How to prepare for a wedding plan. Wedding planning step by step

A wedding is an event that happens only once in a lifetime. And every person wants such a day to go perfectly, without hitches and uncomfortable situations. That is why preparation for it begins in advance. In this article I would like to provide detailed instructions on where to start preparing for the wedding, what you need to remember and what you shouldn’t forget.


So, a marriage proposal from the guy arrived, the couple slowly moved into the status of bride and groom. The most important and, in a sense, even difficult period begins - preparation for the wedding celebration. So, initially the couple must decide what they want to see in the end. A wedding can be big or small, ordinary or bright, classic or extraordinary. And this should be decided only by two people: the future husband and wife. In this case, you should not focus on the wishes of relatives or the needs of friends. We must not forget that a wedding is the day when two people become a family. Everything should be done only for two; it is the couple that should be the center of attention. And only then the guests, the invited persons.

Long term plans

So, where to start preparing for your wedding? Initially, you need to decide on the concept. You need to understand what scale the celebration is planned, in what style everything will be decorated. You also need to think about whether the wedding and official painting will take place in the registry office, or whether you will need to organize an outdoor ceremony. At this time, you need to roughly decide on the date of the celebration. Whether the celebration will be in summer or winter, spring or autumn - a lot depends on it.

A few words about the date

So, the wedding preparation plan will also depend on this. And all because if a couple is planning a celebration on a special day, the so-called beautiful date, they need to prepare for a big stir and, perhaps, even an increase in prices for certain services.

It is worth noting that some couples select their wedding date depending on the advice of astrologers or fortune tellers. Maybe it’s worth paying attention to such moments.

Selection of photo and videographers

About six months before the wedding, you can start choosing photo and video operators. During this time, the couple can watch many films and photo albums offered by specialists. Often photographers provide a trial photo shoot service. This is a good practice, because lovers will be able to understand how they will look through the lens of a certain master. It is worth noting that it is best to choose these specialists at this time for the following reasons:

  • Good operators are always in demand. Therefore, you need to negotiate with them in advance. And even if there is no exact date, many specialists take orders in the month range.
  • It should also be noted that later, approximately three months before the appointed wedding date, there simply will not be time for a high-quality selection of photo and video equipment specialists. So you need to decide on this in advance.

About three months before the wedding

What else should wedding preparations include (step by step)? The main work will begin approximately three months before the scheduled wedding date. It is at this time that all the work begins to boil. And the first thing you need is to know exactly the wedding date in order to submit an application to the registration authorities. A lot depends on this moment, but the main thing is the timing of the ceremony. It’s good if there is no competition on a given day, and only a few couples will be registered at the registry office. But if it’s a special day, you might get there at a not-so-convenient time (too early or, conversely, too late). And then we will have to shift the rest of the schedule.

Venue selection

Let's look further at where to start preparing for the wedding. So, it is very important to decide in advance on the location of the celebration. This could be a cafe, a restaurant, an ordinary canteen with its own chefs. There are many options, everything will depend only on two nuances:

  • Number of invited guests.
  • The budget allocated for the treat.

If the wedding is small, you can choose almost any venue. However, if there should be a lot of guests, for example more than 150 people, it should be noted that not all catering establishments will be able to accommodate such a number of people.

When choosing a place to treat guests, you also need to remember that everyone needs to be fed deliciously. It is necessary to look at the menu that the cafe offers, the presence of special, so-called holiday dishes. If you are planning a themed wedding, you also need to think about how you will have to satisfy the gastronomic needs of the public. For example, if the wedding is in a maritime style, then it is imperative to serve seafood, etc. Separately, you need to discuss issues about alcohol. To save money, some establishments offer wedding organizers to independently purchase and deliver vodka, wine, and cognac. In this case, you also need to think about where to buy alcohol.

Separately about the toastmaster (host)

The wedding preparation plan must necessarily include the choice of a toastmaster, or, in other words, the host of the celebration. This is, in fact, the person who should make the evening fun and unforgettable. The toastmaster organizes all the entertainment for the guests, organizes the wedding at the stage of the so-called gatherings (after the marriage registration ceremony, wedding, photo shoot).

You can select presenters according to many criteria (appearance, by the way, is not the least important here). This choice can be based on the advice of friends and acquaintances. After all, it is unlikely that you will be able to view records from weddings. Few people want to share their home archives with strangers.

Selection of wedding procession

When considering the stages of preparation for a wedding, you need to pay attention to the moment of choosing the cars that will accompany the bride and groom. First of all, you need to choose the main car that the newlyweds will drive after the wedding. So, you need to remember that the bride and groom arrive to the wedding venue by different means of transport. And only after their passports are stamped do they leave together. The same car will need to be decorated with ribbons and flowers. If you are planning a luxurious wedding, you will have to rent a special car.

