Hair tinting at home - features, pros and cons of the procedure. How to lighten and tint hair at home How to tint hair at home

Every second girl has dyed her hair at least once in her life, and every third girl does it regularly. Hair tinting is a procedure ideal for blondes and brunettes, gray hair and girls only after lightening.

How to do hair tinting at home

Toning is a painting technology in which coloring is performed exclusively with ammonia-free compounds. They do not penetrate deep into the shaft, but remain on the surface of the curl. This helps minimize damage to dry and combination strands.

This technology explains the difference between toning and hair coloring.

The technique can be used independently, for example, to give curls a certain shade or change their usual color (blondes often use tinting to change their hair color to light brown or natural blonde). But now it is mainly used to remove yellowness after ombre, shatush or balayage dyeing.

Similar coloring can be performed on dark and light hair, after highlighting and bronding, depending on the desired result.

Dying natural hair at home is quite difficult, but tinting after bleaching can be done even by a non-professional. The easiest way is to use a special shading balm or shampoo. The effect will be no less bright than after a standard coloring session, but the procedure will be as safe as possible.

To eliminate yellowness, the most affordable option is to wash your hair with a toning product (Tonica, Estelle and others):

This is an ideal option for highlighting highlights or lightening several strands of blonde hair. But on black curls the effectiveness of the effect is questionable. For brunettes, professional toning is more suitable.

Toning dark hair

For dark beauties, there are many options for how to dye your curls. The most popular types of painting now are:

  1. Ombre. A combination of several shades of paint, where the ends are discolored and the roots are either darkened or left as is;
  2. Shatush. A technique very similar to ombre, except for the gradient line. In ombre it is clear, but in shatush it is smoother and blurrier;
  3. Balayage. It is done both long and short. It consists of stretching the color from the tips to the roots along the entire length. Due to this, the effect of volume and glare is created.

In order for such a fashionable coloring to look more impressive, and for the white strands to stand out more contrastingly against the general background, the dark areas are tinted. To create a bright transition, shades that are 1-2 tones darker than natural are used.

Dark hair tinting technology:

  1. The head is zoned into several sections - masters use a system of quarters. When all strands are divided into 4 equal zones;
  2. Depending on the type of dyeing chosen, the strands are combed or, on the contrary, combed and bleached in foil. To do this, a brightening composition is applied to their surface. It is recommended to use dyes without ammonia - they are less harmful to the hair structure;
  3. After 20–30 minutes, the lightening is considered complete. A tinting composition of the desired shade is applied to the dark areas of the strands that have not been dyed. Coloring experts advise avoiding harsh unnatural colors; it is better to stick to natural ones: dark chocolate, chestnut, etc.;
  4. A solution with a tint is applied to the surface of the strand. It covers the roots but doesn't touch discolored areas. It is aged, depending on the manufacturers’ recommendations, from 20 to 40 minutes;
  5. The final stage is ammonia-free tinting of the bleached ends. To do this, it is better to choose the lightest possible shade - it can completely remove yellowness and “play” in contrast.

On natural hair, the tinting shade lasts up to 2 months on average. The duration depends on the frequency of washing and the shampoos used. To prolong the brightness of the color, use gentle shampoos and balms for colored curls.

Toning blonde hair

Just like for brunettes, there are different hair tinting options for blondes. Most Popular:

  1. . Some strands are dyed dark, making the curls look more neat and stylish. Sometimes only the roots are darkened - this technique is also called ombre;
  2. Toning to remove yellowness. As soon as girls do not struggle with the “cheap” yellow tint on blonde. With the help of special tools and technologies, you can correct even the most unsuccessful coloring (even eliminating the orange tint on a bleached head).

There are two ways to remove yellow strands yourself: use a tonic or prepare a gentle composition of shampoo, dye and balm. Consider the pros and cons of both options.

In the first case - staining with tonic, the main advantage is simplicity. But its effectiveness is questionable: the product is not able to completely eliminate the pronounced yellow tint and is quickly washed out.

