Irina Slutskaya where she works. Biography of Irina Slutskaya

Irina Eduardovna Slutskaya is a famous Russian figure skater, TV presenter and actress. She achieved extraordinary results in her sports career. Slutskaya twice rose to first place on the podium at the World Championships, for the first time in the history of figure skating she won the European Championships seven times and won silver and bronze at two Olympics. Among her achievements, one can also highlight a cascade of three jumps (triple Salchow - triple loop).

The athlete’s fate included not only amazing victories, but also disappointing defeats. Irina Slutskaya demonstrated that she is capable of taking a punch perfectly and courageously dealing with troubles. This can be judged by the fact that the famous athlete managed not to get lost after leaving the sport.

Childhood and youth

Irina Slutskaya is a native Muscovite. She was born in February 1979 in a family where her parents had nothing to do with sports: her father worked as a teacher at a college, and her mother worked as an engineer at an automobile plant until retirement.

When my mother took little Ira to the sports section of the Moskvich club, she did not pursue the goal of making her a famous figure skater. Ira was a sickly child, and her mother decided to improve her daughter’s health by involving her in sports.

At the age of 4, the future Olympic champion in single women's figure skating began training.

Then the potential of the capable girl was noted by Zhanna Fedorovna Gromova, who became Slutskaya’s first coach. Regular training, the athlete’s perseverance and the experience of the coach led Irina Slutskaya to her first serious victories.

Figure skating

Her tough character and discipline allowed the girl to take prizes, starting with junior international competitions. At the age of 17, Irina Slutskaya was able to become the first Russian athlete to achieve the title of European champion in figure skating.

This significant event took place at the World Championships in Sofia in 1996. At the same time, the athlete won bronze at the World Championships. From that moment on, a bright streak began in the sports biography of Irina Slutskaya: the figure skater began her ascent to Olympic victories.

In 1998, Irina Slutskaya took part in the Olympic Games in Nagano, where she won 5th place. But the next year was not so successful in her sports career, since the figure skater was not included in the Russian team, and she had to miss several championships. But then the bitterness of professional defeats was compensated by personal happiness.

In 2000, the athlete gradually began to regain her laurels as a winner of the highest world competitions. Irina Slutskaya not only paid attention to training, but also graduated from the Academy of Physical Culture in 2000. Already in 2002, the Olympics in Salt Lake City allowed Irina to bring silver to Russia; she was only one point short of getting ahead of Sarah Hughes.

In the life of the popular figure skater, success alternated with failure. The athlete’s mother became seriously ill, and she herself was forbidden to play sports due to problems with blood vessels: Slutskaya was diagnosed with vasculitis. But no misfortunes affected Irina’s desire to win. She overcame the illness and returned to the ice.

In 2005, the native walls of Moscow helped Irina Slutskaya again win gold at the World Championships. The 2006 European Championships brought success to the figure skater: she won a record seventh gold.

In the same year, the Olympic Games were held in Turin, where Slutskaya found herself on the third step of the honorary prize podium.

By November 2006, the world-famous Russian figure skater decided to leave professional sports and find herself in another activity. The result of her sports career was 40 gold, 21 silver and 18 bronze medals.

Television and social activities

The end of her sports career did not become a starting point for Irina Slutskaya into oblivion: she found herself on television - as a participant in ice projects, presenter of sports reviews, theater and film actress.

For the first time, TV viewers saw Irina in an unusual capacity - as a co-host - in Ice Age. Later, the former figure skater co-hosted the show “Stars on Ice.” And in the 2nd season of the program, miniature Irina Slutskaya (with a height of 160 cm, her weight did not exceed 49 kg) appeared on the ice as a participant, taking Gedeminas Taranda as her partner.

Awards and achievements

  • 2003 – Knight of the Order of Friendship
  • 2007 – Knight of the Order of Honor
  • Two-time world champion
  • Seven-time European champion
  • Honored Master of Sports of Russia

TV projects

  • "Hot Ice"
  • "Three and a Snowflake"
  • "Lucky deal"
  • "Hot Ice"
  • "Stars on Ice"
  • "Glacial period"
  • "Glacial period. Professional Cup"
  • "Winx on Ice"

Irina Slutskaya is a popular Russian figure skater, Olympic champion, and currently works as a broadcaster on television. For a long time nothing was known about the athlete’s family life. Irina did not like to talk about her personal life.
And her husband is a very modest young man. He doesn't like being caught in camera flashes.