Activities of the couple a month before the wedding

What does wedding preparation include a month in advance? Around this time, everything should be ready: everything has been purchased, paid for, the right people have been found. However, this period is very important from the point of view of clarifying all the details and the so-called adjustment of nuances. Various force majeure situations may arise that will need to be resolved.

You should think about decorating the hall. At this time, you can buy balls, ribbons, and artificial flowers for decoration. You can also make signs for guests to stand on the tables. This is the time to prepare the smallest nuances, without which, however, the wedding may even lose in quality.

Buying rings

It is also worth noting that an important point for a couple is the purchase of wedding rings. They can simply be purchased in a store or made to order. You will have to decide on the material from which the products should be made and their shape. We must not forget that each member of the couple will have to wear these rings for the rest of their lives. Therefore, the choice should be based on the desires of not only the bride, but also the groom.


If preparation for a wedding is considered step by step, it is necessary to say separately about invitations. You can purchase them in advance, but they are officially distributed or sent to all guests a month before the wedding date. It is worth noting that the invitations themselves are the “face” of the bride and groom. So you need to think carefully about the choice of layout. And, of course, it is important to compose the text itself correctly and beautifully.

Order a wedding cake and loaf

When making a list of where to start preparing for your wedding, you also need to know which people to contact at one time or another. So, you first need to decide on the master of baking the cake and loaf (if the wedding is in a classic style). And a month before the wedding day you need to order both.

When it comes to the cake, it's important to think about its decoration. And, of course, about the figurines that will decorate the creation of this culinary mastery. What else needs to be said here? So, if the bride and groom believe in omens, it is best to contact only those ladies who are happily married, have not been divorced and are not widows. After all, it is believed that while baking, a woman passes on a piece of her soul to her young ones.

Not every wedding has a loaf of bread. Most often, two loaves are needed: one is used during the blessing by the parents of the newlyweds, the second at the wedding itself. This loaf is used to greet newlyweds in cafes.

Farewell parties

If preparations are underway for the wedding, the list should also include farewell parties of the bride and groom, that is, hen and stag parties. So, it could just be gatherings at home with friends. But you can do something more grandiose. But in this case, funds for this must first be included in the wedding budget.

Groom preparation

And, of course, preparing the groom for the wedding is very important. So, he needs to think about what kind of suit he wants to buy, what color the shirt, tie, shoes will be. Most often, guys don’t sew their own clothes, but simply buy them at the store. This can be done about a couple of months before the wedding. There is no point in selecting the groom's wardrobe before. But you still need to remember that the guy will first need to get a haircut, get a manicure (or at least tidy up his hands himself).

Bride preparation

The most important person at a wedding is the bride. It is she who will be looked at by most of the guests; it is the girl who everyone admires and admires. Therefore, a lady must look perfect. The bride's preparation for the wedding begins with choosing a dress. So, this outfit can also be bought, but it’s best to sew it. Therefore, you need to find a master in advance in order to have time to decide on the model of the dress, and later - to adjust all the details. The bride also needs to think about buying a veil, shoes, underwear, and a handbag. You must first decide on a stylist who will do beautiful makeup, hairstyle and tidy up the bride’s hands.

Specialists from holiday agencies recommend starting preparations for the wedding six months before the appointed date. In reality, young people do not comply with this deadline - the guy proposes to the girl, and they immediately submit an application to the registry office. There are two months left for pre-wedding preparations. And the natural question for a couple who has to organize a wedding on their own is where to start preparing for the main celebration in their lives?

Preliminary preparation for the wedding

After you choose your wedding date and submit your application, start collecting ideas about the format of the celebration. Create a folder in which you will put the materials you find - articles, pictures, master classes.

Celebrate your engagement with a family dinner where you can introduce your parents to each other. Discuss each parent's role in the preparations and determine how much money you are willing to invest in the celebration. The format of the wedding and the number of guests depend on the budget, so it needs to be determined first.

If organizing a wedding from start to finish falls on your shoulders, then together with your future spouse, make a “black” and “white” list. In the first, add items whose presence at a wedding is unacceptable - for example, a ransom at the entrance or a dress with a crinoline. In the second, enter the required attributes - a horse ride, a limousine or a cake with figures. Get a planner in which you will mark completed tasks and make a checklist for the pre-wedding days. Buy a thematic book for this in the store or use a regular notebook.

Start getting in shape - sign up for a fitness club, attend strengthening treatments, take a course of vitamins.

Listen to the advice of your loved ones - they will save you from unnecessary expenses and worries, but at the same time remember that the wedding is yours, and create a holiday to your taste.

