How to save on clothes. How to save money on clothes without sacrificing style How you can save money on clothes

The crisis, despite the government’s promises to stabilize the economy in 2016, not only is not abating, but most likely on the contrary, we are seeing the opposite process - a deepening economic crisis, which greatly affects the quality of our daily lives. What should we do, what should we save on? We are already forced to save on food, whether we like it or not, but what about clothes, because we need to dress without harming our image, since we don’t just leave the house on the street, but go to work, where there are strict requirements for external appearance the appearance of their employees.


While fashionistas are worried that many new brands have left Russia and stores of high-quality imported clothing have closed, ordinary people are concerned about how to find money for the necessary clothes in their impoverished home budget. There are people experienced in this matter and they authoritatively state that in order to be stylishly dressed, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on things.

1. Basic wardrobe
First, we form a wardrobe of basic things:

  • turtlenecks
  • blouses and skirts
  • shirts and jeans
  • classic jackets

The basic wardrobe is treated the same way. classic styles, which never lose their relevance.

Thrifty people buy basic things in mass-market, economy-class stores or at the clothing market, because there is no need for super luxury here.

The laws of economical spending of money require the abandonment of beautiful, but impractical things, which is quite consistent with the modern trend. Disposable items ( fashionable only for one season), this is wasted money.

2. The versatility of things

Now let’s take care of the versatility of things, namely, we choose to buy things in same style and suitable compatible with each other,color scheme– white – gray – beige – black.

Many fashion analysts recommend making up a wardrobe made up of basic things, and only then supplement them, if funds are available, with various accessories. For example, buy a pair of fashionable super shoes for the occasion, a beautiful handbag and now you are irresistible. For a long time! While trendy clothes go out of fashion extremely quickly - n Don't waste your money on it!
3. Second-hand

If there is a second-hand store in your access area, do not forget to look into it periodically. Second-hand stores have a huge selection of interesting things of quite good quality.

4. Avito website and others like it

Previously, spontaneous fairs and sales of things were organized on the street or indoors, where visitors could sell their clothes, shoes and other things, for example, children's things that became too small for the child and buy others inexpensively from the same visitors. Regional sales fairs, which required enormous organizational efforts from the organizers, as well as payment for renting premises, have been replaced by online sales fairs, among them the widely promoted Avito portal and a number of other lesser-known sites. There are simply millions of things there, some of them are branded, the owners may have worn them a couple of times, but they are in excellent condition and have a good markdown. On Avito there are many offers not from real people, but from stores, although advertisements on the site are published on behalf of individuals. As a rule, this is the sale of a new product that for some reason cannot be sold through the store. Here you need to be able to negotiate a discount; for this you need to know information about the true price of clothing/shoes of the proposed brand.

The disadvantage of these sales is that the item is bought without trying on; it is not known whether it will fit you well and whether it will suit you personally?
5. The range of clothing offered by the retail chain for 2016
Unfortunately, 2016 portends an even smaller assortment of things in stores than in previous years, and prices are even higher. This must be taken into account when going to the store, that is, do not particularly hope that if you postpone the purchase, then later you will be able to buy something more suitable and cheaper. In a week or month you may not find anything better and pay more.

Now such stores have left Russia as New Look, American Eagle Outfitters, River Island, Rockport, Esprit. Even the famous Stockman is closing due to the low purchasing power of Russians. But such giants as Topshop and Zara, H&M And Uniqlo will most likely strengthen their positions in the Russian clothing and footwear market. So the opportunity to dress beautifully and relatively inexpensively will still remain.
6. Some practical advice for the buyer of clothes and shoes

  • don't buy ill-fitting items
  • don't make impulsive purchases
  • do not focus on trendy and bright things (they become obsolete very quickly and you will have to sell them for next to nothing, otherwise they will be pointlessly lying around in your wardrobe)classic colors - gray, white, beige, black, dark gray, dark blue - will never let you down.
  • buy only things that can be combined with something in your wardrobe, so that you don’t have to buy a bunch of things to complement it or simply refuse to wear it
  • To refresh your wardrobe, sometimes it’s enough to buy a new scarf, sew on other original buttons, put on a beautiful belt/strap, or find some other interesting accessories in addition to your existing clothes.
  • Keep an eye out for seasonal clothing sales, where discounts on items sold can reach 50%

7. What should you not save on?

  • Casual shoes: shoes, boots, sandals - what you will wear to work every day at different times of the year. Such shoes should be of high quality: they will last several seasons and be comfortable;
  • outerwear: coat, fur coat, down jacket, leather jacket, sheepskin coat. Natural materials are not cheap, but they are of higher quality and more durable;
  • basic wardrobe: this includes jeans, knitted turtlenecks (light, dark, neutral), cotton shirts and other things that are universal;

