How to spend a weekend with a child? What to do with your child: the most useful ideas for the whole year and for the weekend. Your child will have even more fun.

The day has just begun, and are you already tired? Every morning is similar to the previous one, like in the movie “Groundhog Day”: first you need to prepare breakfast, then wake up and feed the child, take him to kindergarten or school; On the way to work, you will, of course, get into a traffic jam and be late again... Everything repeats itself day after day and in no way. But while it seems to you that nothing is changing, your children are growing up. And one day, looking back, you will suddenly begin to regret that in all this routine you lost many minutes that you could have spent with your son or daughter when they were little. This article is for those parents who do not want to miss precious time.

Depending on your children's school schedule and your work day, on average you always have 1-2 hours to spend with your child. So make the most of this time and turn it into memorable moments filled with family traditions and honest conversations.

Parents very often believe that since there is not much time to relax with their children, they should fill it as much as possible with various entertainments: a trip to the zoo, a movie. But in reality, getting to all these places will waste a lot of time, and the quality of communication with your children will suffer greatly. Children, of course, need to be entertained, but their whole life should not be turned into a pursuit of entertainment.

So, advice one: if you want to slow down time, then learn to spend it fun and interesting right in your apartment or near your house, and not somewhere far away.

The hour left before is not the most pleasant time: you need to go to bed soon, so you can’t do any serious things; In addition, everyone already feels tired - both children and parents. Often at this time, kids wander around the apartment in search of something to do and are capricious, and mothers and fathers try to escape from the hustle and bustle, including their favorite TV series. And here again time is wasted.

Therefore, the second piece of advice: try to walk a little before bedtime with your child in good weather and chat with him about little things.

Another necessary family tradition is having dinner together. In the modern world, a situation where all family members live according to different schedules is considered normal, but you can always find one hour to have dinner together. While the children help set the table, you can discuss the news. Children really appreciate such moments. And if you come up with themed dinners, these moments together will become even more valuable. For example, every Friday you can have a dinner with national dishes of a certain country. Let the child choose which country is interesting to him. This way, children will become familiar with the customs of different nations and will be interested in helping you cook.

Therefore, the third tip is very simple: try to have dinner with the whole family.

To learn life skills, children need to spend as much time with you as possible and gain experience from you. So let them take part in solving simple everyday problems! For example, if there is something broken in the house that you can fix on your own, involve your children in this activity. Invite them to shine a flashlight or hand them tools. Tell me... For you this is just an ordinary activity, but for a child it is an exciting game that he plays with his parents. So let him play it more often.

Therefore, remember the fourth tip: involve your child in homework and do it with him.

If you allow your children to play computer games, your children will be delighted that you can join them. Learn to play your child's favorite game. The child will really like the fact that he can beat you and show more dexterity than you. This is an interesting experience for a child - to see that you are also a person and you can be beaten. But do not forget about time restrictions so that it does not replace the real one.

Play computer games with your child - this is our fifth tip.

Valeria Shitik

1. Box of emotions

Create your own box of emotions. It's very easy to do. Choose a relevant theme, such as spring, and collect all the objects that remind you of it through hearing, taste, smell, sight and touch.

How does your child perceive spring? Maybe she reminds him of the birds chirping outside the window? The taste of spring may be similar to the taste of early apples, and its smell resembles the smell of melted snow. In spring, our eyes rejoice at the blue sky and bright sun, and our hands feel the chill of the barely receding winter. Put it all in one box - toy birds, apples, images of the sky and the sun.

By discussing any chosen topic in this way, you and your child will use all the senses as much as possible. This way you can discuss different feelings with him, such as happiness or sadness. This will teach the child to better understand his own and other people’s emotions, which means he will develop.

2. Seven types of content

Choose any topic that your child might be interested in and create seven different presentations of that topic. This is an ideal exercise for developing imagination and creativity. For example, your topic is “Planets”.

  1. Poster. You can look at the planets on a large poster, studying their shapes, colors and locations.
  2. Craft. To create a home planetarium, you can inflate balloons of different sizes and colors and hang them on the ceiling or walls.
  3. Theater. Act out the movement of planets in their orbits.
  4. Modeling. Make planets with your child so that they look like real ones. Make Mars red, Earth blue and green, and the Moon gray. In this case, the Moon should be smaller than the Earth in size.
  5. Drawing. Draw space with planets with paints or pencils.
  6. Story. What could be more interesting than reading children's literature about the origin of the Universe? Something you can do is create your own story about the planets.
  7. Visual representation. If you have a telescope at home, then in the evening you can look at the starry sky and imagine all the planets.