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How to choose wedding dresses

Take care of clothes and accessories in advance. Choose them depending on the format of the celebration. If you are planning a Greek-style wedding, wear a flowing floor-length dress, and buy the groom white light pants and a loose-fitting shirt. For a wedding according to Russian customs, prepare traditional costumes - a sundress for yourself and a caftan for the groom.

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Traditional bridesmaid dress

To buy the perfect dress, invite a friend, sister or mother to try it on. It’s difficult to adequately assess how an outfit fits alone, but you’ll feel more confident in company.

Be sure to take with you:

  1. Heeled shoes. The dress looks different when you stand barefoot (even on your toes) and in heels.
  2. Hair clip. Especially if you are planning to have an updo for your wedding.
  3. Push-up bra with detachable straps.
  4. Wet wipes to wipe your face and hands.
  5. Before going to the store, look through catalogs on the Internet and, if necessary, write down the names of the dress models you like. Before trying on, remove your makeup to avoid accidentally leaving marks on delicate fabric.

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Solid groom's suit or themed clothing

The groom's suit should be in harmony with the bride's dress, so choose it together. The most popular models:

  1. Tailcoat. A jacket, short at the front and long at the back, and trousers with stripes made of satin fabric.
  2. The tuxedo. Jacket with silk-trimmed lapels and open chest. It is worn on a shirt with a stand-up collar and complemented with a bow tie.
  3. Three-piece suit. Plain trousers, jacket and vest.

Young couples, wanting to stand out from the crowd of newlyweds, also choose original suits with colored jackets or themed outfits. For example, for a disco-style wedding, outfits are chosen, generously decorated with sequins, and for a “shabby chic” wedding, suits in beige tones with a bright tie and trouser suspenders are chosen.

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Accessories for the perfect wedding

The question that many couples ask themselves when preparing for a wedding is: where to start choosing accessories. The answer is clear - from the purchase of rings. This is the main symbol of the new marital status, supporting the determination of the bride and groom during the preparatory period. If you want to make a memorable engraving, take care of it in advance - select the inscription, contact the engraving workshop and find out the cost of the work.

The second item is to choose shoes and seductive underwear. Buy ballet flats with shoes so that you can change your shoes at the wedding when your feet get tired, and choose comfortable shoes for your future spouse.

Buy additional accessories - veil, gloves, handbag, cufflinks, tie and other small items.

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Celebration format and list of guests

Set the format of the evening and choose a place for the celebration. Preliminarily inspect the restaurant, cafe or bar as a customer stopping in for lunch. Order several dishes and drinks, evaluate the quality of preparation of each, and take a closer look at the level of service in the establishment. If you are satisfied with everything, invite the administrator and discuss the nuances of the banquet: the number of dishes and alcoholic drinks, the number of waiters in the hall, the technical capabilities of the establishment.

Make a list of guests and think about where to start the wedding: sketch out a seating plan for the guests, counting the number of guests and the number of tables in the room. Order invitations or print them yourself. The best start to the celebration is an outdoor painting of the newlyweds under an arch of flowers with an invitation from the registrar from the registry office, vows of love and the procedure for exchanging rings.

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Specialists at the wedding

Invite the host and agree on how the wedding will go - where to start entertaining the guests, what competitions to hold and which should be abandoned, which of the invitees to pay special attention to. Check whether the presenter works alone or in a team with a sound engineer. Most likely, you will hear the second option in response, but if not, you will have to hire a DJ yourself.

Choose a photographer and videographer to capture memorable moments. To become the owner of a family photo history, trust the shooting only to professionals. Browse portfolios online and choose the best ones in your opinion.

Do not waste time on preliminary shootings and personal meetings and remember that quality services cannot be cheap. Spend a few extra thousand to enjoy wedding photos and videos for many years after the wedding, and not scold the would-be photographer for his unprofessionalism.

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Logistics and hall decoration

Once you have decided where to start preparing for the wedding - you have thought through the course of the festive day step by step, agreed with the host and photographer, chosen the format and room for the celebration, pay attention to the little things.

Find out from the invited guests whether everyone will be driving, and if necessary, book a rental bus. If guests are going to come from other cities, book several hotel rooms.

Contact a holiday agency and order the decoration of the hall. From the catalog, select decorative elements - compositions of balloons, tablecloths and ribbons. Consult with a florist about decorating the hall with flowers, the bride's bouquet, bracelets and wreaths for the bridesmaids and the boutonniere for the groom. Order the necessary accessories.

If you want to make and arrange decorations yourself, consider where to start preparing your banquet hall for your wedding. Agree with the administrators on possible locations for attaching draperies and balloon structures and set a time when you can decorate the room.

