The stars that are in the sky... The mysterious beauty of the night starry sky

You can write an essay describing the starry sky using the option provided. This is an artistic description of the starry sky.

Description of the night sky

Night is the most mysterious period of time. The world of people falls asleep and darkness comes to replace it - the time of dreams, dreams, hopes. And it is at this time that millions of stars flash in the sky.

Have you ever noticed such a sky? How majestic and unshakable it is. This is the whole Universe that exists next to us. And for a moment it seems that our world is so tiny, petty. And man is a small part of all this.

Often you sit on the veranda in the evening, look at the sky, and there... Thousands, no, even millions of heavenly bodies. With the advent of the month, the white glow only flares up, forming beautiful patterns. Someone will see the image of a person, someone will see a funny animal, and someone will see scattered golden beads. It was as if some wizard had lost his magic bag.

The starry sky always gave peace and balance. It was the harbinger of a new day. They used the constellations to navigate their way and learned to predict the future. The appearance of the starry sky changes depending on the time of year: some constellations appear, others disappear. Therefore, this miracle has attracted the attention of people since ancient times.

Some kids find it quite difficult to put them to bed: either they haven’t played enough, or they are tormented by unreasonable fears, and sometimes they just don’t want to stay in the room all alone. The Star Master night light-projector, which will be discussed in today’s material, will be an excellent assistant to young parents in the difficult process of raising children, and will also be an excellent addition to the arsenal of any romantic, and indeed everyone who is no stranger to beauty. We will try to tell you everything about the unusual lamp, starting with its detailed description and purpose, and ending with recommendations and customer reviews.

Stars, night, romance

Have you ever dreamed of having your own observatory at home? Fall asleep every night under the deep starry sky, dreaming about the future? Now all this is possible, since the Star Master night light-projector of the starry sky makes this possible. It’s now possible to plunge into a fairy tale, and it’s easier than ever to do so. You just need to run this lamp indoors without additional lighting and the infinite universe will envelop the room. Hundreds of stars will be displayed on the walls and ceiling, giving a state of deep aesthetic pleasure and enjoyment of the star compass that opens right in the apartment. But the endless night sky is not all that a small lamp can do. It has several room lighting modes, each of which will find the right application at a specific moment and for the appropriate mood.

A thing that has no age restrictions or other requirements

The Star Master Dream night light-projector of the starry sky can be given as a gift for a birthday, New Year or any other holiday to absolutely everyone: mother, girlfriend, sister, brother, husband or boyfriend. Any of the above will appreciate the beauty that occurs the moment the night light is turned on. Everyone will want to use such a night light, as falling asleep under a sky strewn with stars is beautiful, pleasant and romantic. All you need to do is lie in bed and turn on the Star Master night light-projector. By the way, such a night light will be an excellent source of light for young parents, for example, while changing a child’s clothes at night or feeding. Pediatricians and psychologists are inclined to conclude that you should not disturb your baby at night with bright lights, because this can easily disrupt natural biorhythms and discourage the baby from sleeping when he needs to. Often, inexperienced mothers neglect such professional advice and are faced with a problem when the child confuses day with night: he sleeps during daylight hours and is awake at night.

Night light-starry sky projector Star master: description

The lamp has the shape of a cylinder with holes made by a special machine and special colored light bulbs inside, of which there are three. The walls of the night light are curved in accordance with the required angles at which the stars should be located. The side edges are covered with a special stencil with stars of different shapes and sizes embossed on it. There is also a star month adjustment ring at the bottom. Select the season that you prefer, and then enjoy the deepest winter sky in the middle of a hot summer night or feel the autumn starfalls for the second time in a year, simply by turning the switch ring to the position you need. The kit may include both batteries and an entire AC adapter for connecting to the network and longer operating time. Some models have a USB cable that allows you to connect the device to a computer or laptop. Next to the power button there is a mode switch, with which you can adjust the flickering of the colored light bulbs located inside the lamp. Depending on the cost of the night light, there can be up to 7 such modes.

Even a child can handle the projector

Usually, the Star Master night light-starry sky projector does not come with instructions, since the principle of its operation is extremely simple, and the device is intuitive. The lamp has an on/off switch and a space under the cover for installing batteries (3 AA batteries) if the lamp needs to operate autonomously. There is a connector for connecting constant power via an AC adapter, which allows you to leave the night light on for a long time and not have to worry about periodically replacing batteries.

Types of lamps

For several years in a row, the Star Master night light-projector of the starry sky, photos of which are presented in this material, has become a long-awaited gift or a necessary purchase for any family where they learned about it. By the way, prices for a lamp range from seven dollars to twenty. This is from 500 to 1500 rubles. Based on the cost, the night light will be equipped with some functions or, conversely, deprived of them. This is the case, for example, with the monthly mode switch: the budget model does not have this function, but in more expensive ones the lamp rotates, allowing you to change lighting modes.

There are more than nine types of Star master night light projectors on the market:

  1. "Star Master" is ordinary.
  2. Star Beauty.
  3. Star Lover, of which there are 4 different modifications.
  4. Ocean Master.
  5. Constellation Master.
  6. Universe Master.
  7. Star Master Dream rotating projection lamp. This lamp is slightly different from all of the above, because it is not cylindrical, but round. It has a brighter spectrum of white, which allows the stars and moon to be projected much more clearly on the ceiling and walls of the room. Another important feature of the Dream model is the ability to switch the flickering of colored light bulbs (blue, red and yellow). They can alternate between each other or turn off completely.

