What day of the week should you get a manicure and pedicure? When not to cut your nails: days of the week, places, significant dates, lunar days

People have a lot of superstitions associated with nails. And for good reason. After all, this is biological material, from which, just like from hair, one can determine a person’s DNA. Most people cut them without thinking, just as needed. Women do manicures in their free time from work. But there are days when you can’t cut your nails.

In this article you will find out on what days astrologers recommend getting rid of overgrown nails. Where is it better not to do this and why should not the procedure be performed at night or in the evening? This is especially true for young children. After all, mothers are very superstitious in this matter.

Astrologers advise planning this procedure. After all, in this way you can protect yourself from troubles and even call on luck to help. Let's look at what cutting your nails means on each day of the week.


It is possible and even necessary to carry out the procedure on this day. Astrologers say that people who plan to cut their nails on the first day of the week get rid of melancholy and sadness. The negative goes away along with the dead part of the nail. Hygiene procedures on this day are the prevention of diseases associated with the genitourinary system (urological and gynecological).


Also a good day to cut your nails. If you constantly suffer from headaches, then schedule a manicure for Tuesday. Often, simply cutting your nails on this day relieves migraines much better than pharmaceutical drugs. Along with regrown nails, troubles, head and blood diseases go away on this day.


Are you waiting for good news about an important event in your life? Then get your nails done on Wednesday. If you have been tormented by some issue for a long time, you urgently need to find a solution or concentrate as much as possible, then cutting your nails in the middle of the week will help you.

Astrologers also recommend cutting nails on Wednesday: for students during the session, for applicants during the entrance campaign. Manicure in the middle of the week has a good effect on the nervous and immune system. When you cut your nails, try to imagine that with them you are getting rid of problems and increasing your chances of success.

If there is confusion in your head and you just can’t sort things out at work, then leave everything and go for a manicure after a hard day. Most likely, the next day you will start planning everything and quickly get out of the crisis.


The first reason why you should cut your nails on this day is to increase your life expectancy. The sign works if you train yourself to always do a manicure on this day. This thesis has not been proven by scientists, but they also cannot refute it. In any case, this is a good day for any hygiene procedures. It’s not for nothing that in Orthodoxy on Maundy Thursday they clean up their homes and clean them up.


This is the day when you cannot cut your nails. According to popular belief, those who get a manicure doom themselves to disaster on this day. Cutting nails on this day is especially contraindicated for men.


Most astrologers believe that the first day off is a great time for a manicure. This is especially true for those who are looking for their soulmate. Cutting nails on Saturday has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the human body. It is also believed that by cutting your nails on this day, you get rid of some of your karmic debts.

Why can't you cut your nails on Sunday?

You can't do a manicure on the last day of the week. This is the day when you cannot cut your nails. In Orthodoxy, during this period I rest and it is not customary to cut anything at all (cut, sew, knit).

On Sunday, the connection between a person and his guardian angel is strongest. If you believe the signs, then by cutting your nails on Sunday, you cut off your connection with him.

What time of day to do a manicure

It is better to cut your nails during the day or in the morning. Such procedures should be done when it is light. You should not cut your nails at night, because there is a risk of bringing misfortune on yourself. Nails and hair are a person’s energetic protection; by doing a manicure in the evening, you are depriving yourself of protection. You should not cut your nails in the evening for the same reason as at night. Our ancestors believed that in the dark, otherworldly forces awaken. By cutting your nails, you seem to give a part of yourself to them to be torn to pieces. Just don't do it after sunset.

Of course, there is no scientific basis for the sign, so it’s up to you to decide whether to use this advice or not. The only thing that can explain the old sign why you can’t cut your nails at night: our ancestors didn’t have electricity, and doing hygiene procedures by candlelight is very inconvenient. You could get hurt and get an infection. Since there were no antibacterial agents before, any wound was mortally dangerous, since it was possible to get blood poisoning.

Magicians and healers warn people against cutting their nails outside the home. The fact is that cut nails and hair are something that ill-wishers can use in their rituals. If you have the opportunity to do a manicure yourself, then it is better to be careful. Now you know which days you can’t cut your nails and which days you can.