Irina Slutskaya

But a few years ago everything started to be discussed about marriage. The fact is that Irina and Sergei, that’s her husband’s name, almost got divorced. Their marriage was on the verge of destruction. But, fortunately, everything worked out: the crisis in the relationship soon passed, and life returned to its previous course.

By the way, Slutskaya’s husband, Sergei Mikheev, is also an athlete. At one time he was a very promising boxer, and now he works as a trainer. The athlete saw his beloved for the first time on TV and fell in love. Immediately he found a way to see the beautiful figure skater and ask her out on a date. But Irina did not take her boyfriend seriously at that time; she was only 18, and he was already 23.

Irina Slutskaya with her husband

But Sergei did not give up, he called the girl, this continued for quite a long time. Soon Irina realized that she had fallen in love, and Mikheev patiently waited for reciprocity from the beautiful athlete. The couple began to live together, at first the boxer did not behave seriously: he was constantly jealous of the girl, left, came and created scandals. Slutskaya didn’t like it, but she couldn’t part with her beloved.

Irina Slutskaya with her husband

Then Irina decided to take a bold step - she proposed to Sergei. After the wedding, Mikheev changed a lot. He literally idolized Irina, supported her in everything, helped her with her work. Well, when the figure skater was expecting a child, he did not leave her one step.

And after the birth of the child, Sergei himself looked after the children, since Slutskaya needed to work. But after 2 years, disagreements arose in their family, the couple almost divorced. But everything got better, and Irina began to devote more time to her family. therefore, after the birth of her second child, she stayed at home and raised the children herself.

Irina Slutskaya with children

Name: Irina Slutskaya

Age: 38 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 160

Activity: figure skater, TV presenter

Irina Slutskaya: biography

Irina Eduardovna Slutskaya is a famous Russian figure skater, TV presenter and actress. She achieved extraordinary results in her sports career. Slutskaya twice rose to first place on the podium at the World Championships, for the first time in the history of figure skating she won the European Championships seven times and won silver and bronze at two Olympics. Among her achievements, one can also highlight a cascade of three jumps (triple Salchow - triple loop).

The athlete’s fate included not only amazing victories, but also disappointing defeats. Irina Slutskaya demonstrated that she is capable of taking a punch perfectly and courageously dealing with troubles. This can be judged by the fact that the famous athlete managed not to get lost after leaving the sport.

Irina Slutskaya with her parents

Irina Slutskaya is a native Muscovite. She was born in February 1979 in a family where her parents had nothing to do with sports: her father worked as a teacher at a college, and her mother worked as an engineer at an automobile plant until her retirement.

When my mother took little Ira to the sports section of the Moskvich club, she did not pursue the goal of making her a famous figure skater. Ira was a sickly child, and her mother decided to improve her daughter’s health by involving her in sports.

At first, the young man did not make a strong impression on Ira, but the athlete was not going to back down and persistently continued to court him. The ice broke only four years later, when Slutskaya, at that time a two-time European champion, did not make it to the 1998/99 European and world championships. The only person who supported her and helped her return to duty was Mikheev.

In August 1999, Irina and Sergei got married. Even then, various rumors began to spread about this misalliance: she was a star of the first magnitude, and he was an ordinary children's coach. It was rumored that the athlete tried to turn her beloved husband into a cool businessman, planning to buy him a store and a chain of gas stations. But in reality, he still trains kids and doesn’t like publicity at all.

But Slutskaya is interested in various kinds of parties. The figure skater almost never misses important social events, which unwittingly provokes rumors. So, three years ago, it was noticed that after the next event, Irina rushed off not to her husband and children, but to a meeting with an impressive stranger. It soon became clear that he was the marketing director of one of the world's largest companies producing motor oils and lubricants Andrey Novoselov. The couple cooed so tenderly that no one had any doubt: Slutskaya had a new romance!

