Archive of the newspaper Magic and Life 22. About subscribing to the newspaper “Magic and Life”

What is a magician? Probably, for many modern readers this word is associated with Don Juan, the hero of the mystical ancient American teachings expounded by Carlos Castaneda. Many, of course, will remember the late Vitaly Akhramovich, who himself called himself a magician, and really was one - not in the sense of practicing “witchcraft,” but because he always, in any everyday situation, felt like an integral part of the environment (first of all urban). Moreover, this environment was not a dead substance for him; it is alive and mysterious, it obeys invisible laws that are still poorly understood by us. These are the laws of magic.

If we ignore the fairy-tale image of an old man in a robe embroidered with stars and a pointed cap, the magician can be compared to a hunter to whom sudden silence or footprints in the sand speak much more than to an ordinary person. The world for a hunter-mage is full of secrets, but they do not frighten him; he will never unexpectedly enter the den of the beast. For he is a “man of knowledge.”

Knowledge? Yes, sure. Only this does not mean book science, but practical, concrete knowledge - but at the same time, no matter how strange it may seem to a modern European, comprehensive knowledge. In any tradition, the magician is perceived as an almost omniscient person. Here are just its Russian names: “sorcerer”, “witch doctor”; Siberians simply say about such a person - “knows a lot.” In any case, more than others.

Magic is as old, if not as old as the world, then as old as humanity. Traces of the techniques of “natural magic” are in the burials of the Paleolithic era, the Old Stone Age. At the dawn of time, magic was taken for granted, without evaluation based on the principle of “good or bad.” You could just know a lot - or a little. A sorcerer-magician could be a leader, a priest, a healer, a warrior, an executioner... Only later, as culture developed, when the whole world was divided into right - left, higher - lower, heavenly - infernal - only then did ideas about white magic and magic appear black. (One of the most obvious, most universal examples of this kind is the evolution of views on the ancient Chinese symbol yin - yang. We are now talking in connection with it about the opposition of female and male, left and right, wet and dry, etc.; originally yin symbolized the shadowed slope of the mountain, and yang symbolized the illuminated slope. So understand what is “good” and what is “evil”: the mountain is the same...)

Of course, it is not difficult to imagine a textbook black magician as a person who uses his power, his power over the forces of nature to kill and suppress everything and everyone except himself. Legends claim that such “certainly black” magicians once destroyed Atlantis - so thoroughly that the great culture disappeared almost without a trace, along with its continent. But how then can we evaluate the activities of village healers, who with their witchcraft cure very specific diseases and help people, or the actions of, say, the biblical Solomon? According to legend, he used the services of evil demons, “genies” - but he did it completely differently from the black magicians of the Atlanteans. Solomon subjugated the spirits of evil and forced them to build a Temple - not an idol of demons, but the Temple of the One God, the Creator of the Universe. Of course, then Solomon probably had a lot of problems getting rid of the connection he created with these genies...

Now it is difficult for us to imagine how exactly the ideas about white and black magic developed. One can only assume that in the era of dominance of patriarchal religions (that is, in the last millennia), the function of the priest - a servant of higher powers - began to be associated with goodness and masculinity, with white magic. At the same time, settling everyday affairs that are clearly not related to the heavenly world - this whole range of problems began to be correlated with evil and with the feminine principle, since it was on women’s shoulders that the burden of material affairs fell (even the word “matter” itself is a substance opposed to spirit in modern philosophy – in many European languages ​​it is consonant with the word “mother”).

Indeed, from history we know that women were more often accused of black magic than men. The most eloquent story in this regard is the history of late Christianity, which, starting around the 10th century, punished healing witchcraft with excommunication from the Church, sometimes followed by execution. True, for a long time civil law was more tolerant than church law and somewhat softened the situation. Even at the beginning of the 17th century, leading European jurists distinguished natural magic (“merely a more accurate knowledge of nature”) from magic “harmful, evil, illegal,” “performed with the help of demons or creating a threat to body and soul.” Still, by the 16th century, the church position as a whole prevailed, and mass executions began...

However, magic is still alive today - simply because it is a well-defined area of ​​human knowledge, both theoretical and practical. The secret to the vitality of this knowledge is simple. They resort to magic when “official” medicine, “scientific” psychological techniques, or methods for resolving conflicts between people do not help.

In any area of ​​​​human knowledge you need to get used to it one way or another. It is unlikely that anyone will now be able to find a living “sage teacher”. So that leaves books. One of them is brought to the attention of readers. The collection from the series “Your Secret” includes an essay by candidate of philological sciences Valentina Ivanovna KHARITONOVA “Black and white magic of the Slavs.” The folklorist scientist has a positive attitude towards this knowledge, which has survived to this day in ancient tales, legends and tales.

You will also read practical works - the works of Natalya Ivanovna STEPANOVA. She herself practices white magic; I compiled my books by responding to letters from students – sometimes skeptical. And this is not surprising: let us remember how almost all of us recently perceived all these incantations, fortune-telling, divination, potions... And now we are slowly beginning to realize how far-sighted the advice of folk healers, coming from the depths of centuries, can be.

The value of N.I. Stepanova’s works has already been proven in a rather original way. When Natalya Ivanovna began publishing them in small, limited edition brochures (in Novosibirsk), counterfeits immediately appeared. However, according to the author, they are not only harmful, but also unsuitable for work. ONLY THE RIPOL Classic PUBLISHING HOUSE guarantees a verified edition of these works (information about some previous, equally carefully verified editions is given at the end of our collection).

Will you read these books and... enrich yourself with knowledge? will you gain the power of a magician? get another book to add to your collection? will you comprehend a new layer of the culture of your people? Everyone is looking for their own, everyone has their own tasks. But in any case, these books can be useful to you if you want to avoid the blows of fate, to understand the world and yourself in it in a new way, if you want to get out of a stressful situation not broken, but renewed. When you purchase this book, you will no longer have to look for “knowledgeable people” if necessary - especially since you can sometimes make mistakes in them.


V. Kharitonova

Black and white magic of the Slavs

Where do visions come from?