At the deli or pastry shop, select a cake. It should fit harmoniously into the concept of the holiday. Discuss with the pastry chef the weight per 100 grams per person, filling and appearance of the product. If necessary, buy cakes and cookies along with the cake.

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Confirmation of orders and distribution of responsibilities

A week before the wedding, conduct a pre-event rehearsal. Sign up for a make-up trial with a make-up artist, do a test fitting of a dress and accessories. If you staged a wedding dance, rehearse it with your loved one.

Buy small accessories - wedding glasses, a pillow for rings, a book of wishes, bonbonnieres. Confirm your orders - registry office, cafe, specialists, transport. When confirming each order, please specify the date and time.

Call guests and adjust the list, and if necessary, replace the seating plan. Specify which of the invitees will be present at registration, who will go for a walk, and who will simply attend the banquet.

Distribute responsibilities: tell your parents, groom and girlfriends where to start organizing the wedding on the day of registration and what their role is in the celebration.

Make a checklist so that on the morning of the holiday you won’t forget where to start preparing for the wedding: keep the list at hand. Example list items:

  • dress and accessories (veil, shoes, underwear);
  • decorations;
  • cape;
  • groom's suit;
  • groom's accessories (cufflinks, tie, socks);
  • bouquet and boutonniere;
  • bouquets or bracelets for girlfriends;
  • decorations for the hall;
  • menu and evening program;
  • accessories for a walk (water, champagne, fruit, napkins);
  • rings and pad;
  • baskets for rose petals;
  • wish book and pen;
  • halls for registration and banquets;
  • seating plan;
  • makeup and hairstyle;
  • photographer, videographer and presenter;
  • DJ;
  • transport.

There's nothing wrong with starting your wedding planning from scratch. The main thing is to show your imagination and don’t leave all the troubles for the last day.

A wedding is an unforgettable celebration when the bride and groom officially become a family. As a rule, painting is accompanied by a holiday. It can be intimate or large-scale - in any case, you need to prepare for it in advance. The portal site will definitely tell you how to prepare for the wedding.

Regardless of whether the newlyweds use the services of a wedding agency or organize everything for the holiday themselves, they will have to solve many organizational issues. In this case, the main thing is not to panic or worry, but to make a step-by-step plan for preparing for the wedding.

Stages of preparation for the wedding

When preparing for a future celebration, the main thing is not to take on everything at once, but to plan things out and make time for them: preparing for a wedding in a week, unfortunately, is hardly possible. Therefore, it is necessary to create a wedding preparation plan in advance.

  1. The first stage of preparations. At this stage, you need to decide the main issues: wedding date, budget, guest list, restaurant.
  2. Second phase. Now you can proceed to more specific items, such as searching for a wedding dress, choosing a host, a photographer, and inviting guests.
  3. Third or control stage. The final preparations are made there: you need to order a cake, stage a wedding dance.

Wedding preparation plan: list of steps step by step

When preparing, it's best to have an extensive to-do list on hand so you don't miss anything. So, where to start preparing for your wedding?

What to do first

Second stage of preparation

The third stage of preparation for the holiday

Getting ready for the wedding: how to manage everything

When planning a wedding, many brides step by step take on more and more responsibilities, and preparing for the holiday becomes not a joy. To prevent this from happening, let your loved ones help you.

  • Provide for the groom's wedding responsibilities. Often, many grooms find themselves on the sidelines of preparations for the celebration - let your couple become a happy exception, and you will see how they are united by a common cause.
  • Entrust the preparation of the bachelorette party to the witness. In a series of pre-wedding affairs, you may have absolutely no time to organize another event. Then let them arrange a surprise for you, where you can get distracted and relax.
  • Entrust ransom competitions to your girlfriends. If you decide to make a ransom at your wedding, your friends will be happy to help you and take part in its organization.
  • Give the timing of your wedding day to the manager or a loved one. Let a responsible relative, friend or assistant from the wedding agency be aware of all your movements and help you follow the routine that you have in mind. And the job of the newlyweds is to have fun!

Planning a wedding is not the easiest thing. This holiday brings a lot of problems to the bride and groom. Sometimes panic and stress lead to the cancellation of this significant event. To prevent this from happening, you just need to plan the celebration correctly. This is not as easy to do as it seems. But if you start preparing in advance, you can easily hold this event in such a way that it will be remembered by both the culprits themselves and the guests, and from the most positive side. Next we will tell you everything about how to properly organize a wedding. This can be done either in advance (for example, a year in advance) or several months in advance. In the second case, you will need to act quickly. Therefore, it is best to start preparing and planning 6-12 months in advance.