According to the lunar calendar

Astrologers unanimously say that the waning moon is a period when you can’t cut your nails. This will shake the atmosphere in the family: quarrels and misunderstandings will begin. A manicure on bad days can cause health problems. In addition, the nails themselves, which grow after this, will be brittle and ugly.

And when do you need to get a manicure so that your fingers look well-groomed and everything is fine in business? Experts recommend choosing the period of the new moon. Also, according to the lunar calendar, it is good to get your nails done on Tuesday. This day opens up new opportunities: changing jobs, moving up the career ladder. If you are tormented by debts and lack of money in your family, then cut your nails on Saturday.

When to cut baby's nails?

Our grandmothers began to use scissors to remove overgrown nails from a newborn only on the tenth day of life. Before this, mom bit off the regrown edge or filed it down. This sign has a scientific basis. People were simply afraid of giving their child an infection. After all, such a small child is constantly spinning, and the procedure requires caution. Since previously there were difficulties with antibacterial agents, and child mortality from blood poisoning was very high, they tried to hold off on getting a manicure for the baby.

Also, our ancestors did not trim the nails of a sleeping child. It was believed that children were defenseless during sleep, and bad energy could accumulate at the cut site. This can make the baby sick.

On your birthday

You may have heard that people used to not wash or get their hair cut on their birthday. Naturally, manicure was also prohibited. It sounds crazy to us now, but the fact is that this day is not good for the birthday boy in terms of energy. This is a period when a person is absolutely defenseless, it’s not for nothing that so many people die before literally a day before their birthday, or die on the same day they were born. Whether you follow this sign or not is your right, but the birthday girl or boy can get a beautiful manicure the day before the celebration.

The lunar calendar is an excellent guide for most beauty procedures, including haircuts, treatments, coloring and other manipulations with nails and the skin of the hands and feet. The basic principle: when the moon waxes, your nails grow faster. In a broader sense, the best result will be for all positive actions.

This principle has a scientific basis: the moon has a physically tangible effect on plants, animals and inanimate nature on our planet. Under the influence of this celestial body, ebbs and flows occur, the Earth's magnetic field changes, atmospheric pressure fluctuates... Gardeners successfully use the lunar calendar, which indicates the most favorable time for planting, caring for flora, and harvesting. The human body is exposed to the moon just like everything else on Earth.

Ready to cut your nails. Have you looked at the moon?

Paying attention to the growth of the moon before doing a manicure is especially useful if:

  • You need to quickly get rid of imperfections in the nail plate (for example, you find white spots, dents, the nail is deformed or broken);
  • Your manicure is too short, but you want to quickly get long “claws”;
  • You are forced to treat your nails and perform medical procedures (for example, getting rid of an ingrown nail, doing a special manicure for fungus).

Moon and nails

In addition to the waxing and waning days of the moon (they last two weeks), the strongest points can be identified.

The full moon is a mysterious time of beauty.
  • The new moon and the first hours of the waxing moon are the most favorable time for growth. A new cycle begins, with each day of the waxing moon it becomes stronger and stronger, the peak occurs at the full moon. Nails cut for the new month should grow by leaps and bounds.
A full moon, according to our ancestors and modern astrologers, is considered to be three days when the moon is 98-100% visible in the sky. During this time, you can do many beauty procedures, not just nail cutting.
  • The bend of the moon (when the night star is visible exactly half in the sky) is the second strong point for beauty procedures. A break during growth is favorable for renewing nails, while during decline it is beneficial for getting rid of nail problems.
  • The full moon is ideal for any procedure.
  • The moon waning to 0% visibility means everything freezes. Our ancestors (like modern esotericists and astrologers) considered this an unfavorable time for most actions; if possible, it is better to postpone manicure, pedicure and other cosmetic procedures.

The best day... to cut your nails

Besides the “moon connection”, there is another principle for beauty treatments - based on the strength of the days of the week. This principle is close to astrology. According to it, each of the seven days is subject to a certain force, a planet, and in accordance with the planetary properties, the most favorable time for carrying out a particular manipulation is determined.

Try a magical manicure: cut your nails under the light of the full moon (ideally if it is Monday, Friday or Sunday) and hold your hands under its light, visualizing your beautiful hands.