8. How long has it been since you went through your closet?

Before you lament that you have nothing to wear for the coming weather season( summer autumn Winter Spring) Carefully sort out the items in your wardrobe and closet. Often there are things that we simply forgot about or you didn’t really like, but now that some changes have occurred in fashion, and we ourselves have lost weight, gained weight, dyed our hair, etc. and so on. These things, rejected and forgotten by us, can make a completely different impression on us, and we may not sit as well as before. Having tried them on, you may no longer need to rush to the store for new clothes. It is known that God sees far into the future and provides for us, sometimes allowing us to buy something that will be very useful only in a few months or years, so that we do not know sorrow.

9. Make a list of things you need to buy in advance.

The list of clothes and shoes that will need to be purchased is compiled day by day. When you have free money, you re-read this list and decide which thing is a higher priority for you at the moment. Find out its approximate cost on the Internet and calculate the money so that it is enough. There is no need to take unnecessary extra money with you to the store. By following this rule, you will never buy something unplanned, random, or succumb to the immediate temptation to buy something beautiful, but not necessary for you. Discounts can be a real trap, so a list of priority items will save you from falling into this trap, keeping you from buying a cheaper item that you don’t really need.

10. Sometimes we don’t like how a thing looks on us, but that’s not the reason.

Very often we don’t like a thing, it doesn’t seem to suit us, but the reason is not in the thing itself, but in ourselves. Namely, a bad hairstyle, unwashed hair, unsuitable shoes, and a lack of accessories that need to be looked for in the wardrobe or purchased separately. We need to try to answer the question, why exactly do I not like this thing? How will it look on me with a jacket or a cross-body bag with a belt at the waist? We need to experiment before making a final verdict.

11. Take care of your things

It is a banal truth that you need to take care of things and then they will not only last longer, but also please you longer, especially if you like them.

Shoes must be dried and ventilated, cleaned with shoe polish or special polish. cream, do not leave it on the road to be tripped over or thrown around. Clothes are cleaned or washed, and after taking them off, they hang them carefully, but so that they not only do not wrinkle, but also do not gather dust. There is no need for extra washing and ironing of items, as this leads to rapid wear and fading of colors. You need to wash it carefully, preferably according to the instructions, so that things do not fade, become deformed, or shrink, which happens when the water temperature is incorrect and some items are washed in a washing machine. It is also not recommended to wear things. If an item is soaked through with sweat and dirt, it can only be washed roughly, using harsh detergents, which destroy the texture of the fabric to all its depths.

12. Don't buy things that aren't practical.

During a crisis, do not buy things that you like, but have nowhere to wear them. Do not buy things that, although cheap, are of low quality and will quickly become unusable. Do not buy things during a crisis with the expectation that you will lose weight or gain weight.

13. Men's socks

Men's socks of the same quality can be purchased at prices that vary greatly. It is advisable to find a store or market stall where socks are not particularly expensive and are sold in bulk for 5-10 pieces. This will allow you to avoid buying new socks for a long time. Firstly, if one sock tears, it will become a spare for another pair, where, sooner or later, one of the socks will also tear. Secondly, not all of our men (husbands, sons) can be taught to take off their socks and put one sock inside the other so that the pair does not get confused, which means that if one of the washed socks loses its partner, it will also become a spare until it is found a match for him. When buying men's socks individually, then if a pair of socks has suffered the loss of one sock, you will have to throw away the second one.

14. Sew yourself, knit yourself

Another good way to save on clothes is to sew or knit things yourself - here you get both creativity and good savings!
This method of saving has always been relevant and will never become outdated.

And in conclusion, a little humor))

I bring to your attention another publication regarding, in which I will tell you how to save money on clothes and shoes. Let me remind you right away that this is not a sign of greed (as those who do not know how to save believe), but of frugality, therefore, if you use the available family budget thriftily, there is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, for you it will only be an advantage .

So, how to save on clothes and shoes.

It must be said that the cost of purchasing clothes and shoes is that part of the family budget expenses on which savings can be very noticeable, since the price of an item of the same purpose with approximately the same service life in different places can differ significantly. In addition, you can save on buying clothes and shoes by taking careful care of your belongings, selling old and unnecessary items, etc. But first things first. Let's look at the ways in which you can save on clothing.

Ways to save on clothes and shoes.