About the to-do list

Each wedding is an individual and unique celebration. Therefore, planning it often causes a lot of trouble. Some people want to organize an open-air event, others want a banal family holiday. Despite this, planning a wedding has several important points. They do not depend on the wishes of the bride and groom.

What should future newlyweds definitely do? The list of upcoming tasks can be presented approximately like this:

  • choosing a registry office for painting;
  • determination of the type of painting - formal (with guests and music) or ordinary;
  • filing an application;
  • compiling a guest list;
  • wedding budget planning;
  • searching for a cafe/restaurant for a holiday;
  • selection of photo and video operators;
  • selection of presenter/toastmaster;
  • staging the wedding dance of the newlyweds;
  • organizing transport for the bride, groom and guests;
  • ordering a wedding cake and loaf;
  • purchasing a dress for the bride and a suit for the groom;
  • appointment of a friend of the bride and a friend of the groom;
  • choosing a menu for the holiday;
  • ordering a wedding bouquet.

This is all just the beginning. As a rule, if you choose a good host, he will be able to help with organizing the wedding as a whole. For example, he can suggest a good restaurant or recommend a good photographer/videographer. Where to start planning a wedding?

First steps

In fact, there are no 100% accurate indications on this matter. First, you have to organize an engagement. Or rather, propose to your future wife. Usually this event occurs approximately a year before the celebration. This is done so that the couple has enough time to prepare.

Planning your wedding 12 months in advance is the best decision. At first, the bride is euphoric, but then comes the time of troubles, albeit pleasant ones. There is so much to do and nothing to forget. Is it possible to remember everything in a hurry? Therefore, it won’t hurt to have a couple of extra months in stock. So, let's begin.

You need to roughly plan your budget - write down how much money you already have for the celebration, and how much you will be able to earn over the remaining period. It is recommended to select an approximate date for the painting and draw up a guest list. When choosing a date, you need to pay attention to the weather conditions in each region. This is done so that snow falling in the middle of June does not come as a surprise.

Some registry offices accept applications from future newlyweds a year before the celebration. Therefore, you can choose a registry office for painting and submit the appropriate application. Typically, this opportunity is offered to those who plan to start a family during the “season” - late spring, summer. But most often the application is submitted a little later.

In 11 months

The best option is meticulous wedding planning step by step. And let them call you a bore or a pedant - it’s better to foresee everything and double-check it 100 times than to sigh later about forgotten boutonnieres, cute souvenirs for guests, or a cake ordered at the last moment and therefore not the way you originally wanted.

So, in 11 months you can celebrate your engagement. Let it be a small family holiday that will prepare the parents of the bride and groom for everything that will happen in the coming year.

It is necessary to think in advance how and where you want to celebrate the occasion. For example, some people want to sit in a cafe, others will prefer a restaurant, sometimes preference is given to a buffet table on the seashore or just somewhere in nature. In addition, it is best to choose a place for the engagement and find out all the conditions for the ceremony. Of course, you will need to reserve a date for the celebration.

Planning your wedding day is no easy task. Foreigners have a wonderful tradition. We are talking about compiling a list of gifts from guests. The future family should sit down and think carefully about what they might need in later life. This technique will save you from unnecessary things. It is recommended to immediately distribute the resulting lists of gifts to guests. Let them agree with each other and choose what they can give.

10 months

What's next? It's difficult to plan a wedding step by step. After all, each couple has their own capabilities and desires. Some are able to complete everything in 2-3 months, while others will need a year. Let's look at the preparations for the celebration in advance.

10 months before painting, you already need to think about serious things. For example, devote time to choosing professionals to organize the celebration: florists, toastmaster or host, photographers, choreographers (for dance production), cosmetologists, hairdressers, musicians and other specialists. The best employee must be selected from each category.

9 months

At this stage, the couple should already know exactly the date of the ceremony. You can choose a registry office in a particular city and book a day for the celebration, if this has not been done previously.

No wedding planning is complete without considering possible venues. 9 months before hour X you should already start looking for a cafe or restaurant. It is advisable that the place be near the registry office. You can even organize on-site painting. This is a great solution for those who want to stand out from the crowd of newlyweds. True, the idea is not new, and recently such tricks will not surprise anyone, but still the ceremony in nature according to the European model is popular.

So, the restaurant was chosen and the menu was discussed. Let's reserve a date! Often this step is combined with filing an application with the registry office. At the same time, you will need to think about transporting guests - you can order limousines and buses to transport guests.

A great idea is to create a Love-Story. This is a great occasion to bring all your loved ones together. Why is this photo shoot carried out exactly 9 months in advance? It will bring the couple closer and will not take up precious time on the eve of the celebration.