Monday is associated with the Moon, the celestial body closest to the Earth and the one that most strongly influences everything on our planet. The magical beauties of the past were compared to the moon, and under the moon in ancient times the most mysterious, almost magical beauty procedures were performed. So this day is very good for cutting nails, coloring, extensions, treatment and SPA treatments.

Tuesday is associated with Mars, a masculine, strong, aggressive planet. Cutting your nails (to very short) on this day will give you masculinity and fill you with energy. A bright, bold, “fiery” manicure will look good.

Wednesday passes under the banner of Mercury, the planet of traders, envoys, and diplomats. If you don’t want to lose your profit, it would be right not to cut your nails on this day; save your property (which they symbolize) until better times. Only one exception is permissible: when you want to cut old, diseased nails or (if you are close to magical thinking) get rid of problems, including money, along with your nails. Then feel free to cut your nails on Wednesday, saying that you are getting rid of poverty.

Thursday is the day of the planet Jupiter, the leader in the pantheon of Roman gods. This is a good planet, conducive to everything positive and profit. The manicure on this day should be especially good; cutting your nails is not contraindicated.

Friday is the time of Venus, the main planet of femininity and beauty. The goddess of love favors any beauty procedures on this day, so don’t spend it just on a banal nail cutting, get an elegant manicure and pedicure, perform therapeutic or simply the most useful manipulations.

Saturday correlates with Saturn; in astrology it is a multifaceted planet with a negative influence; it is associated with the past. Cutting nails on this day is not contraindicated, as is performing other manipulations. Just don’t forget about your past self in pursuit of something new, that is, it’s better not to change radically. Therefore, do not choose bold colors and trendy nail designs on Saturday, do your usual manicure; if you have always worn long nails, you should not cut them “to the root.”

Sunday is the day of the Sun, the luminary that gives life, symbolizing goodness and joy. Listen to your desires and do what you want with yourself on this day. The result will be bright and uplifting.

Which planet influences us today?

There is such a sign

Every nation has beliefs and superstitions regarding cutting nails. Many are virtually identical, regardless of era or continent. In the 21st century, we can logically explain most of them and... be amazed at the wisdom of our ancestors.

  • It is forbidden to cut your nails at night. The dark time of day was considered to be subject to forces hostile to man. If you cut off your nails, a part of yourself, will it suddenly fall into the hands of the evil spirit? It is better to avoid such danger. And you can’t get a perfect manicure with a candle or a splinter; in daylight, every little detail is visible.
  • You cannot cut your nails outside the house or bathhouse. Our ancestors generally preferred not to scatter their biological material anywhere, because they could have used it for bad purposes (to cause damage, for example). Even if the local village witches would not covet accidentally falling hair and accidentally discarded pieces of cut nails, a person who allows such sloppiness seems to be throwing himself and his property away. This means he is no good. In many villages, hair, nails, and old clothes are still collected and burned in a stove or by making a fire in some secluded place.
  • Although cutting nails for pregnant women is allowed (unlike hair, because it is simply impossible not to cut nails for 9 months), it should still be done with caution. Under no circumstances should this be done in the presence of other people, even close relatives; the cuttings should never fall into the hands or eyes of strangers.
  • Only the mother (or, in extreme cases, the grandmother) cuts the nails of small children. It is advisable that the scissors are intended only for this one action and for a specific child.

Should you believe in signs about cutting nails today?

Do you cut your nails when you want or with an eye on signs?

If signs and ancient principles regarding nail cutting and manicure seem strange and incomprehensible to you, then... you may be surprised, but many can be explained from the standpoint of modern science. For example, Sunday can be considered a favorable day for cutting nails, since traditionally it is a day of rest, an ideal time for beauty treatments for your loved one. Without mentioning the supernatural, the ban on hiding cut nails is useful for security reasons, even if you don’t believe in damage and the evil eye, it will be unpleasant to find out that some ill-wishers took your biological material to modern psychics or anonymously ordered a DNA test.

The neatness of a manicure can be used to judge not only a person’s social status, but also the state of their health. For our ancestors, cutting nails was perceived as a real ritual. For example, it was previously believed that it was impossible to do a manicure in the evening, as this could lead to trouble. Modern and ancient practices are still observed, and this is how basic recommendations are formed on when to cut your nails.

Folk signs

Today there are several popular beliefs according to which the nail plate is given special significance.