You can come up with 10 interesting topics for this exercise in advance, then you will have an exciting program ready for the three months ahead. This will not only give you vivid and unforgettable emotions and impressions.

3. Sand therapy

The sandbox is a special world for a child, in which he sets the rules himself.

Independence in play teaches children to set priorities correctly and make the right decisions as adults.

Therefore, it is so important to give your child as many opportunities as possible to play with sand.

In our case, kinetic sand, which was created specifically for playing at home, is ideal. Build a beautiful castle or interesting figures together with your child, create with him that very fairy-tale world in which children feel most comfortable.

This not only compensates for the lack of your attention when you are busy with work, but also perfectly develops creativity, creativity, imagination, regulates thinking mechanisms and develops fine motor skills.

4. Smart sculpting

Modeling plasticine is incredibly useful emotionally, because it allows the child to express his feelings and experiences, helps him relax and completely surrender to creativity. However, sculpting with mom can be even more beneficial if you include educational elements in this activity.

For example, you can teach your child numbers and letters by molding them together from plasticine. Make interesting numbers in different colors and different thicknesses.

For example, if the number 1 is made of thick red plasticine, it will seem very strong. And if a two is molded from thin white plasticine, it will seem weaker than a one. Use your imagination, come up with ideas, observe the child’s reaction and continue only the topic that arouses his emotions and interest.

This way you will not only have fun, but also teach your child numbers, letters, and help him develop imagination and abstract thinking.

5. Reading with a twist

Reading fairy tales can become even more fun if you choose a book with entertaining exercises and educational games.

After each story you tell, you can engage your child’s imagination by inviting him to play a themed game or complete an interesting task.

The book “Monsiki. What are emotions and how to be friends with them.” Each story of the fairy-tale Monsies reveals one of the emotions for the child, and each task helps to understand this emotion and manage it. This exciting activity will give you and your child a lot of pleasant impressions and moments of happiness.

Even if you couldn’t devote time to your child today, every smile, look or second of communication is priceless for him. These moments always fill the child with warmth and love.

No matter how much time you devote to your child, any minute spent together can become incredibly interesting, bright and memorable. Create your own world together with your child, invent, create and feel!

Children are amazing creatures. They grow at an incredible speed, and you probably already had this strange feeling, as if just yesterday the long-awaited child was taken out of the maternity hospital, and today you are buying notebooks and pens together for going to first grade.

It may seem that 18 years is a huge, almost endless period, but the child is growing right before our eyes, and it is important to pay enough attention to him before the sweet time of childhood ends. A child’s imagination is not limited, but it is quite difficult for him to come up with interesting, exciting entertainment on his own. The adult’s task is to help inventing. And it’s not at all necessary that all the fun should go to the child, while the adult is left behind. No. There are many ways to have fun and interestingly spend your free time together.

We have collected 10 ways for you that will diversify your life and will not let either you or your child get bored.

pajama party

It may seem stupid to you, but a child watches movies and sees his foreign peers having pajama parties and having fun. Why not repeat it? Just you and the child, or you can invite friends for a sleepover if the parents don’t mind. It would be ideal if there were sleeping bags that could be laid out in the living room. If you don't have them, regular pillows and blankets will do. Don't forget to stock up on snacks, board games, and of course, pajamas! By the way, you can sew funny pajama outfits yourself, together with your child. Let your son or daughter choose the theme, color and fabric, and then spend a few hours together creating outfits for the whole group. You will look funny, and maybe even ridiculous, but everyone will get a lot of impressions and memories in any case.

Watching cartoons together

And no, it’s not at all necessary to sigh and look forward to several hours of boredom when only the child will have fun. Modern cartoons have an interesting, exciting plot, they are well designed, and you will probably like them. Pay attention to films from Disney and Pixar studios. And remember: you always want to crunch something while watching movies. You will enjoy watching cartoons more if you have popcorn or chips on hand.

Culinary evenings

An activity that can brighten up your time and fill the refrigerator with something tasty is cooking together. No one forces you to teach your beloved child the basics of cooking borscht, although who knows, maybe your child will enjoy cooking borscht?

On the Internet you will find a lot of interesting and simple recipes that will allow you to prepare original and unusual dishes. By the way, most famous chefs acquired a love for cooking in childhood, when they helped their parents cook. Try cooking something together, and maybe your child will grow up to be the future Gordon Ramsay.

Our favorites among interesting children's dishes: Turtle cutlets, Ladybug sandwiches and Squirrel salad.