8 months

Planning a wedding is becoming more and more stressful. About 8 months in advance, you need to start choosing a suit for the groom and a dress for the bride. You will have to think about where exactly to buy outfits - order on the Internet (not the best solution), purchase in local stores or abroad. Or maybe the future newlyweds will rent a dress and suit or buy it second-hand? It is recommended to resolve all these issues in advance.

Next, you will have to think about where to spend your first wedding night. Yes, even this requires organization. Perhaps the couple will go to their own apartment, or preference will be given to a hotel room. Or maybe the celebration will last all night? It doesn't matter what the answer is. The main thing is to provide for everything and not forget such an important nuance.

Apart from this, the wedding planning stages include researching the confectionery scene in a particular city. This is the most enjoyable part of the whole preparation after choosing outfits. You can visit bakeries, try their creations, and then choose the best place to order a cake and other treats. The design style for the delicacy will also have to be developed in advance. As a rule, it should correspond to the overall style of the wedding.

7 months

What will the bridesmaids wear to the ceremony? It is best to select and order dresses for them. In Russia, this tradition is usually not given enough attention - girls choose their own outfits and buy them. Especially if the wedding is traditional and there is only one groomsman. What if it's European?

Also, about 7 months in advance is the best time to start planning your honeymoon. Tour operators welcome early booking of certain tours. Therefore, newlyweds can get a discount.

7 months before the wedding you will need to create an accurate and final guest list. You'll have to think carefully about who you really want to see at the celebration. The main thing is to remember that a wedding is a celebration of the bride and groom. And if they don’t want to see some second cousin on their grandfather’s side, there is no need to invite her. Especially on a limited budget. In this case, you will have to give preference only to the closest people. You also need to take care of invitations. But you can do this a little later.

6 months

Now it’s clear how wedding planning happens. The to-do list for this celebration gets shorter as we get closer to the painting date.

Six months before the wedding, you can go shopping and get acquainted with the options for invitation cards. It would be a good idea to call your guests again and ask them to tell you exactly who will come to the party. The newlyweds will eventually receive an updated list. You can use it as a starting point when drawing up your wedding budget and when choosing a menu.

Already 6 months before the expected celebration, you can go to the pre-selected registry office and submit an application for painting. This stage is necessary for those who have not done this before. In any case, a month before the painting, the future newlyweds will be asked to confirm their intentions.

5 months

Wedding planning is getting closer to completion step by step. 5 months before the celebration, you will need to confirm cooperation with all previously selected specialists. It is best to meet them together in a cafe and discuss the nuances and exact plan of the celebration.

Among other things, to avoid unsuccessful makeup and hairstyle, it is best to do a trial make-up. Yes, you will have to spend extra money, perhaps even change the master. But if you don’t like the result, there is time to fix everything.

4 months

What else does wedding planning involve? The program for this celebration should already be almost completely ready. In 4 months you can choose and order rings. If necessary, newlyweds can order engraving on jewelry.

By the way, about decorations. Think about how you want the hall where the celebration will take place. If you are planning a wedding in a specific style, you cannot do without assistants.

If you plan to put a lock on a bridge (this is done in many cities), now is the time to purchase one and engrave one or another inscription.

In addition, now is the time to design and buy the final invitations. They will remind all guests of the upcoming celebration. You can make original cards yourself or buy them in specialized wedding salons or stores.

A good option is to order a rehearsal for the celebration. You can, of course, skip this step. Not everyone rehearses a wedding. Especially on a limited budget. But if you want, and there is such an opportunity, then why not?

4 months before the painting, you will have to re-discuss the plan for the holiday with hired specialists. It must be confirmed.

3 months

What's next? The bulk of the cases and questions are behind us. Now you can rest a little and relax. 3 months before the celebration, girls usually tell their girlfriends about the preparations. In addition, at this moment, brides are used to relaxing.

If you have not previously hired a car for the newlyweds, now is the time to do so. In addition, it is necessary to think about the decoration of the wedding procession. Some car rental services offer jewelry as a bonus.

2 months

Think wedding planning is no longer relevant? No matter how it is! It's in full swing! A little more - and the bride will become a wife. 2 months before the celebration you will need to send previously prepared invitations. After this, you can once again make sure that all specialists know their job exactly. Usually, 1-2 months in advance, the future husband and wife transfer part of the money for the services provided.

At this time, it is necessary to do a test fitting of the dress and suit. The first outfit is usually additionally decorated. It's time to do this!

1 month

A little more, a little more - and all the fuss that accompanies wedding planning will be a thing of the past. The last month before the celebration is a very important time. What needs to be done at this moment?

A month before the wedding, the bride and groom usually plan and host a bachelor/bachelorette party. This tradition came to Russia from the West. Under no circumstances say goodbye to single life a day or two before the wedding.