The second option is more difficult to implement, but it gives a long-lasting effect. Proven recipe for homemade tonic for bleached hair:

  1. A teaspoon of paint of the desired shade without ammonia is squeezed into a non-metallic container. A palette with ashy notes is recommended. For example, ash blonde or pearl white;
  2. Balm, shampoo and hydrogen peroxide are added to the same container, one tablespoon at a time. Don’t be alarmed, peroxide in this composition acts as an oxidizing agent;
  3. Afterwards, you need to add a spoonful of water to the mixture to dilute the composition. The resulting mass is applied along the entire length of the hair and left for 10 minutes.

The result is a durable and very beautiful toning that will not leave a trace of yellowness. A separate advantage of this recipe is that painting is much safer than standard re-bleaching, and the color does not wash off.

Toning for brown hair

Natural brown hair often has an unsightly yellow tint. Especially if after the summer the curls have faded or an unsuccessful dyeing procedure has been carried out. To solve these problems, hairdressers and colorists actively recommend the tinting procedure.

To give your brown hair a light ashy shade, it will be enough to wash your curls several times a month with a special tint shampoo. The already light natural color does not need additional artificial lightening.

If you want to make the tone lighter or emphasize the strands after coloring, then it is recommended to tint with gentle paints. For such lightening, a light shade is selected, which is applied exclusively for 10 minutes, instructions similar to those for blondes. Longer exposure may lighten the blonde hair too much.

Toning gray hair

Reviews claim that tinting gray hair allows you to solve the problem of individual silver strands without dyeing. But in salon conditions, hairdressers use exclusively semi-permanent dye, because it lasts longer.

How to tint gray strands:

  1. At home you can use mousse, toning shampoo, or coloring hair balm. For independent use in this situation, it is not recommended to work with semi-permanent paint, since only an experienced colorist will be able to determine how long to keep it on. If you do not take this factor into account, then the benefits of such tinting will be very doubtful;
  2. The composition is applied to the entire surface of the strands - from roots to ends. It is important to distribute it evenly so that there are no changes in shade. Some products do not need to be left on at all (apply and wash off), while others are important to leave on for up to 15 minutes. Therefore, read the instructions for use carefully;
  3. You also need to wash your hair from roots to ends, thoroughly rubbing the strands to wash off all the product applied. Be sure to use balm.

You need to repeat this tinting not according to time (for example, once every two weeks), but when the tone begins to wash out. On gray strands this process takes place much faster than on light or dark ones. In most cases, correction is needed after 10 days.

Toning red hair

Unfortunately, even professional hair tinting products used in salons and at home are not able to adequately lighten red hair. The problem is the very dense pigment, which appears even when trying the slightest lightening.

The maximum that can be done:

  1. Shade natural red to make it brighter and richer;
  2. Make colorless tinting to restore hair and achieve a lamination effect.

For the second method, restorative rather than coloring compounds are used. They do not harm the strands at all, help make them smooth and soft, and also eliminate excess fluffiness after coloring.

How to do toning for red hair:

  1. The desired shade is selected. As we have already said, using a tone lighter than natural simply does not make sense, so we recommend opting for natural dark red hair;
  2. You can dye individual strands by combing them first - this will give your hair visual volume and color transitions, like in ombre. Or shade all the curls;
  3. If you choose the first option, then certain curls are separated from the hair, which are combed and treated with a coloring compound. To speed up the reaction, they can be wrapped in foil. If the second, then the procedure repeats the standard painting process.

Even dye on red hair lasts longer than on everyone else. Therefore, if you do not wash your hair every day, the toning effect will last up to 3 weeks.

Hair tinting after highlighting and bleaching

Even the most beautiful highlighting requires subsequent tinting in order for the shade to be uniform. You can use tonics or professional coloring compounds. Experts recommend combining several shades - this will allow you to get the desired color without yellowness and strange bluish or pink highlights.

Permanent paints are used for coloring - they are very durable and can even cover gray hair. The products are based on ammonia, which opens the hair scales where the coloring pigment penetrates, and hydrogen peroxide, the main component of any oxidizing agent, lightens the natural pigment, replacing it with a new one.

This process is traumatic for dry and brittle hair; if the tone is chosen incorrectly, you can get an unexpected result. In addition, you need to adhere to the frequency of coloring, which can lead to deterioration of the hair condition; you have to select expensive care products - masks, conditioners, shampoos.