Games and activities on BrainApps

Very often children turn their nose up at anything that is even slightly useful for them. However, children also often, wanting to imitate adults, repeat after them. Even if a child for some reason doesn’t like playing on BrainApps on his own, he will love doing it with his parent.

The variety of games will not let you or your child get bored. The main advantage of this way to spend time together is that you combine benefits with fun. Educational games are divided into 3 categories to help train:

  • memory;
  • attention;
  • thinking.

Play with your child and see how high of a result you can achieve together. Or take turns playing, compete and see who can handle the educational puzzles better.

Drawing on the streets with chalk

Modern children, with their various gadgets such as tablets and phones, have forgotten how to have fun outside. Just look at the playgrounds: children sit on benches, staring at monitors, instead of playing ball or riding on swings.

Drawing with crayons on the asphalt is something like rock painting for them. Buy a box of crayons from the store and show your child the fun of your own childhood. You can start with ordinary drawings. When you get bored, draw a hopscotch board and then explain how to play it correctly. We are sure that the child will be delighted with such an immersion into the world of the parent’s childhood.

Creation of herbariums and paintings from flowers

In summer and autumn, materials for future works of art are right under our feet, and we don’t even notice it. Creating herbariums is a skill that is relevant at all times; it will keep you and your child busy for many hours, and at the same time will encourage you to go for a walk once again.

You will have to go outside to collect suitable material for the future herbarium. In autumn, it is best to collect leaves in September, before they have just fallen from the trees and do not have time to get wet. In summer, you can collect green leaves directly from bushes and trees, and of course, you can find flowers in any area with vegetation.

When the leaves are collected, place them between two sheets of paper, put them in a well-ventilated place, and place a press on top, even a heavy book will do. An easier option is to put leaves and flowers between book pages, but in this case there is a high risk of ruining the book. Complete drying takes from 3 to 7 days.

When the leaves are dry, glue them onto paper; the ideal option for a herbarium is a sketchbook. Explain to your child that you need to glue dry leaves very carefully, they are fragile and break easily. And of course, don't forget to label the leaves and flowers! The names can be found on the Internet, or just pay attention when collecting the leaves of which trees your child collects.


Making jewelry from beads calms, develops perseverance, and also trains fine motor skills of a child’s hands. You've probably heard about anti-stress coloring books that calm you down and help you get rid of tension. So, bead weaving works on the same principle, but costs much less. In addition, you can do weaving together with your child, and the result will be simple and beautiful jewelry that the girl can wear on herself and show off to her friends.

Beads are sold in any craft department; first buy several small bags of different colors, in case your child doesn’t like it. Instructions for weaving can be downloaded on the Internet, or pay attention to special books; everything is described in detail and intelligibly in them, so that even a child can understand.

Treasure Hunt

To organize a real search for treasures, for example, pirate treasures, you will have to use your imagination, and it will also take several hours of free time. But it’s guaranteed to be worth it, because the child will be delighted!

The game is to place leaflets with clues throughout the house. First, the child will find the first one, he will have to solve the riddle in order to understand where the next piece of paper is. So, gradually moving around the house, he will finally reach the treasure in which the treasures are located. It doesn’t have to be something expensive; the main thing in treasure hunting is not the treasure, but the process itself. Hide the child’s favorite sweet, or some gift, in the place of the treasure. It is better to start preparations in advance; it will take time to come up with all the riddles. Lay out the sheets while your child is away, and when he or she arrives, let the fun begin!

Sale of old items

If you're lucky enough to have your own private home or yard with friendly neighbors, a grand yard sale of unwanted items is just what you need. Firstly, you and your child will have an interesting time, secondly, you will free up space at home, and thirdly, you will earn money! Each of us has things at home that we have not used for a hundred years, but which may be useful to someone.

Print a notice for sale, gather your things, have a table to put them on, or a tablecloth to just lay them neatly on the floor. To make the sale beautiful, make price tags together with your child.

Learning new skills

The last piece of advice I prepared is very versatile, because learning skills is always interesting. The only question is, what skill are you planning to learn together? Here the matter is limited only by your imagination and the preferences of the child. Playing a musical instrument, juggling, playing mini golf, cycling, going to a book club - there are truly a huge number of activities that you can do with your child. The most important thing is to have fun. Both for you and for him.

Children always need our attention. If you work with them purposefully, and not just once, they begin to more clearly perceive everything that happens around them and with them. How to spend your days with your child? There are a lot of ideas, get acquainted!

Things to do with your baby: 60 ideas for 12 months

The beginning of the year is a great time to figure out what and how you and your child will do in the next twelve months. Of course, it is impossible to foresee absolutely everything, but we still drew up an approximate monthly action plan. Study, complement – ​​and implement!