It is also necessary to control all the work carried out: you need to double-check the menu, the list of invited guests, as well as the degree of preparation for the holiday. Similar actions are taken several days before painting.

In addition, 1 month before the celebration, you must come to the registry office and confirm your intention to get married. This is a mandatory operation that cannot be avoided in Russia. Don't worry - confirmation only takes a few minutes.

In several days

That's all. The finishing touches remain. Almost all stages of wedding planning have been completed. The bride needs to get a manicure a few days before the ceremony. It is advisable to sign up for it in advance.

Many people prefer to spend time with family, as well as organize bachelor and hen parties. This prospect will help you relax before such an important event. And, of course, don’t forget about the decoration of the hall.

About the budget

Basically, that's all. A separate issue is wedding budget planning. It includes all costs for certain services. In addition, future newlyweds should take into account all the additional funds they can invest in the celebration.

With proper use of finances, even a budget wedding (point-by-point planning has already been suggested) will go perfectly. Sometimes there is no point in spending a lot of money on a restaurant and a host - less expensive specialists are sometimes able to do their job better than people well-known in the city.

It is important at the budget planning stage to focus on the number of invited guests. The main expenses of young people usually go to a restaurant. Therefore, we have to constantly clarify who will definitely come and who will not.

It is impossible to create an exact budget list. After all, every wedding is an original and unique holiday. It is recommended to simply write down in a separate list all the expected costs of the celebration. Marriage is soon? Planning point by point for this event will help you not forget anything important. Therefore, do not give up drawing up estimates and all kinds of lists - organization has never harmed anyone.

Congratulations! Are you ready to start preparation for your wedding- an event that you have probably dreamed about all your life. You have already met your prince and are ready to be carried away with him into a fairy tale called “Happy Family Life”. Take your time - the time of preparation for the wedding may become one of the most eventful experiences and pleasant memories. Try to enjoy every day. It’s so nice and honorable to be a Bride!

Of course, you want your wedding to truly be the happiest day of your life, and for everything to go just perfect. How to start preparing for a wedding correctly?

You definitely need to start with a detailed plan for the entire wedding day/days Detailed, clear planning is the key to successful organizing your wedding.

Here are the basic tips you need to start planning your wedding well:

  • Get a fairly thick diary/notebook to keep track of all plans, events, contacts of people who will help you organize your wedding. Take this planner with you to all meetings.
  • Purchase a folder in which you will put flyers, magazine clippings, advertisements and other papers related to your wedding preparations.
  • It is advisable to have a laptop or tablet on hand to create Excel files where you can manage your wedding budget. Electronic documents are also required for the list of invitees, text of the invitation, seating arrangements, etc.
  • Keep a special calendar where you will mark important meetings and rehearsals.
  • Browse wedding magazines and other specialized publications and websites. Cut out/print photos of wedding dresses, accessories, wedding cakes, etc. that you like so that when you meet with wedding organizers and coordinators, you can clearly communicate your wishes.
  • Set yourself a specific time each day that you can devote to planning your wedding.
  • If you feel tired from endless hassle, and preparing for the wedding is no longer a joy, put everything aside for a while and relax, take a break. Then look from the perspective of all the work that you have already done - you are already doing great - let this feeling give you new strength in preparing the wedding.
  • If there are less than six months left before your celebration, and you are planning to organize a large-scale celebration, we advise you to hire an assistant/consultant/organizer who will take most of the worries about organizing the wedding off your shoulders. If it is not possible to invite a wedding planner, stock up on at least a couple of faithful friends, preferably married ones, who know first-hand what organizing a wedding is.
  • And, of course, don’t forget to entrust some of the worries about organizing the wedding to the groom, so that he becomes part of not only the wedding itself, but also the preparation for it.

First steps

.Imagine your wedding day. Sit down, close your eyes and, using your imagination as much as possible, think about how you want to make your wedding special and memorable. Ask your fiancé to do the same. Trust your subconscious, let the pictures emerge on their own, you just try to control the overall progress of the visualization. After that, write down all the main points, such as the tones of the wedding decor, the concept of the entire wedding decoration. This simple visualization will help you understand how you really want to organize your wedding.

.Calculate approximately how much you are willing to spend on your wedding. Making a budget at this stage is still difficult, but you can already estimate how much you are willing to spend on the main stages of the wedding: the appearance of the newlyweds, wedding decoration and decoration, photographer, cameraman, registration ceremony, banquet, etc. A lot of different details will be added to this list. So don’t rush to spend the entire planned amount only on the things listed.