It is believed that skin, hair and nails are the carrier of human energy. So, in occult rituals these attributes can be used. However, magic in general is denied from a scientific point of view, so it is not worth delving into this.

  1. Some folk signs and their interpretation:
  2. Why not in the evening? This sign appeared a long time ago and is explained by the fact that in the evening there were no such good sources of lighting, so it was very easy to get hurt with scissors.
  3. Why can't you cut your nails at night? Some peoples previously held various religious rituals at night, in which all people were supposed to participate. Accordingly, there was simply not enough time for a manicure. In addition, it was believed that if you cut your nails after midnight, you could incur the wrath of God.

In the modern world, few people believe in these signs, but they adhere to them, more often because it is so common, because our grandmothers told us throughout our childhood that we should not cut our nails in the evening or at night.

Manicure according to the lunar calendar

It is rare to find an article in medical sources about when it is better to cut your nails. But there is a lot of information on this topic in numerological and astrological sources. There is even a whole method of cutting nails according to Rempel, according to which the reference point should be kept on the eastern lunar calendar.

There is a whole classification based on the days of the week when you can get a manicure and pedicure, so as not to harm your own health and well-being.

Let's consider which day of the week according to the horoscope is favorable and which is not:

  1. Monday - Moon horoscope. The day is suitable if a person has health problems, psychological stress and other emotional problems. After removing the old plate, a person gets rid of ailments and negativity.
  2. Tuesday - Mars horoscope. Favorable days for people who want to improve their financial situation. Cutting your nails on Tuesday means money and success at work.
  3. Wednesday - Mercury horoscope. People who want to improve their achievements in work and study need to get their nails done on Wednesday. On such days, people should be accompanied by success and good luck.
  4. Thursday - Jupiter horoscope. It is also advisable for people who have health problems (metabolism, heart failure, etc.) to cut their nails on Thursday. It is also recommended to trim the plates on this day for people who want to bring money and good luck into their home.
  5. Friday - Venus horoscope. Signs say that Friday is not the best day for a manicure. On this day, all processes in the body slow down, and as a result, health may worsen.
  6. Saturday - Saturn horoscope. Favorable days for manicure include Saturday. It is recommended to have a manicure for people who want to improve their physical and psychological health, as well as improve their personal life.
  7. Sunday - Sun horoscope. Astrologers recommend refraining from cutting your hair on this day, otherwise you may bring trouble in the near future. Sunday is popularly called the day of Satan. If nail cutting occurs on this day, then the person will be accompanied by bad luck all week.

  • if nails are cut during the waxing moon, they will grow much faster;
  • if you carry out a manicure during the waning moon, the plates will be thicker and stronger;
  • You can’t do a manicure for 3 days before and after the full moon.

How to cut nails for pregnant women?

Regarding pregnancy, there are various unfounded superstitions and signs that have long been refuted. For example, signs that pregnant women cannot cut their nails and hair are of no use; overgrown plates will break and only cause inconvenience.

Pregnancy is not a disease, so getting a manicure regularly can and should be done, not all signs need to be followed. The only contraindication for pregnant women is nail extensions; women have very changeable hormonal levels during this period, so the false material may not last even a week. Neither the varnish nor the gel negatively affects the fetus. The volumes of toxins they contain are very small to cause harm to the child.

So, you can apply nail polish, but not too often; once a week will be enough.

Before giving birth, doctors recommend that pregnant women cut their fingernails and toenails. If you have a big belly, cutting your toenails is extremely inconvenient, so it is better to ask your spouse or loved ones about it. In general, if the conditions are favorable for nail cutting to take place according to all the rules, then there is nothing to fear. When is the best time to cut the plate, this question is individual, but it is better to do it when it is convenient for a person, since walking around with sloppy nails is unsightly.

Today it is not so important what day of the week you can get a manicure, the main thing is to carry out this procedure regularly. After all, all the dirt and germs settle under the plate, and not everything can be washed off with soap. Trimming your nails is very important, first of all, for your health. Well, if a person adheres to folk beliefs, then this will not lead to anything bad.

When going on vacation, every girl wants to look attractive. Everything must be perfect, including your nails. When planning to have an interesting weekend, young people begin to prepare in advance, even on Friday. But as it turns out, not everything can be done on Friday.