By the way, before this Irina was credited with having an affair with Konstantin Khabensky. They say that the actor often attended her performances and was obviously nervous when Slutskaya performed complex elements on the ice.

But Irina herself stubbornly denied the facts of discord in the family and answered all the “conjectures” with a smile:

Seryozha rarely appears with me at events, and because of this we are constantly separated. But what if he doesn’t want to become a public figure, well, he’s uncomfortable! You can’t force a person to do something that he himself frankly hates.

Meanwhile, this time it seems that the matter really smells of kerosene. For a long time now, Slutskaya appears everywhere with the same man, and simply ignores questions about her wife. Even at the recent Muz-TV Awards (detailed report on pp. 20 - 21) The figure skater was clearly not accompanied by her husband. True, he did it so carefully that no one would notice.

However, few people escaped the lenses of our paparazzi: behind the scenes, the couple stayed close all the time, every now and then casting languid glances at each other. Of course, they also left the event together.

This Alexey Tikhomirov- General Director of the Voluntary Physical Education Union, and also Slutskaya’s personal assistant, - knowledgeable people enlightened us. - They have been together for a long time - they work and, it seems, not only work... Lesha is next to Ira around the clock: he helps her in everything - by the way, he was also involved in PR for Slutskaya on the eve of the recent primaries in the Moscow region. They have a very tender and trusting relationship. So much so that Irochka hasn’t worn a wedding ring for six months now. I think you understand what we're talking about.

And indeed, on Tikhomirov’s page on one of the social networks there are tons of photographs with Slutskaya. Here they are together in the office of officials, but here they are running a marathon and then relaxing in a restaurant. Ira herself has fewer photos together with Alexey, but there are some: under one of them, the skater put a cute signature - several red hearts. Moreover, Slutskaya has no photos with her husband on her blog at all. Many subscribers are already openly wondering where Sergei went. But Ira has not yet honored anyone with an answer.

We also decided to try our luck and called the figure skater to find out how her family (Slutskaya and Mikheev have two children - 8-year-old son Artem and 5-year-old daughter Varvara) is spending this summer.

No way! I work a lot now, and I don’t have time to rest. Sorry, no more comments,” Irina snapped.

(1 votes, average: 4,00 out of 5)

November 24, 2016 No reviews

Irina Slutskaya, biography on Wikipedia, personal life and Instagram photos, husband, despite the fact that the figure skater has retrained as a TV presenter, still attracts the attention of her fans. And since Irina’s publicity increased with her new profession, curiosity about her personal life became even greater.

Irina was born in 1979 in Moscow into a family completely far from sports. Eduard Slutsky - Irina Slutskaya’s father was a teacher at an automobile technical school, and her mother was an engineer. From early childhood, Irina went to the figure skating section and studied ballet. The abilities that the future athlete very quickly showed were soon noticed by professional coach Zhanna Gromova. She began to teach the girl all the intricacies of figure skating, and if we add to this the determination and perseverance that Irina was distinguished by, it is not surprising that in the end, she achieved amazing success in this field, having made a brilliant sports career - seven-time European champion, two-time champion World and medalist of two Olympics.

With such an asset, in 2006, Irina left big sports and, having completed TV presenter courses, devoted herself to a new profession - she leads sports news and various ice projects, gradually acts in films, and at the same time pays attention to her business, opening two figure skating schools.

Often on the Internet, users ask whether coach Slutsky and Irina Slutskaya are relatives, and whether this explains her success in sports. No, this is not so - the honored football coach of Russia Leonid Slutsky is simply her namesake, who in no way influenced Irina’s career.

Although Irina does not like to talk about her personal life, something is still known about her to satisfy the keen interest of her fans. Irina’s meeting with her future husband took place 22 years ago. 16-year-old Irina, having arrived with a friend at a holiday home near Moscow, met Sergei Mikheev, who was then a boxer and later became a children's coach. The young man did not make much of an impression on the figure skater, but persistently continued to court her, and 4 years later they got married.