(From sketches about nature)

On a moonlit night, the cold gathers into myriads of purple grains and crumbles before us, in front of a strange light. I was at a loss: what was the main thing at this time? Lighting?
The moon itself, large, impartial, flew in the dark sky through the sparse smoke of clouds, through our premonition. In my thoughts, the moon was the point from which the beginning was counted, it dominated all concepts, defined them, and there was some kind of reproach for me, silent, a reproach within me, but of such strength that I constantly did not forget such a time...
He wanted to guess about something, something unnaturally plausible, as if he wanted to see himself from the outside...
* * *
The moon, clearly illuminated, rushed through the smoky clouds, detailed and thin in outline. The dull white snow on the ground occasionally brightened, the sky brightened, and shadows from trees and huts were visible. Strange light! Everything in it was visible, but barely visible. In this light, the world is several times larger than during the day, and behind the usually distant moon one could still see a huge space, more compressed, more visible...
I wanted to fly above the ground, silently, and almost believed in the supernatural that night...
When looking at the darkish snow, spots flickered in the volume of air.
* * *
The moon glows, spinning, hanging distantly, subtly and independently; the eternal sky is infinitely detailed with the depth of shades and distances, but the sky is the opposite of everything that is on earth... What is the moon? Why do we make things up? Is it because they are rich in their own history?
* * *
The air under the moonlight is thinning, the surface is snowy in pale blue. Under the cold and piercing wind, birch branches press against each other, flocks of snow run and rush everywhere, stopping like a whirlwind into a cloud, and now it settles under its shadow...
How the thin branches of a birch tree tremble, the wind rustles and whistles, and you are the only one here who thinks about comfort... And a round dance of snowflakes sweeps up a snowdrift: the dance is a cloud, your cheeks and hands go numb - and you are running away from the cold - you are forced to play in nature.
The wind rustles and whistles, sweeping snowdrifts like light snow...
* * *
The moonlit sky above the silhouettes of trees is a calm mixture of green and blue. The sky unstoppably pulls your gaze towards itself, leaving it there, dissolving it in spinning lines...
A pale light streams, and the distance beyond the sky and horizon is bright. A flickering light, entering the forest from above, pierces it... For the first minutes, the light keeps you dim, but after that you suddenly see everything sharply - you see at night, when it’s like you’re not supposed to see...
And the forest rings under the moon with motionless branches, an inaudible ringing under the deep sky, rising, and betrayed by the subtle shine of dark snow.
The forest rings, from the tree trunks there are shadows and planes. It’s strange when there are shadows at night, creepy in a huge forest in the moonlight, because you are alone, you are forced to follow a premonition... You are strong, for you a premonition is a game, a trap for revealing the meaning... But the strangeness remains, maybe like inertia , either we feel more than we know...
With your gaze you look ahead of the silhouettes of the trees, you step over the shadows - how light it is! The subtle ringing of branches, the whispering of snowy glades - was everything made up by you?
* * *
The moon shines through the bare branches of the tree, the branches reach towards the light, in them the moonlight freezes into tiny lines.
The winter sky is further from the earth at night than at the same time in summer - all only under the moon.
* * *
Yellow, all bruised, the moon slowly rose above a small cluster of gray clouds... A hard frosty wind... Blue darkness nearby. You're suffocating from the burning touch
* * *
The area in the dim light of the moon stretches far - as far as the eye can see... A succession of clouds passed by, covering the moon with a thin wavy veil, and the whole sky was filled with something, and the area darkened, then the clouds completely hid the moon within themselves, then suddenly releasing it, and it glowed with a pale, open smile...
But the deserted area still remained as if it shouldn’t exist, as if everything was arranged for us, as if the moonlit night had some meaning, a meaning that we still cannot understand...
* * *
The sky on a moonlit night behind the moon is gray, and everything from the moon to the earth seems completely empty, but visible. Empty... light darkness. We are surprised by what we see, by what we can see.
* * *
On a moonlit night you evaluate beliefs and ideas. A motionless shimmering area with lonely silent trees, a sleeping village, dark - everything seems mysterious and eternal...
You look at night for a long, long time, and your thoughts cannot escape from some basis...

Quiet moonlit night. Shadows on the snow. The sky is dirty blue, and near the horizon it merges vaguely with the snowy distance.
Moonlit night is a desert night, cold; the shadows on the snow are sharp, accompanying you. The night is beautiful. Why do we feel beauty? How do we want to understand it? Are we now bringing beauty into the night with us or, more precisely, are we taking a particle that we need?
... No, no, we are one, and there is one thing in nature and in us...
* * *
It’s strange, the silent moon hardly illuminates the dark earth - only the heavens around... And on the ground there is a barely noticeable pale reflection and slightly noticeable shadows...
But everything is somehow voluminous, everything is rich in secrets...
Dogs bark loudly, frogs sing from the pond, distant voices of people are heard
* * *
In the quiet twilight time, the silhouettes of trees show us what is close, warm and mysteriously fabulous; and behind them is a violet-blue light sky in the distance with an orange moon
* * *
Now I knew why a moonlit night or early morning seemed beautiful, but alarmingly incomprehensible: I had no habit of them, they were always perceived as a miracle, as a revelation...

After a tiring time of day, a low full puna appears. For a long time, she only adds detail to the landscape: a sharply outlined orange circle, separately visible. But behind the dark silhouettes, the still dusty road, the gray warmth of the area, it begins to glow with a loose and soft orange touch to the quiet twilight...
And already the soft light is gathered into one bright fireplace, prevailing in a dirty blue environment...
* * *
In the summer at dusk, the greenery seems to be torn away from itself and frozen like that; The calmed sky is pale and pale, all the way down to the dusty roads. The lake is smooth and light, the gaze scatters over its surface; the air is already swirling visibly into loose spots... The sky holds the full moon, it is calm, waiting for its time when, shimmering with a copper tint, it will express the night with the singing of nightingales...
And the night is fresh, blue, with a bright horizon at the place of sunset, the silhouettes of trees running towards us in all lines at once, a wonderful silence, noisily moving away from you to the farthest forest; the night is fresh with the coolness born from everywhere, which pushes you either the smell of dew and greenery from the lowlands, low and slow in movement, or the coolness - the freedom of the vast and magical sky, all in the blue lunar twilight, and space rushes, capturing thoughts, and you get lost: everything your theories are discolored by the touch of the night... The moon itself is far away, somewhere behind the dark gardens, separately bright, but powerless in front of the dark village... everything, everything can be heard now. What time is it: you collect it into a single thing, but it diverges with every detail you notice... And the air is the rejection of everything.
* * *
Before dawn, the blue sky in the distance reveals white clouds, running greenish to the west. The horizon is a transition, lilac-red, it carried the earth towards it in the twilight illumination, and everything seemed to be moving to the east, and our attention.
Behind us at the bottom of the sky lies the full moon, behind the silhouettes of trees and houses. The moon, far away from itself in a bright yellow flicker, hid the last remnants of the summer night, in the gray greenery - the secret of sounds.
The wind is even, calm, the smell is strong, flat. The gray landscape holds thoughts as if suspended, and the pale lake with the reflection of dawn on the far shore continuously captures them in vague assemblies... We have so much immediate...
The smell is strong, above the ground, and a cool wind is pouring, and all unfamiliar sounds are ahead of them...
* * *
In summer, the moon is low over the dark earth and dark silhouettes of trees, over the distance. And the low, faintly violet, reddish dawn is in a hurry to replace the short night...
* * *
Moonlight spreads along the roads and plains, the gardens and ravines are dark, the pale lake is carried up into the inaccessibility of the sky, and as if you yourself are spreading under the moonlight splashes - you are everywhere: above the darkness of secrets, above the visible road, the bluish-silver frost of dew in the lowlands, you, elusive warmth and unexpected exposure, an accepting mind and extremely specific answers...
* * *
On a moonlit night, the silence is wide and the sounds are random. Silence, spinning, instantly and continuously goes into the sky.