1. Buying clothes and shoes in stock stores and second-hand stores. Surely many have noticed the growing popularity of such stores recently. This is explained by the fact that with the advent of the financial crisis, many people began to think more about clothing, stopped buying expensive clothes and switched to buying things in stock stores and second-hand stores. Thus, the demand for cheap clothes has increased significantly, while for expensive ones, on the contrary, it has fallen.

It should be noted that in stores of this kind you can often find both used and new clothes and shoes of very high quality at a fairly inexpensive price. Such items, even if they are used, can last longer than new items purchased from traditional boutiques or at the market, but at the same time they will cost less. Savings on clothes are obvious...

Stock stores are especially interesting for buying children's clothing and shoes, because children, firstly, tend to quickly outgrow purchased items, and secondly, quickly spoil them.

Of course, you can’t buy good clothes and shoes inexpensively in all second-hand and stock stores. Many of them may sell rags that are frankly useless to anyone. Therefore, you will first need some time to study the assortment, take a closer look at the prices, and decide where it is better to choose certain things. But then, when you become well versed in these stores, the savings on the family budget will certainly become quite noticeable.

If you are thinking about how to save on clothes and shoes, I highly recommend considering this option and starting to apply it in your daily practice.

2. Buying clothes and shoes in online stores. In the vast majority of cases, clothes and shoes are cheaper online than in retail outlets. However, this method of saving on clothes also has its significant disadvantages:

– The buyer, as a rule, has to pay the delivery cost;

– Clothes and shoes purchased on the Internet cannot be tried on, so there is always a chance that they will not fit or will not look the way you would like.

When thinking about how to save on buying clothes and shoes, be sure to consider purchasing not only in online stores in your country, but also abroad, where sales are often held with very significant discounts (up to 90%). For example, buying clothes and shoes in Chinese online stores has recently become very popular.

3. Buying clothes and shoes through advertisements and auctions. If you are looking for a specific item and more, it would be a good idea to periodically look at bulletin boards or newspapers with private advertisements in your city: it is likely that someone is selling the clothes or shoes you need at prices lower than store prices. In this case, compared to buying through an online store, you can even try on the item and buy only what suits you perfectly, while saving on clothes will be ensured.

4. Careful care of clothes and shoes. When thinking about how to save on clothes and shoes, you should understand that saving in this case is not only buying things at lower prices, but also ensuring the longest service life of the item. And this can only be achieved through careful care of your wardrobe.

Unfortunately, as experience in communicating with other people shows, few people think about the fact that clothes and shoes require proper care; as a result, things have to be purchased much more often, which creates a serious additional burden on the personal or family budget. This can be avoided if you take care of things properly:

– ensure the required frequency of washing clothes and the correct washing modes established for each specific type of fabric. Do not forget that there are clothes for which machine washing can be disastrous;

– regularly change clothes and shoes, wearing different things in turn. If you wear the same thing for a long time in a row, it will quickly become unusable;

– regularly clean shoes from dust and dirt and lubricate them with cream.

5. Selling unwanted clothes and shoes. If for some reason you stopped wearing this or that item that is in acceptable condition, why not sell it, providing yourself with additional income, essentially allowing you to save on buying a replacement for this item. If the item is quite expensive and high-quality (for example, a fur coat, sheepskin coat, expensive shoes, etc.) - advertise for sale. If it’s something simpler, take the unnecessary item to a second-hand store, where they will sell it for you. In any case, it will be better than just throwing the thing away.

6. Look for clothes and shoes for children from friends. Surely you have friends who are also raising children of approximately the same age or older. This means that they may still have things that their child has already outgrown, and they may be just right for yours. Surely your friends will sell you children's clothes or shoes that they simply no longer need, very cheaply, and often they can give you away for free. Thus, saving on children's clothing can be very significant.

7. It's not always worth paying for a brand. In many cases, clothing or shoes from little-known brands are not inferior in quality to their “promoted” counterparts, but their cost can differ very significantly. Why pay more for a brand?

8. The more stores you visit, the cheaper you can buy the item you need.. When going shopping for clothes or shoes, don’t be lazy to visit as many retail outlets as possible. Even the cost of absolutely identical things in two neighboring stores may differ, but in different areas of the city - very significantly.

9. The more prestigious the store, the higher its prices. If you are thinking about how to save money on buying clothes and shoes, you definitely should not go shopping in central stores located in the most accessible places. It is necessary to understand that in such places it is much more expensive to rent retail space, and this is necessarily reflected in the size of the markup on the goods. The same thing will cost much cheaper somewhere in a basement store in a residential area.

10. Do not make spontaneous purchases, do not buy unnecessary things. If you buy everything that catches your eye, there will be no talk of any savings on clothes. All purchases should be planned, you should go in search of pre-determined things that are actually needed. All spontaneous purchases must be excluded.

Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you about how to save on clothes and shoes. I hope my tips will be useful to you, and saving on clothes will allow you to free up family budget funds for more important things, such as creating savings or capital for investment.

Stay tuned to learn a lot of other useful practical information in the field of managing personal finances and competently planning a family budget.

The inexorable rise in prices makes us think about how to save on clothes. According to statistics, a person spends approximately 2% of his monthly budget on updating his wardrobe. This amount is not that big, but if you add up how much we spend on things per year, you get an impressive figure. However, there are ways to reduce your costs without sacrificing style. You just need to follow a few simple rules for smart shopping.

Saving does not mean looking “cheap”

Before you start purchasing only the things you need, you need to understand that by saving on them, you are not signing a “fashion death sentence” for yourself. Rational budget allocation and critical thinking helps reduce the cost of quality clothing. Learning to save means learning to look beautiful and stylish, but without extra costs.

To achieve this goal, you need to follow the recommendations of leading stylists and experienced shoppers who know a lot about profitable investments.

When you learn how to buy wardrobe items correctly, you will be surprised to find that you have much more free space in your closet, and you have outfits for all occasions.

Saving rules
  • skirts;
  • blouses;
  • turtlenecks (dark, light, neutral);
  • shirts;
  • jeans;
  • trouser suit or classic jacket.

Please note that all things fit perfectly together. With their help you can create at least 5 different bows. These wardrobe items should be similar in style, colors and, preferably, fabric quality.

  1. We make lists. A list is important not only when going to the grocery store. You can supplement it at least every day, but when you have an amount that you can spend, carefully re-read all the points and decide which of the listed things is most important to you at that moment. Find out the approximate cost of your future purchase, take with you as much money as you need, and go to the store. This way you can resist the temptation to buy something unnecessary.
  2. We don't make impulse purchases. Having seen a thing and literally fallen in love with it at first sight, do not rush to go to the checkout. Go to the fitting room, stand in front of the mirror a little longer, look at yourself from all angles, make sure that the item of clothing is not only beautiful, but also practical. Even if all these tests pass “excellently,” still put the product aside and go to a few more stores. As a rule, 60% of buyers who see an outfit that suits them do not return for it. And this happens for one simple reason - they find exactly the same product, but cheaper.
  3. We're going through our wardrobe. To avoid the temptation to buy another blouse or blouse to feed moths, before going to the store, do an audit of your closets and chests of drawers. Surely they already contain several items that you bought and wore only once or did not wear at all. Carefully review these outfits, perhaps they have become more relevant this season or fit you better after dieting and visiting the gym. If you can give a product a new life, take it out and wear it, and if not, recycle it and remember what you can’t buy so as not to waste your money.
  4. We choose clothes by size. Size is not the numbers or letters indicated on the label. Different brands have their own patterns, so their ideas about the parameters of buyers may differ greatly. You can take a product, the information on which will differ from your data, but it will fit perfectly on the figure. Do not give in to such temptations as “I’ll take it and wear it when I lose weight.” This motivation doesn’t work, you will remain at your previous weight, and you will spend your money in vain and will only sigh and sigh at the outfit gathering dust in your closet.
  5. We give preference to the classics. Fashion trends are good, but unreasonably expensive. As a rule, such things go out of fashion within a year, and their cost is too high. In order not to waste money in vain, buy classic outfits; they will always be relevant and will allow you to look stunning in any situation.
  6. Let's stop living by stereotypes. Fashion is a rather suspicious concept, and not everyone suits what designers considered the pinnacle of style this season. There is no need to focus on trends dictated by stars or global manufacturers; it is best to choose those things that will suit you. This way you can save on your wardrobe and be confident in the impeccability of your own style.
  7. Properly updating your wardrobe. Consumers who are interested in how to save money on clothing should know that for a seasonal update, you don't need to replace your entire wardrobe, but only 30%. The lion's share of this figure is taken by accessories. If you have a good set of basic outfits, then investing in scarves, sunglasses, handbags and other small items will help freshen it up beyond recognition.
  8. We plan serious purchases wisely. Outerwear, bags and shoes are expensive items, so they need to be chosen especially carefully. Before going to the store, think about what colors will be your priority and whether your new clothes will match your existing outfits. It is important to know that such things should not be purchased in consumer goods stores; it is better to give preference to high-quality options that can last for more than one year.
  9. We take advantage of seasonal discounts. Pricing for wardrobe items is quite predictable - at the beginning of the season, new collections are sold at the highest prices, and towards the end - the cost decreases. Summer items can be purchased at a good discount from August to the end of September, and winter items from mid-February to March. Holiday sales are also practiced. However, keep in mind that promotional items in popular sizes sell out the fastest; visit stores in the first days of special offers.
  10. We exchange discount cards. Surely your friends and acquaintances have discount cards to fashion boutiques. Get together as a group and exchange discounts, this will make it much cheaper to purchase things, especially expensive ones. Do not hesitate to contact your friends with such offers, because you can also give them your cards.
  11. We do customization. This is a fashion trend that was introduced into use by fashionistas and needlewomen. Customizing is remaking things. You can make trendy new items out of old and unfashionable wardrobe items, you just need to put in a little effort and imagination. Jeans can turn into fashionable shorts, a blouse into a T-shirt, a men's shirt into a bright sundress, the number of metamorphoses is countless.
  12. We shop online. Many people are afraid of online shopping, because they don’t know how this or that thing will fit, what its quality is. However, you can look at the outfit you like in a store, try it on, make sure of its real value, and only then buy it in an online store. There are various closed sites and auctions where discounts reach up to 90%. Modern companies also offer the service of trying on goods at home and returning them if the item does not fit.
  13. We visit second-hand stores. This method of saving on clothes is suitable only for the most persistent shoppers. The choice of things takes quite a long time, most often in not very comfortable conditions. But the reward for persistent fashionistas can be an exclusive new (or almost new) branded item for pennies. If you find a new item without any identification marks, in 90% of cases it is a completely new product of the highest quality.

