A fairy tale where Santa Claus lives. Where does Santa Claus live?

The house of Father Frost is located in a pine forest on the banks of the Sukhona River, not far from the city of Veliky Ustyug. This house is very large and built of wood, one can say that it is not a house at all, but a real mansion. This house is magical, welcoming and cozy. It has a lot of rooms. There is a separate spacious room for gifts sent to Santa Claus from different parts of the country. There is a room specifically for storing Santa Claus outfits. And he has a lot of them, he has fur coats, summer caftans, and even a sports ski suit. The largest room is the wish room. In it, guests sit down and make a wish to the sound of a bell. Santa Claus learns about all your wishes when he goes to bed. He has a bed with a large and soft feather bed. There are seven pillows on it, exactly as many as the days of the week, the smallest for Monday, and the largest for Sunday. Of course, everyone would be interested to know in which room Santa Claus keeps gifts for children. But no one knows this. This is a sealed secret.

At the end of December, Father Frost leaves his home in Veliky Ustyug and heads to Moscow to light the first New Year tree. By the way, Father Frost also has a residence in Moscow where he can stay. It is located in Kuzminki. There are separate houses for Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka, a wishing well, a mill, an amusement park, a souvenir shop and an ice skating rink; in general, you won’t be bored there.

But there is another place where Santa Claus lives - this is Lapland, in Russia it is located on the Kola Peninsula. His house there is located on the shore of Lake Chuna, where you can meet various animals. Wild reindeer, elk, bear and various small animals - weasel, squirrel, marten, bunnies love to visit Santa Claus. The tower there is very beautiful, it is decorated with drawings and letters sent by children from different parts of the country.

During the New Year and Christmas holidays, Father Frost does not sit still and constantly changes his registration. In the great Ustyug, Father Frost loves to organize receptions and folk festivals, because not everyone decides to visit the house of Father Frost, lost in the ice floes. There are also residences of Father Frost in Moscow, Alaska, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Khreshchatyk and Finland next to his Western counterpart Santa Claus. But no matter which of his residences Father Frost is in, he remembers everyone and will certainly bring everyone gifts under the tree on New Year’s Eve.

Daria Grishchenko, Nikita Oskin, Polina Orlova, 1st grade students

New Year is the most beautiful and long-awaited holiday for children and adults. Who is Santa Claus? And where does he live? Why does he give gifts?

That's how many questions arise on the eve of this holiday. Many of our friends say that it does not exist, these are all fairy tales, and our parents buy us gifts and put them under the Christmas tree. But what about the letters that the children so diligently write to him? Are they really not going anywhere?

And we believe in Santa Claus! Therefore, we set ourselves a goal: to find out everything about its existence.



Municipal educational institution

"Basic secondary school No. 17"


Research work.


1st grade students

Grishchenko Daria Sergeevna

Oskin Nikita Artemovich

Orlova Polina Evgenievna


Primary school teacher

Chubarova Yulia Leonidovna




What have we learned?........................................................ ........................................................ ..5





What kind of holiday is New Year?

What a joy he brings.

Santa Claus will come to us,

And he will bring gifts!

New Year is the most beautiful and long-awaited holiday for children and adults. Who is Santa Claus? And where does he live? Why does he give gifts?

That's how many questions arise on the eve of this holiday. Since childhood, Santa Claus came to our New Year's parties, and to everyone's home and gave gifts. But sometimes we noticed that he looked like our kindergarten teacher or dad. Does Santa Claus really exist? Many of our friends say that it does not exist, these are all fairy tales, and our parents buy us gifts and put them under the Christmas tree. But what about the letters that the children so diligently write to him? Are they really not going anywhere?

And we believe in Santa Claus! Therefore, we set ourselves a goal: to find out everything about its existence.

And for this we will need to find out:

  • Who is Grandfather Frost?
  • What does he do?
  • Where does he live?
  • Does he really give gifts?

Subject of our research: Santa Claus and his kingdom.

Hypothesis: Let's assume that Santa Claus is a fairy-tale character, a kind wizard created by the people, bringing joy, goodness, New Year's mood, and prosperity to every home.

What have we learned?