An alternative to this is hair tinting dyes. They do not replace natural pigment, do not dry out hair, and are quickly washed off. On average, you can wear a new color for 1-2 weeks and then change to a new one or tint the selected tone.

How does hair tinting differ from dyeing and how is it done?

Professional hairdressers advise not to dye your hair with aggressive dye, but to correct the color with a tonic.

Toning cannot radically change the hair color, but it does make it more saturated and bright.

This coloring occurs with semi-permanent paint, it is the most gentle . If we compare it with ammonia analogues, it does not destroy the structure of the curls, does not affect their dryness, because it does not penetrate deep inside, their effect is limited to the outer layer.

After application, the hair scales are aligned and the strands look smooth and shiny. It turns out that with the help of tinting you can not only change the color, but also improve the condition of your hair. The effect after this coloring lasts for a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many products on sale for this procedure, they come in the form of paints, masks, balms, tonics or.

The main advantage is that the dye for this type of coloring does not destroy the keratin structure of the curls, and the growing roots are quite healthy. And from dyed hair, tinting is washed off very quickly, and this makes it possible to frequently change the color of the strands.

This dyeing method also protects against frustration - if the shade doesn’t suit you, you can easily wash it off and repaint it in a different tone. With the help of tinting, you can change your image for a holiday celebration or an entire vacation, and then return to the previous color.

But there are also disadvantages of this painting method:

  • it does not completely cover gray hair;
  • the selected shade is not visible on dark curls;
  • if the strands have recently been lightened or the hair has been highlighted, then it is better not to use tinting, as an unexpected shade may result;
  • hair tinting products are cheaper than dyes, but they require much more than the latter, so you won’t be able to save on coloring;
  • Lightening hair with a tonic will not work; for these purposes, it is still better to dye with an oxidizing agent;
  • There is a certain peculiarity of using tinting - unlike paint, it remains on hats, this becomes especially noticeable during hot periods when it is washed off from the hair later.

Toning is great for those who like to experiment with their appearance, but when using it you should know that:

  • it cannot be combined with other paints or henna;
  • after tinting, you need to use special care products for curls, because it is not a medicinal drug and has virtually no effect on the hair.

The benefits and harms of tinting

Even with frequent color changes, the paint used in it does not cause harm, so it can be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding or suffering from allergic reactions.

One of the worst scenarios after tinting is partial loss of natural hair pigmentation. The toner contains an oxidizing agent, and it can lighten regrown strands more intensely than the previous ones. For this reason, it is recommended to use Garnier, L'Oreal, Matrix, Schwarzkopf or Cies, there are plenty to choose from.

The tonic does not cause any harm to the hair, but also does not have any therapeutic effect on it.

The only thing is that before use it should be tested in advance on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin, so as not to doubt the reaction to a possible allergy.

Based on the above facts, we can conclude that tinting is contraindicated, and even pointless, if:

  • there are gray hairs on your hair, it will not cover them completely;
  • henna has previously been applied to the hair;
  • at least a week has not passed since highlighting or lightening;
  • there are damaged curls. In this case, it is better to apply the tonic after their treatment, otherwise the tone may turn out with different tints;
  • there is a high sensitivity to the ingredients of the tonic.

How to thin paint

In most cases, this procedure is entrusted to professionals, but if it is necessary to do it at home, then the process of mixing paint and applying it is almost completely repeated, just like when using a conventional coloring agent.

Typically, tinting paint is diluted in two ways:

  1. The dye and oxidizing agent are thoroughly mixed. Their proportions are maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, which are indicated on the packaging;
  2. A mixture adapted for home conditions is considered more gentle. To prepare it, take 1 teaspoon of paint for tinting, then one tablespoon. oxidizing agent, shampoo and balm, and finally a little water is added to the resulting composition and brought to the required amount of product.

The tinting agent is applied for only 10 minutes, during which time the dye is fixed on the curls, the water included in the paint eliminates uneven coloring.

To prevent lightening your hair from resulting in an unsightly yellow tint, you need to know the rules for using dyes. About dyes for lightening dark hair

Nowadays, few people neglect the opportunity to thoroughly steam their body, so recipes for homemade cosmetics will be more relevant than ever. For you, a video on how to make a healthy mask and body scrub

The best hair tinting dyes

The range of products available for this process is impressive, but there are a few leading brands that will truly give you the tone you want if used correctly.