Since then, Irina Slutskaya and her husband, whose age difference is 8 years, which is exactly how much older Sergei is than his wife, have attracted increased interest from the public. And this is primarily due to the fact that many consider this marriage a misalliance, because Irina is a star of the first magnitude, and Sergei is just an unknown children’s coach. Nevertheless, their marriage was considered exemplary for a long time and became even stronger when two children appeared in the family. Many people ask what the names of Irina Slutskaya’s children are. There is no secret here - this is son Artem, born in 2007, and daughter Varvara, born in 2010, who has already followed in the footsteps of her star mother and not only engages in figure skating, but also takes an active part in various ice shows.

Now many are interested in why Irina Slutskaya does not lead “Ice Age”. This is due to the fact that such a multifaceted personality went into politics. In September 2016, she ran for the Moscow Regional Duma from the United Russia party and has now become a deputy. Since Slutskaya wants to pay attention to the problems of the city and caring for Muscovites, it is not surprising that she left the project, which took a lot of time and effort. It is known that, as an athlete, she wants to primarily focus her efforts on the health and development of sports. And although Muscovites, on the one hand, are glad that such a deputy has appeared in the Duma, on the other hand, it is a pity that she left the “Ice Age”. After all, Irina, being a figure skater, not only understood what was happening on the ice, but also enriched the project with her presence.

The press has separated the famous figure skater Irina Slutskaya from her husband Sergei Mikheev so many times that the athlete is already tired of denying the rumors. The situation can be explained simply - her only husband, a children's boxing coach, avoids publicity, while the famous wife loves going out.

Long siege

Many in the sports and sports world considered this marriage a misalliance. The beauty, seven-time European champion and two-time World champion, socialite and TV star is married to an unremarkable former boxer!

Sergei first saw Irina as a very young sixteen-year-old athlete on a television screen. And from that moment I literally lost peace! He met the athlete by skillfully organizing a barbecue picnic through mutual friends. However, the girl’s young age did not allow her to take seriously the advances of an adult young man.

Sergei did not retreat. He showed not only persistence, but also enviable patience in the courtship process. He often called the girl and showered his beloved with flowers and soft toys. One of the first such toys was a moose. He later admitted that there was nothing special about the choice of courtship method, it was just that his friend at that time worked as the director of a soft toy factory.

“My husband didn’t buy me, as is customary now,” admits Irina, “he was just always there and in difficult times was ready to help.”

The relationship soon became closer, and it turned out that Sergei had an explosive temperament. He was jealous and sorted things out, created scenes and scandals. Irina found a unique way out of the situation - she proposed marriage to her beloved!

In 1999, after four years of courtship, Sergei Mikheev married Irina Slutskaya. After the wedding, the man’s character became softer, he seemed to calm down, gaining confidence that his beloved would not go anywhere. He helped his star wife in everything, while remaining in the shadows.

During an illness that almost put an end to the figure skater’s career, the husband showed miracles of dedication. According to Irina, it was largely thanks to Sergei that she managed to win one of the major championships.

Ice, fire and copper pipes

In 2007, the couple had their first child, son Artem. Many fans of the Ice Age ice show remember how gracefully Irina Slutskaya skated with a round belly. She gave birth almost “on the job,” and soon returned to work again. At that time, the caring husband largely took care of the baby and the household, which, you see, is not something every man can do.

The situation was aggravated by the fact that the ubiquitous press trumpeted on all corners about Slutskaya’s affairs on the side. Unsociable and shying away from publicity, Sergei was in no hurry to accompany his wife to social gatherings. As soon as Irina spoke to any of the male representatives at any of the events, she was immediately credited with an affair.

They talked a lot about their relationship with Konstantin Khabensky, who was married at that time. Slutskaya responded to these questions:

I will not deny that I have communicated and will continue to communicate with Khabensky. But there is nothing dirty in our relationship, and I am very sorry that various publications suddenly suddenly began writing this nonsense. It’s good that my husband is a wise man and doesn’t react to this.

The intrusiveness of the paparazzi almost brought Sergei under criminal charges: he hit a Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist when he discovered him near the maternity hospital building before his wife was discharged.

Irina’s marriage withstood both the test of copper pipes and public opinion. Constant conversations about how unattractive, balding and poor Slutskaya’s husband was did not in any way affect Irina’s attitude towards Sergei.