From the books we read, we learned that no one knows exactly where he came from. And everyone we asked when Santa Claus appeared answered: “A long time ago.”

The image of Santa Claus has evolved over centuries, and each nation has contributed something of its own to his history.

Master of Winter

The prototype of the modern Russian Father Frost was the hero of Russian folk tales Morozko or Red Nose Frost, the master of weather, winter and frost. He was called Grandfather Treskun and was represented as a little old man with a long beard and a temper as harsh as Russian frosts. From November to March, Grandfather Treskun was the absolute master of the earth. Even the sun was afraid of him! He was married to an evil person - Winter. Grandfather Treskun or Father Frost was also identified with the first month of the year - mid-winter - January. The first month of the year is cold and cold - the king of frosts, the root of winter, its sovereign. It is strict, icy, icy, and it is time for snow storms. People also talk about January like this: fireman and jelly, snowman and cracker, fierce and fierce.

Cool temperament

In Russian fairy tales, Father Frost is portrayed as the eccentric, strict, but fair spirit of winter. Remember the fairy tale "Morozko". Morozko froze and froze the kind, hardworking girl, and then gave her a gift, but he froze the evil and lazy girl to death. In those days, he rarely gave gifts; on the contrary, people themselves gave him gifts so that he would become kinder. But over time, Frost changed. From a formidable and ruling person he turned into a fair and kind one.


Santa Claus was represented as a gray-haired old man with a floor-length beard, wearing a long thick fur coat, felt boots, a hat, mittens, and with a staff with which he froze people.

Granddaughter Santa Claus - Snow Maiden. However, among the Slavs, Snegurochka was considered the daughter of Frost and the Snow Queen.

The image of the Snow Maiden is not recorded in Russian folk ritual. However, in Russian folklore she appears as a character in a folk tale about a girl made of snow who came to life

Where is Santa Claus from?

Since 1998, Veliky Ustyug, the oldest city in the Vologda region, has been named the birthplace of Father Frost.

Father Frost's birthday.

Every year on November 18, Father Frost celebrates his birthday. It is from this date that winter comes into its own in his homeland. It’s not a holiday that a lot of guests come to see him6 Santa Clauses from different countries, of course children from all over the country. This is the only day of the year when Grandfather Frost does not give out gifts, but collects them himself.

Tour of Father Frost's house

Among the pine forest, 11 kilometers from the city of Veliky Ustyug, is the estate of Father Frost. This is a real estate where Father Frost and his faithful assistants live and work all year round. Everything here is imbued with a fairy tale, even the nature is truly fabulous.

From the very gate you can walk along the Alley of Miracles, and then get to the “Trail of Fairy Tales”. Walking along the path of fairy tales, you can meet many fairy-tale characters, visit Lesovich, and visit the campfire where all 12 months met.

In the center of the estate there is a wooden tower, in which Father Frost himself lives. If you enter this amazing tower, you will be amazed at its grandeur and beauty.

Here is everything that the owner and his assistants need. There is a bedroom in which Father Frost rests on feather beds and learns the wishes of the children. In his office, he writes letters, sorts out documents and solves important matters. There is a dressing room in the mansion where the clothes of Santa Claus andSnow Maidens, a workshop where assistants make souvenirs for guests.

In a separate room, gifts are kept that are brought to Santa Claus from all over the world. In the center of the hall there is a throne room with a real throne. Father Frost sits on this throne during receptions. Guests can also sit on this throne. If you make a wish while sitting on this throne, it will definitely come true.

All the letters that millions of children write to Santa Claus come to Santa Claus Post Office. It is located in the city center, and letters addressed to Santa Claus are brought there from all over the world. Of course, Santa Claus himself will not be able to cope with so many letters, so assistants help him at the post office. They sort through letters, write answers and arrange gifts.

That's how much trouble Santa Claus has all year round. And he also greets guests -Santa Clauses from other countries, signs his Grandfather Moroz decrees for children and adults, gives orders for the New Year. All year round, Santa Claus has been preparing the New Year holidays so that we can have fun and, and the children received their desired gifts.

In addition to the Veliky Ustyug residence, Moroz has another one in Moscow, opened in 2000.