For bleached

Kapous dye has a pleasant effect on hair. To obtain a light shade, you can first bleach the strands with powder from the same company, and then prepare the paint in a 1:2 ratio of tonic and oxidizing agent.

Its palette offers several light tones; to create the optimal shade for your hair, you should mix several colors at once, since 10.1 is almost transparent, and 9.1 gives an ashy coating.

It’s best to start getting acquainted with this paint by going to the hairdresser, where an experienced hairdresser will determine the best proportions and tell you how to dilute them yourself next time at home.

Burdock oil is a unique phytoactivator. It contains natural protein, inulin, fatty and essential oils, mineral salts, and numerous vitamins. That’s why our grandmothers also used it to give them shine and volume.

For highlighted ones - in what proportions to mix dyes

It is necessary to use a dye that will indicate that it is suitable for colored or bleached hair. At the same time, you cannot use burdock or castor oils, which are usually recommended for strengthening curls, as they can give a yellow tint.

The first time tinting for highlighting should be done by a professional, he will demonstrate the process of correct coloring and then at home you can reproduce it yourself, avoiding the disastrous experiment of getting green or purple hair.

Well-proven paints can be used as a tonic:

Palette of colors and shades of ammonia-free tonic Estel (Estel)

Its ash and pearl shades, when combined with each other, will give the desired tone. To prepare the tint composition, you will need to mix the paint and 1.5% oxidizing agent in a 1:2 ratio. As a strengthening agent, it is proposed to add 1 part of glitter gel from the same company, enriched with keratin. As an alternative, you can try .

Schwarzkopf Blondme for toning and lightening curls

This product can be used both for tinting and lightening curls. With it you can create 6 different light shades. Starting from cold to exclusive warm tones.

This system is designed for coloring blondes.

Dandruff is a problem for many people. One of the effective ways to get rid of this problem is shampoos. You can purchase or buy professional products at a cosmetic store.

Watch the video: professional hair tinting

The huge variety of existing oils allows you to choose exactly the option that is best suited for oily or dry hair, hair loss or excessive fragility, to get rid of split ends and other problems. can be purchased at a pharmacy.

How to properly tint your hair at home

You can do the tinting yourself. If the tone is chosen correctly, then nothing unpleasant will happen. Before applying the product, it is recommended to treat the scalp with a rich cream; this technique will then allow you to wash off any tonic that accidentally gets on the skin. When working with this coloring composition, you do not need to wear gloves; its active components are not as aggressive as in conventional paint. And it is applied not to dirty hair, but to freshly washed and not yet dried strands.

After a certain time of leaving the product on the hair, it is washed off under running water and a mask or balm is distributed onto the hair to consolidate the result.

Everything is simplified by the use of tinted balms and shampoos; they are not as durable as dye, but they do not require special application and hair restoration.

Rocolor's Tonic product is a cheap option for changing hair color. With it you can constantly experiment.

The cost of the tint balm is about 100 rubles.

For girls whose tastes and moods are as changeable as the autumn weather, the ability to choose the desired color from hundreds of existing shades is a real salvation.

Professional for painting at home and in the hair salon

Well-known cosmetic brands have not remained aloof from tinting and offer their products with longer lasting effects.

Wella Color Touch tint

Popular Wella dye for changing hair color. Its unique composition allows you to straighten your curls and smooth out every strand. Bright and long-lasting shades will give your hair an interesting color and shine. The toner contains keratin, which will protect the strands from moisture loss.

Is it possible to protonate in the salon with Majirel L’Oreal dye (Loreal)

The best paint for tinting. It can be used very often, and the hair does not suffer, but only changes shades. There is no ammonia or peroxide in the paint, so it does not harm the curls. Its tinting composition remains on the outside of the hair and gives it shine and silkiness. It even hides gray hair. A wide range of shades makes it possible to repaint every day.

These gentle remedies have found many fans.

How to dye your hair with Londa Professional

Londa Professional intensively tones and refreshes hair color. It adds depth to natural tones and adds multi-dimensional color to colored strands. Copes with gray hair by 50%. The wax and keratin contained in it eliminate the porosity of curls and fight split ends.