Yes, of course, at first she tried to make her husband a businessman and a successful person. Then he clearly made it clear to her that this did not interest him, it is much more important for him to train children. Irina accepted the situation, because it is much more important when there is a trusted and understanding person nearby, and not a bag of money or a picture from a poster.

Irina and Sergei’s marriage gave birth to a daughter, Varvara, in 2010, and in this case, the athlete temporarily took time away from work, devoting herself to her family and daughter. For a while, rumors and rumors about the couple’s next divorces stopped, but as soon as Slutskaya came out into the world, the old organ began to play in a new way. She was accused of taking away from the family a businessman with many children, the marketing director of one of the large companies, Andrei Novoselov.

As soon as Slutskaya tried her hand at politics and took part in the primaries in the Moscow region, so rumor connected her with Alexei Tikhomirov, general director of the Voluntary Physical Education Union. The sports functionary is also the athlete’s personal assistant and is responsible for PR.

Irina is no stranger to dispelling myths and rumors: “My husband just doesn’t like social fuss. Well, don’t force a person to do something he doesn’t like!”

Irina’s only marriage has lasted for eighteen years, in spite of spiteful critics and envious people.

There are many people in the world who are interested in sports, and there are even more people who like to watch it. But how many people are interested in winter sports? In particular, figure skating. It is in this sport that our country shows the best results in the world. Evgeni Plushenko, Alexey Yagudin, Maxim Marinin, Tatyana Navka, Tatyana Totmyanina, Yulia Lipnitskaya, Adelina Sotnikova, the names can be listed forever, but today in the article we will talk about the famous Russian figure skater Irina Slutskaya. Let's look at her biography, achievements in professional sports, etc.

Brief biography of Irina Slutskaya

Irina Eduardovna Slutskaya was born on February 9, 1979 in the capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow. Irina’s mother became the initiator of Irina’s sports activities. After finishing her career, she found herself on television as the host of such a program as “Ice Age”. At the moment, the world-famous figure skater is taking care of children and keeping the family hearth.


As is known from the biography of Irina Slutskaya, the young athlete often got sick and caught colds. It was with the goal of strengthening her immunity that her mother sent her to sports.

Irina was four years old when she first stepped on the ice. The patroness and main person in this difficult sport was the famous USSR coach Zhanna Gromova. In addition to figure skating, Slutskaya studied at music and ballet schools.

The talent was visible from childhood. Proof of this is that at the age of fourteen she entered the country’s youth team. And then there was the first, truly significant victory at the Russian youth championship. Later, when Irina and her coach realized that they had no competition at the junior level, they tried to conquer adult competitions. It's worth saying that it's not that bad. The European Championship ended in fifth place, and the more prestigious and important World Championship ended in seventh place.

Blooming adult career

Irina Slutskaya’s first truly significant sporting achievement was the gold of the 1996 European Championship. It is worth noting that at that time she was only 16 years old. She became the first Russian figure skater to conquer the Old World. But then no one knew or even imagined that the talented Irina would love this tournament so much that her name would be written seven times in the history of the winners’ chronicle. This was a colossal achievement and is still considered an unbroken record.

Nagano 1998

The year 1998 was marked by the fact that figure skater Irina Slutskaya competed at the Nagano Olympics for the first time in her professional career and took an honorable fifth place. It seemed possible to rehabilitate herself for such an offensive loss a month later at the World Championships in Minneapolis, where she won a silver medal.

Unsuccessful period 1998-99

In the biography of Irina Slutskaya, these years are considered the most disastrous season. Then there was a sharp decline in his career, and it seemed that this was the end. At the national championship, Irina was the undisputed favorite. Among the participants at that time she had no equal. But when the results were summed up, to great surprise and to some extent disappointment, it turned out that Irina took only fourth place. As a result, the strict rules for selecting participants by the sports committee were a blow. She did not qualify for either her favorite European Championship or the World Championship.

This defeat was a blow to the athlete’s reputation. But throwing the professional jungle aside, Slutskaya took a break for a while, and during this short break she managed to get married. Thus, the competition and Irina Slutskaya were on opposite sides of the barricades.