From European and American countries, they often send completely new wardrobe items to second-hand stores that they could not sell in boutiques. Very pretentious brands, in order to hide the traces of their “crime,” cut off labels and tags.

It is also important to take proper care of things. To ensure that your wardrobe items last as long as possible, you must follow the following rules:

  • carefully study the care instructions on the labels;
  • clean and dry your shoes on time, treat them with protective agents and store them in cardboard boxes during the off-season;
  • take your items to the dry cleaner if they have stubborn stains; professionals will be able to select suitable products that will not damage the fabric;
  • do not wear your clothes too much, they deteriorate if they become saturated with sweat and dust, washing them becomes difficult, this requires aggressive modes and means;
  • store things correctly, fold them carefully or hang them on a trempel if they are wrinkled, this way you can avoid unnecessary ironing, which will extend the life of your clothes.

Drawing conclusions

Learning to save on clothes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. A set of simple rules will help you make only those purchases that you really need and will “work off” your money, and not gather dust in the wardrobe. Follow the recommendations, and you will always look stylish, expensive, fashionable, but at the same time save the lion's share of your budget.

During a crisis, savings primarily concern expenses on clothing.

But almost every woman has a friend who seems to earn less, but still dresses better.

Apparently, she knows better than you how to save money on your wardrobe, and she successfully uses this knowledge.

In fact, there are many ways to save on clothing that don't prohibit you from shopping fashionably.

We spend a large part of our budget on clothes and shoes. Indeed, in addition to the protective function, clothing also plays a status, “image” role.

If you are applying for a lawyer position in a large company, but come to the interview in jeans and sneakers, then you are unlikely to get the job.

Clothes wear out, deteriorate, tear, we gain and lose weight, and children grow by leaps and bounds.

Even if you don’t follow fashion and are very careful in what you wear, you have to buy things from time to time.

If it is not possible to dress in brands, then you need to know how to save on shopping, choose the right clothes in order to feel like an attractive and successful person.

After all, with a reasonable approach, expenses can be reduced several times. And here are the ways to do it.

1. Buy clothes according to the list. A list of really necessary things will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses. Analyze your lifestyle, write down on a piece of paper where you go during the month and approximately how long it takes. For example, 50% - work in the office, 20% - relaxation at home, 10% - meetings with friends, 10% - trips out of town, 5% - special events and classes at a sports club. Check whether the number of certain items in your wardrobe corresponds to these proportions, and draw conclusions.

2. Don't go to the store with a credit card. Determine for yourself the amount you are willing to spend on clothes every month. In order not to go beyond it, pay in cash.

When you pay with cash, you see real money, and you are more willing to part with it than with funds stored on a card, especially if it is a credit card. Paying interest on the loan adds to the price of the purchased item.

3. Use discount cards. If you are not the lucky owner of one yet, do not hesitate to ask your colleagues and friends for them, especially when going for expensive purchases: outerwear, shoes, bags, perfume. Discount coupons that some glossy magazines print also provide an excellent opportunity to save money. Frequently visit the web pages of your favorite brands and look for information about promotions.