Consists of 41 shades. When applying the product to your hair, it is distributed evenly. For intensive tinting, it is proposed to mix such paint with a 1.9% or 4% oxidizing agent. It is applied to damp, clean hair and left for a quarter of an hour.

The average cost of paint in Russia is 360 rubles.

consists of more than 80 shades. Created for coloring and adding shade to hair. It is certified in Europe and contains high-quality components such as vitamin C, chitosan, cedar oil, glucose and others. But the most significant thing about it is the ViPL complex. Together they give the curls the desired shade and take care of them. Although the paint is ammonia-free, it has high durability.

Today it is rapidly gaining popularity ammonia-free There are quite a lot of shades in the color palette. And also from a domestic manufacturer that contains a minimum amount of ammonia.

Watch the video: how to lighten and tint your hair

Every second girl has dyed her hair at least once in her life, and every third girl does it regularly. Hair tinting is a procedure ideal for blondes and brunettes, gray hair and girls only after lightening.

How to do hair tinting at home

Toning is a painting technology in which coloring is performed exclusively with ammonia-free compounds. They do not penetrate deep into the shaft, but remain on the surface of the curl. This helps minimize damage to dry and combination strands.

This technology explains the difference between toning and hair coloring.

The technique can be used independently, for example, to give curls a certain shade or change their usual color (blondes often use tinting to change their hair color to light brown or natural blonde). But now it is mainly used to remove yellowness after ombre, shatush or balayage dyeing.

Similar coloring can be performed on dark and light hair, after highlighting and bronding, depending on the desired result.

Dying natural hair at home is quite difficult, but tinting after bleaching can be done even by a non-professional. The easiest way is to use a special shading balm or shampoo. The effect will be no less bright than after a standard coloring session, but the procedure will be as safe as possible.

To eliminate yellowness, the most affordable option is to wash your hair with a toning product (Tonica, Estelle and others):

This is an ideal option for highlighting highlights or lightening several strands of blonde hair. But on black curls the effectiveness of the effect is questionable. For brunettes, professional toning is more suitable.

Toning dark hair

For dark beauties, there are many options for how to dye your curls. The most popular types of painting now are:

  1. Ombre. A combination of several shades of paint, where the ends are discolored and the roots are either darkened or left as is;
  2. Shatush. A technique very similar to ombre, except for the gradient line. In ombre it is clear, but in shatush it is smoother and blurrier;
  3. Balayage. It is done both long and short. It consists of stretching the color from the tips to the roots along the entire length. Due to this, the effect of volume and glare is created.

In order for such a fashionable coloring to look more impressive, and for the white strands to stand out more contrastingly against the general background, the dark areas are tinted. To create a bright transition, shades that are 1-2 tones darker than natural are used.

Dark hair tinting technology:

  1. The head is zoned into several sections - masters use a system of quarters. When all strands are divided into 4 equal zones;
  2. Depending on the type of dyeing chosen, the strands are combed or, on the contrary, combed and bleached in foil. To do this, a brightening composition is applied to their surface. It is recommended to use dyes without ammonia - they are less harmful to the hair structure;
  3. After 20–30 minutes, the lightening is considered complete. A tinting composition of the desired shade is applied to the dark areas of the strands that have not been dyed. Coloring experts advise avoiding harsh unnatural colors; it is better to stick to natural ones: dark chocolate, chestnut, etc.;
  4. A solution with a tint is applied to the surface of the strand. It covers the roots but doesn't touch discolored areas. It is aged, depending on the manufacturers’ recommendations, from 20 to 40 minutes;
  5. The final stage is ammonia-free tinting of the bleached ends. To do this, it is better to choose the lightest possible shade - it can completely remove yellowness and “play” in contrast.

On natural hair, the tinting shade lasts up to 2 months on average. The duration depends on the frequency of washing and the shampoos used. To prolong the brightness of the color, use gentle shampoos and balms for colored curls.