By the way, anyone can write a letter to Santa Claus at the following address:162340, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus


Thus, having studied this issue, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Santa Claus is more of a pagan spirit, a character in folk beliefs and fairy tales;
  • The residence of the Russian Father Frost is located in Veliky Ustyug;

Let everyone believe that Santa Claus exists, and everyone rejoice when they see this ruddy old man dancing, dancing, having fun and giving out gifts.

And we had a dream - to visit the kingdom of Santa Claus and see everything with our own eyes.


  1. http://otvet.mail.ru/question/31689683/
  2. en.wikipedia.org
  3. http://dedmoroz.ru/
  4. anime.toppik.ru›New Year's animation
  5. images.yandex.ru
  6. ru.wikipedia.org›Colleagues of Santa Claus
  7. www.holi-day.kz/articles/621/
  8. ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikola_pleaser
  9. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language - M.: Russian language, 1990.-160 p.

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Larisa Savlovskaya
NOD “Where Santa Claus Lives”

GCD "Where Santa Claus lives» .


Expand children's understanding of the world around them. Give information where Santa Claus lives. Expand children's knowledge about the customs and traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country, develop a sense of community among children in a group and cooperation skills. Develop dialogical speech, enrich active vocabulary, learn to use figurative words and expressions in speech, develop imagination, fantasy, and independence. Enrich your vocabulary with words – antonyms. Activate memory and imagination.

Create a joyful mood

Material: microphone, multimedia equipment, computer presentation "Where Santa Claus lives.

GCD move:

New Years is soon! This is the most fabulous and magical time of the year and it’s time to prepare for it. It's time to write letters to Grandfather Frost. The birthplace of the Russian Grandfather Frost- the city of Veliky Ustyug is where you should write.

Grandfather lives in the city of Veliky Ustyug Freezing.

Slide No. 3,4,5,6,7

Here is his fairy-tale palace, which also contains Grandfather’s office. Frost, and a large dressing room, and Grandfather's bedroom Frost with a carved bed and feather beds. In the center of the building there is a fairy-tale throne of Grandfather Frost, where you can sit and make a wish. To Grandfather's mail Frost Letters are coming in from all over the world. Grandfather is here Freezing answers your letters and postcards.

In the very center of Veliky Ustyug there is a beautiful wooden tower. This is Grandfather's Mail Frost. This is where all the letters addressed to the kind grandfather come, and his assistants sort them out and help Grandfather Frost Send Happy New Year greetings to all corners of not only Russia, but the whole world. Anyone can go to Grandfather's Mail Frost and prepare a congratulatory message to your friends and family at any time of the year, and fabulous assistants will send it exactly at the specified time. Congratulations written in the summer and received on New Year’s Day from Grandfather’s homeland frost - what a surprise!

Grandfather's tower is located in a pine forest Frost.

A carved gate leads into the domain of the fairy-tale grandfather, through which we find ourselves on the path of fairy tales. This is where real miracles begin.

Slide No. 10,11

Lesovichok Shishok meets us first in his house. He keeps order on the fairy tale path. And there are a great many wonders and amusements here.

Slide No. 12

Next, we’ll walk across the fairy-tale Mikhailo Potapych Bridge and through a clearing of youthful fun along the path of health we’ll find ourselves in an interesting place where you can play pine ball. Never heard of this game? And this game is magical. We take the chic, make a wish and throw it in the basket. If you hit it, your wish will come true.

Slide No. 13,14

And Grandmother Aushka’s house is already waiting for us with a Russian stove, forest berries and medicinal herbs

Slide No. 15

We get to a centuries-old oak tree, where a howling house the wise owl lives. And on that oak tree there is a gilded chain, and a learned cat, and an old chest - everything is like in a real fairy tale.

Slide No. 16

We have gained wisdom and are heading to the magical clearing of the Twelve Months. There is a fire here, and each month has its own throne.

Slide No. 17

And the fairy-tale path leads us further to the clearing of Stump Erofeich, and then to three magic chests. And those chests are not simple, there is Grandfather Frost keeps good. No, not all kinds of money and treasures, but real goods. If you enter one door of a chest and exit another, you become kinder. And if you go through all three chests like this, you will notice kindness around you.