I only managed to find out that in their world there are rivers, and lakes, and trees, and fields, that partly devils live in it, first created by God as good, but later fallen away with Lucifer, and partly - the souls of dead people, not worthy of hell, but those who have not received the hope of purgatory and are condemned to languish on earth until the second coming, that they are always happy to talk with people whom they see like a light in the darkness, but they cannot approach everyone, but only those who are capable of it and who are not closed shield of service to God.

V. Bryusov. Fire Angel

To understand some of the oddities of the modern world, or at least get to know them better, you need to turn to folklore and ethnographic information. They contain those unusual phenomena that still amaze the human consciousness. There are incredibly many of them in non-fairy tale folk prose. And even to an uninitiated listener it becomes clear, for example, that our world is not the only one on the planet. There is another habitable environment where we go after death. The most interesting thing is that there are certain beings there who can influence our lives, and special persons can establish contacts between the two worlds.

Dedicated to the blessed memory of my dear mother,

Novoselova Anna Ivanovna (nee Stepanova).

May she rest in heaven

Part I

To my students

You have known me from these textbooks for several years now. In your letters you call me “teacher”. And I answer your questions and explain what your mistakes are.

I have smart, intelligent students. And there are a lot of them. Some have already become masters, and some have just begun to study the mastery of secret knowledge.

One of you wrote to me like this: “My dear teacher, I was incredibly lucky that one fine day I saw and bought an extraordinary miracle for some rubles. I devoured the first book overnight and already on the second day I was rushing around looking for the continuation of your teaching. I started trying, everything worked out for me. There was no end to the joy when I found your next book. I can do a lot thanks to you.

The data provided by nature plus your school - and as a result, I have already helped many people maintain life and happiness in their families.

Thank you to everyone who helped the publication of your priceless gift to people – your students.”

Reading such letters, I no longer doubt that I am not wasting my only life in vain, of which many days and hours are spent reading your letters and answering them. You can't even imagine how much time it takes.

My dears, I have never seen your faces, I don’t know how you laugh and how you sad. I can't be with you when you feel bad. But I believe that my teaching and my books will help you in difficult times. I want you to be happy, and that’s why I waste my irrevocable time so wastefully.

Let me remind you that I answer all your letters. Just don’t forget to include reply envelopes in them. This is especially true for the former republics of the USSR. Often you put an envelope with your stamps, and then my answers are returned to me. The envelope for the answer must be Russian.

I promise to answer all letters, but one at a time. Ask questions, just read the book carefully first, because many of you are asking what is in it.

You often complain that it is difficult to reach me by phone. I think that if you wanted to, you could still get through by phone in the end.

I wish you success in your studies and health.

I want to please my students. Finally, there is an opportunity to receive the new newspaper “Magic and Life” 1
In all regions of Russia, you can subscribe to the newspaper “Magic and Life” from any month and for any period according to the United Catalog “Press of Russia” (green). Index – 18920.
In the republics of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, as well as in Transnistria, the newspaper “Magic and Life” can be received by subscription from the second half of 2007, using the catalogs of organizations distributing periodicals.

This wonderful and beautiful newspaper provides a complete school of my craft. From it you will thoroughly learn about all the possibilities of a person living on earth. The newspaper will be very useful for you, in it I will personally answer each of your letters and help ensure that all your problems are quickly resolved.

And further! Subscribers and admirers of the newspaper "Magic and Life", if necessary, will be sent a coupon to me for an appointment, and the one who sends all the coupons from each newspaper for the whole year will be sent an amulet, which will be made for you exactly as I was taught my grandmother.

This amulet will serve you faithfully, keep you more reliable than the most experienced bodyguard, no one will ever be able to destroy you with witchcraft, and not a single weapon will touch your body. Fire will not burn you, water will not consume you, because the talisman of Evdokia, my grandmother, will take all troubles away from you.

Yours, Natalya Ivanovna

Magic for health
Gain strength quickly

There are all sorts of circumstances: a person loses strength after illness, childbirth, stress, etc. Go outside, raise your hands above your head, look at the stars and say:

Not counting the stars

The sky is not measured.

Oh my God,

Heavenly powers are with me

I praise the Mother of God,

Father and Son and Holy Spirit.


Speak hump

In previous books I gave some methods of treatment.

Of course, when working with this disease, I need to see for myself what it is: stoop or hump, and to what degree of complexity. Only then can I use a spell or spell suitable for this case. A lot of them. In future books I will add to your knowledge of working with these problems.

During the bad month, place the basin outside so that the moon is reflected in the water poured into it. Hold the saddle over your basin and chant water three times.

Lay the patient face down and take a knife with a wooden handle. Dip the handle of the knife into the water and hold the tip, stir the water counterclockwise. Then use the handle of a knife to make forty crosses on the patient’s back.

Patients tell their feelings after this: it became easy to walk, the back does not strain, the aching pain stops. The back changes noticeably, the disease recedes.

The bones are lying in the field.

Who will collect those bones?

And fold it again,

Who truly worships Christ,

With His blessing it is known

Those hands straighten your back.

And how truly the Lord will come into the world,

So truly hump

It will come down from the servant of God (name).

Glory to the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Forever and ever. Amen

Water is poured onto the intersection.

Fortress for a child

Unfortunately, children have indeed become weaker and are getting sick more often.

Here is a letter where a mother writes about her child: “... poor vision, squinting eyes, shudders, eats poorly, vomits, hair grows poorly, very thin, walks weakly, cannot stand alone...”

Here is an incomplete list of mom's complaints.

Previously, indeed, the midwife, having delivered the child, gave the woman in labor five prayers to bathe with a curse:

1) from any kind of hardship;

2) for good food (appetite);

3) to grow strong;

4) from all sorts of ailments;

5) for a good mind.

If the mother did everything as the midwife ordered, the child grew smart, strong and without any troubles.

By popular demand, I will teach you these slander today. And God grant that your children please you with their health.

They use spells to bathe a baby during the full moon. The baby must be at least one month after birth. They bathe as usual, having first used some water in the bath.

1. From any evil:

Just as God’s Angels guarded and preserved Him, so God Himself, Jesus Christ, would have preserved and protected My child (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

2. On good food:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Baby (name), feed on the word of God, like a pouring apple.