4. Master the “70 to 30” rule. Stylists say that to look fashionable, it is enough to update your wardrobe by only a third. Moreover, it is not necessary to choose everything from the latest fashion collections! The trendy 30% are tops, jumpers, scarves and shawls, jewelry and belts. The basic 70% - jeans, classic trousers, skirts, jackets, cardigans - can be from last season! The main thing is that they suit you.

Don't get hung up on trends. Every trend has its own time, after which the item either hangs in the closet or goes to charity. Even if budget brand stores allow you to buy trendy items this season, think about whether they will be so cheap if you wear them for only 1 season?

5. Follow care instructions. Finding good inexpensive clothes is half the battle. It is important to maintain its presentable appearance for as long as possible! This is especially true for basic things. Don't be lazy to pay attention to the tags and try to follow the manufacturers' recommendations. If you can’t wash an exclusive item at home, don’t take risks; in this case, saving on dry cleaning services is not justified.

If you buy items that only require dry cleaning, you will continue to pay for them long after you leave the store. Depending on the frequency of the dry cleaning procedure, the initial price of your new item will constantly increase. And so you will add endlessly, for every few socks!

6. Pay attention to the quality of the fabric. When buying new clothes, keep in mind that clothes made of natural silk, satin, cashmere and chiffon always look expensive.

T-shirts and tops that are worn frequently quickly fade and stretch out, and nylon socks and tights are often disposable, so is it worth overpaying for them?

7. Avoid trendy bright colors. Clothing with extravagant colors is difficult to combine and complement with accessories, and in the hit parade of trends, such things, as practice shows, last only a season. Buy clothes in shades that suit you. A win-win option is things in black, red, gray and white colors.

Choose two or three colors that will dominate and try to purchase items only in these or colors that match them.

8. Make a list of “your” stores. Remember where you bought most of your favorite things that you never part with every day. Surely the list will be limited to 2-3 brands. This means that their range most accurately reflects your style.

Stores, as a rule, put the most expensive things in the center of the sales area, and, which is especially typical for expensive boutiques, they are not at all happy to offer the thing you like from the top shelf of the back room. Walk around the store, look into its most inconspicuous corners, there you can find something absolutely amazing in quality, style, and price.

9. Think carefully about the foundation of your wardrobe. According to stylists, the image is created by inexpensive accessories and additions. But only on condition that the woman has high-quality and beautiful basic clothing: straight black trousers, an elegant jacket, a fitted skirt, a cardigan, jeans and, of course, a little black dress. Basic things plus a few extras will cost less than a pile of beautiful, but mismatched clothes.

Things in the wardrobe should be interchangeable. There is no place for just beautiful things that will hang for years because there is nothing to wear them with.

10. Don't rush while shopping. Experienced fashionistas do not recommend buying clothes immediately after trying them on. In the store around the corner, a similar item may cost less. 60% of customers, as a rule, do not return for things they like.

11. Don’t even think about how to save on shoes, bags and outerwear. A coat, jacket, raincoat or fur coat cannot be cheap. Since we wear these things for more than one season, they must be of high quality and beautiful. To ensure that outerwear does not lose its relevance even after a year, choose classic models in neutral colors. A woman looks great in stylish shoes, even if she is wearing a modest dress.

There is a famous French saying: “We are not so poor as to buy cheap things.” A good example is shoes. You wear good leather shoes for many seasons, but budget options rarely last at least one.

12. Update your wardrobe with inexpensive accessories. This is a proven way to breathe new life into old clothes. Accessories can also help turn a simple everyday item into a festive outfit. First of all, pay attention to belts, scarves, shawls, and original jewelry.

To look impressive and save on fashion, learn to mix expensive brand clothes and cheaper items. If you wear original stylish trousers, expensive shoes and take a beautiful bag, feel free to complement the look with an inexpensive jumper. A small deception will go unnoticed. But you will look like a million!

13. Take advantage of special offers. For example, “3 things for the price of 2.” Typically, such promotions include underwear, tights, T-shirts - those little things that we buy most often.

14. Watch for sales. Autumn-winter sales begin in February-March and sometimes last until the end of April, and clothes from summer collections are sold at a discount from July to the end of September. To enjoy sales, prepare for them in advance. The best items and popular sizes are sold out in the first days of promotions. Browse the Internet or go to your favorite stores and find out when sales start. Think about what exactly you need to buy. Experts recommend that you first look at outerwear, swimsuits, and shoes, for which the price is almost halved.

It would be a good idea to meet some of the sellers. In addition to better service (which is never a bad thing), he will probably inform you about upcoming discounts in advance, and you will be among the first to know about all the events that happen. Also, if you like something, but it’s too expensive, you can ask a new friend or friend to put it aside for you until the final sale.