Toning blonde hair

Just like for brunettes, there are different hair tinting options for blondes. Most Popular:

  1. . Some strands are dyed dark, making the curls look more neat and stylish. Sometimes only the roots are darkened - this technique is also called ombre;
  2. Toning to remove yellowness. As soon as girls do not struggle with the “cheap” yellow tint on blonde. With the help of special tools and technologies, you can correct even the most unsuccessful coloring (even eliminating the orange tint on a bleached head).

There are two ways to remove yellow strands yourself: use a tonic or prepare a gentle composition of shampoo, dye and balm. Consider the pros and cons of both options.

In the first case - staining with tonic, the main advantage is simplicity. But its effectiveness is questionable: the product is not able to completely eliminate the pronounced yellow tint and is quickly washed out.

The second option is more difficult to implement, but it gives a long-lasting effect. Proven recipe for homemade tonic for bleached hair:

  1. A teaspoon of paint of the desired shade without ammonia is squeezed into a non-metallic container. A palette with ashy notes is recommended. For example, ash blonde or pearl white;
  2. Balm, shampoo and hydrogen peroxide are added to the same container, one tablespoon at a time. Don’t be alarmed, peroxide in this composition acts as an oxidizing agent;
  3. Afterwards, you need to add a spoonful of water to the mixture to dilute the composition. The resulting mass is applied along the entire length of the hair and left for 10 minutes.

The result is a durable and very beautiful toning that will not leave a trace of yellowness. A separate advantage of this recipe is that painting is much safer than standard re-bleaching, and the color does not wash off.

Toning for brown hair

Natural brown hair often has an unsightly yellow tint. Especially if after the summer the curls have faded or an unsuccessful dyeing procedure has been carried out. To solve these problems, hairdressers and colorists actively recommend the tinting procedure.

To give your brown hair a light ashy shade, it will be enough to wash your curls several times a month with a special tint shampoo. The already light natural color does not need additional artificial lightening.

If you want to make the tone lighter or emphasize the strands after coloring, then it is recommended to tint with gentle paints. For such lightening, a light shade is selected, which is applied exclusively for 10 minutes, instructions similar to those for blondes. Longer exposure may lighten the blonde hair too much.

Toning gray hair

Reviews claim that tinting gray hair allows you to solve the problem of individual silver strands without dyeing. But in salon conditions, hairdressers use exclusively semi-permanent dye, because it lasts longer.

How to tint gray strands:

  1. At home you can use mousse, toning shampoo, or coloring hair balm. For independent use in this situation, it is not recommended to work with semi-permanent paint, since only an experienced colorist will be able to determine how long to keep it on. If you do not take this factor into account, then the benefits of such tinting will be very doubtful;
  2. The composition is applied to the entire surface of the strands - from roots to ends. It is important to distribute it evenly so that there are no changes in shade. Some products do not need to be left on at all (apply and wash off), while others are important to leave on for up to 15 minutes. Therefore, read the instructions for use carefully;
  3. You also need to wash your hair from roots to ends, thoroughly rubbing the strands to wash off all the product applied. Be sure to use balm.

You need to repeat this tinting not according to time (for example, once every two weeks), but when the tone begins to wash out. On gray strands this process takes place much faster than on light or dark ones. In most cases, correction is needed after 10 days.

Toning red hair

Unfortunately, even professional hair tinting products used in salons and at home are not able to adequately lighten red hair. The problem is the very dense pigment, which appears even when trying the slightest lightening.

The maximum that can be done:

  1. Shade natural red to make it brighter and richer;
  2. Make colorless tinting to restore hair and achieve a lamination effect.

For the second method, restorative rather than coloring compounds are used. They do not harm the strands at all, help make them smooth and soft, and also eliminate excess fluffiness after coloring.

How to do toning for red hair:

  1. The desired shade is selected. As we have already said, using a tone lighter than natural simply does not make sense, so we recommend opting for natural dark red hair;
  2. You can dye individual strands by combing them first - this will give your hair visual volume and color transitions, like in ombre. Or shade all the curls;
  3. If you choose the first option, then certain curls are separated from the hair, which are combed and treated with a coloring compound. To speed up the reaction, they can be wrapped in foil. If the second, then the procedure repeats the standard painting process.

Even dye on red hair lasts longer than on everyone else. Therefore, if you do not wash your hair every day, the toning effect will last up to 3 weeks.