There are signs that our grandmothers knew. It’s worth listening to them to avoid trouble. Let's look at some of them:

  • You cannot wash clothes on Friday, clean the house, or swim;
  • You cannot have fun and drink alcohol;
  • It is not advisable to cut your hair;
  • Cutting your nails is strictly prohibited.

Why you can't cut your nails on Friday

Let's take a closer look at the ban on cutting nails. It is believed that a person’s nails store his energy and spiritual strength. Nails are located on the fingers, and each finger corresponds to a certain organ of a person and a certain area of ​​his life. By pressing your fingers you can touch the points responsible for certain events. But you need to know where to make money and on what days of the week.

Cutting your nails on Friday is prohibited, as this is accompanied by troubles and misfortunes. Health and beauty are lost. If you cut your nails on a Friday night, they will become brittle and unsightly. There is also an opinion that evil spirits will haunt you all week. During pagan times, all sorcerers and magicians went out on Friday evenings to do bad deeds. If they see someone cutting their nails, they can take the power from that person, cast a spell or cast a spell.

If an unmarried girl cuts her nails on Friday, she will remain single. And if she has a loved one, then the couple will soon separate.

Cutting your nails on Friday night also does not bode well - financial difficulties await you in the near future, possibly an attack by a robber.

According to well-known psychics, cutting nails on a Friday causes intestinal diseases, inhibits digestion, and can even provoke causeless weight gain.

There are many strange stories and beliefs associated with nails. People still think that nails grow even after death. But this is not true.

In 1610, a certain astrologer Melton generally forbade cutting the nails of children under one year of age. He said that mothers should bite their babies' nails or they would shorten their children's lives.

  • There are scriptures that prove that even in Ancient Egypt, people were afraid to cut their nails on Friday. They believed that this would bring with it a long illness and misfortune. And if the mother cuts the baby’s nails on this day, then neither the mother nor the child can avoid grief.
  • However, there are peoples where cutting nails on Friday is considered a good sign. For example, Muslims say in the holy scripture that the one who cuts his nails on Friday will be under the protection of Allah all week. Muslims cut their fingernails first, starting with the right one. The index finger is cut first, and the thumb last. It is forbidden to cut nails on the street, or for women on unclean days. Babies should only cut their nails in the morning.
  • A favorable day for cutting nails is Monday. You can also cut your hair on this day. This will bring you health and prosperity.
  • There are also many beliefs about the shape of nails. Grandmothers can easily determine by their nails what kind of person is in front of them.

If the nails are crooked or growing downward, then you see a greedy, evil person. His anger crept into his soul a long time ago and it is almost impossible to eradicate it. If the nails are convex, then the person will not live long. If the nails are wide, this means a stubborn, proud person.

To believe in omens or not is everyone’s business. But to be convinced of their veracity, you should try them in action yourself.

According to popular wisdom, it is better to cut your nails based on the calendar. It is advisable to carry out this procedure on a certain day of the week or lunar day of the month. In this case, many troubles will be prevented.

Signs by day of the week

Let's look at which days of the week signs advise cutting your nails.

  1. Monday is a very favorable day to cut your nails. Beliefs say that thanks to this procedure, a person gets rid of various complexes, negative memories and connections with unpleasant people. In addition, on this day, sadness, depression and melancholy are “cut off” along with the nails.
  2. If you decide to cut your nails on Tuesday, then, according to signs, you will prevent unpleasant surprises, protect yourself from ill-wishers and be able to feel confident in any extreme situation.
  3. Trimming your nails on Wednesday means eliminating confusion in current affairs. The sign in this case promises that you will receive good news that will help you intelligently resolve existing problems. You will be able to understand yourself, your thoughts and normalize relationships with people around you.
  4. If you want to assert yourself in society, then it is advisable to cut your nails on Thursday. Signs say that the procedure carried out on this day helps to increase authority, gives self-confidence and helps to realize talent.
  5. An unfavorable day, according to most signs, is Friday. It is extremely undesirable to cut your nails on this day, otherwise the body’s biochemical processes will slow down and, as a result, loss of strength, bad mood, and possible depression. But at the same time, there is another belief that says that women, having a manicure on Friday, can enhance their natural charm and emphasize femininity.
  6. The best day to cut your nails is Saturday. There is a saying: “Whoever cuts his nails on Saturday pays off his debts.” On this day you will be able to free yourself from some of your karmic debts. If you are single and you are very depressed by this circumstance, then according to the sign, this procedure significantly increases the chances of meeting your soulmate.
  7. The worst day to cut your nails is Sunday. It is on this day of the week that you are closely connected with your guardian angel. The sign warns that by doing a manicure, you are interfering with the processes occurring in the body, and thereby breaking the connection with the protective light force.