* * *
On a moonlit night in the field from you everything is gray and silence, great... The low distance is juicy dark, the sky with an indefinitely low border. Everything is low, everything floats in silent and invisible streams of coolness. Your gaze is shattered by the twilight lighting, and it seems new and new, as if quite recently there were colored lights before it, and suddenly the lights ran away from the warm earth, leaving us bewildered by the momentary state of thoughts...
* * *
A mysterious moonlit night in a village or an early sonorous morning, unexpected by the sun and warmth - all the endless discovery of every detail, where during the discovery you can imagine many aspects of your secret and the secret of the beauty of the earth
In summer, far and near until noon are filled with joyful air, warm and bluish, penetrated by the sun's rays, and free, soaring... You are so happy about your world
* * *
And now I idolized the illumination of a moonlit night, when the area became mysteriously visible, when the illuminated blue sky was enormously cool, with rare distant stars..., and under the moon the sky was infinitely close, pouring greenish, under the moon the earth was large, silhouette-magical, dark...
* * *
There is a certain solemnity in a moonlit night: the earth darkens through the gray, the smell of the lowlands envelops the hills, and the flowing pale blue color from the moon in myriads of points silently touches the gray...
And the earth is sleeping.
* * *
At night we receive the world freshly and immediately from everywhere.
Now the light above is pale with a greenish tint - the moon. The heart is alarmed, sensing something other than beauty... The silent land is deserted, the shadows in the night are always unusual, the terrain visible to the horizon - as if it should not be visible... The whole world is quiet, as if one thing concerns everything.
After the night we are wiser for the day.
* * *
At night, in general, we receive the world freshly and immediately from everywhere; on a moonlit night the sky is greenish: the pale illumination of the moon is pouring
the land is deserted, the shadows are unusual, the area itself, visible to the horizon, as if it should not be visible
silence: the leaf does not move, you can hear the distance
But my heart was worried, sensing something other than beauty

At night, the full moon on the picturesque thin arch indifferently passed torn dark clouds: the area either brightened, revealing buildings, then imperceptibly and immediately darkened...
* * *
In autumn, the sky behind the moon is a space with an infinitely distant but visible border, clearly illuminated by the moon. And here on earth it is dark and damp, here we fit the low night into our consciousness...
* * *
The moon is dazzling, clearly illuminates the sky to the dark vault, everything on earth is seen as one, which is torn apart and cannot be torn apart by the wind. On the lake in the lunar path, the fiery whirlwinds are constantly scattering, deviating from the initial center.
* * *
Sometimes after twilight in late autumn, the moon that appears does not illuminate anything for a long, long time, much later, when the area around is already quiet under the moon and united by its light, the moon itself is the main event, and we are waiting for something...
Do we really invent something of our own for the world, and then believe what we have invented?

From the book "Nature"

On a cool August night, the distant moon shines brightly; Dogs bark in the village, roosters crow long before dawn.
The night is deep: the horizon of the sky is indefinitely close or far, the sky itself is heavy, but you feel at ease in this solemn passage of time. And the distance penetrates you: distant sounds are nearby; At night you are generally close to everything. The moon illuminates the deserted streets of the village, moon shadows are everywhere - it’s strange all around! Strange, solemn, great time!
It’s a strange time because we are trying to realize what we have seen, that we don’t need our own knowledge about the planet Moon now: do we really want to “realize” something through our feelings? That is, through knowledge obtained instantly, from scratch?
We do not enter into any contradictions; we certainly want to understand the ultimate connection between the landscape (with our Self, of course) and the Moon. This “aesthetic” connection, which literally turns you upside down, nevertheless remains incomprehensibly sublime...
It's light enough to read; the moonlight is slow... Everything around seems to be the opposite of what happens during the day; What is the point in the fact that we constantly wake up such beauty, that we seem to be spying on it? is that our world has a different state? The moon, moonlight provokes our thoughts about the fabulous, magical, unnatural, and we feel good from such thoughts - after all, we cover up some voids and problems with them.
In winter, the moon illuminates deserted glades of white snow, dark houses and trees: everywhere there are shadows and a gloomy sublime light, emphasizing your alienation, your loneliness, your consciousness.
Moonlight naturally revealed a relationship between us and nature that other states of day and night could not “reveal.” The moon hurried coldly in the sky illuminated by itself and with its light had a magnetic effect on the earth: we were fascinated by the moon, and by the terrain visible towards the moon, and by the secrets everywhere; empty darkness, slow and flowing, absorbed or amplified sounds...
And in the summer, low above the twilight and echoing night, all distant and large, the moon illuminated only open spaces, but it was still darker than in winter; however, the aura of mystery in the moonlight persisted at all times of the year. In the summer the sky under the moon was low, twilight, trickles of darkness apparently went up... And in the winter - the sky under the moon and behind the moon seemed so spacious that it was time to talk about an unexpected new celestial space...
Heated by our own relationships, we do not notice the beauty of the sky: how much time is needed for a natural transition to the perception of the surrounding miracle? After all, it all exists: miracle, perception, and time! And there is nothing. As if everything is in someone else's current...
The sun was shining, the moon was shining; the moon, as something ethereal, was perceived with greater surprise than the sun, it created and kept more secrets, because, simply put, everything lay in the “organization” of the light space: it, indeed, in the moonlight turned out to be unusual.
With the streets and the entire area deserted, the space turned out to be cramped, filled with your conjectures, fantasies, filled with legends, beliefs... What else?