.Select your wedding date. The choice of wedding day date depends on several factors:

Time of year you would like to get married
- Scale, format and concept of the wedding
- Availability of the desired venue for the celebration
- Possibility to take vacations or holidays
- Time reserve for wedding preparations

It is advisable to have 6-9 months in reserve; this should be enough to prepare for the wedding, and the desired place will most likely not be booked yet. Don't neglect the time you have to prepare your wedding. Even the most informal and small wedding requires about three months to organize well.

Don't worry if something goes wrong and your original wedding date has to be postponed. As practice shows, all surprises when preparing for a wedding ultimately lead only to even better options.

After choosing a date, be sure to write down the wedding day itself in detail, hour by hour. All stages must be taken into account: getting ready for the newlyweds, travel to the registration place, registration ceremony, walk of the newlyweds + photo shoot, wedding banquet, etc. Of course, it is worth setting aside additional time for various force majeure events.

.Make a guest list. If the list of those invited to the registration ceremony and those invited to the banquet are different, make two lists. Here, of course, everything depends on your wishes, budget, capacity of the chosen venue for the wedding ceremony and wedding banquet. When compiling your wedding guest list, expect that about 5-10% percent will not be able to attend. Therefore, to save money on your wedding reception, do not order the number of seats according to the guest list. Order a little less, you can add it when you have already received confirmation from all those invited to the wedding. Also think about guests from other cities. You must take care of their place of residence during the holidays.

To make it easier for you to prepare for your most important day, we offer you a checklist to help you, thanks to which you will not forget anything when organizing your wedding and will do everything on time.

Checklist of the bride

.12-6 months before the wedding day.

  • Set a wedding date
  • Create a preliminary budget
  • Decide on the overall style of wedding decoration and decoration
  • Book your event venue
  • Submit an application to the registry office
  • Make an agreement with the person conducting the registration ceremony
  • If you plan to use the help of a wedding consultant, hire a consultant
  • Decide on the number of guests
  • Start compiling a list of invitees and their addresses
  • Select and talk to witnesses
  • Decide on the structure and stages of the wedding day
  • Choose the main direction of the wedding menu, talk with suppliers and chefs
  • Select the desired type of wedding cake, find a pastry chef
  • Book a photographer and operator
  • Find a wedding host
  • Arrange with a florist
  • Decide and order your wedding dress and accessories
  • Consider transport options
  • Select a preliminary invitation layout

.4 months before the wedding day.

  • Make a clear, almost minute-by-minute plan for the wedding ceremony, choose a wedding decoration option, and make advance payments to the appropriate people.
  • Make sure you have everything you need for your appearance ordered.
  • Make an appointment with a makeup artist, hairdresser, etc.
  • Agree on the appearance of the witnesses (if the wedding is stylized in a certain way).
  • Approve the final list of invitees
  • Order printing of invitations and seating arrangements for your wedding reception
  • Buy wedding rings
  • Start planning your honeymoon
  • Start collecting dowry :)
  • Decide on place of residence after marriage
  • Think about the wedding dance. If necessary, start rehearsals

.2 months before the wedding day.

  • Send wedding invitations, if possible, distribute them yourself
  • Conduct meetings and clarify all details with the photographer, operator
  • Finally decide on the wedding menu and wedding cake. Order.
  • Discuss all the details with the wedding ceremony host
  • Approve the final version of the wedding design. Make sure that all the necessary wedding decor is available. Or, if a separate person is doing the wedding decorations, talk to him.
  • Decide on accommodation for out-of-town guests
  • Book honeymoon packages

.1 month before the wedding day.

  • Conduct a general fitting of a wedding dress
  • Come up with and buy memorable gifts for guests
  • Make sure the wedding accessories for your look are ready
  • Do wedding makeup and hairstyle to understand how long it will take and whether you are satisfied with the chosen option.

.1 week before the wedding day.

  • Determine the final number of guests for the wedding reception
  • Confirm hotel reservations or other accommodation for out-of-town guests
  • Talk again with all the people helping in organizing the wedding
  • Scroll literally minute by minute the wedding day, make sure there are no large periods of time filled with anything.
  • Confirm seating arrangements for guests during the wedding ceremony and at the wedding banquet
  • Agree with a person (most often this is a witness) for help in putting on a wedding dress, etc.
  • Packing for your honeymoon
  • Check the wedding rings and give them to the groom or parents
  • If possible or necessary, conduct a rehearsal for the ceremony and/or wedding evening.

.Wedding day.

  • Breathe and relax :), take a bath and have a hearty breakfast
  • Do wedding hair, makeup, etc.
  • Wear a wedding dress
  • Don’t try to control every moment, don’t get upset when things don’t go according to plan (and something will definitely go wrong) and enjoy your wedding

.After the wedding.

  • Live long and happy.
Women's portal - Bonterry