15. Buy clothes and shoes abroad. If you are planning a vacation abroad, plan in advance a budget for updating your wardrobe: clothes abroad are of better quality and several times cheaper!

16. Check out duty-free shops at airports! There, goods are not taxed, so they are cheaper. When visiting resort markets and shops, do not buy at exorbitant prices what you can easily buy at home. Look for exclusive items that will become a real highlight of your wardrobe.

17. Do online shopping. Online auctions, online stores, and sales are becoming increasingly popular. At such auctions you can not only purchase goods cheaper than in a store, but also sell your unnecessary items. Joint purchasing is now popular, allowing women to unite to buy some wardrobe items directly from manufacturers with minimal remuneration for the purchasing organizer. They allow you to profitably buy things that can be purchased without trying on. For example, a year's supply of tights for your daughter or a set of boxer shorts for your husband.

There is one good way, suitable for large cities. Try on the item you like in the store, and then order it much cheaper online.

18. Organize a clothing swap. Gather your girlfriends to a party by inviting them to bring things they don't wear. You might like something from their wardrobe, and they might like something from yours. This way you can get new clothes without spending a penny on them!

If you haven’t worn an item once in a year, then you can safely get rid of it!

19. Go shopping in the provinces. In stores in provincial cities, things are often much cheaper than in big cities. Whether you're on business or vacation, take the time to check out a few local boutiques. Don't ignore flea markets. Naturally, there is no point in looking for clothes there. But you can get rare accessories or unusual handmade items for almost nothing. But they are the ones who help a woman look fashionable.

20. Always try on clothes. We often buy into the fact that something looks spectacular on a mannequin or on the page of a fashion magazine. But this does not mean that it will suit you too.

Don't deceive yourself - choose things that suit your figure. “If I buy it, it will give me an incentive to lose weight!” - nothing more than a trick of the brain, which wants an undeserved portion of dopamine and gives in to difficulties.

21. Visit drains. Of course, to find anything decent in such stores, you will have to work hard. But if hours of shopping don’t tire you, the results will certainly please you.

22. Don’t buy something if it causes discomfort when you try it on. “Everything is fine, only here it’s a little tight,” “Nonsense, it’s spreading!” After one or two outings in an uncomfortable jacket or too-tight trousers, you will not want to repeat this experience: these things will be subconsciously associated with discomfort.

23. With the right amount of imagination, old clothes can be turned into new items in your wardrobe. It happens that an item is like new, but is no longer relevant in style or size. Engage in customizing, that is, remaking and updating used items. Jeans - into shorts, a dress - into a blouse, and so on.

24. Dedicate enough time and budget to appearance. If you want to spend less on clothes, then stop saving on hair, makeup and manicure. A woman with a fashionable haircut, good make-up and neat nails always looks well-groomed, becomes satisfied with herself and wants to spend less money on clothes.

Over time, you will understand how to save on clothes and shoes, and you will be able to create a wardrobe in which absolutely all things will be combined with each other.