Return to sports

After an unexpected break, the athlete found the strength to return to big-time sports. Irina Slutskaya’s newly-made husband picked up a sufficient amount of motivation and helped her return to her professional career. And it immediately became clear who is currently the leader of world skating. The first barrier was winning the Russian and then European championships. At the World Championships she suffered a disappointing defeat from the American Michelle Kwan, with a difference of only one point, and as a result became second.

She became the first to perform the triple lutz-triple loop cascade. It is this element that is the sporting achievement of Irina Slutskaya, as the athlete herself has repeatedly mentioned.

A year later, she shocked the figure skating world by successfully performing a 3-3-2 cascade at the world championships, but ultimately finishing in second place. The same year marks the next victory of figure skater Irina Slutskaya at the European Championships.

Olympics in Salt Lake City

For the already famous figure skater, but still a young girl, this was the second Winter Olympics. Going to Canada, Irina was the undisputed favorite in the fight for gold medals. But the eternal curse of “one judge’s point” played a cruel joke this time too. Only now the rival who managed to beat Slutskaya was the American Sarah Hughes.

It is worth highlighting the moral and strong-willed qualities of this athlete. After all, a month later, taking to the ice of the once Olympic Nagano, she won a top medal at the World Championships for the first time in her career. Not many athletes even return to the world of sports after such disappointing losses, but our compatriot showed the full strength of the Russian spirit.

In order to somehow console the figure skater, a well-known Ural businessman ordered a medal made of pure gold of the 750th standard, which was dubbed the “Medal for an Honest Victory.” After all, many believed that Irina was simply condemned in the finals of the Olympic Games. The award weighs one kilogram, and unlike the Olympic medal, it was cast entirely from gold.

“The Years of Great Troubles” - for Irina Slutskaya

After successful performances in Salt Lake City and Nagano, as well as winning gold at the European tournament and silver at the Grand Prix final in 2003, she was forced to miss the World Championships due to family problems. The fact is that Irina’s mother was seriously ill. But then the athlete herself began to suffer from illnesses. Doctors diagnosed severe vascular disease. It was decided to suspend her not only from competition, but also from any attempts to go on the ice.

Contrary to all forecasts, the then five-time European champion and world championship winner had no doubt that she would return to the ice and show the level of skating that would make people “go crazy” again.

"Second coming"

As promised, she returned to the sport. But we all understand that after suffering injuries, both physical and moral, we should not expect crazy results from anyone. And the fact that Irina Slutskaya returned to the ice meant a victory of sorts.

In 2004, at the World Championships in Dortmund, she became only ninth, but having regained her former form, the next season Ira became the one everyone knew.

The Grand Prix Final, the Russian and European Championships, the victory at the World Championships in Moscow in 2005, Irina Slutskaya won all these competitions with a confident lead over her rivals. By the way, for the first time at the Moscow World Championship, the evaluation system in the form of the familiar “sixes” was abolished. She went down in history as the only Russian figure skater to win the world championship twice.

The seventh successful and final European Championship for the figure skater took place in the 2006 Olympic year. Having broken the records of famous athletes - Katharina Witt and Sonya Henie - Irina became the only one who conquered Europe seven times.

As the figure skater said, the Olympics in Turin, Italy were her last and that she wanted to devote herself fully to her family. Her career ended with a final and brilliant chord. Third place and the first figure skating athlete from Russia to win two Olympic medals.

Post-sports activities

After completing a truly bright sports career, Irina Slutskaya did not go into the shadows, but found her calling on television.

In September 2006, she became the host of one of the most popular programs of that time, “Stars on Ice,” which was broadcast on Channel One. In 2007 and 2009, she was appointed host of Ice Age. And in the fall of 2008, Irina herself took part in the project, paired with ballet dancer Gediminas Taranda. In 2012 and 2013, she held the position of host of the television programs “Ice Age. Professional Cup" and "Ice Age - 2013". As we see, even after the end of her career, her work was closely connected with her life’s work - figure skating. As a change, Slutskaya took part in the show “First Squadron” as an airplane pilot.