3. To grow strong:

There is a green oak tree in the forest, strengthened by the Word of God. So (name) would grow strong and strong, just as an oak tree is green in the forest. Whoever interrupts my conspiracy will not escape my word. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

4. For all sorts of ailments:

The grace of the Lord, appear, Do not touch the disease of the servant of God (name): Neither the fire, nor the tickle, nor the sore throat, nor the fever, nor the fever, nor Maryino, nor Varyino, nor fear, nor the evil eye,

Don't attack, don't fall, don't get lost, don't curse and don't take away. From an evil word, from one’s own and someone else’s. My word is molded, my work is strong. Amen.

5. For a good mind:

There is an icon on the table, There is a belt on the holy body, There are countless stars on that belt, And in my house there is a baby.

As my baby grows up, he will read everything on the holy belt. God bless his mind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To prevent your child from biting his nails

Old people say about such children: they eat their share. There is no luck for a nail biter.

Speak to the water and wash your child's hands.

Read to the full moon.

It’s not hard, it’s not exhausting,

It didn’t bite, it didn’t torment,

Not walking in the morning,

Not for daytime sweating,

Not for sunset gnawing,

Not with sorrow, not with joy.

Key, lock, tongue.


For heat urticaria

Heat urticaria differs from regular urticaria in that it appears when a person is hot. A large number of red dots appear on his body, which are very itchy. If a person cannot stand it and begins to itch, red, watery blisters appear that become wet. Heat urticaria does not go away for years - it disappears and then appears.

They talk her into spitting grass. “Grass spitting” is what healers call the mass that appears on the grass in the morning, similar to drool.

While wiping your body with them, read in a whisper 12 times:

How are you, grassy food?

You'll disappear in the sun

So urticaria

Disappeared from my body.


If you want to eat endlessly

From the letter: “I am 32 years old, I weigh more than a hundred kilograms and that’s why I probably don’t have a husband. But I can’t help it. I love to eat, uncontrollable, like a drug addict. I eat everything and everywhere. I read - I eat, I watch a movie - I eat, if I go for a walk, I buy pies. I eat at night. I’m not sick yet, but with this weight soon even young years will not help, it is known that all diseases are caused by excess weight. Coded - to no avail. I understand that I’m digging my own grave, what should I do?”

They say appetite like this:

Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ,

Not in the ditch, not in the ditch,

Carried by a bird in its mouth

Not a piece of lard, but an empty spikelet.

So the servant of God (name) would not eat lard.


Lord, how not to stuff it

To me, the servant of God (name), heaven is in my mouth,

So don't eat me a big piece.


From a tumor under the armpit

This hex helps with almost any lump that forms under the armpit. But you need dried or fresh balabolkas, those that form after potato flowers. They tie them in a handkerchief and hold them under the arm, while reading the curse nine times. Then tie the knot to a dry tree branch.

This work is not suitable for treating bitch udders. There is a special description for treating bitch udders in previous books.

You should know that balabolkas are dried for future use, in a suspended state. I usually string them like beads, but at 2 cm intervals to allow all the moisture that is contained in excess in these green balls to escape.

After drying, I carefully put them in a clean cardboard box. They can become moldy in glass jars.

And the last thing: they tear the balabolkas on an even number.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Don’t go water, but stand, Don’t grow a keel and don’t whine, Don’t itch, don’t prick, don’t hurt, But go to a dry branch, Go to a potato baby Amen. Amen. Amen.

Why you shouldn't allow yourself to be slapped on your body

From the letter: “...she patted me on the stomach, and I immediately became weak, and my whole insides began to ache. No matter how much treatment I take, there’s no point.”

Another letter: “ sister-in-law has a bad habit: she slaps her on the back and her lower back begins to ache, or she grabs her by the hair and her hair starts to fall out.”

If you know such a habit among your friends, then make it clear that you do not like it. Say firmly, looking straight into the eyes: “I don’t like it when you do this, it doesn’t really please me.”

I don't think this will happen again.

If you were slapped or even touched, whisper to yourself:

Guardian angel,

Protect, save, preserve and amulets.


In addition, try on any Saturday to also slap the person who slapped you. At the same time whisper:

I'll take mine, and you take yours.

The devil will spank you, but an angel will spank me.


In general, if it happens that the day on which you were slapped on the behind, on the back, etc., coincides with a “bad” day, then this can affect many things: those who have to give birth will suffer for a long time; there will be dissatisfaction in bed with your husband; fat on the withers can grow in the form of a hump and much more. So be careful.

Bleeding ulcer (duodenal)

They tie a knot on a rope every day. There should be only 12 nodes.

For each node read like this:

Rue, fire, water, 12 disciples of Christ.

From ulcers and all ulcers.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The clerk goes to the east,

And from the east there are three girls

They carry three buckets without water.

The first contains blood, the second the body,

And in the third there is a conspiracy case.

I speak to the east,

Under the eastern side

Every illness, every pain, every ulcer.

My word cannot be interrupted,

My cause cannot be broken,

The body cannot be destroyed by ulcers.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From stillborns

If a woman gives birth to a dead child each time, this should be done.

They buy a new basin, a new doll and a new diaper, folded as a period pad. For three days you should wear it wrapped around your waist over your stomach, for three days you should stand in the morning service in church with this diaper on your chest, and for three days a doll wrapped in this diaper should be in the house.

This woman will never have another stillbirth, everything will be fine.

Speak "collar"

If you have ever seen a person whose neck resembles a huge inflated circle, which lies with a collar on his chest, then the popular name for this is “collar”. Some call it the “Judas Collar”.

In order to save a person from this, you should take: for a woman - a belt from a dress, for a man - measure the neck with something and put it on the dog for three days. Having previously said what was measured.

After three days, this measurement is taken from the dog, burned on the street, and the remainder of the burning leash is extinguished with their feet. They leave without looking back, silently and not very quickly.

This is done on the seventh day after Easter.

Judas put on a leash,

Not even a breath

Judas could not breathe.

The leash was pressing on Judas,

The leash ruined Judas.

How true it is that Judas choked

And that Lord

On the third day he was resurrected,

It is true that the slave (name) will remain alive.

He will part with his collar.

I lock it with a key,

I'll finish my business.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


For painful periods

If a woman has constant pain during her period, then this is how she should end the pain. A woman should lie down on the bed on the first day of her period. The mother or someone from the blood walks back into the door and says out loud:

I'm coming,

I'm coming in, I'm coming in.