Instructions for use

  1. You have the right to distribute the proposed activities yourself - choose a specific month, focusing on the needs of your child and family as a whole and based on the availability/lack of free time.
  2. Be sure to coordinate all activities related to the baby’s health with your doctor. The calendar of necessary vaccinations should also be discussed with the doctor - when compiling it, it is necessary to take into account many factors related to the individual characteristics of the child.
  3. If possible, make some activities (such as exercise, reading, caring for plants, etc.) part of your daily routine.
  4. Do not treat the intended plan as something immutable, and changes in it as a disaster. Everything flows, everything changes – and that’s normal.


Developmental games

  1. We make a bird feeder and hang it outside the window/in the yard/in the nearest park. Don’t forget to regularly sprinkle seeds and bread crumbs there, and at the same time tell your child about migratory birds and birds staying for the winter.
  2. We teach the child to snowboard/ski/skate/snowmobile.
  3. We make snowmen and build snow forts
  4. We introduce the child to the calendar, tell him about the seasons, months, days, hours, etc. We read the fairy tale “Twelve Months”. Older children can be taught to tell time using a clock


We drink fish oil - a source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Its use strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on intellectual development, significantly accelerates the formation of reading skills and stimulates the cognitive activity of children. Doctors recommend drinking fish oil in courses: we take it for a month, then take a break for two months (children’s doses are indicated on the package).

Daily matters

We are making a list of books that it is advisable to read with your child in the coming year (according to the baby’s age). If possible, we read every day, at least at night.


Developmental games

  1. Since it’s cold outside and you can’t walk for a long time, indoor games and activities remain the most relevant. In addition to cartoons, we watch filmstrips - they make your eyes less tired, and they can also be used as a tool for learning to read. You can also make kinetic sand with your own hands.
  2. We devote time to regional studies. Since Chinese New Year is celebrated in February, we show the child on a map/globe where China is located, talk about the inventions of the ancient Chinese (paper, silk, porcelain), build the Great Wall of China from cubes or Lego bricks, and draw the Chinese flag. You can “walk” through some other states.
  3. Listening to children's audio books.


We make sure that the child’s diet contains enough fresh vegetables and fruits (especially carrots and apples). Don’t forget about exercise, and we pay special attention to exercises that allow you to form correct posture.

Daily matters

In secret from dad and grandfathers, we are preparing gifts for February 23 - and solemnly presenting them when the time comes!


Developmental games

  1. We do botany: water the indoor plants, loosen the soil, wipe the leaves from dust. We germinate the onion and watch how “feathers” and roots appear.
  2. We study paleontology as much as we can - for example, we can sculpt dinosaurs out of plasticine and place them on cardboard with a characteristic landscape of the Jurassic period.


To avoid spring vitamin deficiency, we take vitamin preparations.

Daily matters

We fill out a tax return to receive a social tax deduction for treatment expenses (your own and your children’s), if in the past year you used the services of paid doctors. Attention: keep all receipts and other documents! The declaration must be submitted to the tax office no later than April 30.


Developmental games

  1. The streams are gurgling - it’s time to launch the boats you’ve made with your own hands.
  2. We are working on the star theme: after all, April 12 is “Cosmonautics Day.” On a large cardboard we draw the orbits of the planets of the solar system, sculpt the celestial bodies themselves from colored plasticine and distribute them to the appropriate places and, finally, launch a foil rocket into space. Beauty!
  3. We color Easter eggs using natural dyes


We go to the dentist (preventive examination is recommended once a year). We drink fish oil (the two-month break has already ended).

Daily matters

We’re planning our summer vacation – early booking of tickets and hotels can sometimes help you save a lot.


Developmental games

  1. We are preparing to celebrate Victory Day, listening to military songs and marches, looking at photographs of young grandparents.
  2. We delve into history - we tell the child about who and how used to live in the capital's Kremlin, to whom and why they erected a huge monument over the Moscow River (Peter I), read children's encyclopedias and study museum exhibits.


Calcium supplements will not interfere with growing bones and teeth.

Daily matters

  1. We conduct an audit of the children's room (whether rearrangement or replacement of the table/chair is required) - and implement all the necessary measures.
  2. We find a place on the wall for a children's map of the world or Russia (or better yet, for both). Choose aids that help unobtrusively provide a wide variety of information - about countries, landscapes, animals, plants, attractions.
  3. We buy a magnetic marker board - this is an indispensable thing for preparing for school.
  4. We will organize an exhibition at home. You can hang drawings and applications, posters from teaching aids on a rope with clothespins (pictures of sea creatures are displayed one week, pictures of various professions or modes of transport, etc. the next).