Like all former famous athletes, Irina Slutskaya tried herself in both theater and cinema. In 2007, the film “Three and a Snowflake” was released, where Irina starred in several episodes. And in 2008, a Russian series called “Hot Ice” appeared on television screens, where she played the role of a coach (Anastasia Ivanova).

Her theatrical debut took place on April 7, 2008, when she played Antigone in the production of “Antigone - Vsegda” by Nika Kosenkova. From 2009 to 2011, she played the character Ariana Clarence in the play “A Good Deal.” Since 2011, she has been a TV presenter of sports news on Channel One and, by invitation, a sports commentator.

In April 2011, Irina received the status of Ambassador of the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014.

Irina's family

As mentioned earlier, in August 1999, the skater married Sergei Mikheev. Irina Slutskaya’s husband is a children’s coach.

On November 15, 2007, son Artem was born, who became the first-born in the star family. Three years later, on October 21, 2010, daughter Varvara was born. It is known that the children of Irina Slutskaya also chose the elements of “blade and ice”. The son is currently playing hockey, and the daughter, following in her mother’s footsteps, wants to become a famous figure skater.

We hope that this article will help you learn more about the biography of Irina Slutskaya. “A world-famous figure skater” - this is how she will be remembered by all sports fans.

Now her personal assistant is with the skater around the clock

The two-time world figure skating champion, host of numerous ice shows (“Ice Age”, “Stars on Ice”) and sports news columnist on Channel One never ceases to amaze fans. 37-year-old Irina SLUTSKAYA was actively involved in social activities and even took part in the preliminary voting of the United Russia party for the State Duma. Why not? An athlete, a beauty, a caring mother and a faithful wife... Although many have already doubted the latter: they say that there has been a long-overdue conflict in the star’s family, so Irina spends her free evenings not with her husband, but in the company of a charming brunette.

Marriage Irina Slutskaya and former boxer Sergei Mikheev was once considered exemplary. Their meeting took place almost 22 years ago, when a 16-year-old figure skater and a friend arrived for a couple of days at a holiday home near Moscow. There, in nature, she met Sergei, who, by the way, is eight years older than her.

...the figure skater now not only works, but also relaxes. Photo:

At first, the young man did not make a strong impression on Ira, but the athlete was not going to back down and persistently continued to court him. The ice broke only four years later, when Slutskaya, at that time a two-time European champion, did not make it to the 1998/99 European and world championships. The only person who supported her and helped her return to duty was Mikheev.

In August 1999, Irina and Sergei got married. Even then, various rumors began to spread about this misalliance: she was a star of the first magnitude, and he was an ordinary children's coach. It was rumored that the athlete tried to turn her beloved husband into a cool businessman, planning to buy him a store and a chain of gas stations. But in reality, he still trains kids and doesn’t like publicity at all.

But Slutskaya is interested in various kinds of parties. The figure skater almost never misses important social events, which unwittingly provokes rumors. So, three years ago, it was noticed that after the next event, Irina rushed off not to her husband and children, but to a meeting with an impressive stranger. It soon became clear that he was the marketing director of one of the world's largest companies producing motor oils and lubricants Andrey Novoselov. The couple cooed so tenderly that no one had any doubt: Slutskaya had a new romance!

By the way, before this Irina was credited with having an affair with Konstantin Khabensky. They say that the actor often attended her performances and was obviously nervous when Slutskaya performed complex elements on the ice.

But Irina herself stubbornly denied the facts of discord in the family and answered all the “conjectures” with a smile:

Seryozha rarely appears with me at events, and because of this we are constantly separated. But what if he doesn’t want to become a public figure, well, he’s uncomfortable! You can’t force a person to do something that he himself frankly hates.

Meanwhile, this time it seems that the matter really smells of kerosene. For a long time now, Slutskaya appears everywhere with the same man, and simply ignores questions about her wife. Even at the recent Muz-TV Awards (detailed report on pp. 20 - 21) The figure skater was clearly not accompanied by her husband. True, he did it so carefully that no one would notice.

However, few people escaped the lenses of our paparazzi: behind the scenes, the couple stayed close all the time, every now and then casting languid glances at each other. Of course, they also left the event together.