From the work “On Human Self-Sufficiency”

At night (spring? but there was already grass), suddenly, waking up, I felt with my heartbeat the intersecting meanings of time: worlds were layered, there was a loud silence, and... the haunting solemnity of pale moonlight burned outside the windows of a village house...
And the hut was permeated with solemn silence, as if lifted by an unknown sacrament.
I went out as if I had been summoned, without fear, trembling with inner incomprehensible courage and instantly expecting some kind of evil - not against myself! but in spite of everything,….expecting some kind of seamy side of the world that controls everything, everything, down to the smallest detail.
The moon was shining! On the cold grass, leaves, walls of the hut, on the silhouettes of distant buildings and trees, the moon left the silver of silence, pouring out and thinning with light. The entire cold sky nearby, dark green or dark blue, was visible and illuminated: it was brightened by the moon, even shaded by it. And the sky breathed with a sonorous silence, breathed the unspoken, the expected...
The big moon...looked, spoke about the non-randomness of the world, the moon showed connection, kinship,...strange kinship, rational (?). And a strange light! Slow, hanging in the dark air like light dotted lines...the light is pale, strong, heavy - unconscious?
And we are fast, we “escape” the influence of lunar pressure. We live in ordinary (daytime?) time...
The fabulous unnatural light of moonlight is a great provocation to us: after all, our mind only begins to act when there is a difference (in this case, time). There is a difference!
The moon, the moonlight, all this chorus of silence, all the organization of barely visible space, all this lunar solemnity - everything was a counterbalance to the day.
And you were rich in countless possibilities of events, and you became stronger for yourself, for the only time in which so much depended on you, and - more peaceful: your protest, your search, your difference - difference pulsated in your consciousness.

From the book "Arabesques"

Moonlight night

There is no greater contrast than people relaxing carefree on a moonlit night and perceiving the moon only as a detail of their own relaxation.
...and the moon was shining - open, inaccessibly distant, immensely sad, the moon looked at the earth, filling it to the horizon with sad light, and as if it was carrying some kind of secret with it... What?
...the low moonlit summer night is noisy, sonorous, mysterious; and it seems that you are breathing through noisy air, dark, silhouetted, you are not breathing - you are drinking... the summer moonlit night is cool, cool... in the distance, the coolness is frozen...
and the light of the moon is solemn, fading, slow, and all of this time is slow, like earthly fast time, unnoticed by you... when meeting the moonlight, it slows down: this makes it unusual!
the moon slows down your time! therefore, running moments “accumulate” on the “edge” of time, and now you are no longer on the “edge” of time, but on the surface of time, revealed by moonlight... and the “times” keep coming and coming!
Some kind of triumph, someone’s triumph is all around, but you cannot be spontaneous: you are constantly “looking back” at your own past, and here it is, nearby! ...times build a sad clearing, ever increasing
/low night because there is only darkness all around, but at a distance it seems to be light.!/
...a low summer night, and there, far in the sky, pale stars and rare clouds, sometimes gray, sometimes black, and the same sad and rarefied light of the moon...
And in winter the moon is already high, and the night sky is already high, high - visible! - visible from the snow-covered earth itself, visible with the same oncoming moonlight frozen on the way, and the darkness that should be there stretches somewhere to an unimaginable height, towards the horizon, and therefore on a winter moonlit night - lighter, on a winter moonlit night you yourself seem yourself - less /!/, so the whole winter moonlit night is more voluminous, more spacious, and the moon in the cold sky seems smaller, and its “sadness” is more inaccessible

* * *
The earth with all living things opens up to the moon, and unconsciously, subconsciously, a person turns his thoughts to himself, to evaluating himself
The earth opens up to the moonlight and anxiety is with us, an unexpected and incomprehensible self-esteem overtakes us, and it turns out that it “demands” to “handle” time somehow differently... How? and what is self-esteem?
The moon is a silent witness, a witness of our thoughts and actions, the moon is a great companion on our path...
Both the moon and the water reflection always carried with them something completely, completely new - for us. What?

From the book "Studies on Consciousness"

288. At night, pale moonlight pours onto the Earth, overflowing with the noise of life: I am here, in the midst of life, I am aware because I have consciousness, and my self, amazing for myself, is in my own consciousness, or even leads it ...And my consciousness is amazing to me: all this is a gift to me!
What are the “earthly limits” of awareness? Now, physiology will also “fail”, consciousness will fade away (from our point of view), and where will it be then? With a rich appreciation for life, with a non-repetitive memory: where will the memory be deployed?
Is it really only in the memory of loved ones?
I didn't believe
I didn’t believe it because the infinite cannot disappear within itself!
* * *
521. I should write out and re-experience, “reformulate” the descriptions of the moonlit night from my writings: the moon has a strange effect on consciousness
Consciousness “discovers” itself in new conditions – with different times!
And the moonlight, as if dispersed, was in some kind of balance with your inner light: it did not “impede” ... objective self-esteem
With the sad light of the moon over the dark joy of the summer landscape (or, as if independent from anything, the light of a distant moon over the brightening winter expanses), you were clearly aware of the presence of the Observer (!).
Physical. Indifferent.
Could this be the case?
* * *
522*...before the winter twilight, when the frosty blue evening held the huge sky, the moon was already shining: and the whole area under the huge sky was united by this incomprehensible blue integrity
The frozen moment seemed to catch the color of the whole picture before my eyes, but together with you!, and - held...
I knew that where the moon was, there at any time of the year time was deprived of its immediacy (?!), it (time itself) was nearby, but not in you (!).