Hair tinting after highlighting and bleaching

Even the most beautiful highlighting requires subsequent tinting in order for the shade to be uniform. You can use tonics or professional coloring compounds. Experts recommend combining several shades - this will allow you to get the desired color without yellowness and strange bluish or pink highlights.

To refresh your hair or smooth out contrasting strands after highlighting, the best solution is hair tinting. Typically, gentle coloring compounds are used for this procedure, thereby minimizing harm to the hair. The dyeing procedure is quite simple, and therefore every girl can do hair tinting at home on her own.

Hair tinting at home - types of procedure

This gentle coloring is done after highlighting or lightening the entire hair. But this procedure can also be done on curls that have not previously been dyed. With its help you can change the shade by several tones.

There are several varieties of this painting:

  • intensive toning;
  • gentle;
  • lung;
  • colorless;
  • using natural dyes.

Make your choice depending on the result you want to get. If your goal is to dramatically change your shade by several tones, intense tinting is the way to go. However, it is worth considering that this will require permanent paint, which contains ammonia in its composition.

If you are afraid of damaging your curls, gentle or light coloring is more suitable for you.

In the first case, you will need tint paint or tonic. Such drugs contain chemicals, but in low concentrations. Therefore, they gently act on the hair without penetrating into the hair.

Light painting consists of using tinted shampoos, foams or mascara. Such products envelop the hair, giving it the desired color. They are harmless to curls and very easy to use. The only drawback is that shampoos, foams and other similar products are washed out quite quickly. Therefore, when using them, you should not expect to obtain a permanent color.

When using special colorless paint, the shade of the strands will remain the same. This procedure is similar to lamination. The tonic envelops each hair, making it stronger and visually giving the hair additional volume. As a result, the hair becomes smooth and shiny.

The most harmless option for your hair is to use natural dyes.

Toning is a process of softly coloring curls for a short time. This procedure is performed with light toning preparations to refresh the image without harming the hair.

In bleached or bleached curls, there is no coloring pigment left, and they begin to absorb dust, dirt and grease from the outside. Tinting will protect the strands and give a beautiful shade.

Before tinting your hair after bleaching, you should understand what types of this process there are and how to do it correctly at home.

The principle of toning

The main distinguishing feature of tinting is that the dye acts on the hairs and does not penetrate deep into their structure. A permanent dye is applied to the curls from the very roots, which gives a beautiful shade and shine. Thanks to this, the hairstyle becomes more interesting and the color more saturated.

The advantages of tinting include:

Types of tinting

Hair is most often tinted after bleaching, but there are products for which there is no need for preliminary bleaching.

There are several types of tinting:

  1. Intensive - using parchment paints containing ammonia. The color changes for a long time, lasting up to two months.
  2. Gentle - when the procedure is carried out using light chemical preparations: tint paints and tonics. The products used are washed off after 10-14 days. The curls do not deteriorate, look shiny and healthy.
  3. Light toning, which uses cosmetics that are washed off after the first wash: mascara, tinted shampoos, foams and varnishes.
  4. Toning with plant-based preparations.

Color selection

Today the choice of tinting products is very large. From the available color palette, you can choose a very extravagant and bright shade (for example, pink). When deciding on a tone, it is important to consider the original color.

For blondes Those who tint their hair to remove yellowness, or try to make the color more saturated, use ashy, honey and pinkish tones. If, during bleaching, the curls have acquired an undesirable yellow tint, to tint the hair from yellowness, you should mix the blonde tonic with balm in a ratio of 1:3.

If your hair is severely damaged, you can mix the tonic with water and rinse your strands with this mixture.

When tinting your curls at home, it is important not to overexpose the dye, so as not to get an unexpected result. Be sure to follow the instructions.

It's a little harder to tint dark hair. If you choose a color lighter than the base color, it will not be noticeable. Brown-haired women and brunettes should pay attention to tonics in chestnut, black, purple and red shades.

Brown-haired girls have many opportunities to experiment. They can give their curls a reddish and chestnut tint, make them darker or lighter.

If you want to make the color lighter, you may need to bleach it. The use of dark tones does not require additional procedures.

Toning can be done in one tone or in several. The alternation of thin and wide strands of various shades looks original. This creates a beautiful play of colors.