This Alexey Tikhomirov- General Director of the Voluntary Physical Education Union, and also Slutskaya’s personal assistant, - knowledgeable people enlightened us. - They have been together for a long time - they work and, it seems, not only work... Lesha is next to Ira around the clock: he helps her in everything - by the way, he was also involved in PR for Slutskaya on the eve of the recent primaries in the Moscow region. They have a very tender and trusting relationship. So much so that Irochka hasn’t worn a wedding ring for six months now. I think you understand what we're talking about.

And indeed, on Tikhomirov’s page on one of the social networks there are tons of photographs with Slutskaya. Here they are together in the office of officials, but here they are running a marathon and then relaxing in a restaurant. Ira herself has fewer photos together with Alexey, but there are some: under one of them, the skater put a cute signature - several red hearts. Moreover, Slutskaya has no photos with her husband on her blog at all. Many subscribers are already openly wondering where Sergei went. But Ira has not yet honored anyone with an answer.

We also decided to try our luck and called the figure skater to find out how her family (Slutskaya and Mikheev have two children - 8-year-old son Artem and 5-year-old daughter Varvara) is spending this summer.

No way! I work a lot now, and I don’t have time to rest. Sorry, no more comments,” Irina snapped.

Slutskaya Irina Eduardovna (02/09/1979) is a Russian figure skater, winner of silver and bronze medals at the Olympic Games. During her career, the athlete won the world championship four times and was the best at the European championships 7 times. The latest result is a record for women's singles skating. After finishing her career, Slutskaya worked on television.

“Of course, a pretty face and a good figure matter in figure skating. But even more important is the dedication you show on the ice. Even without beauty, a skater can make the public fall in love with him. After all, this is a sport, not a podium."


Irina Slutskaya was born in the Russian capital on February 9, 1979. Her father worked as an engineer, and her mother was a teacher. It was Irina’s mother who insisted on playing sports. And she did this because the girl was sick very often in childhood. Already at the age of 4, Slutskaya began figure skating. And her first mentor was Zhanna Gromova. It was this coach who later became the architect of all Irina’s victories.

Slutskaya showed from the very beginning that she had talent for figure skating. Already in 1993, at the age of only 14 years, she joined the national youth team. And at the same age she won the Russian youth championship. And on the international stage she won bronze medals among her peers. Immediately after this, she tried her hand at adult tournaments. And she performed quite well there. At the World and European Championships she took seventh and fifth places, respectively.


The first serious success came to Irina Slutskaya in 1997. She won the European Championship. And she became the first Russian woman to succeed. Subsequently, she will become the best at European championships 6 more times. And this result still remains unsurpassed.

In the same 1997, the figure skater won bronze medals at the World Championships. And in 2000, Slutskaya became the first athlete to complete the most difficult jump - a triple lutz-triple loop.

Slutskaya held her first Olympic Games in 1998 in Nagano. There, the girl was unable to overcome the competition of more experienced figure skaters and, as a result, became only fifth. But she more than corrected herself after 4 years. At the 2002 Games, Irina won silver medals. Although that result still causes mixed reactions. The American then became the first, winning by just one vote. And many experts believe that Slutskaya was convicted.

After this, Slutskaya had to leave the big sport for a while. She became very ill (vascular inflammation), and many said that she would have to end her career. But Irina surprised many when she not only returned to the ice, but also began to win again.

“Sometimes people ask me how I was able to get up again after a fall? It is not right. I didn't fall, I was sick! No one is immune from this. You just have to believe that you can recover. I believed, that’s why it happened.”

Returning to the ice in 2005, Irina Slutskaya amazed everyone. She won the world championship. Moreover, it left its closest competitors far behind. A year later, the figure skater won bronze at the Olympic Games in Turin.

And only after this Irina Slutskaya announced the end of her professional career.

After sports

After finishing her sports career, Irina Slutskaya did not leave the ice. She continued to delight audiences with her skating, performing at various shows. She became a real star of the “Stars on Ice” and “Ice Age” programs, which aired on Channel One. And since 2011, on the same First Channel, Irina Slutskaya has been working as a TV presenter, introducing viewers to sports news.

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