Pleshakov had a good idea - to create an atlas for children that would make it easy to identify stars and constellations. Our teachers picked up this idea and created their own atlas-identifier, which is even more informative and visual.

What are constellations?

If you look up into the sky on a clear night, you can see many sparkling lights of different sizes, like a scattering of diamonds, decorating the sky. These lights are called stars. Some of them seem to be collected in clusters and, upon prolonged examination, they can be divided into certain groups. Man called such groups “constellations.” Some of them may resemble the shape of a ladle or the intricate outlines of animals, however, in many respects this is just a figment of the imagination.

For many centuries, astronomers tried to study such clusters of stars and gave them mystical properties. People tried to systematize them and find a common pattern, and that’s how the constellations appeared. For a long time, constellations were carefully studied, some were divided into smaller ones, and they ceased to exist, and some, after clarification, were simply adjusted. For example, the constellation Argo was divided into smaller constellations: Compass, Carina, Parus, Poop.

The history of the origin of the names of the constellations is also very interesting. To make it easier to remember, they were given names united by one element or literary work. For example, it was noticed that during periods of heavy rain, the Sun rises from the direction of certain constellations, which were given the following names: Capricorn, Whale, Aquarius, and the constellation Pisces.

In order to bring all constellations to a certain classification, in 1930, at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union, it was decided to officially register 88 constellations. According to the decision made, constellations do not consist of groups of stars, but represent sections of the starry sky.

What are the constellations?

Constellations vary in the number and brightness of the stars that make up them. The 30 most noticeable groups of stars are identified. The largest constellation in terms of area is Ursa Major. It consists of 7 bright and 118 stars visible to the naked eye.

The smallest constellation, located in the southern hemisphere, is called the Southern Cross and cannot be seen with the naked eye. It consists of 5 bright and 25 less visible stars.

Lesser Horse is the smallest constellation in the northern hemisphere and consists of 10 faint stars that can be seen with the naked eye.

The most beautiful and brightest constellation is Orion. It consists of 120 stars visible to the naked eye, and 7 of them are very bright.

All constellations are conventionally divided into those located in the southern or northern hemisphere. Those who live in the southern hemisphere of the Earth cannot see star clusters located in the northern hemisphere and vice versa. Of the 88 constellations, 48 ​​are in the southern hemisphere, and 31 are in the northern hemisphere. The remaining 9 groups of stars are located in both hemispheres. The Northern Hemisphere is easily identified by the North Star, which always shines very brightly in the sky. She is the extreme star on the handle of the Ursa Minor dipper.

Due to the fact that the Earth rotates around the Sun, which prevents some constellations from being seen, the seasons change and the position of this star in the sky changes. For example, in winter the location of our planet in its circumsolar orbit is opposite to that in summer. Therefore, at each time of the year you can only see certain constellations. For example, in the summer, in the night sky you can see a triangle formed by the stars Altair, Vega and Deneb. In winter, there is an opportunity to admire the infinitely beautiful constellation Orion. That’s why they sometimes say: autumn constellations, winter, summer or spring constellations.

Constellations are best visible in the summer and it is advisable to observe them in open space, outside the city. Some stars can be seen with the naked eye, while others may require a telescope. The constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, as well as Cassiopeia, are best visible. In autumn and winter, the constellations Taurus and Orion are clearly visible.

Bright constellations that are visible in Russia

The most beautiful constellations of the northern hemisphere visible in Russia include: Orion, Ursa Major, Taurus, Canis Major, Canis Minor.

If you look closely at their location and give free rein to your imagination, you can see a hunting scene, which, like an ancient fresco, has been depicted in the sky for more than two thousand years. The brave hunter Orion is always depicted surrounded by animals. Taurus runs to his right, and the hunter swings his club at him. At Orion's feet are the faithful Canis Major and Canis Minor.

Constellation Orion

This is the largest and most colorful constellation. It is clearly visible in autumn and winter. Orion can be seen over the entire territory of Russia. The arrangement of its stars resembles the outline of a person.

The history of the formation of this constellation originates from ancient Greek myths. According to them, Orion was a brave and strong hunter, the son of Poseidon and the nymph Emvriala. He often hunted with Artemis, but one day, for defeating her during a hunt, he was struck by the goddess’s arrow and died. After death, he was turned into a constellation.

Orion's brightest star is Rigel. It is 25 thousand times brighter than the Sun and 33 times its size. This star has a bluish-white glow and is considered supergiant. However, despite such impressive dimensions, it is significantly smaller than Betelgeuse.

Betelgeuse adorns Orion's right shoulder. It is 450 times larger than the diameter of the Sun and if we put it in the place of our star, then this star will take the place of four planets before Mars. Betelgeuse shines 14,000 times brighter than the Sun.

The constellation Orion also includes nebulae and asterisms.

Constellation Taurus

Another large and unimaginably beautiful constellation of the northern hemisphere is Taurus. It is located northwest of Orion and is located between the constellations Aries and Gemini. Not far from Taurus there are such constellations as: Auriga, Cetus, Perseus, Eridanus.

This constellation in mid-latitudes can be observed throughout almost the entire year, with the exception of the second half of spring and early summer.

The history of the constellation dates back to ancient myths. They talk about Zeus turning into a calf in order to kidnap the goddess Europa and bring her to the island of Crete. This constellation was first described by Eudoxus, a mathematician who lived long before our era.

The brightest star not only of this constellation, but also of the other 12 groups of stars is Aldebaran. It is located on the head of Taurus and was previously called the “eye”. Aldebaran is 38 times the diameter of the Sun and 150 times brighter. This star is located 62 light years away from us.

The second brightest star in the constellation is Nat or El-Nat (the horns of the bull). It is located near Auriga. It is 700 times brighter than the Sun and 4.5 times larger.

Within the constellation there are two incredibly beautiful open clusters of stars, the Hyades and the Pleiades.

The age of the Hyades is 650 million years. They can be easily found in the starry sky thanks to Aldebaran, which is clearly visible among them. They include about 200 stars.

The Pleiades got its name from its nine parts. Seven of them are named after the seven sisters of Ancient Greece (the Pleiades), and two more are named after their parents. The Pleiades are very visible in winter. They include about 1000 stellar bodies.