I lift, I lift.

I'm closing, closing.

Draw, Mother of God,

Holy finger

Life-giving cross

And with your ring finger.

So that forever and ever

There was no pain or illness,

And illnesses from my speeches,

With her blood

And from the ring finger

Holy Mother of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Then wash the patient and dry her with a shirt.

It can also be treated with herbs. I give you several recipes.

Grind the elecampane root. 2 tbsp. spoons pour 300 g of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes.

Then put it on the fire again and when it boils slightly, remove the saucepan. Let it steep for another 3 hours.

Drink 1 tbsp after meals. spoon 4 times a day.

Mash the water pepper herb (available at the pharmacy).

3 tbsp. spoons pour 3 tbsp. tablespoons of very hot water, cover tightly with a lid and a terry towel folded in four.

After an hour, you can take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of horsetail herb. Pour 2.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for half an hour.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon after 2-3 hours.

Destruction of damage through reflection in the mirror

Another good way to work with a mirror is to have one mirror in front of you and one behind you. Look in the mirror and read, without opening your lips, to yourself, fingers clasped together, little finger overlaid on little finger.

Read like this:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


How does this reflection

Don't walk in the field

Don't lie in your mother's womb,

So I can destroy all damage.

Through this glass

For this body,

Through this matter.

My angel, you are with me.

I'm in front of you and I'm behind you.

Keys, locks, lips, teeth.

The word is strong, the deed is sculpted.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


How to remove damage through the shadow

This is also a good method, simple and does not require a lot of energy when working.

Stand so that the shadow falls on the left side. Turn your head so that you can clearly see it. There should be no other shadow nearby except yours.

Read the plot in a whisper:

Through your shadow

Through your double

Through the prayer of Christ.

In the name of the Almighty,

Get rid of me:

On an empty deck, on a shifting swamp.

The Lord is with me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a person's trace was washed away with dead water

They put a person on a chair. They pour water into a basin and lower the patient’s feet into it and recite, washing off his feet with a curse:

The water is steep, noisy and seething. It pours and drains, baptizes and blesses. The Lord lived on an island and washed his little feet at sea. He poured holy water on the slave (name), and removed the dead water. Living water, help the servant of God (name), and go to the dead for the dead. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong on tobacco

Take a cigarette from a smoker’s pack without asking. After use, dry the leaves from the bath broom and set them on fire. Hold the cigarette directly above the smoke from the bath leaves and read the plot.

After reading the plot, put the cigarette under your arm and carry it until you put it in the same or another pack of cigarettes again, do this three times. Each time the smoker loses the craving for smoking.

Read like this:

There's smoke in the devil's hell,

The servant of God (name) has smoke

The soul doesn't hurt.

When only Satan deceives an angel,

Then only the servant of God (name)

He will start smoking. Amen.

If the husband began to love vodka more than his wife

Yulia writes from Pyatigorsk: “Natalya Ivanovna, if you knew for what love we got married. We couldn’t imagine our lives without each other. We already have two children, although they are still small. But suddenly trouble came. My husband was assigned to another job. He started drinking. At first he was uncomfortable in front of me. He apologized and said that it had happened that way; it was difficult to resolve the issue without drinking. But there's more to come. He began to drink frequently, and then constantly. And he didn’t explain anything or apologize. The man has changed a lot. One day I asked him:

– Is it really so difficult to quit drinking? Or do you love vodka more than me?

“So it turns out,” he replied. Perhaps he was not thinking straight, he was responding to a drunk, but these words sank into my soul.

Are I really and my sons really less important to him than booze? What can be done?"

Light three candles. When your husband is sleeping, stand next to him so that you can whisper a conspiracy in his ear. Do it three times.

Before the conspiracy, a prayer is read to John of Kronstadt.

There should be an icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” in the house.

Prayer to Righteous John of Kronstadt

O great servant of Christ, holy and righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wondrous shepherd, quick to help and merciful to the representative! Offer praise to the triune God, prayerfully calling out: “Your name is Love: do not reject me who is erring. Your name is Strength: strengthen me, who is weak and falling. Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: pacify my restless soul. Your name is Mercy: do not cease to have mercy on me.” Now, grateful to your intercession, the all-Russian flock prays to you: Christ-named and righteous servant of God! With your love, illumine us, sinners and weaklings, grant us the ability to bear fruits worthy of repentance and to partake of the holy sacraments of Christ without condemnation; by your power strengthen our faith in us, support us in prayer, heal ailments and illnesses, deliver us from misfortunes, visible and invisible enemies; with the light of your face, incite the servants and heads of the altar of Christ to holy deeds of pastoral work, grant education to infants, instruct youth, support old age, illuminate the shrines of churches and holy abodes; die, most miraculous and visionary, the peoples of our country, by the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit, delivered from internecine warfare; Gather up the scattered, convert the deceived, and unite the saints of the Catholic and Apostolic Church; By your mercy, preserve marriage in peace and unanimity, grant prosperity and blessing to monastics in good deeds, give comfort to the faint-hearted, free those suffering from unclean spirits, have mercy on the needs and circumstances of the present, and guide us all on the path of salvation: In Christ living, our Father John, lead us to the unevening light of eternal life, so that with you we may be worthy of eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.


How can you not live without drinking wine?

So don't live without me.

I am standing, servant of God (name), on the shore,

And this is not water, but wine.

And let me be like honey to you,

And wine will be like shit to you.

And so that you get bored without me (name),

And he cried and vomited from the wine.

It would be easier for you to eat a bug alive,

How to bring a glass of intoxication to your lips.

Key in the sea

And that key won't come up

And no one will interrupt my conspiracy. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Eye diseases

I have seen how strong-willed people began to panic if their vision suddenly deteriorated. And those people who, as a result of tragedy, illness, etc., completely lost their sight, believed that life was over.

Vision is a great blessing, and that is why there are so many alarming letters about eye disease. Many people ask that each book pay attention to vision treatment.

Your request has been taken into account.


It is good to drink an infusion prepared in the evening so that you can drink it before bed.

Its composition:

walnut leaves (dry) -

3 tbsp. spoons; rose hip root – 1 tsp.

spoon; rosehip flowers – 2 tsp.

spoons; a piece of aloe root.