Particular care should be taken when painting red-haired girls. You should choose tones of the red palette: bronze, copper, etc.

To add volume to the strands, you can tone it in several shades, given that red tones wash off faster. Therefore, they need to be updated more often.

Often, owners of red hair make the mistake of first using henna for coloring, and then tonic. This combination is undesirable. The structure of the hairs can be damaged. You should choose only one coloring method.

Staining procedure

Toning is a fairly simple procedure, which every woman can cope with at home. To get the desired result, it is important to follow a number of rules:

Colorless tinting

Today, screening - colorless tinting - is becoming increasingly popular. This procedure is carried out to improve the condition of the hair, its shine and structure. It most likely has a healing effect.

Shielding will be useful if:

  • hair is brittle and damaged;
  • dyed curls;
  • unruly curly strands.

At home, colorless tinting is done using the following technology:

Shielding makes hair manageable, elastic and soft. They shine with beauty and health.

Multicolor tinting

Dark hair can be tinted in a special way using several shades at once. The curls look very beautiful, the color of which shimmers from dark to light.

At home, you can take two tones. The result will be a beautiful and unusual contrast. Having prepared all the necessary materials, put a special cap with holes on your head. Strands are pulled through them one by one and tinted to the desired shade.

To prevent the coloring from looking sloppy and chaotic, it is better to choose the location of the dark and light strands in advance. The multi-color tinting procedure will take a lot of time, but as a result the hairstyle will look original.

To make your curls shimmer in several shades, it is better to go to a salon and have it professionally dyed. The master will select the right colors, and as a result, the strands will “play” in the sun.

Natural colorants

Toning at home can be done using natural dyes. Decoctions and infusions of coloring plants help to acquire a new shade and have a beneficial effect. These natural dyes include:

Using citric acid and natural juices, you can tint your hair and remove unwanted shade. Vegetable colorants generally do not last long and require constant use to consolidate the results.

It is not entirely correct to classify basma and henna as types of temporary coloring. Despite the fact that the color intensity decreases with each hair wash, the phytopigment remains inside the hair for a long time. Therefore, after some vegetable dyes, it is not recommended to dye strands with artificial means.

Many stylists are inclined to believe that the difference between tinting dark and light hair is in the degree of influence on the main color. This distinguishes between coloring, which is a change in the depth of tone, and toning, which is a change in color tone.

When tinted, dark hair acquires its natural undertone. A tint applied to light hair can radically change the color. The intense color of the dye can give an undesirable effect. Therefore, tinting should be carried out within the natural depth of color or a tone darker.

The undertone is indicated on boxes of tint paint in Latin letters or numbers.

The darker the initial color, the fewer the choice of colorants and the more difficult it is to tint.

To add charm to very dark hair, mahogany and red shades are most often used. Other undertones will not be noticeable, and some dyes in combination with the base color give an undesirable greenish color.

You can change the depth of tone of dark brown hair towards darkening by mixing basma and henna.

Coloring rules

Changing your hair tone for a short time is a simple procedure. However, it requires taking into account certain points and features. Coloring agents apply only to clean hair, observing the following rules:

  • shampoos are applied to wet strands;
  • foam, tonic, mousse and most tint paints - on wet ones;
  • Dry curls are treated with varnish, spray and mascara.

Hair tinted with natural colorants requires regular rinsing in a herbal infusion or creating a greenhouse effect by applying a paste to fix the color.


For effective hair tinting at home It is important to follow the following recommendations:

Don't forget about the health of your hair after tinting. Despite the fact that tonics do not contain harmful oxidizing agents, they still contain chemicals. Therefore you should use it regularly nourishing balms and masks. At the same time, you should avoid masks that have an oil base, which helps to quickly wash off the shade.

I've never experimented with my hair. But in the spring I noticed that my hair had lost color. A friend recommended tinting. I decided to try it and dyed my hair with toning shampoo. I am very pleased with the result.

After using the tonic, I noticed that my hair became healthier, even after rinsing it retained a beautiful shine. I used paints before and I really regret that I didn’t learn about tinting earlier.

I love to change and the best solution is to change my hair color. Toning makes it possible to frequently change shades without harming your hair. The hair looks great.

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