An equally interesting formation in the constellation Taurus is the Crab Nebula. It was formed after a supernova explosion in 1054 and was discovered in 1731. The distance of the nebula from the Earth is 6500 light years, and its diameter is about 11 light years. years.

This constellation belongs to the Orion family and borders the constellations Orion, Unicorn, Canis Minor, and Hare.

The constellation Canis Major was first discovered by Ptolemy in the second century.

There is a myth according to which the Great Dog used to be Lelap. It was a very fast dog that could catch up with any prey. One day he chased a fox, which was not inferior to him in speed. The outcome of the race was a foregone conclusion, and Zeus turned both animals to stone. He placed the dog in heaven.

The constellation Canis Major is very visible in winter. The brightest star not only of this, but also of all other constellations is Sirius. It has a bluish luster and is located quite close to Earth, at a distance of 8.6 light years. In terms of brightness in our solar system, it is surpassed by Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon. Light from Sirius takes 9 years to reach Earth and is 24 times stronger than the sun. This star has a satellite called "Puppy".

The formation of such a concept as “Holidays” is associated with Sirius. The fact is that this star appeared in the sky during the summer heat. Since Sirius is translated from Greek as “canis,” the Greeks began to call this period vacation.

Constellation Canis Minor

Canis Minor borders on such constellations as: Unicorn, Hydra, Cancer, Gemini. This constellation represents the animal that, together with Canis Major, follows the hunter Orion.

The history of the formation of this constellation, if we rely on myths, is very interesting. According to them, Canis Minor is Mera, the dog of Icaria. This man was taught how to make wine by Dionysus and the drink turned out to be very strong. One day his guests decided that Ikaria had decided to poison them and killed him. The mayor was very sad for his owner and soon died. Zeus placed it in the form of a constellation in the starry sky.

This constellation is best observed in January and February.

The brightest stars in this constellation are Porcyon and Gomeisa. Porcyon is located 11.4 light years from Earth. It is somewhat brighter and hotter than the Sun, but physically differs little from it.

Gomeiza is visible to the naked eye and glows with a blue-white light.

Constellation Ursa Major

Ursa Major, shaped like a ladle, is one of the three largest constellations. It is mentioned in the writings of Homer and in the Bible. This constellation is very well studied and has great significance in many religions.

It borders with such constellations as: Waterfall, Leo, Canes Venatici, Dragon, Lynx.

According to ancient Greek myths, the Big Dipper is associated with Callisto, a beautiful nymph and lover of Zeus. His wife Hera turned Callisto into a bear as punishment. One day, this bear came across Hera and her son, Arcas, with Zeus in the forest. To avoid tragedy, Zeus turned his son and nymph into constellations.

The big ladle is formed by seven stars. The most striking of them are three: Dubhe, Alkaid, Aliot.

Dubhe is a red giant and points to the North Star. It is located 120 light years from Earth.

Alkaid, the third brightest star in the constellation, expresses the end of the tail of Ursa Major. It is located 100 light years away from Earth.

Alioth is the brightest star in the constellation. She represents the tail. Because of its brightness, it is used in navigation. Alioth shines 108 times brighter than the Sun.

These constellations are the brightest and most beautiful in the northern hemisphere. They can be perfectly seen with the naked eye on an autumn or frosty winter night. The legends of their formation allow your imagination to run wild and imagine how the mighty hunter Orion, together with his faithful dogs, runs after his prey, while Taurus and Ursa Major watch him closely.

Russia is located in the northern hemisphere, and in this part of the sky we are able to see only a few of all the constellations existing in the sky. Depending on the time of year, only their position in the sky changes.


How beautiful the sky is! The sky at any time of the year, at any hour of the day! It changes subtly and is never the same, because something subtle, escaping our earthly eyes, changes its state every second. The sky changes its shades, its height, its content. What kind of adjectives do we apply to the sky when speaking or thinking about it? It can be joyful and menacing, shining and cloudy, high and low... It carries within itself hundreds of bipolar states. The sky lives its own, hidden life, forcing everything on Earth and the Earth itself to adapt to this life. It is connected with invisible threads to every entity on Earth, forcing it to internally tune into the tone it sets, creating an internal mood, creating it unobtrusively, and secretly - calmly and powerfully. And only having acquired the wisdom and freedom of the Spirit, we can rejoice in any of its faces, seeing in any of its manifestations the One Life, harmonious and beautiful, like the sky itself.


Here it is - the night sky, twinkling with myriads of mysterious stars, blue-black velvet, making the heart skip a beat from the power of mystical attraction, and stopping thought in its uncontrollable penetration into such depths of the Universe that the human mind is no longer able to comprehend this depth.

There are no two identical stars in the Universe, just as there are no two identical people on Earth, two identical destinies. Each of them has its own attractive power, its own magic of influence, setting the milestones of our Path, the results of which form the experience we have gained.

Each corner of the night sky is beautiful in its own way, for there are countless patterns of silver embroidery woven by stars. Each star shines with only its own inherent light, creating a surprisingly harmonious range of rays, from reddish to silver-blue.

The Earth's satellite, the beautiful Moon, certainly dominates the night sky, not allowing us to see the stars and constellations drowning in its reflected light. But, with light cloudiness, it creates surprisingly spectacular combinations of clouds that attract the eye and provide food for the richest imagination.

The winter sky is especially rich in bright stars.

Here is the beauty of the sky - the never-setting constellation Orion, tied with a pearl belt of three stars. How many myths and legends of all times and peoples are connected with this constellation. It majestically and wisely looks at the Earth from the depths of the Universe, giving joy and craving for knowledge of its hidden secrets. Its attraction is almost irresistible, and it is so incredibly difficult to take your eyes off it. The majestic pyramids of Egypt involuntarily appear before the inner gaze, invisible, connected by secret threads with this constellation, which keeps the great Mystery about the origins of the One Life.

A little lower and to the left of Orion, on the flagpole of the Canis Major constellation, the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, shines like a silvery-bluish carbuncle.