Haircut according to the lunar calendar

In order to choose the most favorable time for a manicure, you should look at the lunar calendar.

  • Waxing phase of the moon - nails will grow much faster after cutting.
  • The waning phase of the moon means the nail plates will become thicker and stronger.
  • Good Friday - a haircut on this day is associated with three signs at once. The first suggests that this procedure can attract misfortune. According to the second belief, a person will get rid of toothache. The third superstition claims that an unmarried girl, cutting her nails on Good Friday, will see her betrothed in a dream.
  • As for, it is better not to cut your hair during this phase of the moon. During this period, mental strength is overly tense, and therefore the person becomes very emotional. When doing a manicure, you risk disrupting the biological rhythm of your body.

Signs for pregnant women

There are signs according to which pregnant women are not allowed to do manicures at night, otherwise it may have a bad effect on their health.

Other superstitions say that a woman who is expecting a child will have a miscarriage if she steps on a cut nail. It is worth noting that you should not pay attention to such frightening interpretations. During pregnancy, the expectant mother should think exclusively positively.

As for cutting nails, there is no haircut calendar for pregnant women.

You should be careful when doing a manicure on your feet while in the third trimester.

Bend over too much and lean on your stomach is now extremely undesirable. It is recommended to take the most comfortable position so as not to feel discomfort, and even better, ask someone for help. And don't forget to thoroughly disinfect the scissors.

When should you cut your child's nails?

According to popular belief, it is best for a child to start cutting his nails only after he is one year old. Until this time, it is recommended to file the delicate plates or shorten them with special nippers. Signs say that this should be done in the morning, immediately after waking up.

You should not cut your child's nails while he is sleeping. At this time, the baby is defenseless against evil spirits, and therefore, during the procedure, evil spirits can easily get close to him. As a result, the child's sleep will be disturbed, and the next morning he will be restless and capricious. Beliefs also say that this can negatively affect his health.

Signs advise the mother, after the first haircut, to put the baby’s nails in a bag and bury them under an ash tree. This will protect him from the influence of evil spirits.

It should also be remembered that it is extremely undesirable to carry out this procedure on Monday - superstitious people warn that in this case all the child’s teeth may fall out. If a mother dreams of her child singing well, then in this case the signs advise cutting his nails when going out the door of his house onto the street.

Why can't you cut your nails in the evening or at night?

There is a belief that says that you should not do a manicure in the evening, otherwise financial difficulties will overtake you. These may be losses associated with thoughtless spending of money, as well as situations where you find yourself a victim of criminals.

Another sign has come to us from ancient times. It is interpreted as follows: cutting your nails in the evening will reduce the productivity of your work, because of which your financial well-being will be at risk.

If we talk about cutting hair at night, then doing this is also not recommended. People say that day is a symbol of stability, and night is subject to dark forces. For this reason, this procedure will be tantamount to entering into a conspiracy with them - as a result, the person gives part of his energy to evil spirits.

In addition, if you do a manicure at night, then again, financial losses are possible. In this case, the meaning of the sign echoes the previous interpretation.

Where to put cut nails?

And finally, it is worth noting that you cannot leave cut nails or simply throw them in the trash. This is due to the fact that they can fall into the hands of bad people, because, as is known, these particles have long been used by sorcerers to cast love spells and damage.

They need to be flushed down the sink or toilet. There is also a belief that if a person is sick, then his nails should be burned or buried in a secluded place - then he will definitely get better.

There are a lot of signs about cutting your nails, and they can really help you avoid negative events. But if you nevertheless carried out this procedure on an unfavorable day, do not be discouraged. Try to think only about good things, and then negativity will not be able to enter your life.

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