Brew in a half-liter mug, strain and drink at night.

Do it 12 times every three days.

Second recipe:

Brew a handful of rosehip flowers, a handful of chamomile flowers, throw in chopped burdock (1 leaf), cover the pan with a clean lid so that steam drops form on the inside of the lid from the boiling of the mixture.

Apply this steam to your eyes. Do it twice a week.

Third recipe:

take a string, make a loop, as if you are going to make a knot. There is a hole in the loop. Bring the loop to your eye and look through it. Using both hands, tighten the knot on the string, saying:

What bothered the eye

I tied it in a knot. Amen.

If both eyes hurt, then do not make two nodules in one day. Do this on the second day. They do exactly the same. The day must be even if you are treating two eyes.

If one eye is sick and, therefore, there will be one nodule, then do the tie on an odd day.

The rope is buried in the ground. The rope rots and the eye is freed from the disease.

Current page: 1 (book has 30 pages total) [available reading passage: 17 pages]

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Man in the magical world

What is a magician? Probably, for many modern readers this word is associated with Don Juan, the hero of the mystical ancient American teachings expounded by Carlos Castaneda. Many, of course, will remember the late Vitaly Akhramovich, who himself called himself a magician, and really was one - not in the sense of practicing “witchcraft,” but because he always, in any everyday situation, felt like an integral part of the environment (first of all urban). Moreover, this environment was not a dead substance for him; it is alive and mysterious, it obeys invisible laws that are still poorly understood by us. These are the laws of magic.

If we ignore the fairy-tale image of an old man in a robe embroidered with stars and a pointed cap, the magician can be compared to a hunter to whom sudden silence or footprints in the sand speak much more than to an ordinary person. The world for a hunter-mage is full of secrets, but they do not frighten him; he will never unexpectedly enter the den of the beast. For he is a “man of knowledge.”

Knowledge? Yes, sure. Only this does not mean book science, but practical, concrete knowledge - but at the same time, no matter how strange it may seem to a modern European, comprehensive knowledge. In any tradition, the magician is perceived as an almost omniscient person. Here are just its Russian names: “sorcerer”, “witch doctor”; Siberians simply say about such a person - “knows a lot.” In any case, more than others.

Magic is as old, if not as old as the world, then as old as humanity. Traces of the techniques of “natural magic” are in the burials of the Paleolithic era, the Old Stone Age. At the dawn of time, magic was taken for granted, without evaluation based on the principle of “good or bad.” You could just know a lot - or a little. A sorcerer-magician could be a leader, a priest, a healer, a warrior, an executioner... Only later, as culture developed, when the whole world was divided into right - left, higher - lower, heavenly - infernal - only then did ideas about white magic and magic appear black. (One of the most obvious, most universal examples of this kind is the evolution of views on the ancient Chinese symbol yin - yang. We are now talking in connection with it about the opposition of female and male, left and right, wet and dry, etc.; originally yin symbolized the shadowed slope of the mountain, and yang symbolized the illuminated slope. So understand what is “good” and what is “evil”: the mountain is the same...)

Of course, it is not difficult to imagine a textbook black magician as a person who uses his power, his power over the forces of nature to kill and suppress everything and everyone except himself. Legends claim that such “certainly black” magicians once destroyed Atlantis - so thoroughly that the great culture disappeared almost without a trace, along with its continent. But how then can we evaluate the activities of village healers, who with their witchcraft cure very specific diseases and help people, or the actions of, say, the biblical Solomon? According to legend, he used the services of evil demons, “genies” - but he did it completely differently from the black magicians of the Atlanteans. Solomon subjugated the spirits of evil and forced them to build a Temple - not an idol of demons, but the Temple of the One God, the Creator of the Universe. Of course, then Solomon probably had a lot of problems getting rid of the connection he created with these genies...

Now it is difficult for us to imagine how exactly the ideas about white and black magic developed. One can only assume that in the era of dominance of patriarchal religions (that is, in the last millennia), the function of the priest - a servant of higher powers - began to be associated with goodness and masculinity, with white magic. At the same time, settling everyday affairs that are clearly not related to the heavenly world - this whole range of problems began to be correlated with evil and with the feminine principle, since it was on women’s shoulders that the burden of material affairs fell (even the word “matter” itself is a substance opposed to spirit in modern philosophy – in many European languages ​​it is consonant with the word “mother”).

Indeed, from history we know that women were more often accused of black magic than men. The most eloquent story in this regard is the history of late Christianity, which, starting around the 10th century, punished healing witchcraft with excommunication from the Church, sometimes followed by execution. True, for a long time civil law was more tolerant than church law and somewhat softened the situation. Even at the beginning of the 17th century, leading European jurists distinguished natural magic (“merely a more accurate knowledge of nature”) from magic “harmful, evil, illegal,” “performed with the help of demons or creating a threat to body and soul.” Still, by the 16th century, the church position as a whole prevailed, and mass executions began...

However, magic is still alive today - simply because it is a well-defined area of ​​human knowledge, both theoretical and practical. The secret to the vitality of this knowledge is simple. They resort to magic when “official” medicine, “scientific” psychological techniques, or methods for resolving conflicts between people do not help.

In any area of ​​​​human knowledge you need to get used to it one way or another. It is unlikely that anyone will now be able to find a living “sage teacher”. So that leaves books. One of them is brought to the attention of readers. The collection from the series “Your Secret” includes an essay by candidate of philological sciences Valentina Ivanovna KHARITONOVA “Black and white magic of the Slavs.” The folklorist scientist has a positive attitude towards this knowledge, which has survived to this day in ancient tales, legends and tales.

You will also read practical works - the works of Natalya Ivanovna STEPANOVA. She herself practices white magic; I compiled my books by responding to letters from students – sometimes skeptical. And this is not surprising: let us remember how almost all of us recently perceived all these incantations, fortune-telling, divination, potions... And now we are slowly beginning to realize how far-sighted the advice of folk healers, coming from the depths of centuries, can be.