Ursa Major is located next to its eternal pursuers - the constellations Bootes and Canes Venatici. Her ladle, consisting of seven bright, silvery stars, united in itself the seven hearts of the Sons of the One God - the seven Great Rishis, a symbol of the great gift to humanity, the giving of great Love and Knowledge, care and help. Every seeker can quench his thirst from the heavenly bucket filled with true Life.

And not far away nestles the Little Dipper, famous for its guiding North Star. How often, and with what hope, the lost in the dense world longed for the appearance of this very star, showing him the Path to salvation and finding a new, true life.

Mysterious, never-setting Cassiopeia, like the stroke of the Great Teacher’s pen on the heavenly tablets. What beautiful secret does Cassiopeia, this queen of the sky, hide within herself, so gravitating towards one of the stars of the Great Rishis that even the human eye noticed this gravity?!

There are so many of them - beautiful, bright and not very bright, constellations and stars in the night sky! Here is the restless Sagittarius, always rushing forward, and the calmly majestic constellation of Libra, on which the Higher Cosmic Justice measures out to everyone the measure of what they have acquired; the wings of the Swan gracefully spread in flight into the unknown depths of the Universe, and next to it - the sophisticated Lyra; the mighty constellation Leo with the star of the kings - Regulus, bestowing nobility and courage, bringing the Highest Fire into the human heart, and the mysterious constellation Pisces, attracting into mystical depths. Scorpio, Virgo, Gemini, Andromeda with its muslin-like nebula, the star bracelet of the Milky Way... And scattered, according to cosmic law, in their orbits are non-flickering planets, the reflected light of which complements the light gamut of the night sky.

Our beautiful Earth sensitively absorbs messages from the night sky, messages of help and love, because it so needs this love, the love of the cosmos and ours, the love of its children.

We can talk endlessly about the night sky, because there is no more beautiful and attractive spectacle for the mind and heart. Its infinity, which carries our gaze into the depths of the Universe, gives us hope for overcoming temporary defeats and passing adversity, for they fade before this immense, powerful beauty. Heaven reduces this vanity to microscopic dimensions, giving us courage and strength to fight this vanity, and the invisible, internal struggle with ourselves, revealing to us heavenly Beauty and calling us to the Source of the One Life.


How different it can be - dawn, but we give our first glance to the sky, voluntarily or involuntarily.

Dawn is bright and clear when the first ray of the Sun rising in the east is not yet visible, but is already felt by the special tonality that the eastern part of the night sky acquires. The sun dilutes the blue-black velvet of the sky, giving it a lighter shade, as if a golden brush stroke was thrown sleepily onto the vault of heaven, muffling the light of the stars and creating a fanciful lighting. How amazingly harmoniously earthly life is connected with the life of heaven!

And so the first ray of the rising luminary colored everything in radiant, rainbow tones, driving away the morning shadows and giving everything that exists a new impulse of life and joy. Thrown into the human heart, a ray of sunshine established an invisible, secret connection with it, creating that inner mood that the heart will carry within itself throughout the current day, despite passing sorrows and disappointments. How incredibly important is this intimate connection! She opens the human heart to perceive Beauty and Love. A sensitive heart, open to these highest qualities, is capable of creating and joyfully bringing the results of this creativity to people. How creativity transforms human life, imbuing it with joy, and at the same time giving an understanding of the deepest responsibility for the result of this creativity! Heaven, and only Heaven, is the true inspirer and driver of the creative heart!

And at this time, the panorama of dawn rising above the earth continues to unfold... The stars fade in the ever-increasing rays of the sun, and only the thin disk of the Moon is still visible in the bright blue of the dawn sky. Sometimes, like a light flock of birds, a community of snow-white, small clouds will float by, casting a shadow as light as muslin on the awakening earth. And the sun's ray is already disturbing the sleeping flowers, forcing them to open their sleepy eyes - buds - and stretch their entire stems towards the light. At the same time, with a light and reverent kiss, he removed the pearl headdress of dew from the dormant blades of grass. And if in winter only a brave titmouse can sing the rising dawn, then in the summer a whole choir of recognized singers vied with each other to sing a hymn to the rising sun. A bright and clear dawn is beautiful at any time of the year! And if the blue of the winter sky looks colder, the rays of the rising sun fill the air with such a silvery glow that it hurts the eyes to look at this splendor of iridescent air and snow.

But the autumn dawn can have another shade...cloudy. But the gray-eyed dawn is also attractive in its own way. The gray, fluffy fog that swirls, at first, only in the lowlands, covers the ground like a blanket, giving it the opportunity to doze a little more before the start of a new day, and at the same time absorbing and softening all the morning sounds. The sun's ray is drowning in the depths of this fog, and it seems that it will no longer break through this dense veil. But the rising daylight is fully aware of its power - it rises higher... And now the first rays of the sun pierced the gray, viscous mass, and soon, not a trace remains of the fog torn into shreds. Light pours life-affirmingly and powerfully onto the earth, giving us the belief that nothing transitory or temporary can interfere with the progress of the One Life, and that the intimate connection between Heaven and Earth is indestructible!


The sun confidently established itself in the sky. Its powerful rays fall almost vertically onto the sweltering earth. Everything that so joyfully strives for the sun at dawn now seeks to hide in the gracious shadow. The birds fell silent, waiting for the evening cool. The heads of the flowers in the meadow have slightly drooped, and only the tireless workers - the bees, are anxiously flying from flower to flower, setting a tense working rhythm with their buzzing.

The sky has lost its bright blue, acquired a yellowish tint, and it seems that it itself is tired of its own unbearable heat. It looks with pleasure in the mirror of the river, trying to be saturated with life-giving moisture. And he succeeds. The first light clouds appear in the midday sky. They float slowly, almost imperceptibly for the human eye, float lazily, but this seeming laziness has already rustled like a light breeze in the treetops, rippled across the surface of the river, and served, only to their knowledge, as a signal to the flowers, hastening to close their corollas. The bees, having received such confirmation of the approaching bad weather, immediately disappeared. Everything was on alert...