Developmental games

  1. We talk with the child about ecology - namely, how to behave in the forest and on the street (do not throw garbage past the trash can, do not thoughtlessly pick up plants, do not destroy anthills, etc.). We read stories and fairy tales about nature, introduce the baby to the Red Book. We make our best contribution to the fight against the resource crisis - we teach children to save water, not waste mountains of paper, etc.
  2. If we have a dacha, then we give the child a personal garden bed and together we sow there, for example, some quickly germinating greens. If not, we spend time usefully in the sandbox near the house - we build palaces, fortresses and highways.


We buy an air purifier - we need it (we remember what the last two summers were like!)

Daily matters

And no business! Everyone is on vacation!


Developmental games

  1. Let's fly a kite (and generally frolic in nature as much as possible)
  2. For Family Day (July 8), we draw a family tree, compose funny stories about all members of the household and solemnly read them out at a family evening. You can make small but touching souvenirs for all, all, all your loved ones.
  3. We talk about the feelings and emotions that people experience in different life situations, about the rules of politeness and how important it is to maintain good relationships with others. On a magnetic marker board (you already bought it?) We write down the “laws of the family” - for example, help each other, say more kind words, don’t quarrel, etc.
  4. Using the example of fairy-tale characters, we explain to the child all kinds of safety rules: do not talk to strangers (“Little Red Riding Hood”), do not play with fire (“Cat’s House”), etc. While walking, pay attention to traffic rules


If possible, we teach the child to swim (don’t forget to explain the rules of safe behavior on and near water)

Daily matters

Let's continue to relax, it's summer!


Developmental games

  1. Let's return to the study of geography (the reason is that 520 years ago Columbus made his first voyage to the shores of America). You can draw continents on whatman paper, fold paper boats and plot the route of the Spanish squadron, simultaneously recording information about the animal and plant world. The Indians are the hit of the season: we build wigwams from blankets and stools, construct lush headdresses from feathers and rehearse battle cries.
  2. By putting together three-dimensional (or regular) puzzles, we get acquainted with the world's main attractions (Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, etc.). We study architecture - from caves of ancient people to panel high-rise buildings.


We eat seasonal berries, vegetables and fruits on both cheeks and actively spend time in the fresh air.

Daily matters

  1. We make jam, make lecho and other preparations for the winter.
  2. At sales we buy children's clothes for the next summer season (taking into account the fact that the child will stretch out, of course).


Developmental games

  1. We collect a herbarium, rustle fallen leaves and make crafts from natural materials literally lying under our feet.
  2. We look at albums with reproductions of autumn-themed paintings and draw our own landscapes - maybe from life.
  3. We read and memorize poems about autumn.


We get tested for enterobiasis (it won’t hurt after summer). We undergo a preventive examination by an ENT specialist (especially if the child is being seen for problems with adenoids/tonsils), an orthopedist and other specialists.

Daily matters

We sign up for school preparation courses (this applies to older preschoolers), sections and clubs. We're planning a winter vacation - it's time.


Developmental games

  1. We talk about how animals and birds make supplies for the winter, and why humans, in principle, have no need for such supplies.
  2. We smoothly move on to talking about money - where it comes from, whether it is easy to get and how you should treat it. We play at the store or pharmacy, after giving the child some cash (or some equivalent). We read fairy tales about greed - “The Goldfish” or “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.”
  3. It would be logical to do math (in a playful way, of course), and also tell your child how people used to get by without numbers (they used fingers, notches on sticks, knots, etc.). At the same time, tie and untie these same knots - here you will count and develop fine motor skills.


Fish oil – a whole month! While you still can, walk as much as possible.

Daily matters

We involve the child in housework and draw up a list of responsibilities for him (feasible and not boring - for example, putting away toys every day, arranging books, watering flowers, etc.).


Developmental games

  1. Since rain and cold are forcing us to stay at home again, we spend time doing activities that are useful for intellectual development. For example, we talk about the writing of different times and peoples and the emergence of books. We study letters (magnetic board, lotto, dominoes and other aids to help you!). We “publish” our own book with drawings and short captions.
  2. We write poems, compose and solve crosswords and puzzles, play various “language” games - for example, we come up with a phrase from words that begin with the same letter (“Four little black little devils drew a drawing with black ink”), from one long word make up a lot of short ones, etc.


We take vitamins because the immune system already needs support.

