynaud's disease, angina pectoris and cardiovascular failure of 1 and 2 degrees, cholelithiasis, tumors and fibroids - these ailments exclude the use of vibromassagers.

It is also necessary to take into account that high-frequency vibration effects cause an increase in blood pressure, therefore it is not performed for hypertension, especially of the 3rd degree. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, immediately after a stroke or heart attack, vibration therapy should be agreed with your doctor. Vibromassage of the abdomen should not be performed on women during menstruation, so as not to provoke complications.

Vibrating massagers are complex technical electrical devices, so their use requires the user to strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Before the procedure, the integrity of the wires must be checked, and treatment should be carried out in a dry room where vapors or moisture cannot enter the device.

Vibrating massage should not be performed before bedtime, immediately after sports activities or meals, or if you are very tired. The duration of the first sessions should not exceed 3-5 minutes, and subsequent sessions - more than 10-15 minutes. The optimal schedule for a course of physiotherapy consisting of 10-14 procedures provides for vibration massage every other day, and only if there is a clear improvement in well-being, massage can be performed daily for 7-10 days.

Electropulse body massage is performed on clean skin with a gradual increase in the amplitude and frequency of vibration parameters. Straight-line and zigzag movements of the massager work the legs in the direction of lymph flow from the heel tendon to the knee joint. Circular manipulations are convenient for treating small areas of the lower back and shoulder blades. Close contact of the massage device with the diseased organ should be avoided; it is better to act on the projection points on the feet or hands.

General vibration massage begins with the back muscles, then moves to the inner surface of the shoulder and elbow joint, and then to the outer side of the forearm. Next, the lumbar section and pelvic area are treated with movements towards the groin, after which the outer part of the thigh from the knee and the lower leg from the foot are worked from bottom to top. The pectoral muscles are massaged towards the spine, and the abdomen - along the large intestine.

Skillful and competent use of vibrating massagers will help you preserve your health, grace and beauty of the body, prolong physical activity and youth for many years.

It is known that the appearance of extra pounds or their disappearance is directly related to the consumption and expenditure of calories. The fewer calories you consume and the more you burn, the faster you lose weight. What does muscle stimulation with a vibrating massager have to do with this algorithm? Practically none. The principle of operation of any weight loss massager is a direct impact on the muscles of problem areas of the figure: thighs, buttocks and abdomen. The calorie expenditure will be minimal.

The main myth that manufacturers have created about their product is that the massager supposedly destroys fat cells - crushes them into pieces. This is how the device saves a person from extra centimeters. Today, such a statement can no longer convince anyone. Perhaps, using only a vibrating massager, you will slightly tighten your abdominal and thigh muscles, but nothing more.

There are many types of massagers on the market today, but they can all be combined into three groups:
- vibration platforms, where a massage tape acts on the figure;
- hand-held vibramassagers with special attachments;
- compact massagers that attach directly to the body.

Manufacturers promise that by purchasing the products, customers will enjoy the massage and quickly improve the appearance of their figure. In reality, things are not quite like that. The massager works as drainage and helps remove water from subcutaneous fat tissue. Which, of course, will somewhat affect the volume of the waist and hips. It is the loss of fluid that many people mistake for true fat burning.

You must clearly understand that with the help of just a massager you will never be able to achieve perfect shape and lose weight. A massager can be only part of a comprehensive approach to losing weight, along with proper diet and physical activity.

Real benefits of a vibrating massager

But you shouldn’t completely abandon this device and write it off. It can provide real benefits to those seeking to lose weight through exercise. Beginners in this business often suffer from muscle pain due to strong and unusual loads. And the vibrations of the massager perfectly remove lactic acid from tissues and minimize muscle pain.

With the help of a vibrating massager, you can achieve increased skin elasticity, reduce sagging and sagging with a sharp loss of kilograms. For this purpose, it is not mini massagers that are best suited, but large models with belts and moving rollers.


When deciding to buy a vibrating massager, first consult your doctor. This drug has its own contraindications: cardiovascular diseases, oncology and benign tumors, thrombosis or a tendency to it, urolithiasis, fever, dermatitis and increased skin sensitivity.

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