Beautiful pink clouds, like dancing flamingos, appeared on the horizon. But what an armada of almost black thunderclouds they lead behind them! This armada inevitably covers the entire sky, right up to the horizon, pumping up an inexplicable tension in everything it manages to cover. Now sharp and powerful gusts of wind test everyone's strength, giving everyone a chance to test their stability and ability to withstand any bad weather.

Suddenly everything became quiet... And suddenly a strong clap of thunder shook everything around. And lightning, the most dazzling and beautiful lightning, like a blade snatched from its sheath, scattered the black clouds into pieces. The Heavenly Fire Extravaganza has begun! What a beautiful and powerful action! The feeling that you are standing on the palm of your hand, between Heaven and Earth, is amazingly real, and does not depend on your location. You are open, completely open to this powerful flow of cleansing, higher energy. And flashes of lightning either illuminate the clouds from the inside, creating absolutely fantastic lighting, or tear the black blanket of heaven and hit the ground. And she seems to be groaning under these powerful blows, trying to protect all living things entrusted to her by the One Life. Thunderclaps absorb all other sounds. Steel streams of rain lash the flesh of the earth, and it does not have time to absorb this mass of collapsing water, so desired in the heat. Foaming rivers and streams rush violently in one direction known to them. Everyone is waiting with bated breath for the last act of this fiery extravaganza.

And finally, there was a universal sigh of relief - the black cloud began to go beyond the horizon. And the life-affirming sun caressed the struggle-weary earth. But what magically attracts the eye to the sky? It's a rainbow! Beautiful rainbow! A symbol of internal purification, a symbol of the hardest victory over everything superficial, transitory, victory over oneself. She, like a guiding star, indicates the only true Path - the Path of the ascension of the Spirit!

How many faces the Sky has. Being so multifaceted in summer, it is different in winter... In winter, even at noon it retains its rich blueness in clear weather, but in bad weather it literally crushes the earth with a gray, incredibly heavy blanket, throwing down seemingly endless armfuls of snow and changing the face of the earth according to its imagination . And the earth obediently accepts this game, trying on one or another snow cover. She knows that behind this gray-white curtain that has fallen over her, the blue, bottomless sky is shining, which will rescue her from snowy captivity, and the sun's rays will caress and warm her chilled flesh.

Autumn bad weather is completely different... It is melancholic in its mood, and tries to convey this feeling to everything around it. The cold steel of the river merged with the steel of the sky, and the monotonous, boring rain, like the squeak of a mosquito, sings its sad song, rustling in the withered grass. Everything became quiet, immersed in memories, where everything that had been passed, all victories and defeats was assessed. And the gray muslin of rain enveloped the chilled and wet earth even more tightly. And it seems that the sky has finally become thinner, and there will be no end to this gray monotony.

But no. Suddenly the rain stopped its mournful song, and a rushing gust of wind instantly tore into shreds and scattered the gray veil. And how everything has changed! The golden-red caps of the trees instantly flared up, completely absorbing the remnants of the green color. The river surface acquired a rich, blue hue, and dotted lines of flying flocks of birds traced the autumn sky. And it seemed to strive to throw out all the remaining warmth onto the earth in order to water the earth with it for the long, cold months, to give it faith that everything passes, and autumn will pass, and winter will pass, and a new cycle of Life will begin again, and Heaven will always guide her along the upward spiral of this One Life.


The colors of the sky at sunset are something fantastic! The sky mixes seemingly incompatible colors, obtaining shades that only an artist whose heart can accommodate this unusual and stunning beauty can reproduce. You can watch this sky for hours, and not a single second will it be the same. Here the huge disk of the sun, tired during the day, sinks below the horizon, giving the sky a golden-yellow hue, but here it plunges into the clouds, coloring them in an unusual pinkish-red color and suggesting the thought of tomorrow's windy weather. And an absolutely fantastic picture of a sunset in late autumn, when the sun has already set and the sky has acquired a dark, emerald-turquoise color, and against this background, as if with a prayer, the naked branches of huge, black trees are stretched out to the sky.

How unusual everything is! How changeable! What kind of cloud shapes does the sky depict for our eyes? Here they are light and fluffy, swimming in a cheerful flock in the heavenly heights. Here they are, gloomy and frowning, slowly moving in the heavenly expanse in a heavy armada, giving rise to the idea of ​​impending trials. But here they are, like a light brush stroke, creating an association with a handful of bird feathers lost during a serious collision.

The evening sky is the last chord of the passing day! Tired, it is somehow special, calm and majestic. Its depth literally absorbs the eye, creating an extraordinary feeling of complete balance and peace. But this peace has nothing to do with narcissism, but, on the contrary, forces you to calmly and carefully reassess your thoughts, views, feelings, and make the only right decision, which is so necessary for your further path.

How symbolic everything is! While the Earth tries to completely enslave our consciousness, Heaven strives to free it from earthly vanity, directs us to realize the true meaning of human life, life in harmony with the entire Universe. And how everything that happens on Earth is invisibly connected with the life of Heaven! Nothing in life is accidental! Everything is natural and determined by wise cosmic laws. And only the inability to see this pattern forces one to complain about the emergence of another test. Everything that exists on Earth goes through its own, inherent, stage of evolution, and Heaven teaches us to correspond to this stage. The Earth sets a visible, next lesson, and Heaven helps to fulfill it, suggesting the only right decision to a sensitive heart, this mediator between Heaven and Earth.

And the evening sky imperceptibly begins to acquire the color of night. And if the western part of the sky still retains the glow of the passing day, then in the eastern part the thickening blue has already been enriched with a silvery scattering of the first stars. Gradually, this blueness covers the entire sky, acquiring a bluish-black hue, and now, again, the Moon has risen like a master in the sky. The Earth has taken another step into the future, a future that is determined by Heaven, by the entire Code of Cosmic Laws, but at the same time, in this certainty, everything on Earth is given complete freedom of choice, the choice of a Path, the result of which is either evolution or destruction. And how important it is for every heart to realize the inevitability of this choice, because the fate of the Earth, which is formed from the results of the choice of each heart, depends on its correctness!

Tomorrow a new day will rise, throwing a ray of Light and Love into every daring heart, filling it with joy and beauty, calling it on the difficult Path of Ascension.

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