Daily matters

We are compiling an approximate list of New Year's gifts (you can place orders online now, taking into account delivery time).


Developmental games

  1. Hurray, it's all holidays again! We compose a letter to Santa Claus (another reason to reinforce the learned letters) or record an audio message for him (for this we prepare a special song or rhyme).
  2. We talk about various methods of delivering correspondence - from ancient times (messengers, carrier pigeons, carts, etc.) to the present day. Learning your own address.


We carry out hardening procedures.

Daily matters

We sort out household belongings and get rid of things that have become obsolete. What is still quite suitable, but you personally no longer need, we take to some charitable foundation - and we certainly explain to the child the meaning of our actions. We beautifully package gifts for friends and family – and present them when the time comes, with warm words and congratulations.

There's no time for boredom on the weekend: 20 ideas for what to do with your child

There is no such thing as a boring weekend, but there can be a complete lack of ideas on what to do with your child. We will show you how to organize an interesting outdoor holiday with your children.

1. Have a picnic in the park

What could be better than lying on the grass, breathing in the fresh air and basking in the warm rays? Sunbathing is beneficial for everyone, regardless of age, and especially for modern “recluses” of offices and apartments. You can have a picnic in the yard, or go to a city park, to the river bank, or to the nearest forest. Don't forget to bring tasty treats, as well as a ball, badminton, and Frisbee.

2. Become a “fun postman”

We often don’t have enough time to communicate with relatives and friends, so we can organize a small marathon among our acquaintances. Prepare in advance with your child beautiful drawings for each recipient - grandmother, aunt, child’s friends. While the child is busy drawing, call the recipients and find out if they will be at home, warn them about their arrival - let them prepare a symbolic reward for the “postman”, for example, candy or fruit. If you have a car, then in just a couple of hours you will have time to send postcards to many friends - just don’t linger anywhere.

3. Master the good old games

Many parents complain that their children hardly spend time outside or play games. Maybe they just didn’t tell the kids about them? Teach your child to jump over an elastic band, draw hopscotch or a snail, tell about Cossack robbers and tag.

4. Learn traffic signs

Go for a walk, and along the way, tell your child about the main road signs. Let this not be a boring lecture, but a fun quiz, where rewards are given for correct answers. In general, the theme of the “camping quiz” can be anything, depending on the age of the participant - colors, letters, reading inscriptions, professions, numbers.

5. Visit a zoo, dolphinarium or aquarium

Here we have combined different options for getting to know the world of wildlife - depending on what you have in your city. Such trips are perceived with delight by children. Maybe the child will like some section at the zoo - the problem of how to occupy part of his free time will be solved.

6. Feed the animals and birds in the park

If in a zoo you can mainly only look at the animals, then no one forbids feeding the inhabitants of the parks. These could be ducks in the pond, squirrels, and, of course, you will see pigeons in any public garden. Don’t forget to bring treats for the animals you are visiting.

7. Go to the pool or water park

Such water activities are good for everyone: in the summer, a trip to the water park can compensate for the inability to escape to the sea, and in the winter it will remind you of the warm months and relaxation.

8. Go to the children's theater

If you have never been to the theater, now is the time to catch up! Usually all information on performances can be found on city posters or on theater websites. Study the repertoire in advance to find something that suits your child’s age and interests.

9. Visit an amusement park or arcade

This is a “summer” and “winter” holiday option. Of course, the amusement park usually has more entertainment, but it is only open during the warm season. Halls with slot machines for children are always available. Here you can not only shoot and run, but also go on popular 5D attractions. You just need to carefully choose the film - small and overly impressionable kids may be scared of a realistic picture.

10. Organize a race, swim, flight

Today, children's toy stores sell cars, helicopters, and radio-controlled boats. Many of these toys are quite affordable, and they will cause genuine delight in the child. Such games captivate not only children, but also adults, so be prepared to spend more than one hour controlling your “equipment”.

11. Arrange a photo shoot or video shoot for your child

The most unforgettable weekends often end with the phrase “What a pity we didn’t take a camera.” A separate entertainment can be a photo shoot, for example, in a park or on a playground. To prevent your child from getting tired, allow him to change outfits, make faces, and take a variety of poses. You can give your baby a children's camera.

12. Organize a game “In Search of Treasure”

Draw a map on an A4 sheet of paper, for example, of a playground labeled “Treasure”. While the baby is not looking, hide a little surprise in this place. Tear the sheet with the map into equal parts (for example, 4 or 6). Come up with competitions on how your child can earn a piece of the map, for example, by asking riddles. Once the treasure hunter has collected all the pieces of the map, he can put them together and find your surprise.