Slide No. 18

And Zhitny Grandfather meets good people in his hut

Slide No. 19,20,21

The Magic Path led us straight to Grandfather's House Frost. Grandfather's House Frost- this is primarily the place where he lives and works. And this house is extraordinary, a real Terem.

There are exactly twelve rooms here, there is also a room for important matters, a room for gifts and, of course, a room for wishes. And in the very center of the mansion in the throne room stands the real throne of Grandfather Frost, where you can sit and make a wish. And it will definitely come true, because this throne is also magical.

Slide No. 22

Throne room

The Throne Room will greet you first. An eight-pointed snowflake, a symbol of good luck and happiness, spread its rays across the entire area of ​​the hall. You may not believe it, but she is the only one in the world. In the most honorable and prominent place stands the New Year's beauty - the spruce.

Near the Christmas tree there are two thrones, carved and as magical as everything else in this House. One Grandfather's Throne Frost, but next to it, smaller, are the Snow Maiden’s granddaughters.

Slide No. 23,24

Grandfather's office Frost

In the main place is the Coat of Arms of our Fairy Tale with words “Do good!” on the motto ribbon and the personal standard of Grandfather's Tales Frost, and a real passport of a Russian magician! There is also a Christmas tree in Grandfather’s office, decorated by the hands of honored guests.

Slide No. 25,26

Grandfather's bedchamber Frost

She's fabulously beautiful extraordinary: decorated with unique wood carvings, and each carved curl on it has a meaning. At the head there is a red sun, and at the feet there is a clear moon, owls multiply the wisdom of Grandfather Frost, birds bring good news from all over the world in the morning. Cover embroidered with frosty pattern. And there are exactly seven pillows stacked on the bed in a frilly pyramid - for each day of the week - its own, special one. There is also a very large pillow - a festive one.

Still, in the bedchamber Morozova There is a magic mirror hanging on the wall. You look at it and you become younger before your eyes. On the other wall, opposite the Wizard’s bed, bags with dreams are hung - after all, children want to see good fairy tales and funny cartoons in their dreams.

Slide No. 27


All costumes are carefully collected and stored here. And it is these magical costumes created by the golden hands of craftswomen "Grandfather's Workshop Frost» The names of the costumes alone can intrigue you so much that you will definitely want to see them. Among them are "Holiday Glow", And « Frosty pattern» , "Shine of Silver" And "Summer Snow White", and also "Birch Bark Tale".

Slide No. 28

Gift room

In the Fairytale House there is also a room of gifts received from dear guests by Grandfather himself. Frost. Every year this amazing collection of gifts is replenished with gifts from Grandfather’s fabulous colleagues Frost from other cities and even countries.

Slide No. 29

Grandfather's Library Frost

The magical house is filled with miracles every moment. The treasured room in which knowledge and smart thoughts live is called the Library. There are a great many books in it.

Slide No. 30,31

Project room

The Project Room is one of my favorite rooms in Grandfather’s House Frost. They also call her "room of the future". Here you will learn about how both the House and the Estate will look in 20-30 years. Everything about Grandfather Frost dreams.

Slide No. 32

Wish room

This room is special because it is here that any of you can make your cherished wish.

Slide No. 33

Christmas tree room

Well, how can it be possible to do without a room for the green beauty - the main New Year's heroine - in the House of the owner of the magical New Year's forest! But in this room there is not just one Christmas tree - there are a lot of them!

Slide No. 34

Favorite room in Grandfather's House Moroz - children's. Children are the most magical treasure of the entire Grandfather's Fairy Tale Frost! It is for them that the fairytale carousel begins to spin and for them, first of all, miracles happen. So, in this room there is an exhibition of children's fairy tales, so that children can be closer to their favorite fairy-tale characters, and adults remember their childhood and through this they begin to understand their children better.

Slide No. 35,36

Snow Maiden's room

Here Grandson of Santa Claus lives. She keeps an eye on the mail.

Slide No. 37

Craftswomen's room

At Grandfather's craftswomen Frost There is a separate cozy room in the House and it is convenient to work in it. Yes, there are a lot of ancient things there, those that were once considered the most ordinary in the everyday life of Russian women, but now seem outlandish to us.

Slide No. 38

And to understand where the dream is, where the vision is

Turn your strange gaze on the house.