The value of N.I. Stepanova’s works has already been proven in a rather original way. When Natalya Ivanovna began publishing them in small, limited edition brochures (in Novosibirsk), counterfeits immediately appeared. However, according to the author, they are not only harmful, but also unsuitable for work. ONLY THE RIPOL Classic PUBLISHING HOUSE guarantees a verified edition of these works (information about some previous, equally carefully verified editions is given at the end of our collection).

Will you read these books and... enrich yourself with knowledge? will you gain the power of a magician? get another book to add to your collection? will you comprehend a new layer of the culture of your people? Everyone is looking for their own, everyone has their own tasks. But in any case, these books can be useful to you if you want to avoid the blows of fate, to understand the world and yourself in it in a new way, if you want to get out of a stressful situation not broken, but renewed. When you purchase this book, you will no longer have to look for “knowledgeable people” if necessary - especially since you can sometimes make mistakes in them.


V. Kharitonova
Black and white magic of the Slavs

Where do visions come from?

I only managed to find out that in their world there are rivers, and lakes, and trees, and fields, that partly devils live in it, first created by God as good, but later fallen away with Lucifer, and partly - the souls of dead people, not worthy of hell, but those who have not received the hope of purgatory and are condemned to languish on earth until the second coming, that they are always happy to talk with people whom they see like a light in the darkness, but they cannot approach everyone, but only those who are capable of it and who are not closed shield of service to God.

V. Bryusov. Fire Angel

To understand some of the oddities of the modern world, or at least get to know them better, you need to turn to folklore and ethnographic information. They contain those unusual phenomena that still amaze the human consciousness. There are incredibly many of them in non-fairy tale folk prose. And even to an uninitiated listener it becomes clear, for example, that our world is not the only one on the planet. There is another habitable environment where we go after death. The most interesting thing is that there are certain beings there who can influence our lives, and special persons can establish contacts between the two worlds.

In addition, beings from another world quite often visit the world of the living.

“When the middle time came between noon and sunset, on Friday they took the girl to something they had made like a cornice at the door, she placed her feet on the hands of the men; climbed onto this cornice, said something in her own language and was lowered. Then they raised her a second time, she did the same as the first time, and they lowered her; They raised her a third time, and she did as the first two times. I asked the interpreter about her action, and he answered me: the first time she said “I see my father and my mother!”, the second time “I see all my relatives sitting!”, the third time she said: “Here I see my master sitting in the garden (in paradise. - V. X.), and heaven is beautiful, green: grown men and boys are with it, it calls me, therefore lead me to it.” This is how the eastern traveler Ibn Fadlan describes one of the rituals at the funeral of a noble Russian, which he witnessed. The answers of the girl, prepared for the role of the victim - the companion of the deceased, contain ideas about the world of the dead that were characteristic of a person of the 10th century. The narrative naturally brings to us echoes of beliefs that are much more ancient. But even in the works of folklore recorded in the 20th century, similar views on the structure and character of the other world are found. It is only complicated by the influence of Christian teaching.

What were, in the most general terms, the views of our ancestors, the Eastern Slavs, on the structure of this world and its inhabitants?

Human consciousness, which tends to animate everything inanimate and endow it with a form of existence similar to that of humans, has created a world of other existence.

Death itself was perceived as a spatio-temporal transition from one life to another, since it was difficult for a person to imagine the non-presence in a certain space of someone who had recently been in his habitat.

Since ancient times, those who have gone to the other world have been treated with great respect, since they were perceived as beings endowed with unearthly super-knowledge and power. Gradually, a cult of ancestors was formed, which included unique forms of worship.

Everything that was connected with man’s transition into another existence was put in order. This even gave rise to rituals for seeing old people off to the next world. The death of the victims was not perceived as tragic. For them, too, it was furnished solemnly and meant for the person chosen as a sacrifice the achievement of power, a more significant magical potential.

Strict regulations were developed for communication with the dead, and the nature of the possible contacts themselves, both temporally and spatially, was comprehended. Of course, first of all, these rules provided for the invasion of ancestors into the world of the living.

From the side of the ancestors, obviously endowed with super-knowledge and power, one could expect both bad and good. Therefore, at various calendar periods, it was necessary, observing certain rules of behavior, to appease representatives of the unreal world, especially if they appeared in the world of the living. One of these periods is the winter holidays, when there was direct contact between the two worlds. It was believed that under the guise of Christmas carolers, dressed up in villages, ancestors walked from house to house, reminding them of themselves. The mummers sang magical chants - good wishes (carols, ovsen, grapes, schedrovki), for which the newcomers had to be presented with ritual food, often the same one that was treated during the wake.

It was believed that contacts with the world of the dead also necessarily occur on Maslenitsa, on St. George’s Day, on Trinity-Russian Week, post-Easter Radunitsa, Parental Saturdays, Michaelmas and other memorial days.

Contact with the other world was conceptualized as two-way: not only could ancestors appear alive, but a person also had the right to turn to them on any important occasions. This was manifested, for example, in the tradition of fortune-telling that has been stable to this day precisely at a time when the border between the worlds was supposed to be open. Any attempt to find out fate was associated with a direct appeal to the spirits of unreal space.

The appearance of mysterious aliens for initiates was not a surprise and was not very scary: the system of amulets and forced resistance to otherworldly forces was developed in folk practice in great detail.

Some people could constantly turn to the other world. This was the lot of those who were related to magic.

But for all other people, the appearance of inhabitants of the unreal world in the world of the living was not limited by calendar dates. Some spirits were always invisibly present nearby, and sometimes could appear in their real-surreal image. These are spirits whose existence was associated with the idea of ​​patronage or ownership of certain spaces and elements. So, for example, a human dwelling had its own patron ancestor in the form of a brownie, the Leshy was in charge in the forest, the Vodyanoy was in charge in the water, the barn was in charge, and the bannik was in charge in the bathhouse. Man interpreted their existence in accordance with his own life: they had wives and children, they needed workers, for which the spirits could use people.

The spirits of the so-called lower mythology have firmly taken root in the real world. But, besides them, the unreal space was inhabited by creatures that had to be perceived with much greater caution. These were pagan gods. With their appearance, the unreal world became three-dimensional, comparable in its division to the idea of ​​the world tree. Good and evil became polarized in him, and three surreal spaces arose: the world of the gods, the heavenly world, and the world of negative divine beings opposing them, the world of the underworld. The spread of Christianity among the Slavs practically displaced pagan deities from the people's consciousness.