13. Launch lanterns into the sky

Today, sky lanterns are very popular; they fly up into the sky with bright lights, reminiscent of a miracle. Such an interesting thing will certainly delight the child, in addition, he can make a cherished wish by launching a flashlight into the sky.

14. Make and fly a kite

If you have at least a modest ability to create things with your own hands, invite your child to make a kite. You are responsible for the “engineering” part, and the child can decorate the kite as he or she wishes. On the right day, fly your kite into the sky.

15. Visit an exhibition, quest or some master class

The weekend can be not only interesting, but also educational if you go to a museum or gallery. Various math classes for children are becoming increasingly popular among city mothers: one day you can learn how to cook pizza or chocolates, make some kind of toy, or take a painting lesson. Study the city poster - there will probably be an event in it that you can attend with your child, for example, some exciting quest in a museum or in the fresh air.

16. Go pick mushrooms, berries, and go fishing together

If the child is big enough, you can take him with you on a hike to collect forest products. Such an adventure will be remembered for a long time, and a sound sleep after a day in nature is guaranteed. A trip to the forest is also a great chance to start collecting your own herbarium.

17. Take your child to the circus

This place is associated with celebration, fun, laughter and joy. Surely the child will receive a lot of positive emotions.

18. Visit a library, bookstore or exhibition

Introducing a child to a book is the responsibility of every parent. A book for a child is a ticket to the magical world of adventure.

19. Go to a sporting event

These can be serious football matches, hockey, basketball, and junior section competitions. Perhaps your child will like some sport so much that he will become seriously interested in it.

20. Build a sand castle

There is nothing more interesting than building castles, digging sand trenches, and sculpting sand cakes. Help your child build something grand, like a castle for dolls or soldiers.

We hope that among all the options presented you will find something useful and give your child a wonderful weekend filled with emotions and pleasant events.

Last update: 02/14/2015

When you work from home, you are looking for ideas for ways to keep the kids occupied - you need something for the kids to do on their own (especially during the summer holidays). But you know what they say about constant work without rest, don’t you? So don't let your children do all the fun things without you!

It seems that all this can be remade in one summer... But who said that these ideas cannot be diversified? Return to this list and add to it as you see fit.