In difficult times of crisis, about half of us are going to cut back on clothing expenses. However, there are many ways to save money and still indulge in fashion purchases!
1. Buy clothes according to the list.
A list of really necessary things will allow you to avoid impulsive unnecessary spending. The author of the book “How to Be a Frugal Fashionista,” popular in the West, Katherine Finney, advises starting its compilation with an analysis of your lifestyle.
Write down where you go during the month and how much time it approximately takes (for example, 50% - work in the office, 20% - relaxation at home, 10% - meetings with friends, 10% - trips out of town, 5% - special events and classes at a sports club). Now check whether the number of certain things in your wardrobe corresponds to these proportions.
2. Don't go to the store with a credit card.
Determine for yourself the amount you are willing to spend on clothes every month. In order not to go beyond it, pay in cash.
3. Use discount cards.
If you are not the lucky owner of one yet, do not hesitate to ask your colleagues and friends for them, especially when going for expensive purchases: outerwear, shoes, bags, perfume. Discount coupons that some glossy magazines print also provide an excellent opportunity to save money. Frequently visit the web pages of your favorite brands and look for information about promotions.
4. Master the “70 to 30” rule.
Stylists say that to look fashionable, it is enough to update your wardrobe by only a third. Moreover, it is not necessary to choose everything from the latest fashion collections! The trendy 30% are tops, jumpers, scarves and shawls, jewelry and belts. Basic 70% - jeans, classic trousers, skirts, jackets, cardigans - can be from last season! The main thing is that they suit you.
5. Follow care instructions.
Finding good inexpensive clothes is half the battle. It is important to maintain its presentable appearance for as long as possible! This is especially true for basic things. Don't be lazy to pay attention to the tags and try to follow the manufacturers' recommendations. If you cannot wash an exclusive item at home, do not take risks; in this case, saving on dry cleaning services is not justified.
6. Pay attention to the quality of the fabric.
When buying new clothes, keep in mind that clothes made of natural silk, satin, cashmere and chiffon always look expensive.
7. Avoid trendy bright colors.
Since clothes of extravagant colors are difficult to combine and complement with accessories, and in the hit parade of trends, such things, as practice shows, last only a season. Buy clothes in shades that suit you. A win-win option is things in black, red, gray and white colors.
8. Make a list of “your” stores.
Remember where you bought most of your favorite things that you never part with every day. Surely the list will be limited to 2-3 brands. This means that their range most accurately reflects your style.
9. Think carefully about the foundation of your wardrobe.
According to stylists, the image is created by inexpensive accessories and additions. But only on condition that the woman has high-quality and beautiful basic clothing: straight black trousers, an elegant jacket, a fitted skirt, a cardigan, jeans and, of course, a little black dress. Basic things plus a few extras will cost less than a pile of beautiful, but mismatched clothes.
10. Don't rush while shopping.
Experienced fashionistas do not recommend buying clothes immediately after trying them on. In the store around the corner, a similar item may cost less. 60% of customers, as a rule, do not return for things they like.
11. Don’t skimp on outerwear, shoes and bags. A coat, jacket, raincoat or fur coat cannot be cheap. Since we wear these things for more than one season, they must be of high quality and beautiful. To ensure that outerwear does not lose its relevance even after a year, choose classic models in neutral colors. A woman looks great in stylish shoes, even if she is wearing a modest dress.

12. Update your wardrobe with inexpensive accessories.
This is a proven way to breathe new life into old clothes. Accessories can also help turn a simple everyday item into a festive outfit. First of all, pay attention to belts, scarves, shawls, and original jewelry.
To look impressive and save on fashion, learn to mix expensive brand clothes and cheaper items. If you wear original stylish trousers, expensive shoes and take a beautiful bag, feel free to complement the look with an inexpensive jumper. A small deception will go unnoticed. But you will look like a million!
13. Take advantage of special offers.
For example, “3 things for the price of 2.” Typically, such promotions include underwear, tights, T-shirts - those little things that we buy most often.
14. Watch for sales.
Autumn and winter sales begin in February-March and sometimes last until the end of April, and clothes from summer collections are sold at a discount from July to the end of September. To enjoy sales, prepare for them in advance. The best items and popular sizes are sold out in the first days of promotions. Search the Internet (websites, or go to your favorite stores and find out when sales start. Think about what exactly you need to buy. Experts recommend that you first look at outerwear, swimsuits, and shoes, for which the price is almost halved.
15. Buy clothes and shoes abroad
If you are planning a vacation abroad, plan in advance a budget for updating your wardrobe: clothes abroad are several times cheaper!
16. Check out duty-free shops at airports!
There, goods are not taxed, so they are cheaper. When visiting resort markets and shops, do not buy at exorbitant prices what you can easily buy at home. Look for exclusive items that will become a real highlight of your wardrobe.
17. Make online purchases.
Internet auctions, online stores, and sales are becoming increasingly popular. At such auctions you can not only purchase goods cheaper than in a store, but also sell your unnecessary items.
18. Organize a clothing swap.
Gather your girlfriends to a party by inviting them to bring things they don't wear. You might like something from their wardrobe, and they might like something from yours. This way you can get new clothes without spending a penny on them!
19. Go shopping in the provinces
In stores in provincial cities, things are much cheaper than in big cities. Whether you're on business or vacation, take the time to check out a few local boutiques. Don't ignore flea markets. Naturally, there is no point in looking for clothes there. But you can get rare accessories or unusual handmade items for almost nothing. But they are the ones who help a woman look fashionable.
20. Always try on clothes.
We often buy into the fact that a thing looks spectacular on a mannequin. But this does not mean that it will suit you too! Even if you have a standard body shape, the color, neckline or sleeve shape may not suit you. The most effective way to save on fashion is to buy things that are definitely “yours.” It may be worth spending money on a consultation with a stylist, finding out what suits you, and buying only what you need.
21. Visit drains.
Of course, to find anything decent in such stores, you will have to work hard. But if hours of shopping don’t tire you, the result will certainly please you.
22. Dedicate enough time and budget to your hair.
If you want to spend less on clothes, then stop saving on hair, makeup and manicure. A woman with a fashionable haircut, good make-up and neat nails always looks well-groomed.

Women's portal - Bonterry