Perhaps the most clearly preserved in the folk tradition is the cult of Perun with all its attributes (veneration of his tree - oak, day of the week - Thursday, association of thunderstorms with the battle of the deity and the mythical serpent, often replaced in our days by the devil).

In some cases, pagan gods combined with Christian successors. For example, it is extremely difficult to explain who Ivan Kupala is, whose day is honored in different ways by church and folk traditions.

The spirits of lower mythology still surround man, as evidenced by numerous oral folk tales.

However, they began to be revered as unclean and belong to the infernal world of the devil. But even this did not cause a person to have an absolutely negative attitude towards the creatures of the unreal world. Therefore, the veneration of the spirits of the house was still preserved, although it was not excluded that the devil could enter the house.

The Eastern Slavs developed the so-called dual faith. It not only determined a person’s attitude to the other world, but also to the magical principle in this world.

Magic as an idea of ​​the supernatural capabilities of a person takes place in almost all religious systems. The realization of these abilities is differentiated depending on what forces feed them. Magic is divided into black and white.

White magic is, as it were, a semi-permitted sphere of human activity. It was absolutely permitted and necessary in the system of pagan religions. Monotheistic religion denies any magical manifestation, believing that man is completely dependent on God, and everything else is on the evil one. But such a prohibition was not always observed in relation to white magic: sometimes even the clergy themselves reprimanded the demoniac, sick with fever, with the help of Christian prayers and even more ancient spells.

Black magic at the stage of paganism was acceptable in certain cases. Christianity resolutely rejects it as a means of negatively influencing the world and people with the help of devilish forces.

According to the system of Christian views, people admitted to magic can be given powers that come directly from the devil. At the same time, the person himself becomes largely dependent on it. However, this only applies to black sorcerers. Most of the magical abilities are addressed to the forces of good. Any representative of a magical clan in our world is an unusual person, super-strong, capable of knowing, seeing and doing what others cannot. His strength depends on his own internal energy basis and on who he contacts in the unreal world.

A person can be endowed with super-knowledge and power by special command from above for righteousness or some other special behavior. Prophets and clairvoyants seem to combine knowledge of the divine and human levels.

The belief in the possibility of contacts with the other world and in this world itself is preserved by people, apparently under the influence of thousands of years of magical practice of their ancestors, transmitted genetically. In any case, we often encounter as yet unknown embodiments of matter and spirit.

A world in which we are not the only ones living

– Are there ghosts or not? - I ask the cat.

- Yes and no! – the cat on the box answers drowsily.

– If you see them and believe them, then they exist. If you only have two eyes and no more eyes, then no.

L. Mironikhina. Family story

The mysterious world of our fellow planets lies in wait for us everywhere, sometimes appearing completely unexpectedly, and sometimes at the request of a person. Contact with creatures of non-human nature is most easily found by people who in villages are called healers, sorcerers, and witches. These people are extremely interesting in themselves. They have almost unlimited possibilities: their impact can extend not only to people and animals, but also to natural phenomena and elements.

Here is one of the tales.

“A woman from Palesye came to our village. And then there was a war. They were runaways. Well, they settled in, but they still have to work. Then the collective farm began to give them work. And this woman, her name was Palashka, began to transport eggs to the area from the poultry house. Yes... But she carried them on a cart, but not like everyone else, in boxes, but in bags, then she tied the bags onto a cart, tied them with rope, and even sat on top of them herself. Like this. And you know, I’ve never broken a single testicle!

Well, then rumors about her spread throughout the village: they say she is a witch from Palesia. But she was such a silent person, she didn’t make friends with anyone, she was all alone. But you can’t keep silent all your life alone. And people are on the side of the fighter. Apparently I was the only one who wasn’t afraid of her. She walked past the Movo house. No, no, and even just a drink of water. So I’ll talk to her, and sometimes I’ll feed her something - they, the runaways, didn’t have anything at all, but we still lived as our own little house, even though there was a war...

And then one day my Pelageya came in, and I was watering the garden, but I had to carry water a long way: there was no well. Here she is, kind-hearted, looking at me and saying: Natasha, why are you so busy? Let me dig a well under your window in the yard in one night! You don’t smell anything, but in the morning he’s ready to wake you up! - Uh-uh, no! - I say. - I, Pelageya, cannot afford such gifts. And don’t tell me about that, otherwise I’ll be afraid of you!

Well, she went and didn’t say anything to me. And then, when they all started leaving after the war, she told me more about how to scare the sorcerers away from themselves. Yes, she did a lot of things here: she told people no matter who came from the war... But everyone was afraid of her..." (From the author's archive.)

But no matter how witches and sorcerers are treated, they are still creatures of human nature. In the villages they are feared, but they know the means to harm them and get rid of them. A witch can be called an ordinary sorceress or one who “specializes” in taking milk from cows. The witch could, turning into a snake or toad, enter the barn and suck out the milk. But sometimes witchcraft without werewolf was enough.

“Once I went to Zhito before dawn, otherwise it was on Yury. I came out and looked, and my neighbor Marya was just such a socialite. And she, Marya, knew a lot of things. Well, let me, I think, and I’ll go for a ride! She took off her clothes, stayed in her underwear, and let’s catazza! And we used to say that dew on Yury can cure everything, and I thought that she, Marya, was the cure.

And I came home, took off everything that was wet and threw it on a rough surface to dry, and went to the stove. I’m doing something there - I looked: holy lights! Yes, my hut is full of water! Where does this trouble come from? I look, and I’ve put it out to dry under my skirt, and the water is flowing!

Well, I quickly threw my skirt into the yard and went to Marya’s window: what’s wrong with her? I look out the window, and her underwear is lying on the loom, and milk is running from it in a stream. That’s when I believed that people were telling the truth about her – she’s a witch!” (From the author's archive.)

I bless the hands that hold this book, the hands of mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers who prepared dinner and arranged life in a new home, baked pies for the whole family, gave alms, supported the sick, rocked a child's cradle or threw high into the air the joyfully laughing firstborn ...

How much you worked, how much hard work you did, creating a home, helping your loved ones, trying to make your family happier. So be blessed, enjoy a pleasant conversation, rest more, pray and believe in miracles. And let this book that you are holding in your hands now help you.