  1. Collect your...whatever! Plant blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, flowers, etc. in advance, take care of them, and then harvest.
  2. Play outside in the rain. Smell the rain, splash in puddles, sculpt from mud.
  3. Or make your own rain. Get outside with a hose and have some fun.
  4. Take a nap during the day with your kids. Parents should rest too!
  5. Make time for quiet activities.
  6. Eat out more often... Go to a diner that serves delicious hamburgers. Cook outdoors - meat, vegetables or fish. The kids will love it!
  7. Make s'mores. Chocolate+marshmallow+crackers=summer!
  8. Set up tents. For starters, you can try pitching a tent in the yard.
  9. Bring your sleeping bags indoors and have a slumber party.
  10. Look at the starry sky. Invite your friends, it will be fun!
  11. Catch fireflies. And then let go - then you will be able to observe their faint flickering for some more time.
  12. Organize rearrangement of furniture. Give the children paper and have them draw a plan.
  13. Bake pizza at home!
  14. Invite your friends over for the night and have some games. Stock up on a variety of board games - both for children and adults.
  15. Go to the races - it's interesting!
  16. Attend air shows.
  17. Stop to smell the flowers as you stroll through the botanical garden.
  18. Talk to animals while walking around the zoo.
  19. Go to a water park.
  20. Compete in solving puzzles. Buy identical mosaics and see who can do it first.
  21. Play cards - it develops thinking and memory.
  22. Play board games. Chess or monopoly - depending on what your children prefer, what suits their age and interests.
  23. Take walks in the parks. Go to your local park's website and see what's planned. Print out the activity schedule and stick it on your refrigerator.
  24. Have a picnic. You can grab a bite to eat almost anywhere—at a free concert, in the park, or even in your own backyard.
  25. Start shopping for back-to-school items early. The further into the school year the more fun this activity gets.
  26. Do your homework for the summer. Not exactly fun, but it has to be done.
  27. Experiment with new hairstyles. Let the children experiment with hair color (crayons or tinted shampoos can help), girls will be happy to change their ponytails to ornate braids.
  28. Play with sand on the beach. It doesn't matter where - by the ocean, lake or bay.
  29. Set yourself a goal and complete some important task. Find a way to involve children.
  30. Go for an early walk.
  31. Grow your own vegetables.
  32. Grow your own flowers. And then make beautiful bouquets.
  33. Let the kids cook dinner. In fact, make it a tradition.
  34. Invite your children's friends over for a sleepover. And let your people go - this way you will have a free evening.
  35. Go to a museum you've never been to before.
  36. Go to your favorite museum again.
  37. Go to a carnival or fair. Eat cotton candy, donuts or something very unhealthy - in the summer you can!
  38. Draw the paths with chalk. Better yet, make your own chalk.
  39. Go on a hike. Take a route close to your home or go to a more distant park.
  40. Create a butterfly garden. And admire how they flutter around it.
  41. Make fresh lemonade.
  42. Go with to the next town. Spend the night there or just spend the day there.
  43. Show kids that science is fun. Try experiments!
  44. Go to the cinema for a matinee. You will also have to pay less - in most cinemas tickets are cheaper in the morning.
  45. Check out the drive-in cinema. If there is none close to your home, try to find one near your vacation spot. A child should visit a drive-in cinema at least once in his life!
  46. Read books out loud.
  47. Listen to audiobooks - classics or the latest releases.
  48. Teach your children a game you played as a child.
  49. Chat with friends on the playground. This idea is not new, but always popular.
  50. Visit a historic home. Children will be amazed that people used to be able to do without almost everything that now surrounds them.
  51. Make homemade ice cream.
  52. Use bicycles as everyday transport. Show children the way to the store or friends.
  53. Go cycling for fun.
  54. Go fishing.
  55. Go kayaking or canoeing. If you're really looking for adventure, try rafting.
  56. Jump rope with your children.
  57. Dry flowers collected in summer. And make pictures out of them.
  58. Take up beading - it's simple and interesting.
  59. Blow bubbles. Moreover, you can prepare the solution yourself!
  60. Play mini golf.
  61. Grab a snack at a fast food joint. And let the kids spin around in the chair!
  62. Find a new place to play. Dismantle the basement or garage, build a tree house.
  63. Build a Lego castle. Set aside a table for this and sit with the whole family.
  64. Learn new skills together. Learn to juggle, play the harmonica, hula hoop, etc.
  65. Teach your grandparents to use Skype.
  66. Build a fort. You'll need pillows from the living room or cardboard boxes from the yard.
  67. Make fairy houses. Use moss, bark and leaves to make a house, for example, for Thumbelina.
  68. Create your own comics. You can compose them together or separately from each other. Naturally, everyone will then have to share their ideas.
  69. Develop your brain. Puzzles will help you with this.
  70. Find a free concert near your home and go to it with the whole family.
  71. Fly a kite.
  72. Play in the yard. Frisbee, ball, badminton will not only have fun, but will also help you stay in good shape.
  73. Visit your local farmers market. And holidays of seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  74. Create crafts from everything you find on the beach - ornate shells, colorful pieces of glass, unusual pebbles.
  75. Have breakfast in bed. Take turns cooking with your children.
  76. Play with clay. And be sure to bake your creations to make them long lasting.
  77. Model from dough.
  78. Make paper airplanes and see whose can fly the farthest.
  79. Start a book club or join an existing one. You can also list all the books you read over the summer and compete with the children, but they are unlikely to give you a prize.
  80. Make sketches.
  81. Write diaries. At the end of the summer holidays, you will be able to share your most vivid memories with each other.
  82. Teach children to throw stones on water.
  83. Make gifts with your photos. Grandma and Grandpa will definitely love them!
  84. Take lessons together. Cooking, yoga, tennis, music, etc.
  85. Play croquet on the lawn. Try bocce ball.
  86. Install a badminton net - you can also use it for playing volleyball.
  87. Play horse. For small children, you can install a small basketball basket next to the real one.
  88. Organize a treasure hunt for children. Both in your home and throughout the city.
  89. Make a feeder. And then watch the birds from the window.
  90. Help patrol the parks if you live nearby. This is both useful and interesting.
  91. Attend a theater performance. It doesn't matter whether it's a puppet show or a real big show.
  92. Perform your own performance. Write a script, sew costumes, or just improvise.
  93. Play music for fun. You can make your own instruments or play traditional ones.
  94. Play charades.
  95. Watch movies at home. Don't forget the popcorn!
  96. Go to a flea market or garage sale. What if your children bargain much better than you?
  97. Host your own sale. Children will be able to earn pocket money by selling their old things.
  98. Climb trees together. Of course, only if the children are old enough and you are brave enough.
  99. Buy a book with riddles. And if you guess everything that was there, write your own.
  100. Keep the kitchen cool. Try making cookies that don't require baking.
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