Face of Grandfather Frost rises for a moment,

And there is a huge inscription in front.

Get acquainted with "Grandfather's Mail" Frost"

And you feel in your heart that in a fairy tale you live

But that Grandfather is real, not in mysticism, dreams,

Here! If you believe, you will find him.

And the children of Russia write to the wizard,

Norway, Sweden and distant countries.

And he answers and sends what you asked,

Sending sleep and deception into oblivion.

But that's not all. Yes! Have you seen the patrimony?

Where is Deda Frost's family lives?

Peace for everyone, no one was offended.

The people are invited to see this.

New Year is one of our favorite holidays. With fluffy white snow outside the window, the smell of Christmas tree pine, the sparkle of multi-colored toys and tinsel, the obligatory fireworks and gifts, as well as with elegant Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.

Central office of the New Year's Office located in a pine forest on the banks of the Sukhona River, 15 kilometers from the city of Veliky Ustyug, Vologda Region.

Dozens of architects from various cities of Russia fought for the right to “make a fairy tale come true” and build the Main Residence of Father Frost. As a result, the Vologda project was recognized as the best.

Traditional Russian architecture, the natural beauty of the surrounding nature, a fabulous atmosphere and modern quality standards - all this is surprisingly reflected in the residence in Veliky Ustyug. The entrance to the estate is opened by a carved gate, behind which begins the “trail of fairy tales” leading to the house of Father Frost. The magnificent patterned mansion has everything for the convenience of grandfather and his assistants - 13 rooms in total. In addition to traditional dressing rooms, bedrooms and living rooms, Santa Claus also has a “Wishing Room”, where anyone can make a wish for their most cherished and secret thoughts while the bells ring.

Well, let’s fulfill an old dream and write “to the village to grandfather” you can do it right from home - the central office has a completely official postal address. 162340, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus. And, believe me, the letter will find its addressee!


The largest residence of Father Frost in the CIS it is located in Belovezhskaya Pushcha (Belarus) - on an area of ​​more than 15 hectares, most of which is occupied by a protected forest.

The residence is surrounded by a fence 1.5 km long, and over 40,000 light bulbs were used to illuminate it. Another record for the Belarusian residence is the spruce tree in the central square, which is decorated every year for the holiday. The age of the coniferous beauty exceeds 120 years, and its height is 40 meters.

Upon entering the snow estate guests are greeted by wooden knights - Oak Dubovich and Elm Vyazovich from Belarusian folk tales. There is a bridge leading to the house of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, by crossing which you can make as many wishes as there are boards connecting it - it’s better to come up with it in advance so as not to get confused at the crucial moment!

Nearby there is a mill and a “magic well”– and, of course, a gift storage facility. The house of Father Frost himself, like all the buildings in the residence, is made in the traditional Russian style and looks like a fairy-tale tower.

The interior decoration of the building also amazes with its scope and splendor.. On the ground floor there is a throne room where the main characters of the holiday receive their guests. Despite the fact that the second floor of the estate is private, guests are still allowed to visit it and see with their own eyes the bedchamber of Grandfather himself.

Oddly enough, you can also write a letter to the Belovezhsk “office”: 225063, Kamenyuki village, Kamenets district, Brest region, Belarus, Santa Claus. And don’t forget to include your return address – after all, no letter goes unanswered!


Every country has its own Santa Claus, but it was the American Santa Claus who received worldwide fame. He, of course, also has his own house - or rather, two. The first is located in Alaska in the USA, and the second is in Lapland. His colleague Joulopukki, the Finnish Father Frost, also lives there.

The scale of the American residence in the city of North Port are much inferior to Finnish lands, but the festive atmosphere lasts all year round: even in summer you can meet gnomes and elves right on the street, and the houses of ordinary residents are painted in the spirit of Christmas cards.

But, of course, the real Santa Claus must live above the Arctic Circle- the UN issued a resolution about this in 1984 (probably after a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the issue). And it just so happened that Santa’s official registration geographically coincided with Joulopukki’s patrimony – Lapland. Although, before the UN decree, the Finnish Father Frost did not even know that he should have his own residence - it was hastily erected only in 1992.