I pray for you, I believe that I am able to help you all, and therefore I tried to include in this book as many necessary and useful conspiracies and tips for happiness and peace in the home, conspiracies and tips to help each family member, and first of all to mothers - both established and future.

My dears! The Lord God has endowed me with sincere love for people. My grandmother Evdokia taught me this, whose advice and instructions I kept and did everything possible so that you could enjoy this wonderful heritage. And I really want you and your children to live happily ever after. That's why I share my knowledge with you. Everything that I can, everything that I know and can do, I have passed on, am passing on and will pass on to you with the generosity of the heart of a loving mother and with the help of magical postcards, and in my books, and in the newspaper “Magic and Life”, and on the website www. or, where not only the complete archive of the newspaper “Magic and Life” is always publicly available - from the very first issue to the next, now there is also my fortune telling for every day - free and accessible to everyone. This is our gift to all my readers and admirers.

This is not the first year that you have had the opportunity to receive the “Magic and Life” newspaper. In this wonderful and beautiful newspaper I talk about everything I know and can do. From it you will learn about all the possibilities of a person living on earth, many of my works are published in this newspaper for the first time, in it I try to personally answer each of your letters and, to the best of my strength and capabilities, help ensure that all your problems are quickly resolved, newspaper readers will be the first to know about the release of my new books...

With my books, your treasure trove of knowledge will have no price, but in order for the chain of your knowledge to be unbroken, so that not a single link falls out of it, you need to have all the books I have written in the “Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer” series, which now includes thirty-four books. And if you don’t have at least one of them, you will lose a significant part of the witch’s secrets, which means that your knowledge will not be complete. Now it is possible to purchase all the books from the series “Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer”; they have been republished.

Write to me what you would like to know and what you would like to learn from my next books, from the newspaper “Magic and Life”. I will gladly fulfill all your wishes, because I am writing for you.

A low bow and most sincere thanks for your kind, touching words about my books, consultations, and publications that I receive from you. There is nothing happier for a healer than to find out that his work brings some of you relief, help in a given situation, and to read that more and more people are interested in traditional medicine, domestic traditions and beliefs.

Thank you everybody.

But sometimes completely different letters arrive, there are not many of them, but I cannot help but mention them. In these letters there are reproaches, they say, I read a prayer, bought postcards, a book, went to the priest - and nothing happened, I received no wealth, no recovery, no promotion.

My dears!

To my students

I have written and spoken at receptions more than once, but I will repeat it again. It is not appropriate to treat the prayer you read, the address to the priest in the temple, the amulet or amulet as a check that you paid and with which you have the right to demand immediate wealth, happiness or something else from the counter of fate.

A prayer, a talisman, a ritual is only an opportunity, a path, a road to changes in life, and only the Lord can decide whether to be it or not.

Think about it, if a person has sinned all his life, satisfied his own self-interest, passed by the suffering of loved ones, can he, after turning to the priest in church, after prayer, after purchasing an amulet, after visiting a healer, immediately find everything he wants, everything he needs? ?

Of course, I did, am doing, will do everything in my power and capabilities to help everyone in need of support, but not everything is in my power, everything is in the hands of the Lord.

And a lot depends on yourself.

Thanks again to all of you, be happy, healthy and prosperous.

Your Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

For love and peace in the family

From scandals in the family

If there is constant quarreling in the family, the eldest member of the family needs to start talking about the fish, which will then be cooked for dinner and eaten by the whole family. The plot is like this:

In the depths of the sea, on the sandy bottom

The mother fish lives

She can't say a single word

Neither kids, nor brothers, nor old people,

Neither grandmothers, nor father and mother,

Neither the first, nor the second, nor any. Amen.

So that there are people in my house

They didn't quarrel, they didn't shout,

They felt sorry for each other, and if they were angry, then everyone was silent.

The key to my words, the lock to my deeds.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


If your family has constant quarrels

From the letter:

“Before, our family was very friendly. We took care of each other, loved to gather at the table in the evenings, drink tea with jam and talk heart to heart. On holidays they always staged performances and performed songs of their own composition. A family of gypsies moved into our entrance and bought an apartment right on our site. One New Year, our new gypsy neighbor rang the doorbell and asked to change money. I came in and saw how fun and friendly we were, we were just reading poems and singing songs. The neighbor began to click her tongue and gasp that we were such a good family, and apparently she cast the evil eye, or maybe cast a spell, because from that day we began to live among ourselves, like a cat and a dog. If possible, teach us how to establish peace in our family.”

In order to fix everything, you must borrow salt from the same number of houses according to the number of people in the family. For example, there are five of you in a family, which means you will need to borrow salt from five different houses or apartments. The eldest in your family will have to throw all the collected salt into the water and say:

How does this salt disappear?

So let the quarrel fly away from the family.

Where did she come from?

That's where I would go.

Place the water and salt on the window and pour it out the door in the morning.

Against the anger of relatives

From the letter:

“I live in Kyiv and I don’t know if my letter will reach you, but I really hope so. So that your answer does not get lost, do not send it to Ukraine, but if possible, answer in your next books, which I buy with pleasure. My problem is this. I didn’t have a job for a long time and accumulated a lot of debt, but I was lucky and was able to go to Italy to work. Of course, I did this through a company, and the company took money from me for it. However, I made a lot of money at my new job, paid off all my debts and even sent money home to Ukraine, helping them as much as I could and in whatever way I could. After 5 years, I returned to my homeland and was taken aback; my relatives treated me like a stranger. They don’t want to talk to me or see me. Even my own sister and mother look at me with anger.

I don’t know what I’m guilty of. Maybe they are jealous that I brought money and bought an apartment, or they have become unaccustomed to me, but it hurts me so much and is so insulting that I have lost peace. I tried to talk to them, brought gifts and gave money, but they are cold towards me and only speak to me in swear words. Dear Natalya Ivanovna, if someone had told me about this before, I would never have believed it, because our family was always friendly and friendly, and my mother always loved me more than other children. Maybe she can’t forgive me for my long absence, but I came back, and the fact that I left was not my fault, I didn’t want to be on their neck. If possible, write a prayer for the reconciliation of loved ones. I thank you in advance and wish you good health.”

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