But it was too late: It was mainly not the fans of Jouloupucca, but the followers of Santa who came to knock on the fairy-tale tower, and their number quickly exceeded the capacity of the tower.

New headquarters of Santa Joloupukki not so much fabulous as large-scale and modern. Its area has approximately quadrupled, and the cost of the project exceeded two million euros.

The residence is equipped with computers with Internet access– after all, modern children are increasingly writing letters on the World Wide Web. However, traditional mail does not lose its relevance: every year more than 10,000 envelopes arrive in the name of Santa Claus from all over the world.

Congratulate the “international Santa Claus” Happy New Year to us too, by writing to 96930, Finland, Arctic Circle. As for your cherished desires Perhaps the two previous addresses will be more useful!

Santa Claus is an indispensable character of New Year's mysteries. Perhaps it is precisely because of his winter magic that the New Year remains the most favorite holiday of adults and children?

We hear about Santa Claus from early childhood, and as we grow up, we tell our children about him. But what is the real the story of Santa Claus?

Version one. Pagan character of the Slavs

The ancient Slavs firmly believed that the spirits of their ancestors protected the living. They help in difficult times, look after the crops, livestock, and can even give advice if necessary. To thank the spirits for such care and constant work, a special festival was held every winter, similar to today's carols. In the same way, young people went from house to house, dressed in sheepskin coats turned inside out, and the owners presented them with delicious food. Carolers symbolized the spirits of their ancestors. The one of the carolers who was dressed the most terribly of all received the title of Grandfather - the oldest spirit. He was also considered the most formidable, and he was even forbidden to speak. Over time, the ancient spirit became kinder, and instead of accepting gifts, he began to give them himself. This was a distant prototype of our modern good winter wizard.

There is another version associated with “legends of deep antiquity.” Santa Claus is the master of weather, frosts, blizzards and blizzards. The ancient Slavs endowed this character with a long beard, short stature, and a long sheepskin coat down to his toes. He was credited with a difficult character and some heroic feats.

Version two. Church and parish

According to this version, Santa Claus is a slightly modified image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who brings gifts to children. It is noteworthy that in the Catholic and Lutheran religions there is also a similar image - the good manager of the New Year and Christmas holidays, Nicholas or Klaus. It is believed that he is the prototype of Santa Claus. However, almost all countries - not only Europe, but also Asia - have their own, authentic Santa Claus. This wizard has a lot of names: Sheng Dan Laoren, Yulbokk, Per Noel, Mikalaus, Father Cristmas, Weihnachtsmann, Joulupukki. He brings sweets and gifts, mysteriously entering the house of each child, he weighs good and evil deeds, deciding whether the child is worthy of a gift or quite the opposite. The roots of these traditions go much deeper than Christian history, and one can notice the similarities of all these images with each other.

So, the version about the ancient Slavic origin of Santa Claus is still closer to reality. The Church simply had to come to terms with people’s persistent desire to believe in New Year’s miracles, and treat Santa Claus as an established cultural tradition, albeit with somewhat controversial roots.

Modern history

Now there are several places where Santa Claus “lives”. Slavic Father Frost lives in Russia, in a city called Veliky Ustyug. On New Year's holidays, thousands of excursionists come to him to look at his tower, sit on the Throne of Father Frost, and send a letter with his mail. The winter landscapes of central Russia, majestic snow and traditional Russian entertainment - troika riding, hearty feasts, folk festivals - make a visit to Santa Claus a real holiday. They say that your most cherished wishes can come true here, you just need to ask Santa Claus for them on New Year's Eve.

Those who want to travel can be offered to go to Lapland, to the Finnish town of Rovaniemi. Finnish Santa Claus lives there, whose name is Joulupukki. He looks like our Grandfather, but still a little different. He has a reindeer team and a lot of gnome helpers. He also loves the children's stories about themselves, and watches how the children behaved throughout the whole year.

Santa Claus is a special, powerful, magical image. He is closely connected with the forces of nature. Therefore, you should not be surprised that it is this kind wizard who is the master of the New Year, bringing gifts and congratulations, fulfilling the wishes of children and adults.

Now, knowing the story of Santa Claus, you can completely trust him to fulfill your New Year's wishes. He is quite capable of this!

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